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Новости за 17.10.2016


The Latest: Penn State called blameless for ex-coach’s woes

BELLEFONTE, Pa. — The Latest on lawsuit by ex-coach against Penn State (all times local): 1:10 p.m. A lawyer for Penn State says it’s not the university’s fault that a former assistant football coach who reported Jerry Sandusky sexually abusing a boy can’t find a new coaching job. University lawyer Nancy Conrad said during opening


From air, few signs of French migrant camp’s imminent end

PARIS — Looking at the so-called “jungle” migrant camp in Calais from the air, it’s hard to imagine that it is set to disappear within weeks. Winding alleys of multi-colored tents and makeshift shelters surround tidy rows of container housing, all stretching across muddy fields toward the dunes of the English Channel. With a population


Iraq launches Mosul offensive, but bombs slow progress

BAGHDAD — Iraqi and Kurdish forces launched a long-awaited offensive Monday to drive the Islamic State group out of the country’s second largest city, Mosul, but the operation could take weeks, if not months, and many fear a humanitarian crisis. Columns of armored vehicles trundled down desert roads toward the city as U.S.-led airstrikes and


Kansas trio accused of plot to attack immigrants get lawyers

WICHITA, Kan. — Three men accused of plotting to attack Somali immigrants in western Kansas appeared in court Monday, where they were appointed lawyers and ordered to remain in custody for the time being. Magistrate Judge Gwynne Birzer set detention hearings for Patrick Eugene Stein and Gavin Wayne Wright for Friday and for Curtis Wayne


Former general pleads guilty in false leak probe

WASHINGTON — A former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has pleaded guilty to making false statements during an investigation into a leak of classified information about a covert cyberattack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Retired Marine Gen. James Cartwright entered the plea at a hearing Monday before U.S. District Judge Richard Leon. When


Rowan University gets $25M donation to expand fossil park

GLASSBORO, N.J. — Rowan University has received a $25 million donation to preserve and expand the southern New Jersey school’s fossil park. University alums Ric and Jean Edelman made the gift, the school announced Monday. It’s the second-largest donation in Rowan’s history and the most given by alumni of the Glassboro school. Rowan purchased the


Clemson coach: Injured RB Wayne Gallman won’t practice

CLEMSON, S.C. — Clemson coach Dabo Swinney says starting tailback Wayne Gallman will be out of practice this week as he goes through concussion protocol. Gallman missed most of No. 4 Clemson’s 24-17 overtime win against North Carolina State when he took a hard hit in the opening quarter and was taken into the locker


Omnicare to shell out another $28M on kickback litigation

Omnicare will pay more than $28 million to resolve allegations that the drug distributor accepted kickbacks for pushing an anti-seizure medication on doctors treating nursing home patients. The Department of Justice said Monday that the deal resolves claims that Omnicare sought and received the kickbacks from drugmaker Abbott Laboratories several years ago for sales of


Experts meet in Ecuador to dream up the city of the future

QUITO, Ecuador — Thousands of experts and leaders from around the world are gathering in South America to dream up the city of the future even as the continent struggles with urban planning issues such as slums that have dogged the continent for decades. The third United Nations Habitat Conference kicked off in Quito on


FANTASY PLAYS: Ajayi and Tate big performers, others fizzle

Another unpredictable week for fantasy football, as players who many owners had given up on — like Jay Ajayi and Golden Tate — turned in big performances, and matchups that were supposed to yield big results — Allen Robinson, T.Y. Hilton — fizzled. For fantasy footballers, that leaves one burning question with just seven weeks


Indiana schools chief candidates split on leadership, ISTEP

INDIANAPOLIS — Democratic state schools Superintendent Glenda Ritz has been at the middle of Indiana’s education policy fights over the past four years, typically at odds with Republicans who control the rest of state government and have extended school overhaul measures and pushed to limit her authority. Her challenged in the November election, Republican Jennifer


Teams skirt NFL video policy with homemade signs, toys

PHILADELPHIA — Some NFL teams are going old school to find ways around a league policy that prohibits team social media accounts from sharing their own highlight videos. Sports Illustrated reported earlier this month that the NFL is strictly limiting its teams from sharing their own video or animated graphics of highlights. The teams are


Virginia man caught in sting pleads guilty to terror charge

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A northern Virginia man arrested in a sting operation has pleaded guilty to trying to help the Islamic State group, and faces up to 20 years in prison. Twenty-six-year-old Haris Qamar (keh-MARR’) of Burke admitted in federal court in Alexandria on Monday that he used the handle “newerajihadi” on Twitter to promote


Disney CEO Robert Iger working on leadership book

NEW YORK — Robert Iger, chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Co., is working on a book about “leadership and management.” Random House announced Monday that Iger will reflect on the “ideas, values and growth strategies” that have underlined his 11 years running the entertainment giant. The book, which will include his thoughts on


Sweden to tackle issue of US lobsters without EU involvement

PORTLAND, Maine — Officials in Sweden say they remain concerned about the discovery of American lobsters in their waters, and the country will address the issue on a regional and national level instead of through the European Union. Sweden wanted the European Union to consider a ban of imports of American lobsters into the 28-member


Inter punishes Icardi according to ‘club regulations’

MILAN — Inter Milan captain Mauro Icardi will be punished according to “internal club regulations” after his comments about hard-core “ultra” fans. In a statement, Inter did not specify what the punishment would entail but it was expected to include a hefty fine while letting him remain captain. Icardi angered the fans when he recounted


Motown Museum in Detroit plans $50 million expansion

DETROIT — The Motown Museum is planning a $50 million expansion to create space for interactive exhibits, a performance theater and recording studios at the Detroit tourist attraction, officials announced Monday. The new space will be designed and built around the existing museum, which includes the Motown studio with its “Hitsville U.S.A.” facade. Renderings released


Migrants push Germany’s fertility rate to 33-year high

BERLIN — Migrant mothers helped boost Germany’s fertility rate to a 33-year high last year. The Federal Statistical Office reported Monday that Germany’s overall fertility rate rose to 1.50 children per woman in 2015, compared with 1.47 the previous year. The 2015 rate was the highest since 1982, when the figure stood at 1.51. New


Police, bystanders link arms to pull man from burning car

PALM BAY, Fla. — Florida police officers linked arms with bystanders to pull a driver from in a burning car. The Orlando Sentinel reports (http://bit.ly/2ekvuMJ ) the man’s car collided with another vehicle and plowed down a steep embankment Sunday morning. The car caught fire, and Palm Bay police officers rushed to free the driver.


At booming Jim Beam, strikers complain of grueling workweeks

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Striking Jim Beam workers kept picketing the world’s largest bourbon producer on Monday, ahead of another round of talks that a union leader hopes will resolve their complaints about being overworked. The dispute has splashed some disharmony on the whiskey sector’s good times. The workers say the company has refused to hire


No. 22 UNC loses WR Hollins for season to broken collarbone

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — No. 22 North Carolina has lost top deep threat Mack Hollins for the season to a broken right collarbone. In a news release Monday, UNC said the senior receiver had season-ending surgery Sunday for the injury sustained in the weekend win at Miami. The 6-foot-4 former walk-on from Rockville, Maryland last


Big money keeps pouring into Indiana gubernatorial campaign

INDIANAPOLIS — Big money is continuing to pour in from out of state into the campaign accounts for Indiana’s gubernatorial candidates. State disclosure reports show that the Republican Governors Association has kicked in $1.75 million for GOP candidate Eric Holcomb this month. That money is helping close Holcomb’s fundraising gap to Democratic nominee John Gregg.


Macy’s to open an hour earlier on Thanksgiving Day

NEW YORK — Don’t count on Thanksgiving reverting to its traditional status of feasting on turkey and giving thanks. Macy’s announced Monday it was staying committed to Thanksgiving Day shopping, saying it’ll open an hour earlier this year. The move dampened hopes that other key stores will back away from the “Christmas Creep.” The retailer


1 dead, another injured after motorcycle collision on Dragon

MARYVILLE, Tenn. — One person died and another was injured when their motorcycles collided and went over a steep embankment on an East Tennessee road known as The Dragon. The survivor was finally rescued after his shouts for help were heard more than 24 hours after the crash. The Daily Times of Maryville reports (http://bit.ly/2dZgN4T


The 3 stars of ‘Moonlight’ share a role and a breakthrough

NEW YORK — The three Chirons of Barry Jenkins’ “Moonlight’ are sitting around a table, examining each other’s eyes. Trevante Rhodes, 26, Ashton Sanders, 20, and Alex R. Hibbert 12, play the same character across three distant chapters in his life, growing up black, gay and confused with his drug addicted mother (Naomi Harris) in

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Экология в России и мире

Ученые Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге разработали способ повышения экологичности целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности

Путин в России и мире

Путин встретился с главой Ингушетии Калиматовым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Белорусская филармония и хор готовы приехать на гастроли в Алтайский край — Лукашенко

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Адвокатам Навального продлили арест

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Людвиг ван Бетховен

Юные туляки сыграли с филармоническим оркестром Бетховена и Вебера


Сделано в СССР. Первое историческое ралли в Москве стартует 2 июня

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