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Новости за 30.07.2018


Death of girl with severe injuries investigated as homicide

ANDERSON, Ind. — Authorities say the death of a 23-month-old girl who was taken to a hospital with severe physical injuries is being investigated as a homicide. The Herald Bulletin reports Paisley Hudson was pronounced dead Saturday at St. Vincent Anderson Hospital after being brought there by her mother, 25-year-old Kayla Hudson. The Madison County


The Latest: MGM inks 2 deals targeting sports betting market

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — The Latest on the sports betting market in the United States. (all times Eastern): 3 p.m. Las Vegas-based MGM Resorts International has reached two key agreements with other gambling companies as the race for the newly created U.S. sports betting market heats up. MGM announced Monday a joint venture with the


The Latest: Bally’s Atlantic City accepts 1st sports bet

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — The Latest on Bally’s casino in Atlantic City accepting sports bets (all times local): 12:05 p.m. A third Atlantic City casino is taking sports bets. Bally’s Casino started taking sports bets at 11 a.m. Monday. Starlette Hedgepeth of Halifax, North Carolina, placed the first bet, picking the Dallas Cowboys to win


Fed is set to leave rates alone as trade war raises anxiety

WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve will meet this week to assess an economy that has just enjoyed a healthy spurt of growth but faces a flurry of trade fights pushed by President Donald Trump that could imperil that growth over time. If those concerns weren’t enough, Trump has openly expressed his displeasure at the Fed’s


Don’t chase ice cream trucks – making it at home is easy

Summer is synonymous with ice cream. And I think it would be safe to say that it is a universal experience. But making ice cream at home has changed since I was a child. When we were young, my sisters and our cousins made hand-cranked ice cream using a White Mountain Wooden Bucket Ice Cream


Protests demanding job quotas for Indian group turn violent

NEW DELHI — Hundreds of people demanding quotas in employment and education for India’s Maratha minority burned buses, blocked a highway and attacked police with rocks on Monday. An unknown number were injured, police said. Police reinforcements dispersed the angry protesters belonging to the Maratha Revolutionary Front in western Maharashtra state, whose capital is Mumbai.


Tyson cites tariffs in cutting earnings outlook for the year

SPRINGDALE, Ark. — Tyson Foods is citing higher tariffs and uncertainty about trade policies in cutting its profit forecast. The Springdale, Arkansas-based company said Monday the tariffs are primarily affecting chicken and pork prices, in the U.S. and elsewhere. President Donald Trump has imposed tariffs on a range of goods, and China retaliated with tariffs


Officials: New York tourism industry saw increases in 2017

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York officials say the state had nearly 244 million visitors in 2017, helping boost the state’s tourism industry to record levels for total visitation, economic impact and direct spending. The Cuomo administration says tourism had an economic impact of $108.7 billion last year, with visitors directly spending $67.6 billion. Officials say


The Latest: Utility calls failed nuke plant rate cut illegal

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The Latest on a hearing over failed nuclear plants in South Carolina (all times local): 11:25 a.m. Attorneys for a beleaguered South Carolina power company say state lawmakers unconstitutionally punished the utility with a retroactive rate cut passed in the wake of a multibillion-dollar nuclear construction debacle. David Balser argued in court


Italian police ID body of French skier missing since 1954

ROME — Italian police say they have identified the body of a Frenchman who disappeared when skiing in the Alps in 1954. Police in a statement Monday said that the body emerged after a glacier receded in 2005 in the Italian Alps. Last month, after the police posted an appeal on social media in hopes


Vigil held for slain girl at elementary school she attended

FORT WAYNE, Ind. — Dozens of people joined the mother of an 8-year-old girl slain in 1988 at a vigil for the girl outside the elementary school she attended 30 years ago. Sunday’s vigil came two weeks after police arrested 59-year-old John D. Miller of Grabill on murder and child molesting charges in April Tinsley’s


Championship rings taken in burglary of Scott Frost’s house

LINCOLN, Neb. — New Nebraska football coach Scott Frost has had an estimated $165,000 in memorabilia taken from his home in Lincoln. Lincoln police told the Lincoln Journal Star on Monday that burglars entered the home through the unlocked garage between Friday at 5:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday. Capt. Jeri Roeder said two Nebraska


Iowa OL Wirfs arrested, charged with intoxicated driving

IOWA CITY, Iowa — Iowa offensive lineman Tristan Wirfs was arrested over the weekend and charged with driving while intoxicated. Iowa City police records show that Wirfs, a tackle entering his sophomore season, was taken into custody just before 2 a.m. Sunday. He was driving a scooter and police say he failed a field sobriety


The Latest: Missouri opens criminal probe into boat incident

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Latest on lawsuits filed over the sinking of tourist boat in Branson (all times local): 5:45 p.m. The Missouri attorney general’s office says it has opened a criminal investigation into the circumstances of the tourist boat that sank on a Missouri lake, killing 17 people. Attorney General Josh Hawley’s office


The Latest: Ripley Entertainment responds to lawsuit

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Latest on a $100 million lawsuit filed over sinking of tourist boat in Branson (all times local): 10 a.m. Ripley Entertainment, the owner of Ride the Ducks of Branson, says it remains “deeply saddened” that one of its boats sank in Missouri, killing 17 people. A federal lawsuit was filed


Sessions: US culture ‘less hospitable to people of faith’

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions says the Justice Department is committed to protecting the religious rights of Americans. In a speech Monday at a religious liberty summit, Sessions says there’s a “dangerous movement” to erode protections for Americans to worship and believe as they choose. Sessions says Western culture has become “less hospitable to


How to turn campfire favorite s’mores into an ice cream cake

The combination of chocolate, graham crackers and marshmallows is irresistible. We wanted to take each element of s’mores and reimagine this beloved campfire snack as a magnificent ice cream cake. Combining warm, gooey s’mores with ice cream may sound like a mess, but we found a way to add the heat without causing a meltdown.


Why buy popsicles when you can make healthier ones at home?

Multicolored popsicles are fun and festive, but store-bought versions are loaded with sugar, corn syrup, and artificial colorings_and their lackluster flavor leaves something to be desired. To make an ultra-flavorful, naturally sweetened version that would please kids and adults alike, we started with two kinds of berries. We settled on honey as our sweetener since


13-year-old Boy Scout found OK in Wyoming mountains

PINEDALE, Wyo. — A 13-year-old Utah boy who became separated from his Boy Scout group during a backcountry hiking trip in western Wyoming has been found and is in good health. Sublette County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Travis Bingham says Garrett Hunter was found about 10:15 p.m. Sunday by volunteer searchers. Rough terrain and darkness forced


Wake up the flavor of fish with a bright and acidic sauce

Sole piccata, a light and delicate dish that consists of lightly browned sole fillets bathed in a lemon, caper, and white wine-laced pan sauce, is a classic for a reason: The fresh, bright acidity of the sauce wakes up the flavor of the fish. To ensure our thin fillets were crisp and golden brown on


Pakistan parties vow to oppose Khan, say vote was ‘rigged’

ISLAMABAD — Pakistan’s political parties say they will join hands against the “stolen mandate” of Imran Khan, whose party won the most votes in an election marred by allegations of fraud. Former Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, of the Pakistan People’s Party, said all parties reject the interference of state agencies in the July 25


Flip side of home sales drop: It helps remodeling businesses

NEW YORK — Small companies whose success is tied to the remodeling business are looking healthy even as home sales drop. Two reports last week showed that the housing market is weakening. The National Association of Realtors said sales of existing homes fell for the third straight month during June. And the Commerce Department said


Get a handle on chicken satay with a peanut dipping sauce

Any dish that comes with its own handle is bound to be an appetizer favorite, and this Southeast Asian dish of marinated, grilled meat has deep flavor to match its convenient format. We set out to bring this dish indoors for a simple but satisfying appetizer. A marinade of brown sugar, soy sauce, ketchup, and


The foolproof way to grill sausages and onions together

Sausage and onions are a classic pairing that sounds tailor-made for the grill. But the reality is usually onions that are both crunchy and charred and sausages that either dried out or_even worse_catch fire. We wanted a foolproof method for grilling sausages and onions simultaneously that would produce nicely browned links with juicy interiors and


COOKING ON DEADLINE: Green Beans with Tarragon Vinaigrette

There are green beans, and then there are green beans. After many years of cooking this vegetable, I’m here to say, freshness really counts. Luckily for us, we are in green bean season. Look for beans that are bright green, firm and perky. And because it’s the season, green beans are likely to be cheap.

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве заключили соглашение об обмене знаниями в области разведения соколов

Путин в России и мире

Калмыкия приняла участие в глобальном спортивном шествии в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Стало известно, чем Лукашенко кормил Путина на неформальных ужинах

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бондаренко: отказ Байдена от поездки на саммит в Швейцарии отрезвит Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец SHAMAN приедет в Дзержинск: цены на билеты шокировали зрителей


Стало известно, как россияне относятся к курортным романам

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