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Новости за 09.05.2017


Fiscal discipline? Not now, as GOP pushes tax cuts

WASHINGTON — Republicans relentlessly complained about big budget deficits during Democratic President Barack Obama’s two terms, but now a growing number in the GOP are pushing for deep tax cuts even if they add to the government’s $20 trillion debt. President Donald Trump says he is pushing for “the biggest tax cut in the history


Gunnevera to get Mike Smith as rider in Preakness

BALTIMORE — Hall of Fame jockey Mike Smith will ride Gunnevera in the Preakness, replacing Javier Castellano who has chosen another horse for the second leg of the Triple Crown. Castellano finished seventh aboard Gunnevera in the Kentucky Derby last weekend. Smith rode Girvin to a 13th-place finish. For the Preakness on May 20, Castellano


The Latest: Trump delaying decision on Paris climate deal

WASHINGTON — The Latest on the deliberations over whether the United States should withdraw from an international climate deal (all times local): 2:12 p.m. President Donald Trump is delaying a decision on whether to withdraw from the landmark international climate deal struck in Paris under the Obama administration. White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Tuesday


NAmerica may face rivals for 2026 World Cup in rapid process

MANAMA, Bahrain — North America’s request for an accelerated awarding of the 2026 World Cup without facing a challenge is on hold, for a few months at least. FIFA’s ruling council decided Tuesday to allow three more months for rival bids to be presented under plans that have to be rubber-stamped by the congress of


8 US senators seek insider trading investigation of Icahn

WASHINGTON — Eight U.S. senators have requested an investigation into whether a billionaire investor and adviser to President Donald Trump violated insider trading rules with bets made in the renewable fuel credit market. In a letter Tuesday to three separate government agencies, the senators note that then President-elect Trump brought on Carl Icahn in December


UK leader says she’s prepared to allow a vote on fox hunting

LONDON — British Prime Minister Theresa May says she’s prepared to allow a vote in Parliament on whether to overturn the country’s ban on fox hunting. While campaigning for the June 8 election, May said Tuesday that she is in favor of hunting and a vote “would allow Parliament the opportunity to take the decision


The Latest: NC’s LGBT law stalled 1,200 Credit Suisse jobs

MORRISVILLE, N.C. — The Latest on Swiss bank Credit Suisse expanding its North Carolina operations with 1,200 jobs (all times local): 2:30 p.m. A top executive for Swiss bank Credit Suisse says the company was reconsidering plans to expand its North Carolina operations by 1,200 jobs until the state partially repealed a law limiting the


Teen facing felony after shot fleeing police in northern IN

ELKHART, Ind. — A fleeing driver who was shot and wounded by a railroad police officer is a 13-year-old boy who will face at least one felony charge, a prosecutor said Tuesday. The boy will face a charge of resisting arrest by fleeing in a vehicle and possibly other charges, Elkhart County Prosecutor Vicki Becker


The Latest: Energy secretary briefed on mishap at nuke site

SPOKANE, Wash. — The Latest on an accident at the Hanford Nuclear Waste facility in Washington state (all times local): 12:30 p.m. Energy Secretary Rick Perry has been briefed on the collapse of an underground railroad tunnel where nuclear waste is stored in a remote area of Washington state. A U.S. Department of Energy news


South Sudan says divisive army chief of staff removed

NAIROBI, Kenya — South Sudan’s army chief of staff, accused of directing last year’s fighting in the capital that left hundreds dead, has been removed from his post after months of government infighting and high-level military resignations and as ethnic violence in the country’s civil war has dramatically increased. Paul Malong, whose removal was announced


GOP lawmakers upset by gag rule memo to Health employees

WASHINGTON — An internal memo instructing Health and Human Services employees to consult with senior department personnel before talking to Congress has outraged two congressional Republicans, and they’re demanding answers from Secretary Tom Price. In a letter released Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah said federal employees have a


Sparks sit atop AP preseason WNBA poll; Lynx are 2nd

NEW YORK — The defending champion Los Angeles Sparks start the season atop The Associated Press WNBA poll. The Sparks received 11 first-place votes from the national media panel Tuesday. “We appreciate the people giving us that kind of respect, although I know that there’s several really, really good teams in this league,” Sparks coach


Murray advances to 3rd round in Madrid Open

MADRID — Top-ranked Andy Murray made his debut at the Madrid Open with a comfortable 6-4, 6-3 win over wild card Marius Copil of Romania in the second round on Tuesday. Murray broke serve once in each set and didn’t concede any break opportunities to the 104th-ranked Copil. “When I started to control the points


Former NBA head coach George Irvine dies at age 69

INDIANAPOLIS — George Irvine, who coached nearly 200 games for the Indiana Pacers in the 1980s before working in the front office, has died after battling cancer. He was 69. The Pacers announced the death Tuesday after speaking with Irvine’s family. Irvine had been living near his hometown of Seattle, where he was a standout


Sale of Trump Caribbean property revives ethics concerns

WASHINGTON — For sale: Luxury waterfront escape. Comes with two villas and five acres of paradise. And perhaps a bit of goodwill from the president of the United States? President Donald Trump’s corporate trust is selling a multimillion-dollar Caribbean resort, presenting an enticing new way for a wealthy interest to get the president’s attention and


Man accused in road-rage killing of child to be committed

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A man accused of fatally shooting a 3-year-old boy in a road-rage attack in Little Rock is being committed for observation by doctors who are assessing his mental health. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (http://bit.ly/2qnLRlL ) reports the doctors assigned to determine if 33-year-old Gary Eugene Holmes is fit to stand trial have


Venezuelan major leaguers speak against crackdown back home

CARACAS, Venezuela — A group of major leaguers from Venezuela is speaking out against President Nicolas Maduro’s crackdown on anti-government protests, which has left more than 30 people dead. In a video published Monday night on social media, 13 players including Kansas City’s Salvador Perez, Cincinnati’s Eugenio Suarez and Pittsburgh’s Francisco Cervelli call on Maduro’s


Gas explosion at Ghana factory injures at least 80 people

ACCRA, Ghana — Ghana’s state news agency says an explosion at a factory in the Western Regional capital of Takoradi has injured at least 80 people. Assistant Divisional Officer of the Ghana National Fire Services Emmanuel Bonney told state news that a tanker was discharging liquefied petroleum gas at the Ghana Household Utilities Manufacturing Company


Simone Biles on ‘Dancing’: Smiling doesn’t win gold medals

LOS ANGELES — Simone Biles finds smiling overrated. The Olympic champion gymnast stood tight-lipped while receiving feedback from judge Carrie Ann Inaba following her performance on Monday night’s edition of “Dancing with the Stars.” Inaba mentioned that Biles did a better job showing emotion and said she “danced like a metronome” because her movements were


Boy, 10, donates thousands of comic books to military base

FORT DIX, N.J. — A young comic book aficionado is sharing his passion with the military. Ten-year-old Carl Scheckel organized a campaign that gathered roughly 3,000 comic books that he donated last month to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey. He collected them mostly through donations at comic book shows but also gave up many


Body found in Jackie Kennedy reservoir in Central Park

NEW YORK — New York City police say a body has been found in the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir in Central Park. Police say the decomposed body was found Tuesday afternoon in the lake near Central Park West and 90th Street. It was not immediately known how long the body had been there and whether


Fox harassment claims create clouds around Sky takeover bid

LONDON — A U.K. scandal torpedoed Rupert Murdoch’s first attempt to take control of British-based broadcaster Sky. Now claims of sexual harassment at his U.S.-based Fox News are creating storm clouds around a second. A woman who says she was mistreated by former Fox TV star Bill O’Reilly is calling on British regulators to reject


Threatened bird nesting again on Los Angeles area beaches

LOS ANGELES — The western snowy plover is nesting along the Los Angeles area coast for the first time in nearly seven decades, federal officials said. Nests for the small, rare shorebird were found last month at Santa Monica Beach, Dockweiler State Beach, and Malibu Lagoon State Beach, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported


FIFA judge, prosecutor decry ousting, future of ethics cases

MANAMA, Bahrain — FIFA ousted its judge and prosecutor on Tuesday in a move the disgruntled pair said jeopardizes the governing body’s integrity and the future of soccer. German judge Hans-Joachim Eckert and Swiss prosecutor Cornel Borbely failed in a bid to be nominated by the council headed by FIFA President Gianni Infantino for re-election.


The Latest: Senior senator backs weapons decision on Kurds

VILNIUS, Lithuania — The Latest on Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ meetings on Syria (all times local): 3 p.m. A senior Republican senator is firmly backing the Trump administration’s decision to supply Syria’s Kurds with the heavier weapons they need to effectively fight the Islamic State group. The chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Bob

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Экология в России и мире

Чиновники в Эртиле, рекультивируя полигон ТКО за 484,72 млн рублей, создали новую свалку в 2 га

Путин в России и мире

Путин и Рахмон обсудили борьбу с терроризмом и ситуацию с мигрантами

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Валерий Гергиев

Алексей Дюмин поздравил с днем рождения Валерия Гергиева


Минобороны: полевой хлебозавод испек для солдат на передовой пасхальные куличи

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