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Новости за 13.07.2017


Partial list of Primetime Emmy Award nominations

Partial list of nominees for the annual Primetime Emmy Awards, announced Thursday by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. For the complete list, visit Emmys.com : 1. Comedy Series: “Atlanta”; “black-ish”; “Master Of None”; “Modern Family”; “Silicon Valley”; “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”; “Veep.” 2. Drama Series: “Better Call Saul”; “The Crown”; “The Handmaid’s Tale”; “House


Prosecutor agrees to drop sexting charges against Iowa teen

DES MOINES, Iowa — A county prosecutor in Iowa who threatened to charge a 14-year-old girl with sexual exploitation of a minor after she sent suggestive photos of herself to a boy at school agreed Thursday to drop the case after the girl’s family sued him for violating her constitutional rights to free speech and


Gibraltar not on agenda as Spain’s king, UK’s May hold talks

LONDON — British Prime Minister Theresa May has avoided the thorny issue of Gibraltar during talks with King Felipe VI of Spain. May’s office says she did not bring up the rocky outcrop at the tip of the Iberian peninsula, which Britain has controlled for three centuries against Spain’s wishes. After Thursday’s meeting at Downing


Sleeveless in Speakers’ Lobby? House may update dress code

WASHINGTON — Sleeveless in the Speakers’ Lobby? It just might happen in the hidebound House. Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday that modernizing the decades-old dress code is under discussion after reporters were barred from Speakers’ Lobby, a corridor off the House chamber, for failing to wear appropriate attire. The rules bar women in sleeveless dresses


Utah sheriff: 1 dead, 4 injured in explosion on house boat

SALT LAKE CITY — One woman is dead and four other people are critically injured after a nighttime explosion on a houseboat along the Utah-Arizona border, authorities said Thursday. A generator exploded about 10 p.m. Wednesday as a large group that included about 20 other people vacationed on a privately owned boat on Lake Powell,


Scientists expect ‘significant’ algae bloom on Lake Erie

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — A “significant” harmful algae bloom is expected to form in western Lake Erie this summer, though it probably won’t be as large as some previous formations that posed health risks and hampered tourism, scientists said Thursday. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and research partners released their annual algae forecast for


11 killed by gunmen at party in central Mexico

MEXICO CITY — Authorities in central Mexico say gunmen burst into a party and opened fire, killing seven men and four women. The Public Safety Department in the state of Hidalgo says in a statement that the killings occurred early Thursday in a house near Tizayuca, just north of Mexico City. The motive in the


California police nab murder suspect who escaped custody

SAN FRANCISCO — With a handcuff still dangling from his wrist, a Central California murder suspect was recaptured Thursday, nearly a week after he squirmed out of one cuff at Fresno police headquarters, whacked detectives with the restraint, and then climbed out a window to freedom, police said. Last Friday evening, Ibn Lugman Haqq, 21,


Police search for source of falling bullet that killed boy

HAMMOND, Ind. — Forensic experts from northwest Indiana say it’s possible to find the source of a falling bullet that fatally struck a 13-year-old boy. Hammond police tell the Post-Tribune (http://trib.in/2tMxzvs ) that they believe Noah Inman was struck by a bullet that was likely fired into the sky by someone nearby on July 1.


Man charged with killing wife in Uber car pleads not guilty

SEATTLE — A man accused of drunkenly shooting his wife to death during an Uber ride in Seattle pleaded not guilty Thursday to second-degree murder. Cameron Espitia, 31, who is jailed on $3 million bail, told investigators he had been drinking and “having a bad night” but didn’t remember what happened during the ride July


Delta 2Q profit falls, misses Wall Street predictions

DALLAS — Shares of Delta Air Lines Inc. dipped on Thursday after the company reported second-quarter profit and revenue below Wall Street expectations. However, it was Delta’s strongest June quarter ever. And the results pointed to an increase in average fares, as a key revenue measure rose for the first time since 2014. The airline


Cubs acquire Quintana in blockbuster trade with White Sox

CHICAGO — The Chicago Cubs, scuffling and inconsistent since winning the World Series, acquired ace Jose Quintana from the White Sox on Thursday in a major trade between crosstown rivals. Trailing Milwaukee by 5 1/2 games in the NL Central at 43-45, the Cubs shook things up in a big way by acquiring Quintana, a


Another Brazilian soccer fan killed in violence after match

SAO PAULO — A fan of Brazilian club Palmeiras has died of stab wounds after a fight with Corinthians supporters following a match between the two Sao Paulo teams. It’s the second violent death of a Brazilian football fan in less than a week. The dead man was identified by Sao Paulo hospital officials as


Rory McIlroy’s struggle for form continues at Scottish Open

IRVINE, Scotland — Rory McIlroy had already dropped two strokes by misjudging wedge shots early in his first round at the Scottish Open when he created an opportunity to make amends. From the center of the fairway and less than 100 yards out, McIlroy sent his approach toward the green at the par-4 No. 13


Recaptured SC inmate being held in highest security

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Authorities say a convict who escaped from a maximum security prison using equipment flown into the facility by drone is now being held in South Carolina’s highest security facility. Online records showed Jimmy Causey was being held Thursday in a lockdown unit at Kirkland Correctional Institution in Columbia. Authorities say Causey used


Group led by ex-alderman, unions acquires Chicago Sun-Times

CHICAGO — An investment group led by a former Chicago alderman and a coalition of labor unions are the new owners of the Chicago Sun-Times, officials announced Thursday in an unusual deal that revived questions about media ownership and influence over coverage. ST Acquisition Holdings LLC made the acquisition official in a statement detailing an


The Latest: 2 property owners die battling Italian wildfire

MILAN — The Latest on wildfires in Italy (all times local): 5:30 p.m. Italian media says two property owners have died battling wildfires fueled by heat and winds that have consumed vast swaths of southern Italy. The news agency ANSA reported that two retirees in their 60s died in separate incidents in the southern region


Would-be robber arrives early at banks to find doors locked

WEST DES MOINES, Iowa — Sometimes the early bird doesn’t get the worm. Police in Iowa are looking for a would-be bank robber who showed up to two West Des Moines branches before they opened on Wednesday. A security recording shows a man wearing a bandanna over his face trying to enter a Marine Credit


The Latest: Cops searching for missing men are still digging

NEW HOPE, Pa. — The Latest on the search in Pennsylvania for four missing men (all times local): 11:30 a.m. Authorities are digging deeper into a hole where they found the body of one of four missing Pennsylvania men along with other human remains during their search of a sprawling farm property. Bucks County District


DC police: Man intentionally hit transgender woman with car

WASHINGTON — Police in Washington, D.C. say a man who intentionally drove a car into a transgender woman has been arrested. Local news outlets report 18-year-old Startwaune Anderson was arrested Wednesday in connection with a July 5 hit-and-run that left 26-year-old Davon Washington critically injured. Metropolitan police Acting Capt. Anthony Haythe says the assault could


Americo Amorim, thought to be Portugal’s richest man, dies

LISBON, Portugal — Americo Amorim, known as the King of Cork for building his fortune on cork stoppers and believed to be Portugal’s wealthiest man, died Thursday, his company said. He was 82. Amorim’s fortune was recently estimated by Forbes at 4.4 billion euros ($5 billion). His company, Corticeira Amorim, is the world leader in


German court convicts former official of banned party

BERLIN — A German court has convicted a former leading member of the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, of membership in a terrorist organization and sentenced him to three years and three months in prison. The Stuttgart state court said Thursday that the 47-year-old defendant, a Turkish national whose name it didn’t release, was


Golf clubs Trump once used fetch just under $30K at auction

BOSTON — Some of Donald Trump’s golf clubs are in new hands. A set of irons used by Trump before he became president has sold at auction for $29,798. Boston-based RR Auction didn’t identify the buyer on Thursday except to say he’s from California and had engaged in a brief bidding war with someone from


Indiana chiropractor among those charged in fraud case

INDIANAPOLIS — An Indianapolis-area chiropractor is among hundreds of people charged nationwide in health care fraud and opioid scams. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday announced the indictments. The Office of the Indiana Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit was among the many agencies involved in the investigations around the country. The Indiana unit uncovered


The Latest: Group criticizes Iraq gov’t over Mosul killings

BAGHDAD — The Latest on the situation following the declaration of full victory over the Islamic State group in Mosul (all times local): 6:15 p.m. Human Rights Watch has condemned videos circulating on social media purportedly showing Iraqi forces killing and beating men suspected of being Islamic State group fighters. Two videos seen by The

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Экология в России и мире

Анализ российского рынка одноразовой биоразлагаемой посуды: итоги 2023 г., прогноз до 2027 г.

Путин в России и мире

НАЛОГИ С ЗАРПЛАТ И НДС МОГУТ ОТМЕНИТЬ?! Государственная Дума и Правительство РФ оптимизируют налоги.

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Путин сегодня вечером вылетит в Минск, где встретится с Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

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Концерт Рахманинов под небом


«Спартак» пытался приобрести Матвея Сафонова зимой и предлагал €15 млн — источник

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