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Новости за 04.10.2018


Top 20 Global Concert Tours from Pollstar

The Top 20 Global Concert Tours ranks artists by average box office gross per city and includes the average ticket price for shows Worldwide. The list is based on data provided to the trade publication Pollstar by concert promoters and venue managers. Week of October 3, 2018: TOP 20 GLOBAL CONCERT TOURS 1. Taylor Swift;


Alphabet and Simon Property skid while Constellation rises

NEW YORK — Stocks that moved substantially or traded heavily Thursday: Constellation Brands Inc., up $11.34 to $222.10 The beer, wine and liquor maker raised its profit forecast for the year. Eli Lilly & Co., up $4.37 to $112.99 The company said patients who took an experimental diabetes treatment lost weight and had lower blood


TBS touts ratings win from AL WC game despite tech issues

NEW YORK — TBS is touting a ratings victory from its broadcast of the AL wild-card game, though some viewers on its digital app complained of technical issues leading to accidental blackouts. The telecast of the New York Yankees’ 7-2 win over the Oakland Athletics was the most-watched program on cable Wednesday night, based on


A capsule look at the Yankees-Red Sox playoff series

A look at the best-of-five American League Division Series between the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox: Schedule: (All times EDT) Game 1, Friday, at Boston, 7:32 p.m.; Game 2, Saturday, at Boston, 8:15 p.m.; Game 3, Monday, Oct. 8, at New York, TBA; x-Game 4, Tuesday, Oct. 9, at New York, TBA; x-Game


Dave Anderson, sports columnist, Pulitzer winner, dies at 89

NEW YORK — Pulitzer Prize-winning sports columnist Dave Anderson of The New York Times has died at 89. The newspaper said he died Thursday at an assisted living facility in Cresskill, New Jersey. Anderson worked at the Times from 1966 to 2007. He wrote elegant, descriptive commentary, displaying a wealth of expertise in baseball, the


Finally healthy, Clowney dominates for Texans defense

HOUSTON — Jadeveon Clowney pounced on a fumble in the end zone for a touchdown on Sunday against the Colts. On the next drive, he shoved a lineman out of his path and tossed Andrew Luck to the ground for a 9-yard loss to force a punt. This is what the Houston Texans envisioned when


EPA plans $320K cleanup of southern Indiana chemical plume

GARDEN CITY, Ind. — The federal government plans to spend $320,000 to clean up a cancer-causing solvent that’s threatening drinking water near a former southern Indiana gas station that Vice President Mike Pence’s family partially owned. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday that the chemical plume beneath unincorporated Garden City contains trichloroethylene, or TCE.


EPA plans $320K cleanup of chemical plume in southern IN

GARDEN CITY, Ind. — The federal government will spend $320,000 cleaning up a toxic plume emanating from the site of a former southern Indiana gas station that Vice President Mike Pence’s family partially owned. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says the underground solvent cloud threatens drinking water in unincorporated Garden City, just south of Columbus.


RB Kenyan Drake disappears in Dolphins’ sputtering offense

DAVIE, Fla. — Kenyan Drake began practice Thursday in the corner of the field with several teammates working on his blocking, with no ball involved. For Drake, it was similar to a game. The Miami Dolphins’ starting running back is averaging less than 11 touches a game and has totaled 107 yards rushing in the


As Syria urges refugees’ return, UN takes more cautious tone

UNITED NATIONS — While Syria’s government is encouraging refugees to return to their war-wracked country, the United Nations’ top official there said Thursday that the millions who fled need to evaluate for themselves whether it’s safe and feasible to go home. “Some areas in Syria will look, to the onlooker, safe,” the U.N. resident humanitarian


Wrapping ‘Avengers 4,’ Chris Evans hangs up Cap’s shield

NEW YORK — Chris Evans has wrapped his final performance as Captain America. Evans on Thursday tweeted that his last shooting day on “Avengers 4” was an “emotional day.” The 37-year-old actor thanked his colleagues and fans for his eight years as Captain American, saying it “has been an honor.” Evans first joined the Marvel


Hatton in contention despite hitting spectator on head

ST. ANDREWS, Scotland — Defending champion Tyrrell Hatton bounced back from a poor start, including a wayward tee shot that struck a spectator on the head, to shoot a 2-under 70 and move within two strokes of the first-round lead at the Dunhill Links Championship on Thursday. A female fan was pictured bleeding from a


NBA returns just to say goodbye to Seattle’s KeyArena

SEATTLE — He was a kid at the time, all of 19 years old, about to conclude his first NBA season. He stood on the court in green and gold, waving his arms up and down, asking for more noise from the home crowd begging for another chance to see the home team play. That


Indianapolis teacher is named state’s best for 2019

INDIANAPOLIS — An Indianapolis pre-engineering teacher has been named the 2019 teacher of the year by the Indiana Department of Education. The department on Thursday announced the award goes to Tamara Markey of the McKenzie Center for Innovation and Technology in the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township. The Indianapolis Star reports that when she


Jury can choose second-degree murder for Chicago officer

CHICAGO — A jury is deciding whether white Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke committed murder and other crimes when he shot Laquan McDonald 16 times as he walked away from officers while carrying a knife on Oct. 20, 2014. They began deliberations Thursday after sitting through three weeks of evidence in the most closely


How big developers like Trump benefit from web of tax breaks

WASHINGTON — Big real estate developers like Donald Trump have long benefited from a myriad of legal loopholes and breaks that can shrink their tax bills. Their advantages expanded further with the federal tax overhaul that took effect this year. Even before the new tax law, the U.S. tax code provided loopholes and special breaks


11 years later, Tamara Jenkins returns with ‘Private Life’

NEW YORK — Tamara Jenkins has had time to consider why there have been such long stretches between her movies. Her latest, “Private Life,” comes 11 years after her last one, the Oscar-nominated “The Savages.” For Jenkins’ fans, such prolonged absences are a disappointment. For others, it’s a prime example of how the movie industry


Olsen returns to practice 4 weeks after re-breaking foot

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Panthers three-time Pro Bowl tight end Greg Olsen has returned to practice on a limited basis just four weeks after re-breaking his right foot in the team’s Sept. 9 regular season opener. Coach Ron Rivera says Olsen won’t play Sunday against the Giants and his status will be reevaluated next week. The


Man tied to relatives’ deaths still needs money for attorney

CONCORD, N.H. — The Vermont man accused by relatives of killing his millionaire grandfather and his mother to collect inheritance money has told a New Hampshire court he still lacks money for an attorney just three months ahead of an expected trial. Nathan Carman sparred with his relatives’ attorney over his request to have $150,000


1-2-3-4: Alabama quarter of receivers delivering big plays

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Jerry Jeudy took a slant pass 34 yards on Alabama’s first drive against Louisiana-Lafayette to set up a touchdown and Henry Ruggs III capped the Crimson Tide’s second offensive possession with a 13-yard score. Then freshman Jaylen Waddle returned a punt for another TD. Seven minutes, three Alabama receivers, three big plays


Scientists: US military program could be seen as bioweapon

NEW YORK — A research arm of the U.S. military is exploring the possibility of deploying insects to make plants more resilient by altering their genes. Some experts say the work may be seen as a potential biological weapon. In an opinion paper published Thursday in the journal Science, the authors say the U.S. needs


Rajai Davis cracks Indians’ roster for ALDS vs Astros

HOUSTON — Rajai Davis is getting the chance to further his October legacy. Indians manager Terry Francona said Thursday the speedy outfielder will get his team’s final spot on the 25-man roster for the AL Division Series against the Houston Astros. Davis was given the nod over backup infielder Erik Gonzalez. Davis cemented his place


Italy-flagged migrant rescue ship challenges Italian policy

ROME — An Italian-flagged rescue ship set sail Thursday for the deadly migrant smuggling route in the central Mediterranean Sea, challenging moves by Italy’s populist government to shut down such humanitarian operations. The Mare Jonio, a former tug boat, left from the Sicilian port of Augusta. The Mediterranea humanitarian group bought and equipped the 37-meter


Browns’ Peppers dealing with hostile fan backlash

BEREA, Ohio — Browns defensive back Jabrill Peppers has stopped going out in public by himself after hostile confrontations with Cleveland fans. Peppers said the exchanges “happen a lot” and he knows some of the encounters are due to his lack of production. Other times, he says the conflicts are partly because he went to


Tennessee’s Barnes says complacency won’t be an issue

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Tennessee wants to show that its share of the Southeastern Conference regular-season title last year was an indication that the Volunteers’ program is on the rise. Picked to finish 13th out of 14 SEC teams before the 2017-18 season, Tennessee instead went 26-9 and tied Auburn for first place in the conference

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Экология в России и мире

Собянин сообщил о планах создания отечественной платформы электромобиля

Путин в России и мире

Президент России утвердил Основы государственной политики РФ в области исторического просвещения: комментарий экспертов Президентской академии в СЗФО

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Блинкен и Зеленский обсудят ситуацию на фронте и обязательства США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Ивлеева

Блогер Настя Ивлеева пожертвовала полмиллиона рублей бойцам СВО из Забайкалья


Более 90 земельных участков выделила Москва для развития социальной и транспортной инфраструктуры за первый квартал 2024 года

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