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Новости за 07.06.2017


Mexico, DiCaprio, Slim team up to help endangered porpoise

MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s president, its richest man and actor Leonardo DiCaprio signed an agreement Wednesday to try to save the critically endangered vaquita porpoise. The vaquita is native to the northern Gulf of California, also known as the Sea of Cortez, where only about two dozen remain. They are threatened largely due to unauthorized


Robbery suspect dead, officer, civilian shot in Maryland

DUNDALK, Md. — An armed robbery suspect fleeing the scene of the crime jumped aboard a commuter bus on Wednesday and then engaged in a firefight with police before he was shot dead. A police officer and a civilian were both seriously wounded. The bus was surrounded by police after the suspect tried to use


Police: Slain teens shot multiple times on graduation eve

MONTGOMERY VILLAGE, Md. — Two teenagers killed the night before their high school graduation outside the nation’s capital suffered multiple gunshot wounds. The Montgomery County Police Department announced this finding of the state medical examiner on Wednesday. Police say the manner of death for 17-year-old Shadi Najjar and 18-year-old Artem Ziberov is “homicide by multiple


Mom sticks to claim that murder defendant killed ‘Baby Doe’

BOSTON — The mother of a 2-year-old girl known as “Baby Doe” after her body washed up on a Boston Harbor beach insisted she’s telling the truth during her final cross-examination in the murder trial of the man accused of killing the girl. Defense attorney Jonathan Shapiro questioned Rachelle Bond again Wednesday in the trial


Davidson, coach enjoying unexpected run in baseball playoffs

DAVIDSON, N.C. — Davidson coach Dick Cooke knows the Wildcats baseball team isn’t supposed to be in the super regionals. But he also knows life can throw you a curveball. Cooke is a walking miracle to those at the school who were around five years ago to see the results of his frightening and near-fatal


Advocate of abstinence-only sex education gets high HHS post

NEW YORK — A prominent leader of the abstinence-only sex education movement has been appointed to a senior position at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, joining several other social conservative activists in the leadership ranks at HHS. Valerie Huber, named this week as chief of staff for the Office of the Assistant


Authorities reviewing video of police at fiery crash scene

JERSEY CITY, N.J. — Authorities said they are reviewing a weekend police pursuit in Jersey City that ended when the driver struck a utility pole, sparking a fiery crash that seriously injured another motorist. The review comes as a video obtained by Univision shows police kicking at a man and dragging him into the roadway


Ball State approves smallest tuition hike in 40 years

MUNCIE, Ind. — The Ball State University Board of Trustees has approved a 1.25 percent tuition increase for in-state undergraduates, the school’s smallest in more than 40 years. The trustees approved the increase Wednesday. The board also approved a 2 percent increase in the salary funding pool for faculty and professional employees. An additional $180,000


Iowa loses 3 players, including WR Ronald Nash

IOWA CITY, Iowa — Iowa says three of its players won’t be back in the fall. The Hawkeyes announced Wednesday that wide receiver Ronald Nash, linebacker Angelo Garbutt and kicker Mick Ellis are no longer with the team. Nash’s absence might sting the most since Iowa is so thin at receiver. Nash caught two passes


Beltre out of Rangers’ lineup again after spraining ankle

ARLINGTON, Texas — Adrian Beltre is out of the Texas Rangers lineup again, this time with a sprained left ankle, putting his pursuit of 3,000 career hits on hold. Team physician Dr. Keith Meister examined Beltre on Wednesday and confirmed the diagnosis of a sprain, though it was unclear how long the third baseman might


Sanders to oppose Trump budget pick over writings on Islam

WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders said Wednesday that he’ll oppose Donald Trump’s pick to be deputy White House budget director over a blog post last year that says Muslims “stand condemned” because they have rejected Jesus Christ. The Vermont independent said nominee Russell Vought should not be confirmed over the comments, which he said were


Teen in prep school assault case writing book

CONCORD, N.H. — A teen who was sexually assaulted during a game of sexual conquest at a prestigious New Hampshire prep school is writing a book. Chessy Prout made her first public comments about the assault last year, describing what happened to her at St. Paul’s School in Concord in 2014 when she was a


Statement from retiring Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops

Excerpts from a university-provided statement from Bob Stoops, who is retiring after 18 seasons as head coach at Oklahoma: After 18 years at the University of Oklahoma, I’ve decided to step down as the head football coach. I understand there has been some speculation about my health. My health was not the deciding factor in


Nishikori’s erratic loss to Murray reflects his French Open

PARIS — Kei Nishikori’s French Open ended with an appropriately erratic performance against top-ranked Andy Murray in the quarterfinals. The 2-6, 6-1, 7-6 (0), 6-1 score and the manner of the defeat fittingly reflected how inconsistently Nishikori had been playing. In his previous four matches at Roland Garros, he twice won a set 6-0 and


A miracle save by a homeless man gives him a new beginning

WILLISTON, Vt. — James Pocock was living a quiet, under-the-radar life in the Vermont woods when he suddenly was showered with attention and called a hero, responsible for possibly saving another man’s life. He’s grateful his unselfish act may transform his life for the better. Pocock, 45, was sitting near his tent last month when


Florida Georgia Line, Jason Derulo add their voices to ESPN

LOS ANGELES — Country duo Florida Georgia Line and R&B artist Jason Derulo have been tapped to help country singer Hank Williams Jr.’s return to “Monday Night Football.” A spokesperson for the ESPN program said Wednesday the singers will all perform “All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Monday Night,” a remix of Williams’ single


Grave of boy who killed himself opened to retrieve computer

CINCINNATI — The grave of an 8-year-old Ohio boy who killed himself in January after his mother said he was bullied at school was opened to remove a computer tablet for prosecutors investigating his suicide, authorities said Wednesday. The Hamilton County Coroner’s Office said Gabriel Taye’s grave was opened Wednesday to remove the tablet on


Sooner surprise: Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops retires at 56

NORMAN, Okla. — Like a well-executed blitz, Bob Stoops shocked the college football world. Oklahoma’s football coach abruptly announced his retirement Wednesday after leading the Sooners to 10 conference championships and a national title in 18 seasons. The 56-year-old Stoops was the longest-tenured active coach in major college football, taking the job at Oklahoma a


Edwin Jackson joins Orioles, set to pitch for 12th MLB team

BALTIMORE — Call it an even dozen for right-hander Edwin Jackson. Jackson will resume his lengthy major league career with Baltimore — his 12th different big league team — after the Orioles on Wednesday selected his contract from Triple-A Norfolk. The 33-year-old Jackson will earn $850,000 as a major leaguer. Jackson broke into the majors


Jury convicts Virginia man who traveled to Islamic State

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A Virginia man who joined the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq for three months, all the while evading the scrutiny of U.S. intelligence officials, was convicted Wednesday on terrorism charges despite his protestations that he was only there to “check things out.” The jury in U.S. District Court took only


Review: In ‘The Mummy,’ Tom Cruise dances with the undead

Of all the CGI-ed supernatural forces slung in Alex Kurtzman’s “The Mummy” (and, believe me, there are a lot), none can compete with the spectral spectacle of Tom Cruise, at 54. He and his abs are almost creepily ageless. So it’s almost fitting that in one of the typically bonkers scenes in “The Mummy,” Cruise


Road paved with clamshells emits stench, covered in maggots

TIVERTON, R.I. — Residents of a small Rhode Island community say their neighborhood has been beset by a terrible stench after one of their neighbors paved a road with unwashed clamshells. WJAR-TV reports (http://bit.ly/2r6UPA5 ) a property owner in Tiverton put down the shells on an access road last week. But the uncleaned shells had


Toddler who was born without a nose dies at age 2

MOBILE, Ala. — An Alabama toddler who drew worldwide attention after he was born without a nose has died. Eli Thompson’s father, Jeremy Finch, posted the news Sunday on the social media site Facebook, a day after Eli was pronounced dead at Springhill Medical Center in Mobile. Thompson had turned 2-years-old March 4. Finch’s post


London Bridge attack victims show city as Europe’s lodestar

MADRID — They came to London from across Europe and beyond, a generation of rovers hoping to build futures in a city known for the vibrancy of its economy — and its nightlife. Then, on one of the year’s first temperate Saturday nights, the dream ended when three men used a van and knives to


Oliver Stone: Megyn Kelly didn’t know her stuff with Putin

NEW YORK — Film director Oliver Stone, whose series of conversations with Vladimir Putin airs next week on Showtime, says he watched Megyn Kelly interview the Russian president on NBC and concluded that “he knew his stuff and she didn’t.” NBC News President Noah Oppenheim shot back that no one at NBC is interested in

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Экология в России и мире

Озоновые Дыры: Вызов современности, Взгляд Романа Терещенко

Путин в России и мире

"У меня такая судьба": Лукашенко рассказал о причине своего спешного отъезда прямо с парада

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассмотрит заявление об убежище от польского суди Шмидта

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

Что показывают в доме Окуджавы в Нижнем Тагиле: фоторепортаж и семейные истории к 100-летию барда. ФОТО. ВИДЕО


В Магадане организована «горячая линия» по профилактике клещевого энцефалита

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