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Новости за 30.07.2018


US pending home sales rose 0.9 percent in June

WASHINGTON — More Americans signed contracts to purchase homes in June compared to May, but the volume of pending sales has slipped over the past year. The National Association of Realtors says that its pending home sales index rose 0.9 percent last month to 106.9. But on a yearly basis, pending home sales have fallen


Mali says 700-plus polling stations couldn’t operate in vote

BAMAKO, Mali — Mali’s government says more than 700 polling stations across the country were not able to operate in Sunday’s elections, which occurred under the threat of attack by extremists. The government says the vote elsewhere was carried out under “satisfactory conditions.” It has not announced how many of the West African nation’s 8


Italy: Quake rescue dog’s poisoning prompts crackdown calls

ROME — The fatal poisoning of a rescue dog used to find survivors in a quake in Italy is sparking calls for tougher penalties against such attacks. The owner of Kaos, a German shepherd, on Sunday reported it was poisoned in his garden. Police are investigating the dog’s death. Kaos was deployed in Amatrice, a


‘My Little Pony’ fandom’s BronyCon to end in 2019

BALTIMORE — The organizers of a convention dedicated to “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” say next year will be their last, citing declining fandom activity among “bronies.” The Baltimore Sun reports BronyCon 2019 at the Baltimore Convention Center will be the longest yet, from Aug. 1-4 next year. Chairs Sheva Goldberg and Eliana Summers


4th victim of van attack in Germany dies from injuries

BERLIN — German authorities say a fourth person has died from injuries suffered when a man drove his van into a crowd in the northwestern city of Muenster almost four months ago. Police told news agency dpa Monday that a 56-year-old man from the Netherlands died in the hospital Sunday. Twenty people were injured in


Groundbreaking for the Obama presidential delayed until 2019

CHICAGO — Groundbreaking for the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago will be delayed until next year because of a delay in the federal review process. Construction on former President Barack Obama’s center was to start this year. However, the Obama Foundation says it now plans to break ground for the half-billion-dollar project sometime in 2019.


Patient who had been in Congo tests negative for Ebola virus

DENVER — Colorado health officials says a patient who became ill after visiting the Congo has tested negative for the Ebola virus. The man arrived at Denver Health Medical Center on Sunday and was placed in an isolation unit as a precaution. Three people who also had contact with the patient were also isolated and


Team Sky’s dominance at Tour de France set to continue

PARIS — The Tour de France has a new champion, but the narrative remains the same at cycling’s biggest race: Team Sky’s domination has no limits. By placing Geraint Thomas on top of the podium on the Champs-Elysees on Sunday, the British outfit ended three weeks of racing which sadly lacked suspense with a sixth


Cruise ship guards first tried to scare polar bear away

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Norwegian authorities are defending the actions of guards from a German cruise ship that killed a polar bear that had attacked and injured a crew member, saying they at first tried to scare it away. Police spokesman Ole Jakob Malmo says Monday that two members of the 12-man crew that set foot


Caesars launching sports betting in New Jersey, Mississippi

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — Two Atlantic City casinos owned by Caesars Entertainment will start taking sports bets this week, and another two in Mississippi will do so in mid-August. Caesars Entertainment tells The Associated Press its Bally’s casino in Atlantic City will start taking sports bets at 11 a.m. Monday. Its sister casino in Atlantic


Ex-WWE star Brian Christopher Lawler dead at age 46

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Authorities say former World Wrestling Entertainment star Brian Christopher Lawler has died after attempting suicide in his jail cell. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation says the 46-year-old son of WWE Hall of Fame wrestler Jerry “The King” Lawler was found hanging in his cell on Saturday. The agency says officers performed CPR


Olympic gold medalist Skofterud dies in jet ski crash

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Olympic cross-country skiing gold medalist Vibeke Skofterud has died in a jet ski accident in southern Norway. Investigator Torbjorn Trommestad says the 38-year-old Norwegian hit an island in the archipelago near Arendal when darkness set in late Saturday. Her body was found Sunday. He said Monday that Skofterud was on her way


Romanian man probed for anti-government license plates

BUCHAREST, Romania — Romanian traffic police said Monday they were investigating a man who they said illegally drove a car with license plates featuring an obscene anti-government slogan. Police stopped the man early Monday, confiscating the plates and taking away his driving license. The man was taken to a police station and informed police was


Germany: Immigrants share discrimination experiences online

BERLIN — Thousands of immigrants in Germany have taken to Twitter to share their experiences of everyday racism under the hashtag #MeTwo, inspired by a Turkish soccer star who recently quit Germany’s national team citing racism. People have shared incidents of what they see as discrimination in more than 60,000 tweets so far. The hashtag,


The Latest: A cool reception as Zimbabwe president votes

HARARE, Zimbabwe — The Latest on Zimbabwe’s election (all times local): 11:45 a.m. Zimbabwe’s two main presidential candidates faced starkly different receptions as they voted in a historic election. Solemn faces greeted President Emmerson Mnangagwa as he arrived with his wife at a rural school in Kwekwe. There was no cheering, and people crossed their


The Latest: Zimbabwe opposition warns of slow voting

HARARE, Zimbabwe — The Latest on Zimbabwe’s election (all times local): 10:25 a.m. A politician in the Zimbabwean opposition stronghold of Bulawayo says there are numerous reports of “voting going at a snail’s pace.” David Coltart, a supporter of opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, says he hopes election observers will pay special attention to the pace


Hundreds trapped on Indonesian mountain after earthquake

SEMBALUN, Indonesia — Rescuers are trying to evacuate hundreds of tourists trapped on Mount Rinjani on the Indonesian island of Lombok after an earthquake that killed 15 people triggered landslides. Mount Rinjani National Park chief, Sudiyono, said more than 800 tourists were registered to climb Rinjani, an active volcano, when a strong earthquake rocked Lombok


Police: New Orleans shooting likely gang-related

NEW ORLEANS — Police say that a shooting in New Orleans that killed three people and injured seven others may be gang-related. New Orleans Police spokesman Aaron Looney tells news outlets that police have found evidence suggesting the Saturday shooting that killed two men and one woman is tied to gang-violence. A department release says


Man charged with killing 5 in newsroom to appear in court

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — A man charged with killing five people in The Capital newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland, is scheduled to be in court. An initial appearance for Jarrod Ramos is set for Monday morning in Anne Arundel County Circuit Court. A grand jury has indicted Ramos on 23 counts, including murder, attempted murder and assault.


Times publisher pressed Trump on ‘anti-press rhetoric’

WASHINGTON — The publisher of The New York Times says he took President Donald Trump to task for “deeply troubling anti-press rhetoric” that is “not just divisive but increasingly dangerous” when the two met privately at the White House this month. Trump disclosed the meeting on Twitter on Sunday. He says he and A.G. Sulzberger


Hendricks helps Cubs down Cardinals 5-2

ST. LOUIS — Kyle Hendricks struck out eight over seven sharp innings, Ben Zobrist had four hits and the Chicago Cubs beat the St. Louis Cardinals 5-2 on Sunday night to salvage the finale of their weekend series. Hendricks (7-9) retired his last 17 batters, settling into a nice little groove after Marcell Ozuna’s two-run


Trump officials predict sustained growth in the economy

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s top economic policymakers insisted that the robust growth marked in the April-June quarter will maintain its pace and that he respects the Federal Reserve’s independence despite his condemnation of the central bank for raising interest rates. “We as an administration absolutely support the independence of the Fed, and the president


AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s ‘historic’ economic gains, 2016 myths

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump exaggerated his role in boosting U.S. economic growth, falsely claiming full credit for positive economic news and inaccurately declaring a “historic” turnaround. The statements capped a week of mystifying assertion in which Trump also invented history by saying he won the women’s vote in the 2016 election, saw progress with


US firms seeking Trump’s steel tariff waiver face a backlash

WASHINGTON — U.S. companies seeking to be exempted from President Donald Trump’s tariff on imported steel are accusing American steel manufacturers of spreading inaccurate and misleading information, and they fear it may torpedo their requests. Robert Miller, president and CEO of NLMK USA, said objections raised by U.S. Steel and Nucor to his bid for


Octavia Spencer brings hair mogul’s story to Netflix

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — A roundup of news from the Television Critics Association summer meeting, at which TV networks and streaming services are presenting details on upcoming programs. SUCCESS STORY Octavia Spencer is bringing the remarkable saga of black haircare mogul Madam C.J. Walker to television. Netflix said that Spencer will produce and star in

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Дружба» провело экологические акции

Путин в России и мире

Санкт-Петербург не смог обойти Москву в рейтинге жизни населения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко в Минске проведет переговоры с Путиным, который 23-24 мая совершит официальный визит в Беларусь

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

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