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Новости за 17.10.2016


Danish airports, square evacuated due to bomb threats

STOCKHOLM — Danish police say they have evacuated two airports, a public square and a shopping center because of a string of bomb threats. Police in Roskilde, just west of the Danish capital, Copenhagen, said they evacuated the local airport and a square in the city. They didn’t give any details about the threats Monday


UK police say toddler missing for 25 years died in accident

LONDON — A British toddler who went missing on a Greek island 25 years ago is believed to have been killed in a construction-site accident that was covered up for almost a quarter of a century, police said Monday. The parents of Ben Needham — who disappeared on the island of Kos on July 24,


APNewsBreak: Arrest made in police station bomb case

DENVER — Authorities have arrested a man in connection with a homemade explosive left outside a police station in a small northern Colorado mountain town. A man was taken into custody over the weekend in connection with the Oct. 11 incident in Nederland, two law enforcement officials with knowledge of the investigation told The Associated


Lithuania’s health minister dies at 34

VILNIUS, Lithuania — Lithuania’s health minister has died at age 34 just a week after being re-elected to the Baltic country’s parliament. Juras Pozela was the youngest member of the Social Democratic-led Cabinet. He died Sunday after having been hospitalized for two months in intensive care with acute pancreatitis. His family and the Social Democratic


Ohio school, feds complete agreement in blind student’s case

CINCINNATI — Federal authorities said Monday they have completed an agreement with Miami University that resolves allegations in a blind student’s lawsuit that it violated the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Justice Department, the Ohio university and Aleeha Dudley jointly filed a motion in Cincinnati asking a U.S. District Court judge to approve a consent


Markets Right Now: Stocks open slightly lower on Wall Street

NEW YORK — The latest on developments in global financial markets (all times local): 9:35 a.m. Stocks are opening slightly lower on Wall Street, led by a decline in health care stocks. Drugmaker Merck fell 1 percent in early trading Monday, the biggest loss in the Dow Jones industrial average. Utilities bucked the downward trend


Lithuania wants Gorbachev to testify in war crimes trial

VILNIUS, Lithuania — A Lithuanian court has called former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to testify in a mass trial related to the 1991 crackdown on the country’s independence movement. Gorbachev and Russian authorities haven’t answered previous requests so it’s unlikely he would comply with Monday’s request from the Vilnius district court. The case involves more


Caterpillar CEO to retire next year

NEW YORK — Caterpillar said Monday that CEO Doug Oberhelman will retire from the company next year and will be replaced by Jim Umpleby, an executive who has worked at the construction and mining equipment company for more than three decades. Oberhelman, 63, will leave Caterpillar at the end of March. He has been CEO


The Latest: Phoenix police: Man who killed girls was father

PHOENIX — The Latest on the fatal shootings of a man and his two young daughters (all times local): 6:40 a.m. Phoenix police say a man believed to have fatally shot two young girls and then himself was the father of the children. The Police Department says a 36-year-old man and a 5-year-old girl were


Don’t settle for dull turkey gravy at Thanksgiving

Just because Thanksgiving mostly is about tradition doesn’t mean that we aren’t open to going off-script when it comes to side dishes and exactly how to cook the big bird. But the gravy? It’s where innovation goes to die! Generally, we’re content to just pour some store-bought chicken broth, along with a little butter and


Posthumous book by Shimon Peres coming next spring

NEW YORK — A book about Israel’s character and the “turning points” in its history that Nobel laureate Shimon Peres completed just weeks before he died will come out next spring. The HarperCollins imprint Custom House told The Associated Press on Monday that Peres’ “No Room for Small Dreams” will be published April 4. The


Sliding Time: Lake Placid sled track opens for season

LAKE PLACID, N.Y. — The Mount Van Hoevenberg sliding track outside Lake Placid is open for the season. Despite temperatures hovering around 50 degrees, USA Luge’s Tucker West took the first run of the season on Monday morning on the mile-long track. The U.S. skeleton squad and bobsled teams also are scheduled to start sliding


Phoenix police: Officers believe man killed self, 2 girls

TOLLESON, Ariz. — A man and his two young daughters have been found dead inside their home west of Phoenix, and it’s believed to be a murder-suicide, authorities said Monday. Phoenix police said a 36-year-old man and a 5-year-old girl were pronounced dead at the scene late Sunday and a 4-year-old girl later died at


US factory production rebounded in September

WASHINGTON — U.S. manufacturers boosted output modestly last month, led by greater production of construction supplies, autos and petroleum products. Factory production rose 0.2 percent in September, following a decline of 0.5 percent in the previous month, the Federal Reserve said Monday. The broader industrial production category, which includes mining and utilities, ticked up 0.1


CO2 to fish food, other ideas advance in $20M XPRIZE contest

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — With dreams of turning carbon dioxide into everything from concrete to fish food, teams from six countries have advanced beyond the first phase of a $20 million XPRIZE contest to find profitable uses for CO2 emitted by power plants. A panel of nine judges recently chose the 28 proposals from 47 entries


Schwab beats Street 3Q forecasts

SAN FRANCISCO — The Charles Schwab Corp. (SCHW) on Monday reported third-quarter profit of $503 million. The company, based in San Francisco, said it had earnings of 35 cents per share. Earnings, adjusted for non-recurring gains, came to 34 cents per share. The results topped Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of 12 analysts surveyed


Chief: Gunman tried to assassinate officers in California

VALLEJO, Calif. — A gunman wearing body armor targeted two California police officers who were taking a break at a coffee shop in an ambush that failed when his gun malfunctioned, authorities said Monday. Adam Powell, 41, appeared in the doorway of a Starbucks and “attempted to assassinate” the two officers on Sunday, Vallejo Police


Indonesia prosecutors seek prison for Uighur accused of plot

JAKARTA, Indonesia — Indonesian prosecutors on Monday demanded an eight-year prison term for a Chinese Uighur accused of involvement in plots to attack Jakarta’s ethnic Chinese governor and minority Shiite Muslims. In a sentencing request, prosecutors said Nur Muhammet Abdullah, known as Ali, was guilty of violating Indonesia’s Anti-Terror Law. State Prosecutor Ika Salim said


Manufacturing in New York state slides again in October

WASHINGTON — Manufacturing in New York state contracted for the third straight month in October. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York says its Empire State index slid to a reading of minus 6.8 this month, lowest since May and down from a minus 2 reading in September. Anything below zero signals contraction. Economists had


Iran offers 50 oil and gas fields to foreign bidders

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s national oil company said Monday that it has offered 50 oil and gas fields to international bidders, the first time it has done so since last year’s landmark nuclear deal with world powers. Also Monday, the country’s deputy oil minister welcomed a preliminary agreement by OPEC nations to limit output to


NFL prepares for 1st London game at Twickenham Stadium

LONDON — Twickenham Stadium has seen its share of tackles and tries, field goals and forward passes. The NFL is about to bring some more, but with a twist. A sporting event other than rugby will be held at the venue for the first time in its 107-year history when it hosts a game between


Supervalu to sell Save-A-Lot chain for $1.37 billion

NEW YORK — Supervalu said Monday that it is selling its Save-A-Lot supermarket chain for $1.37 billion to Canadian private equity firm Onex Corp. The deal is expected to close before the end of January. Supervalu, based in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, distributes grocery items to supermarkets and provides other services to them. The company also


British baritone Simon Keenlyside headlines Mozart HD

NEW YORK — After four years’ absence from the Metropolitan Opera, Simon Keenlyside makes an attention-grabbing return, leaping from a balcony railing onto a ladder and scrambling down to the stage. “I want it to look a bit dangerous,” the British baritone said of his entrance in the title role of Mozart’s “Don Giovanni.” ”I


Toni Braxton back on tour following lupus hospitalization

CLEVELAND — Toni Braxton says she has been released from a Cleveland hospital after being admitted for complications with her battle against lupus for the second time in a month. The hospitalization forced her scheduled Saturday show in Cleveland to be cancelled. In announcing the hospitalization, a message on the singer’s Twitter account said, “Lupus


Activists: Aleppo province airstrikes kill 36 people

BEIRUT — Airstrikes on rebel-held areas in the northern province of Aleppo Monday killed at least 36 people, including children, opposition activists said, as violence in Syria continued while a major operation began against the Islamic State group in neighboring Iraq. Most of the deaths were in the village of Oweijel just west of the

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Экология в России и мире

МегаФон добавил инноваций системе экомониторинга в Череповце

Путин в России и мире

Президент Путин вернулся в Москву и встретился в Кремле с главой Ингушетии

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск приостановил действие ДОВСЕ

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Суд Москвы продлил арест трем адвокатам Навального по делу об экстремизме

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Uriah Heep

Uriah Heep. Come Back To Me


Автодок укрепляет позиции: 7 новых магазинов открылись в различных регионах России

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