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Новости за 29.09.2016


Obama welcomes relatives of 1936 African-American Olympians

WASHINGTON — Relatives of Jesse Owens and America’s 17 other black athletes from the 1936 Olympics were welcomed to the White House on Thursday by President Barack Obama for the acknowledgement they didn’t receive along with their white counterparts 80 years ago. Along with the relatives of the 1936 African-American Olympians, gloved-fist protesters Tommie Smith


Scientists bid farewell to Rosetta space probe before crash

BERLIN — Scientists began saying their final farewells to the Rosetta space probe Thursday, hours before its planned crash-landing on a comet, but said that data collected during the mission would provide discoveries for many years to come. The spacecraft, launched in 2004, took a decade to reach comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, where it released a smaller


Eyes light up for Chiefs defense when they see red (zone)

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The bend-but-don’t-break defense of the Kansas City Chiefs has so far done an exceptional job of making coach Andy Reid rip out whatever red-tinted fuzz is left of his hair. You see, the Chiefs are masters of giving up yards when it doesn’t matter. They’ll give up passes under their coverage,


Flooding closes roads and schools along mid-Atlantic coast

NORFOLK, Va. — Some schools are closed and many roads are impassable after heavy overnight rains deluged parts of Maryland, Virginia and Delaware. National Weather Service Meteorologist Lyle Alexander said Thursday that 5 to 8 inches of rain have fallen. Most of it was concentrated around Salisbury, Maryland. Alexander said the tides are higher than


Nevada high court blocks funding for school choice program

LAS VEGAS — The Nevada Supreme Court has ruled that the state’s voucher-style Education Savings Accounts program — seen as the broadest school choice initiative in the country — has an unconstitutional funding mechanism that should remain blocked. Justices issued a ruling on Thursday against the money source for the program — which has been


Internet star Grumpy Cat to join a Broadway show – ‘Cats’

NEW YORK — Life will imitate art — or is it the other way around? — when internet sensation Grumpy Cat joins the cast of the Broadway musical “Cats” on Friday for what will likely be a feline-good moment. The kitty with the comical frown and feline dwarfism “will be worked into the end of


West Virginia wary of Kansas State’s special teams success

West Virginia has been burned by Kansas State the past two years on special teams and coach Dana Holgorsen wants to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Holgorsen said the Mountaineers (3-0) are doing extensive work on kickoffs and punts ahead of Saturday’s game against Kansas State (2-1) in their Big 12 opener in Morgantown.


Cop facing state, federal charges now sued over rough arrest

PITTSBURGH — A fired Pittsburgh police sergeant criminally charged in federal and state court with wrongly beating up a drunken high school football fan then trying to cover it up is now also being sued, along with the city. Attorneys for Gabriel Despres, 20, filed the federal civil rights lawsuit Thursday against Stephen Matakovich, 47,


Plane that Ronaldo uses runs off runway in Barcelona

MADRID — A plane believed to be used by Cristiano Ronaldo skidded off a runway in Barcelona because of a landing gear problem. Airport officials said no one was injured in Monday’s incident. Ronaldo was not on the plane. He was with Real Madrid in Germany for a Champions League match. Spanish media said the


European rookies at Ryder Cup just want to have fun

CHASKA, Minn. — Martin Kaymer thought he was supposed to deliver extraordinary shots at the Ryder Cup because that’s all he ever saw. He was a Ryder Cup rookie at Celtic Manor in 2010, sensing perhaps even more pressure because he had won his first major a month earlier in the PGA Championship. The week


Grammy winner Mario Winans pleads guilty in income tax case

NEWARK, N.J. — Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter and producer Mario Winans has admitted he intentionally failed to file federal income tax returns for several years. Winans, a member of the Winans family, best known for its gospel music artists, faces two years in prison and a $200,000 fine after pleading guilty Thursday to charges he


Navy insists speedy warship will be fine after a bumpy start

NEWPORT, R.I. — Five of seven of the U.S. Navy’s speedy new warships have had engine problems in the past year and four of them are now considered “test” ships that’ll rarely, if ever, be deployed. The Navy insists the costly littoral combat ship program is going to be fine after a bumpy start. Adm.


Why is Chicago a murder capital? Clues from a bloody month

CHICAGO — Fourteen-year-old Malik Causey loved the way gangs took what they wanted from people on the street, the way members fought for each other, the way they could turn drugs into cash and cash into $400 jeans. His mother tried to stop him. She yanked him out of houses where he didn’t belong. She


The Latest: Matthew becomes a hurricane in Caribbean

MIAMI — The Latest on Hurricane Matthew in the Caribbean (all times local): 1:42 p.m. Forecasters in Miami say Matthew has strengthened into a hurricane as the storm continues its westward trek across the eastern Caribbean. The National Hurricane Center said Matthew, previously a tropical storm, now has top sustained winds of 75 mph (120


Ohio man charged with killing adult daughter has $4.5M bond

ROCKY RIVER, Ohio — A man charged with murder in the fatal shooting of his adult daughter at their suburban Cleveland home had his bond increased Thursday to $4.5 million by a judge after a prosecutor said the man was a flight risk. Jamal Mansour, 63, made a video appearance Thursday in Rocky River Municipal


Ex-doctor faces Omaha trial for alleged revenge killings

OMAHA, Neb. — It was a mystery that many thought might never be solved: Who savagely stabbed to death the 11-year-old son of two medical doctors and the family’s housekeeper in 2008 in one of Omaha’s most affluent neighborhoods? After years of delays, opening statements are expected Monday in former doctor Anthony Garcia’s trial for


An unusual new late-night competitor for ESPN

NEW YORK — To a certain segment of the population, Scott Van Pelt is a more popular late-night television star than Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert. That segment — young men aged 18-to-34 — may be small, but it’s an elusive one for television advertisers and vital to Van Pelt’s bosses at ESPN.


7 Afghan military students AWOL from US posts

FORT BENNING, Ga. — Officials say seven Afghan military students in four different states have been absent without leave since earlier this month. The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer (http://bit.ly/2dcWkt2) reports U.S. Navy Defense Press Operations commander Patrick L. Evans said in an email Thursday that four students left their posts without leave over the Labor Day weekend.


Arab responses to 9/11 bill point to US interventions abroad

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — A bill passed by Congress allowing the families of 9/11 victims to sue the Saudi government has prompted reactions of outrage and ridicule among some in the Arab world. Many critics say the bill reinforces a long-held perception in the Middle East that the U.S. only demands justice for its


Onion corn bread leaves lasting memory

Over the summer, I traveled to Wooster, Ohio, for a barbecue summit at the headquarters of Certified Angus Beef. It was a trip filled with learning, camaraderie — and lots of smoked beef. My fellow barbecue pit masters and I visited a black angus ranch, talked barbecue non-stop, cut a side of beef together —


Q&A: The data your car collects and who can use it

DETROIT — Your car knows more about you than you think. Newer cars that connect to the internet can collect vast amounts of data about drivers, such as where you went to dinner, if you broke the speed limit or if your seat belt was buckled. When you buy a car, you cede data control


Bucks guard Middleton out 6 months after hamstring surgery

MILWAUKEE — Bucks guard Khris Middleton is expected to miss six months after surgery to repair his ruptured left hamstring. Middleton suffered the injury during preseason workouts on Sept. 20. The 25-year-old Middleton averaged a career-high 18.2 points and 4.2 assists in 79 games last season. He was drafted by Detroit in the second round


Pope visits Georgia, Azerbaijan with peace message

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis is wrapping up a Caucasus pilgrimage that began in June in Armenia and ends this weekend with a visit to two other countries with tiny Catholic communities: the Orthodox Christian bastion of Georgia and the largely Shiite Muslim nation of Azerbaijan. Given the itinerary, Catholic-Orthodox and Christian-Muslim relations will be


APNewsBreak: California to ban some pesticides near schools

FRESNO, Calif. — California is moving to ban farmers from spraying pesticides into the air near schools and day care centers under a newly proposed rule that will be among the nation’s toughest, regulators told The Associated Press on Thursday. Crop dusters flying over fields, air-blasters spraying orchards and fumigants that risk blowing onto campuses


WR Bryant avoided Cowboys for 2 days, fearing news on knee

FRISCO, Texas — Dez Bryant missed medical appointments and team meetings over two days away from the Dallas Cowboys this week as the star receiver tried to avoid bad news about his injured right knee. Coach Jason Garrett said Bryant missed an MRI on Monday and a team meeting Tuesday before finally getting the exam

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге: «Ингушетия может стать настоящим открытием даже для опытных туристов»

Путин в России и мире

Посольство Бахрейна: король Аль Халифа считает Путина другом

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко в Минске проведет переговоры с Путиным, который 23-24 мая совершит официальный визит в Беларусь

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Тепляков

Комиссионный осмотр прошёл в школе №20 им. Гапанца Ивана Владимировича


Губернатор Томской области Владимир Мазур представил главам муниципалитетов епископа

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