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Новости за 03.03.2017


AC Milan sale delayed again

MILAN — The sale of AC Milan to a group of Chinese investors was again delayed on Friday. The completion of the deal was originally scheduled for December, but Silvio Berlusconi’s holding company Fininvest and Sino-Europe Sports agreed to a three-month delay, postponing the closing to Friday. “Conditions of the contract have not been met


Chinese official urges more contacts with Taiwan politicians

BEIJING — A top Chinese official on Friday called for more contacts between politicians in mainland China and Taiwan despite Beijing’s ongoing refusal to engage with the self-governing island’s president. The head of China’s legislative advisory body, Yu Zhengsheng, said China continues its firm opposition to Taiwan’s formal independence and insistence that its leaders accept


3 Islamic extremist groups in Mali merge, pledge to al-Qaida

DAKAR, Senegal — Three prominent Islamic extremist groups in Mali have announced they have merged into one and pledged allegiance to al-Qaida’s leader, according to an organization that monitors jihadist websites. Leaders from Ansar Dine, al-Mourabitoun and al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb made the declaration in a video distributed Thursday, according to SITE Intelligence Group.


Police: Jewish cemetery vandalized in New York state

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A Rochester cemetery has been targeted in the latest in a string of anti-Semitic incidents around the country. The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle newspaper reported that (http://on.rocne.ws/2m0MbSo ) toppled and defaced headstones were discovered at Waad Hakolel Cemetery in northwest Rochester. Cemetery officials said Thursday there were at least a dozen desecrated


Russian military chief speaks to NATO counterpart

MOSCOW — The Russian Defense Ministry says the nation’s top military officer has spoken to his NATO counterpart for the first time in several years. The ministry said Gen. Valery Gerasimov, the chief of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces, had a phone call Friday with Czech Army Gen. Petr Pavel, the chairman


UN mediator wraps up ‘tough’ Syria talks in Geneva

GENEVA — The United Nations special envoy for Syria concluded Friday a marathon round of talks in Geneva with an agreement from the conflicting parties to pursue further talks on a political transition to end the six-year war. For nine days, seasoned diplomat Staffan De Mistura engaged in day-to-night proxy talks with a delegation representing


Syrian troops after taking Palmyra from IS, clear explosives

DAMASCUS, Syria — Syrian army units were clearing land mines and explosives left behind by Islamic State militants in the historic town of Palmyra on Friday, a day after government troops and allied militiamen recaptured it from the extremists, a Syrian security official said. The military expects the process to be long and difficult due


Bangladesh arrests spiritual leader of militant group

DHAKA, Bangladesh — Police in Bangladesh’s capital have arrested the spiritual leader of a banned militant group that is responsible for a series of attacks in the South Asian country, an official said Friday. Maulana Abul Kashem was arrested Thursday night, said Monirul Islam, chief of the police Counterterrorism and Transnational Crimes Unit. Kashem was


Season kicks off in big-spending Chinese Super League

BEIJING — The Chinese Super League kicks off on Friday following an offseason in which clubs splashed out $410 million on new players, even as questions emerged about the league’s finances. Guangzhou Evergrande is chasing a seventh consecutive league title, but faces tougher competition from clubs which have bulked up with foreign talent such as


Former Real Madrid great Raymond Kopa dies at 85

PARIS — Raymond Kopa, a former Real Madrid attacking midfielder known as the “Napoleon of football” who became the first French player to win the Ballon d’Or, has died. He was 85. According to family members who spoke to local newspaper Le Courrier de l’Ouest, Kopa died Friday morning after being hospitalized last week. The


UN Security Council begins Africa trip focused on Boko Haram

YAOUNDE, Cameroon — The U.N. Security Council on Friday kicked off a visit to spotlight Africa’s worst humanitarian crisis as millions face hunger amid the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria and the Lake Chad region. “We came in order to show that this will no longer be a neglected crisis,” British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft told


One N. Korean freed, another sought in nerve-agent killing

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Malaysian police on Friday released the only North Korean detained in the killing of the half brother of North Korea’s leader, and later said an arrest warrant had been issued for another whose whereabouts are unknown. Malaysia is looking for seven North Korean suspects in all, four of whom are believed


Suicide bombers destroy 3 fuel tankers in northeast Nigeria

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — Three suicide bombers set ablaze three fuel tankers in the center of Nigeria’s northeastern city of Maiduguri before dawn Friday, officials said, just days before a planned visit by the U.N. Security Council. Soldiers fired at one of the bombers, a teenage girl, to avert what could have been a major attack


Irish nationalists seek boost in Northern Ireland election

DUBLIN — The Irish nationalist Sinn Fein party is seeking gains in an early election that could shape the fate of Catholic-Protestant cooperation in Northern Ireland. An expected two-day count of ballots to fill the Northern Ireland Assembly began Friday. Forecasters project gains for Sinn Fein. The Irish Catholic-backed party triggered Thursday’s election by withdrawing


Bubble bursting for TCU after quick start in Dixon’s debut

FORT WORTH, Texas — A week into February, TCU had just pulled out a one-point victory at home and already won six Big 12 games under new coach Jamie Dixon. The Horned Frogs, who had only six conference wins combined the previous three seasons, were then rightly being projected for a return to the NCAA


Museum to host exhibit of Latina’s civil rights photography

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Mexican-American photographer Maria Varela was present at some of the most dramatic moments of the Civil Rights Movement, capturing images of voting rights demonstrations in Alabama and efforts to create Head Start programs in poor, rural areas. As one of the few Latinas involved in the black Civil Rights Movement, historians say,


WBC hands Povetkin suspension, $250,000 fine in doping case

MOSCOW — Russian heavyweight Alexander Povetkin has been suspended indefinitely and fined $250,000 by the World Boxing Council in a doping case. Povetkin tested positive for the banned muscle-builder ostarine ahead of his interim world title bout against Bermane Stiverne in December. The fight was canceled. The suspension applies only to bouts sanctioned by the


Cal, Olympic star Ryan Murphy eager to build on Rio success

BERKELEY, Calif. — On any given day in the California pool, three-time Rio de Janeiro Olympic gold medalist Ryan Murphy might be going at it against U.S. teammate Tom Shields in start drills off the blocks and a short sprint to the other side. “We’ve got a new leader in the clubhouse!” yells coach Dave


GOP health bill: Less government; but what about coverage?

WASHINGTON — Health insurance tax credits, mandates, taxation of employer coverage, essential benefits. Mind-numbing health care jargon is flying around again as Republicans move to repeal and replace the Obama-era Affordable Care Act. It’s time to start paying attention. The GOP plan emerging in the House would mean less government, and many fear that will


The Latest: Malaysia deports N.Korean detained in Kim murder

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — The Latest on the investigation into the assassination of Kim Jong Nam, the estranged half brother of North Korea’s leader, in Malaysia (all times local): 8:30 p.m. Malaysian officials say they have deported a North Korean man who was released from custody after police found insufficient evidence to charge him in


Atlanta debuts in MLS at stadium known for college football

ATLANTA — Goals sit at each end of Bobby Dodd Stadium — only these come with nets, not uprights. A worker unwinds a tape measure in what is normally the end zone, measuring off the last bits of the larger field that need to be painted for Atlanta United’s very first game. The oldest stadium


Inbee Park takes 1-stroke halfway lead at LPGA Singapore

SINGAPORE — Inbee Park made a birdie on the last hole Friday to take a one-stroke lead over Michelle Wie and two others after two rounds of the LPGA’s Women’s Champions tournament. Park lost her place atop the leaderboard when she made a double-bogey on the 12th hole, her only blemish in two rounds at


Curling: Not falling on your face is just the 1st challenge

EVERETT, Wash. — They make it look so damn effortless. Watching from afar, curling looks like a marriage of shuffleboard and bocce ball on ice that requires about the same amount of physical ability. The kind of recreational activity that usually involves an adult beverage, and where having a modicum of athleticism is all that’s


Israeli and Iranian musicians unite for Tel Aviv concert

TEL AVIV, Israel — Israeli rocker Aviv Geffen broke into “The Hope Song,” a signature hit he wrote after the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin that is often referred to as the Israeli version of John Lennon’s “Imagine.” But his peace anthem took on new meaning when his on-stage partner sang along in Farsi


US steps up in Somalia as al-Shabab proves a stubborn foe

MOGADISHU, Somalia — With frequent suicide bombings and assaults on Somalia’s hotels and military targets, the Islamic extremist group al-Shabab has proved more resilient than expected, leading President Donald Trump’s administration to pursue wider military involvement here as current strategies, including drone attacks, are not enough, security experts say. Senior U.S. officials have said the

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Экология в России и мире

«Чистая Арктика» разработает стандарт сбора и вывоза отходов из удаленных мест

Путин в России и мире

Рябков назвал «развернутой» реакцию Запада на заявления по ядерной доктрине РФ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко дал ответ на вопрос, в каком случае Минск применит ядерное оружие

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Фрэнк Синатра

Мартин Скорсезе отложил производство фильмов про Иисуса Христа и Фрэнка Синатру


Резидент столичной ОЭЗ внедрил новое высокопроизводительное медоборудование

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