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Новости за 13.07.2017


China defends imports of North Korean iron ore

BEIJING — China defended Thursday its purchase of iron ore from North Korea following criticism by U.S. President Donald Trump and said it is “strictly and earnestly” complying with U.N. sanctions. China stopped importing North Korean coal but total trade has risen, which prompted Trump to complain last week Beijing is failing to use its


14 people charged in New York in $147 million stock scheme

NEW YORK — Authorities in New York have brought charges against 14 people they say were involved in a $147 million stock scheme. Newsday reports (http://nwsdy.li/2tK3X1V ) that the 10 New York defendants named in the Securities and Exchange Commission case pleaded not guilty Wednesday in federal court in Brooklyn. Prosecutors say the group pressured


Iranian researcher denied US entry has ties to militia

TEHRAN, Iran — An Iranian cancer researcher who was denied entry to the United States previously headed a student branch of a volunteer paramilitary militia, according to footage aired on Iranian state television on Thursday. The TV also showed Mohsen Dehnavi arriving back in Tehran alongside his wife and children. In comments to the channel


North Korea’s Kim: Dictator? Reformer? Shrewd negotiator?

SEOUL, South Korea — Ruthless dictator? Economic reformer? Shrewd master of nuclear brinksmanship? When Kim Jong Un took the helm of North Korea in late 2011, speculation swirled around the young, Swiss-educated leader. What would he do for an economically backward authoritarian nation that had been in a high-stakes nuclear standoff with its neighbors and


The Latest: Gaza power plant shuts down, causes blackouts

JERUSALEM — The Latest on developments concerning Israel and the Palestinians (all times local): 1:30 p.m. Gaza’s power distribution company says supplies to the territory’s 2 million residents have dropped to unprecedented lows, with blackouts lasting for more than 24 hours. While the Palestinian enclave needs at least 400 megawatts of power a day, only


No bull: Trooper answers bovine call but animal escapes

BOILING SPRINGS, S.C. — A young bull remains on the loose despite a South Carolina Highway Patrol trooper’s best efforts to corral him. Media outlets report the trooper responded Tuesday to a call of the animal roaming through a neighborhood in Boiling Springs, just north of Spartanburg. Photographs show the trooper staring down the bull.


Malaysia holds memorial for victims of downed Flight 17

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Malaysia held a memorial service Thursday to mark the anniversary of the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine in July 2014, which killed all 298 people aboard. More than 90 family members attended the memorial, which was followed by an official briefing on the ongoing investigation. Transport Minister


Coast Guard repatriates 121 Haitian migrants found at sea

MIAMI — The U.S. Coast Guard repatriated 121 Haitian migrants found in the Atlantic Ocean, the largest repatriation of migrants in more than a year. A Coast Guard cutter encountered the overloaded boat about 22 miles (35 kilomters) south of Great Inagua, Bahamas, on Tuesday. The Coast Guard returned the migrants to Cap-Hatien, Haiti, on


Turkey detains director of film on July 15 coup attempt

ISTANBUL — Turkey’s official news agency says a film director has been detained on suspicion of links to a U.S.-based cleric who Turkey blames for last summer’s failed coup. Anadolu news agency says Ali Avci was detained Thursday at his home. Avci was a producer for “The Chief,” a biopic on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan


Indiana governor to unveil list of infrastructure projects

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb is set to announce a list of infrastructure projects that will get funding in the coming years. The Republican governor plans to unveil his Next Level Road Plan during a news conference in Indianapolis on Thursday morning. Holcomb and the GOP-dominated Legislature made raising taxes to pay for infrastructure


Melania Trump takes her own path in Paris visit

PARIS — U.S. first lady Melania Trump took her own path through Paris on Thursday as she and President Donald Trump began a two-day visit to the French capital, starting at a children’s hospital. At Necker Hospital, Melania Trump visited a ward decorated with images from “The Little Prince,” an iconic French novel written and


Dozens dead as floods swirl in India’s northeast

GAUHATI, India — Intense flooding in India’s remote northeast has entered a third week, leaving about 60 people dead and nearly 2 million others seeking shelter on higher ground. The disaster management authority in Gauhati, the capital of Assam state, says some 45 deaths have been reported across the state since mid-June. Most of the


APNewsBreak: Irish novelist wins Ohio literary peace award

CINCINNATI — Irish novelist, journalist and essayist Colm Toibin is this year’s winner of a lifetime achievement award that celebrates the power of literature to foster peace, social justice and global understanding, organizers announced Thursday. Dayton Literary Peace Prize officials named Toibin, whose wide range of work has drawn from his native Ireland, his life


Spain swelters through its second heat wave this summer

MADRID — A new heat wave has seven provinces in southern Spain on the highest alert as thermometers are expected to register highs above 44 degrees Celsius (111 Fahrenheit) in certain areas, weather authorities said. Spain’s weather agency AEMET says the latest heat wave is caused by a hot air mass coming from northern Africa


Elevator operator’s special relationship with Indy mayors

INDIANAPOLIS — Denise Cummings knew something big was coming. Mayor Bill Hudnut stepped onto her elevator in the City-County Building on March 28, 1984. It was a few hours before Indianapolis would learn that Hudnut had pulled off a signature achievement. He was holding onto one of the best-kept secrets in the city’s history. “You


SWAT team called after man shoots officer in New Mexico

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Authorities say a man who shot and wounded a police officer in New Mexico before a standoff with SWAT officers is in custody. The Albuquerque Journal reports (http://bit.ly/2sSPRbB) the man fired several rounds at officers who were responding to a domestic dispute Wednesday night, striking one. He barricaded himself inside the Albuquerque


Bloomington artist ready to race across Siberia

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — If Bloomington artist Thursday Gervais is nervous about her upcoming 5,700-mile bike ride across Siberia, it doesn’t show. You read that correctly: 5,700 miles. Siberia. Gervais is among 12 people competing in the Red Bull Trans-Siberian Extreme ultra stage bicycle race. In the two years it has been run, only three solo


Parents of sick UK infant storm out of new court hearing

LONDON — The parents of a baby with a rare disease stormed out of a London court hearing in an emotional outburst Thursday, as the couple tried to convince a judge to let them take their critically-ill child to the United States for medical treatment. Charlie Gard’s parents are challenging the view of Britain’s most


US, Nigeria team up to help citizens report corruption

LAGOS, Nigeria — The United States government is teaming up with Nigerian groups to launch a web-based platform allowing people to report everyday corruption in Africa’s populous nation. Graft is widespread and sometimes spectacular in Nigeria, and President Muhammadu Buhari took office in 2015 vowing to eradicate it. He warned that “if we don’t kill


Nemtsov killer sentenced to 20 years in prison in Russia

MOSCOW — The man convicted of gunning down Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov on a bridge within sight of the Kremlin was sentenced Thursday to 20 years in prison. Prosecutors had asked for life imprisonment for Zaur Dadayev in the 2015 killing that sent shock waves through Russia’s beleaguered opposition. Prosecutor Maria Semenenko said a


Gov’t to report on solvency of Social Security, Medicare

WASHINGTON — Republicans in Washington have been clamoring for years to address the long-term financial problems of Social Security and Medicare. On Thursday, the trustees who oversee the programs are scheduled to issue their annual warning about the finances of the federal government’s two largest benefit programs. Don’t expect Republicans to do much about it.


California governor scrambles for support on climate deal

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A plan to extend California’s signature climate initiative for another decade is scheduled to go before legislative committees Thursday, despite opposition from some environmental advocates. Gov. Jerry Brown and top lawmakers have struggled to line up support with Democratic legislative leaders indicating Wednesday that climate and air quality negotiations had expanded to


Council of Europe criticizes Poland over judicial vote

WARSAW, Poland — Europe’s pre-eminent human rights organization on Thursday called Poland’s vote to give lawmakers the power to control the selection and regulation of judges a “major setback for judicial independence.” Nils Muiznieks, the human rights commissioner for the Council of Europe, said the Polish government had neglected “compelling contrary advice” before voting to


APNewsBreak: House reaches deal to greatly expand GI Bill

WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans and Democrats have reached initial agreement on the biggest expansion of college aid for military veterans in a decade, removing a 15-year time limit to tap into benefits and boosting money for thousands in the National Guard and Reserve. The deal being announced early Thursday is a sweeping effort to fill


Turkey detains 44 people suspected of planning attacks

ISTANBUL — A Turkish official says 44 people suspected of planning terror attacks linked to Kurdish militants have been detained in police operations, including suspects in two separate Istanbul attacks last year. Istanbul governor Vasip Sahin said Thursday one of the detainees is suspected of organizing a December attack near a football stadium, killing 46

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Экология в России и мире

Бастрыкин поручил возбудить дело против рубщиков леса в Хорошево-Мневниках

Путин в России и мире

Путин и глава Туркменистана обсудили подготовку к саммитам СНГ и БРИКС

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский хочет вступить в НАТО до завершения полномочий Байдена

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Алсу высказалась о борьбе за имущество в Великобритании


Источник 360.ru: в деревне Новиково ТАО Москвы уничтожили обломок беспилотника

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