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Новости за 30.06.2017


Disneyland takes wives off auction block on ‘Pirates’ ride

ANAHEIM, Calif. — Yo ho, yo ho, no pirate’s wife for me. Disneyland’s “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride is losing a scene where a bound and tearful woman is on the auction block for pirates to buy as a wife. A banner that now says “Auction, take a wench for a bride” will be changed


The Latest: Officials reopen Arizona highway closed by fire

PRESCOTT VALLEY, Ariz. — The Latest on wildfires in the U.S. Southwest (all times local): 7:29 a.m. Authorities have reopened a major route through an Arizona community that barely escaped destruction when a massive wildfire swept into town. The fire about 100 miles (160 kilometers) north of Phoenix had forced State Route 69 to be


Suicide attack on Niger displaced camp kills 2, wounds 11

DAKAR, Senegal — The United Nations refugee agency says two female suicide bombers attacked a camp for internally displaced people in eastern Niger’s Diffa region, killing two people and wounding 11. The agency says the attackers entered the Kabelawa camp late Wednesday. It calls this the first suicide attack in the eastern part of the


Albanian parliament to swear in next president on July 24

TIRANA, Albania — Albania’s president has decided that parliament will hold an extraordinary session for the swearing-in ceremony of his successor on July 24. President Bujar Nishani set that date Friday for handing over the post to Ilir Meta, 48, elected in April when the parliament was being boycotted by the opposition. Following an agreement


French far-right leader charged with alleged EU funds misuse

PARIS — French far-right leader Marine Le Pen has been charged with allegedly misusing European Parliament funds relating to the payment of parliamentary aides. The prosecutor’s office said Le Pen was handed preliminary charges on Friday of breach of trust and complicity in breach of trust concerning two of her aides when she served at


A fun kitchen project is home-baked soft pretzels

You know pretzels and have probably eaten them in many different forms, but do you know how they’re made? They begin with a dough, not unlike any you’ve made before, with flour, water, yeast, salt, and butter. After fermentation, to help get that tang we all love, they are shaped into the classic twist. Before


Court: Democrat can sue Iowa over alleged GOP reprisals

IOWA CITY, Iowa — The Iowa Supreme Court ruled Friday that a Democratic appointee can seek damages for alleged political retaliation he suffered under former Republican Gov. Terry Branstad, a decision that will make it easier for state residents to sue government officials who violate their rights. In a 4-3 decision, the court ruled that


US stock indexes edge higher in morning trading; oil rises

U.S. stock indexes edged higher in morning trading Friday, recovering some of their losses from a day earlier. Consumer-focused companies and industrials stocks led the gainers. Energy companies were down the most. Investors were sizing up the latest company earnings and deal news and adjusting portfolios in the final hours of the second quarter. Oil


Unbowed ‘Julius Caesar’ director urges artists ‘take risks’

NEW YORK — The theater director who endured death threats and lost corporate sponsors after staging a Donald Trump-inspired version of “Julius Caesar” has a message to any artist fearful of facing similar backlash — don’t flinch. “We can’t allow ourselves to feel overwhelmed. We can’t allow ourselves to feel we’re completely isolated. We’re not,”


Spain revises its economic growth forecast upward, again

MADRID — Spain is revising its economic growth forecast for this year upward to 3 percent from 2.7 percent, a further sign of the country’s surging recovery. Speaking Friday in Warsaw, Poland, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said that the latest estimate by the Spanish central bank that the economy grew 0.9 percent in the second


Mariah Carey pays tribute at Manchester bomb victim funeral

LONDON — Mariah Carey sent a video message and the stars of the long-running British TV show “Coronation Street” were among the mourners at a funeral for Manchester concert bombing victim Martyn Hett. The music-loving 29-year-old was a self-professed “superfan” of the Manchester-set soap opera. Hett was one of 22 people killed May 22 when


Surprise! Sailor comes home to find wife 8 months pregnant

SAN DIEGO — A Navy wife greeted her husband returning from six months at sea by revealing she was nearly eight months pregnant with his fourth child. Video posted by Natasha Daugherty to Facebook shows her husband, Petty Officer Chris Daugherty, hugging his three children on the docks in San Diego after getting off the


Scientists alarmed by 6 right whales deaths in Canada

BOSTON — Scientists say six endangered North Atlantic right whales have died in Canadian waters during the past three weeks. North Atlantic right whales are among the most endangered large mammals on Earth, with only about 500 still alive. Scientists with Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium in Boston and


Kentucky prison placed on lockdown after workers attacked

EDDYVILLE, Ky. — Officials say Kentucky’s only maximum security prison is on lockdown after inmates attacked eight workers. Department of Corrections spokeswoman Lisa Lamb told media that 16 inmates attacked the workers Thursday afternoon near a canteen line in the yard of the Kentucky State Penitentiary. She said Friday that officials are investigating what prompted


As coal dwindles, mining states trim safety inspections

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Kathy Bartlett watched helplessly this spring as Kentucky lawmakers cut back on mine safety inspections and replaced them with coaching sessions on miners’ safety habits. She knows more than most what’s at stake. Bartlett’s son, Rickey Thorpe, was crushed to death in a western Kentucky underground mine in 2015 when a coal-digging


Markets Right Now: Nike helps lead US stocks higher

11:45 a.m. Stocks are higher at midday as a big gain for Nike lifts retailers and other consumer-focused companies. Nike jumped 9 percent Friday after a strong quarterly report. The athletic apparel company also said it’s testing a program to sell sneakers through Amazon.com directly, instead of via third-party sellers. Elsewhere, Under Armour gained 2.1


Officials look to boost rail crossing safety after 2 killed

HENRYVILLE, Ind. — Transportation officials are looking for ways to improve safety at a southern Indiana railroad crossing where two children died after the SUV they were riding in collided with a train. The Clark County Sheriff’s Office says 4-year-old Wyatt James Isaac Fouch and 5-year-old Adalynn Noel Fouch died following Wednesday’s collision with a


Israel responds to Syrian spillover fire in repeat incident

JERUSALEM — Israel’s military says aircraft struck a Syrian military post that earlier fired a mortar into the Israeli-controlled side of the Golan Heights. It said the Syrian shell caused no injuries Friday, the latest in several such incidents of this week. The fire was spillover from battles in the Syrian civil war raging next


Smoke at Houston airport triggers alarm, sprinkler system

HOUSTON — A spokesman for Bush Intercontinental Airport says a sprinkler system was activated when charging batteries began to overheat and sent smoke into a terminal. Spokesman Bill Begley says the fire alarm in Terminal E was sounded just before 1 a.m. Friday. Houston police earlier said a small fire occurred in the terminal but


Police: Pregnant woman struck by lightning in Florida

FORT MYERS, Fla. — A pregnant woman was taken to a hospital after being struck by lightning in Florida. According to a News-Press report , Fort Myers Police Lt. Jay Rodriguez said the woman was hospitalized after being struck by lightning Thursday afternoon on a street in a gated community. The woman’s name was not


Actor James Cromwell sentenced to jail for NY plant protest

WAWAYANDA, N.Y. — Oscar-nominated actor James Cromwell has been sentenced to jail for refusing to pay fines related to his arrest at a protest at a New York power plant. The Times Herald-Record of Middletown reports (http://bit.ly/2uqXq9K ) a town judge in Wawayanda on Thursday sentenced the 77-year-old Cromwell to seven days in jail. Cromwell


Israeli PM delays conversion bill that angered liberal Jews

JERUSALEM — A bill that would enshrine ultra-Orthodox monopoly over Jewish conversions in Israel will be postponed, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Friday in an apparent attempt to calm tensions with U.S. Jewish groups. The bill, along with a decision to scrap plans for a mixed-gender prayer area at Jerusalem’s Western Wall this week, has


German unemployment remains steadily low in June

BERLIN — German unemployment remained steady at a post-reunification low in June, as the labor market in Europe’s largest economy stayed strong. The Federal Labor Agency said Friday that the unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.7 percent in June, adjusted for seasonal variations. In unadjusted figures, the rate fell 0.1 percent to 5.5 percent, with


Feeling blue? Crayola seeks help naming its new crayon

EASTON, Pa. — Crayola has the blues — five, to be exact. The iconic crayon maker left it to fans to come up with a name for a new blue crayon replacing the recently retired color dandelion. After receiving nearly 90,000 submissions, Crayola narrowed it down to five names for the crayon based on a


Putin signs decree to extend ban on Western food imports

MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to extend a ban on Western food imports for another 18 months after the European Union extended economic sanctions against Russia. Putin’s office published a decree on Friday that keeps the food ban in place until Dec. 31, 2018. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday

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Экология в России и мире

Кирилл Купченко, Директор по послепродажному обслуживанию ABTOДОМ МКАД рассказал о сервисном обслуживании электромобилей Zeekr

Путин в России и мире

А броня, как у вертолета: какие автомобили предпочитает Владимир Путин

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: Минск не будет рисовать никаких линий, мгновенно ответит на агрессию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Тепляков

Депутат ЗСК Виктор Тепляков провёл совещание по теме защиты дельфинов


Одна из целей неофашистского Азербайджана - уничтожение Христианства

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