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Новости за 12.01.2017


Vikings DT Linval Joseph to sub for Rams’ Donald in Pro Bowl

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. — Minnesota Vikings nose tackle Linval Joseph has been picked as an injury replacement on the NFC Pro Bowl team, for Aaron Donald of the Los Angeles Rams. This will be the first Pro Bowl for Joseph in his seven-year career. He’s the first Vikings defensive tackle to be selected since Kevin


St. Petersburg defends transfer of landmark to church

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — In the latest scandal involving the powerful Russian Orthodox Church, authorities in St. Petersburg on Thursday defended a controversial decision to give a city landmark cathedral to the church. Museum experts and locals in Russia’s former imperial capital were rattled by the governor’s announcement this week that he was transferring St.


Wanted part-time in Austria: A hermit

VIENNA — Wanted, part-time: A hermit. Experience not necessary. Municipal and Roman Catholic church officials in the Austrian town of Saalfelden are looking for someone to live in a nearby hermitage built into steep cliffs characteristic of the Salzburg region. But a second job is advisable. The parish website says the position is unpaid. And


Nevada casinos turn profit in fiscal 2016; first since 2008

LAS VEGAS — Nevada’s biggest casinos combined to turn a profit in fiscal 2016 for the first time in eight years, but it wasn’t due to gambling winnings, according to an annual report by state regulators. Room rentals and fees helped resorts generate income of almost $979 million from total revenues of $25.2 billion in


German TV slams exclusion from European nationalist meeting

BERLIN — German public broadcaster ARD said Thursday it may take legal action after being refused access to an upcoming meeting of European nationalist leaders in the western city of Koblenz. ARD television’s program director, Volker Herres, posted a statement on Twitter, saying the broadcaster’s editors “condemn this massive encroachment against the freedom to report.”


Study: Just 7 percent of top films in 2016 directed by women

NEW YORK — A new study finds that just 7 percent of the 250 highest-grossing films of 2016 were directed by women. The Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University on Thursday issued the 19th annual edition of its report, titled “The Celluloid Ceiling,” authored by the


Anderlecht, New York Cosmos player Van der Elst dies at 62

BRUSSELS — Francois “Swat” Van der Elst, who won club titles in Belgium and the United States and made it to the 1980 European Championship final with the Belgian national soccer team, has died. He was 62. Van der Elst suffered a heart attack on New Year’s Day and was kept in an artificial coma


Note in recycler’s trash helps cops ID bank robbery suspect

WOODSTOCK, Vt. — A woman’s penchant for recycling and a crumpled note in her trash have helped police identify a suspect in a Vermont bank robbery. Gail Dougherty, of Woodstock, found the note inside a paper coffee cup Jan. 4 and planned to put the cup in her recycling bin. The note said, “THIS IS


Legend, Grande to record ‘Beauty and the Beast’ theme

NEW YORK — John Legend and Ariana Grande will record the theme to Disney’s live-action “Beauty and the Beast” remake. The pair will sing the duet first sung by Angela Lansbury in the 1991 animated film and then recorded for the movie’s soundtrack by Celine Dion and Peabo Byson for the 1991 animated film. The


Virginia man sentenced in Ohio high school hacking case

LEXINGTON, Ky. — A Virginia man who pleaded guilty to helping hack an online account to draw attention to a 2012 high school rape case in Ohio has been sentenced to eight months in prison. Noah McHugh, 26, was sentenced on Monday in federal court in Lexington, Kentucky, after pleading guilty to one count of


Forces loyal to self-declared PM seize Libyan ministries

BENGHAZI, Libya — A self-declared prime minister said Thursday that his forces have seized at least three ministries in Libya’s capital, declaring what appeared to be a miniature coup after what he described as a yearlong failure of the current U.N.-backed premier. Khalifa Ghwell told The Associated Press by phone from Tripoli that his forces


Federal government: Indiana residents officially ‘Hoosiers’

INDIANAPOLIS — The federal government is now officially referring to Indiana residents as Hoosiers. U.S. Sens. Joe Donnelly and Todd Young said Thursday morning that the Government Publishing Office has changed the designation of Indiana natives to Hoosiers in the new federal government style guide. The Hoosier designation replaces the term Indianan. The change comes


Canadian ‘SNL’ and ‘SCTV’ alum Tony Rosato dies at age 62

TORONTO — Canadian actor Tony Rosato has died at age 62. He was a veteran of comedy shows including “Saturday Night Live” and Canada’s homegrown “SCTV.” Rosato’s former agent Larry Goldhar has confirmed that Rosato died Tuesday. Goldhar says an autopsy is being done. The Italian-born actor joined Martin Short and Robin Duke as the


Q&A with Andrew Foster of Seafarer Capital Partners

Emerging markets have long been a volatile investment and some people think they may grow more so, due to changing global economies and the proposed policies of president-elect Donald Trump. To better understand the marketplace, we spoke with Andrew Foster, the founder and chief investment officer at Seafarer Capital Partners, a San Francisco-based boutique firm


The Latest: Greece returns more Syrian refugees to Turkey

VALLETTA, Malta — The Latest on Europe’s response to the inflow of asylum-seekers and migrants to the continent (all times local): 7:40 p.m. Greek authorities say another 27 Syrian refugees who had their initial bids for asylum rejected have been returned to Turkey. A public order ministry statement says the 17 men, four women and


Madrid zoo names latest panda bear Chulina, or Cutey

MADRID — Madrid’s zoo has named its latest baby panda Chulina, meaning Cutey. The name pays homage to Chulin, the first panda born at the zoo 34 years ago. The nearly 5-month-old female is the fifth panda to be born at Madrid’s zoo. Its name also refers to bamboo, which pandas eat, in Chinese. Chulina


Robert De Niro says Meryl Streep’s Globe speech was ‘great’

NEW YORK — Hollywood heavyweight Robert De Niro has come to the defense of Meryl Streep, saying her speech at the Golden Globes was “great.” The multiple Oscar-winner wrote a letter of support to his “The Deer Hunter” co-star following fallout after her attack on President-elect Donald Trump on Sunday. Streep said that “when the


Memorial ready when missing North Carolina teen is buried

SALISBURY, N.C. — Work has been completed on a memorial in a North Carolina cemetery for the body of a teen who had been missing, although it’s not known when she will be buried. Erica Lynn Parsons was 13 when disappeared from her Salisbury home in 2011. She was not reported missing until 2013. Her


Plan offers 4 options for restoring grizzlies to Washington

SEATTLE — Grizzly bears once roamed the rugged landscape of the North Cascades in Washington state but few have been sighted in recent decades. Federal officials want to restore the population and on Thursday released a draft plan with four options, ranging from taking no action to varying efforts to capture bears from other locations


5 best industries for aspiring entrepreneurs in 2017

This could be the year you decide to stop working for someone else and start your own business. While your individual skills and interests are key to determining what type of venture to pursue, the last thing you want to do is start a business in an industry with a gloomy outlook. Here are five


Rights group slams Egypt’s record in 2016

CAIRO — Egypt has banned public criticism of the government, Human Rights Watch said Thursday, with hundreds of people disappearing at the hands of security forces and detainees routinely tortured. In its “World Report 2017,” the New York-based advocacy group said President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi’s government has also taken “unprecedented” steps to criminalize human rights work


Romania: Tigers, dogs and cats die in circus shelter blaze

BUCHAREST, Romania — Romanian officials say two tigers were among a number of animals that died when a fire broke out at an animal shelter which houses animals retired from the circus. The Emergency Situations Inspectorate said firefighters managed to save seven tigers, six camels, ponies, goats, a kangaroo and greyhounds in the Thursday morning


Teen charged in fatal double stabbing at Maryland mall

WHEATON, Md. — Police say they’ve charged a 17-year-old boy in the fatal stabbing of two men in a Maryland mall near Washington. Montgomery County Police announced in a statement late Wednesday that surveillance video from Westfield Wheaton mall shows the teen fighting with the men Tuesday. Other patrons broke up the fight. Later, police


Rights group: Civilians abused by rivals in Ukraine conflict

MOSCOW — A human rights group says civilians are being abducted and tortured by fighters on both sides of the separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine. An annual report released by Human Rights Watch on Thursday accused the Ukrainian government and Russian-backed separatists of holding dozens of civilians in arbitrary detention in Ukraine’s industrial east, where


Court upholds state’s law on buffers around abortion clinics

CONCORD, N.H. — A federal appeals court has upheld a New Hampshire law allowing buffer zones around abortion clinics that supporters say protect women from harassment. The law allowing buffer zones up to 25 feet has been on New Hampshire’s books since 2014, but no clinic has set up a buffer zone. The 1st U.S.

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Экология в России и мире

Станислав Кондрашов Telf AG: Китай стремиться к экологически чистому производству

Путин в России и мире

Санкт-Петербург не смог обойти Москву в рейтинге жизни населения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)


Спасаются в одиночках: В какие условиях содержатся террористы из "Крокуса"

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