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Новости за 19.05.2017


Agent: Brady didn’t have concussion last season

The agent for Tom Brady says the New England Patriots quarterback wasn’t diagnosed with a concussion last year. Don Yee made that statement to ESPN and added that “it’s obviously a good thing that the organization and everyone close to him is vigilant and always looking out for his health.” Brady’s wife, supermodel Gisele Bundchen,


Bills sign 2nd-round pick, offensive lineman Dion Dawkins

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. — The Bills have signed offensive lineman Dion Dawkins, the second of Buffalo’s two second-round draft picks. The 23-year-old out of Temple is listed at 6-foot-4 and 314 pounds and was selected 63rd overall. Dawkins was a three-year starter mostly at left tackle, but has experience to play various positions. He started


Charges shed light on sea cucumber smuggling at US border

SAN DIEGO — Charges against a father-son partnership for allegedly smuggling more than $17 million worth of sea cucumbers to the United States and exporting them to Asia sheds light on a growing and lucrative illegal cross-border trade. David Mayorquin and his father, Ramon Torres Mayorquin, are accused of a scheme to buy the illegally


Amandla Stenberg is ready to be a voice for her generation

LOS ANGELES — Eighteen-year-old actress, activist and all-around talent Amandla Stenberg is OK with being considered a voice for her generation. “I kind of accept that responsibility,” she said in a recent interview. “I realize that I have this very unique privilege of gaining this attention from a lot of people, whether it’s through the


Trump’s pick for deputy treasury secretary withdraws

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s choice to be deputy treasury secretary, bank executive Jim Donovan, is withdrawing from consideration to be second in command to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin (mih-NOO’-shin). Treasury spokesman Tony Sayegh says Donovan withdrew to focus “his attention on his family.” Sayegh said in a statement Friday: “Jim has been an enormous


FBI: 3 more gang members arrested; 7 still sought

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Three more people have been taken into custody in connection with a five-state sweep that targeted members of the United Blood Nation gang, and seven more are still being sought. The FBI said in a statement on Friday that two of the suspects were taken into custody Friday morning in Charlotte, while


Authorities identify man who died in ’92 Los Angeles riots

LOS ANGELES — After more than 25 years, authorities on Friday identified the last of the 53 people killed during the 1992 riots in Los Angeles. The man was recently identified through fingerprints as 18-year-old Armando Ortiz Hernandez, said Los Angeles County coroner’s spokesman Ed Winter. Hernandez died of “inhalation of smoke, soot, carbon monoxide


Florida’s Egbunu to return for final year of eligibility

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Florida center John Egbunu is returning for his final year of eligibility, a big boost for a team that made the Elite Eight last season. Egbunu graduated from Florida this spring with a sociology degree, and even though he’s recovering from a left knee injury suffered in mid-February, he decided to explore


Iraqi officials: Car bombings in Baghdad kill 11 people

BAGHDAD — Two car bombs in southwestern Baghdad killed 11 people, including four police officers, and wounded at least 20 late on Friday night, according to Iraqi police and hospital officials. The first attack targeted a police checkpoint in the neighborhood and moments later, the second blast hit a nearby street crowded with civilians, the


Government to switch to 1 student debt servicing company

WASHINGTON — The Education Department has announced it will move servicing of $1.3 trillion in federal student loans to a single provider. The department said Friday the change will improve customer service and increase oversight. No details were given on when the provider will be chosen. Currently, there are ten companies servicing student loans. In


North Dakota hopes to lure more to Lawrence Welk home

BISMARCK, N.D. — Bandleader Lawrence Welk’s trademark bubbles and music attracted legions of adoring fans and made him millions of dollars. “He was a marketing genius — we’re trying to channel him,” said Diane Rogness, who manages North Dakota historic sites, including the boyhood home of the late polka-playing bandleader in Strasburg, about 75 miles


Oil company watches over pregnant polar bear under bridge

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A pregnant polar bear seeking to dig her maternity den chose an unlikely spot: a snow drift along a bridge leading to an artificial production island off the north coast of Alaska. As a threatened species, polar bears are entitled to peaceful pregnancies and the operating oil company, Hilcorp Alaska LLC, took


Police: 81-year-old man kills wife, drives himself to jail

DAYTON, Ohio — Police say an 81-year-old Ohio man killed his wife after an argument and then drove himself to jail. The Dayton Daily News reports (http://bit.ly/2q1JwsU ) Donald Cleaver showed up at a county jail early Friday after 70-year-old Mary Cleaver was stabbed to death at the couple’s home in Dayton. Police say a


Union: Up to 40K walking off the job at AT&T this weekend

NEW YORK — The Communications Workers of America union says that up to 40,000 AT&T workers have started walking off the job over contract fights with the phone company. They’ll return to work Monday. That includes 21,000 workers on the wireless side of the company, which the union says raises the prospect that some cellphone


Imagine Dragons to honor Chris Cornell at Billboard Awards

NEW YORK — Imagine Dragons will pay tribute to the late Chris Cornell in words at the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday. A spokeswoman for the show’s producers, dick clark productions, told The Associated Press on Friday that the rock band will talk about how the Soundgarden and Audioslave singer influenced them before they hit


‘Real Housewives’ stars celebrate restaurant’s grand opening

EAST HANOVER, N.J. — “Real Housewives of New Jersey” stars have received the red carpet treatment at the grand opening of a co-star’s Italian restaurant. NJ.com (http://bit.ly/2rAnXQM ) reports owner Joe Gorga and his sister, Teresa Giudice (joo-DEE’-chay), celebrated the opening of Gorga’s Homemade Pasta and Pizza on Thursday. Gorga says the restaurant is a


Colts sign 3rd-round pick Basham to complete rookie class

INDIANAPOLIS — The Indianapolis Colts have signed third-round draft pick Tarell Basham, an outside linebacker from Ohio University. Terms of the deal were not released Friday, though draft picks normally sign three-year deals. The 6-foot-4, 262-pound Basham is the last of Indy’s eight draft picks to sign. He was selected with the 80th overall pick.


Phoenix serial killings suspect left behind shell casings

PHOENIX — The man arrested in a string of serial killings left behind bullet casings at each crime that authorities tested and linked him to the shootings, police said in documents released Friday that provide the most detailed narrative to date about a case that unnerved Phoenix neighborhoods last year. The documents were released after


Mom: Child welfare officials were OK with cage for toddler

POTTSVILLE, Pa. — A Pennsylvania mother whose 22-month-old son was kept in a cage by his father said Friday that local child welfare officials had previously seen the enclosure and approved of it. Tiffany George said the makeshift wooden pen was meant to keep the toddler safe. “They’ve seen the cage and had no problem


Doctors worry as Texas lawmakers OK vaccine restrictions

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas moved closer Friday to restricting emergency immunizations given to children removed from troubled homes, worrying doctors and handing a political victory for vaccination opponents in a state where the number of families forgoing shots is soaring. Vaccination critics are trying to build a foothold in Texas, and the state’s Republican-controlled House


Questlove to perform at prom despite earlier cancellation

LEVITTOWN, Pa. — Questlove is assuring students at a Pennsylvania high school that he will still perform at their prom despite unexpectedly canceling days earlier. The Roots’ drummer and DJ posted on Twitter on Friday that he has “adjusted some things” to perform Saturday at senior prom at Pennsbury High School East in Fairless Hills.


Army: Warning issued before 9 died in Fort Hood floodwaters

FORT HOOD, Texas — An alert declaring all low-water crossings off-limits to vehicles was issued at Fort Hood hours before a truck carrying 12 soldiers was knocked over by floodwaters last year, killing nine, according to a military report. The report reviewed by The Dallas Morning News indicates that on June 2, 2016, a convoy


US racer Hayden still in “extremely critical” condition

CESENA, Italy — American motorcycle racer Nicky Hayden remains in “extremely critical” condition in hospital two days after he was hit by a car while training on his bicycle. Hayden, who was in Italy following a race at nearby Imola, was transported to a local hospital following the incident on the Rimini coast, before being


Iowa to pay $6.5M to settle landmark sports bias lawsuits

IOWA CITY, Iowa — The University of Iowa will pay $6.5 million to settle discrimination lawsuits filed by former athletic administrator Jane Meyer and her partner, former women’s field hockey coach Tracey Griesbaum, according to settlements their attorneys called historic Friday. Iowa will pay $2.33 million to Meyer and $1.49 million to Griesbaum to cover


2-year-old rescued from hot car; North Carolina mom charged

GREENVILLE, N.C. — A North Carolina police officer rescued a 2-year-old boy left inside a hot car, and the child’s mother is facing charges. News outlets quote Greenville police as saying that after bystanders were unable to help, they called police. An officer slid his hand inside a partially open window, unlocked the door and

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Экология в России и мире

Крылатчан попросили с пониманием отнестись к спортивному ориентированию

Путин в России и мире

"У меня такая судьба": Лукашенко рассказал о причине своего спешного отъезда прямо с парада

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: великая Победа является главным моментом становления белорусской нации

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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«Поющий поэт». Исполнилось 100 лет со дня рождения Булата Окуджавы


В Московском зоопарке уличного кота сняли с дерева в вольере с волками

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