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Новости за 29.09.2016


UN impotent before Syria war crimes

UNITED NATIONS — Russia and Syria faced a growing chorus of international condemnation over their actions in Aleppo, but U.N. officials conceded Thursday there was little they could do beyond shaming the two countries for what they are increasingly calling “war crimes.” U.N. humanitarian chief Stephen O’Brien told the Security Council that with the Syrian


Figure skating costume designer Jef Billings dies at 71

LOS ANGELES — Renowned figure skating costume designer Jef Billings has died at 71. He was a long-time designer and director for Stars on Ice, which announced his death on its Facebook page. Close friend and assistant Regina Winters said he died Tuesday of natural causes. “It is with great sadness that we share the


The Latest: Defendant appears in court in quadruple slaying

ORANGEBURG, S.C. — The Latest on the investigation into the slayings of four people in July, 2015 in rural South Carolina (all times local): 3 p.m. A man charged in a quadruple slaying in South Carolina says he’s not a murderer and would never hurt anyone. Robert Lee Bailey appeared before an Orangeburg County magistrate


Tesla rear-ends bus in Germany, driver blames Autopilot

BERLIN — Police in northern Germany say that a Tesla driver is blaming the car’s Autopilot after crashing into the rear of a bus on a highway. But Tesla says the Autopilot was not at fault. Ratzeburg police say that the crash happened Wednesday afternoon on a stretch of autobahn about 50 kilometers (30 miles)


Report: Collapsed decks were ‘structurally unsound’

HARTFORD, Conn. — A new report indicates a pair of crowded decks that collapsed during a party at an off-campus house owned by Trinity College in Connecticut earlier this month were structurally unsound due to “flaws in construction.” Cirrus Structural Engineering released the report Thursday. The Hartford Courant reports (http://cour.at/2dD4Q2P) 32 college students were injured


Ground game: No. 12 Florida State not relying just on Cook

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida State’s running game is largely defined by Dalvin Cook, but with the emergence of other players the Seminoles are showing they might have one of the deepest ground games in the Atlantic Coast Conference. The 12th-ranked Seminoles are third in the ACC and 22nd in the nation in rushing offense, averaging


Congress blocks ‘victory tax’ on Olympic athletes

WASHINGTON — U.S. Olympic athletes would be exempt from a so-called victory tax under legislation approved by Congress and sent to the president. The Senate gave final legislative approval Thursday to a bill that would block the IRS from taxing most medals or other prizes awarded to U.S. Olympians. The U.S. Olympic Committee awards cash


Sheriff: School counselor convinces student to hand over gun

PLEASANT VIEW, Tenn. — A middle-school counselor in Tennessee is being called a hero after talking a teenager into handing over a loaded handgun. Media outlets report that a 14-year-old boy went to Sycamore Middle School Wednesday asking to speak with counselor Molly Hudgens. Authorities say he told her he was having problems and was


Indiana tax amnesty collections total more than $138 million

INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana Department of Revenue says the state’s tax amnesty program last year brought in more than twice the revenue expected by the General Assembly and cleared the delinquent status of some 77,000 individual and business taxpayers. The (Northwest Indiana) Times reports (http://bit.ly/2cOqG4s ) the final tax amnesty report released by the agency


Notre Dame QB Kizer looks to recapture joy, magic of 2015

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — At first glance, it seems a bit odd to hear Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly talk about how quarterback DeShone Kizer isn’t playing up to expectations. The 6-foot-4, 230-pound junior is coming off a career high for passing yards, throwing for 381 in a 38-35 loss to Duke. He is on


Judge’s order upheld in ex-Tulsa officer’s murder trial

TULSA, Okla. — An appeals court has affirmed a judge’s order that the attorney for a former Tulsa police officer charged in the fatal shooting of his daughter’s boyfriend provide evidence to prosecutors. The Tulsa World (http://bit.ly/2cEvBBF ) reports that the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals made the decision on Wednesday in the case of


Plan would rename Boston bridge for Sox slugger Ortiz

BOSTON — Massachusetts officials are moving to name a bridge in honor of retiring Boston Red Sox slugger David Ortiz. The House of Representatives has approved a supplemental budget that includes language that would rename the Brookline Avenue Bridge the David Ortiz (Big Papi) Bridge. The bridge spans the Massachusetts Turnpike between Landsdowne Street and


Judge issues temporary gag order in Derrick Rose rape case

LOS ANGELES — A judge on Thursday ordered lawyers handling a rape lawsuit against Knicks guard Derrick Rose to temporarily stop talking to reporters, faulting attorneys for actions that have raised pretrial publicity about one of the NBA’s stars. U.S. District Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald said Thursday he was inclined to issue a longer gag


Kim Kardashian stuns at Balmain show at Paris Fashion Week

PARIS — Among the forest decor at the star-studded Balmain collection, pop star and former French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy killed time chatting with French Vogue Editor Emmanuelle Alt. Guests were all waiting on one person: Kim Kardashian, who arrived late to the usual whirl of paparazzi flashes in her first appearance since getting attacked


Caregiver in ‘baby fight club’ gets 33 months in jail

MANASSAS, Va. — A former Virginia child care worker convicted on child cruelty charges in what prosecutors described as a “baby fight club” has been sentenced to nearly three years in prison. A jury convicted Kierra Spriggs of Woodbridge earlier this year after testimony that she and a co-worker abused numerous 2-year-olds by stepping on


British royal kids make rare appearance in Canada

VICTORIA, British Columbia — Prince George and Princess Charlotte have made their second appearance of the royal tour, taking part in a children’s party with Prince William and Kate. Charlotte took her first steps in public Thursday and bee-lined for some colorful balloons before heading to the petting zoo for some time with the goats,


Depth on defense allowing No. 11 Vols to withstand injuries

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Tennessee’s defense is receiving plenty of unwanted opportunities to showcase its improved depth. Injuries have sidelined three of Tennessee’s top defensive players at various points in the season, yet the 11th-ranked Volunteers remain unbeaten thanks to contributions from backups who have stepped in as capable replacements. “With all the injuries and stuff


Catalan parliament debates new proposal for secession vote

MADRID — Catalan regional lawmakers are debating regional President Carles Puigdemont’s latest promise to hold another independence referendum next September with or without agreement from Spain. Puigdemont launched the proposal Wednesday during a debate on his presidency, saying he would seek Spain’s backing but intended holding it anyway if Spain persists in ruling it out.


Arizona struggling with injuries, inconsistency

TUCSON, Ariz. — Arizona exhausted the helium from its surprising and soaring run to the 2014 Pac-12 South title — and the descent might not be over. The Wildcats are 9-9 since winning the South, including a Fiesta Bowl loss to Boise State. This season, Arizona is 2-2 as it takes an injury-plagued team into


FCC beefs up emergency cellphone alerts

NEW YORK — The federal government is beefing up emergency cellphone alerts like the one used in New York to advertise a search for a bombing suspect earlier in September. The Federal Communications Commission approved a measure Thursday that will let messages be up to four times longer than the current 90-character limit. Cellphone companies


UN rights council seeks greater monitoring of Yemen abuses

GENEVA — The United Nations Human Rights Council has passed a resolution calling for greater U.N. monitoring of rights abuses in war-torn Yemen, while shrugging off calls from the U.N. human rights chief and others for an independent investigation of abuses. The 47-member Geneva council approved by consensus the resolution backed by Arab states, which


US Treasury head touts trade, security in Mexico visit

MEXICO CITY — U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew made a strong pitch for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact in a visit to Mexico Thursday. Lew strongly defended globalization, but acknowledged that “some industries, towns, and workers” in both countries “are feeling the stress of this change.” Mexico was seen as a beneficiary of the 1994


The Latest: Suspect in abduction pleads guilty

SAN FRANCISCO — The Latest on the plea change of a man charged with a California kidnapping that was initially dismissed as a hoax (all times local): 11:30 a.m. A disbarred Harvard University-trained attorney has pleaded guilty to a bizarre kidnapping that police initially dismissed as a hoax. Matthew Muller admitted in federal court in


Nate Parker unapologetic in ’60 Minutes’ interview

NEW YORK — In an interview with “60 Minutes,” Nate Parker was unapologetic for a 17-year-old rape case that has surrounded his film, “The Birth of a Nation.” In excerpts from the interview to air Sunday shared exclusively with The Associated Press on Thursday, Parker said he was “falsely accused” and declined to make any


Yosemite chief retiring amid complaints of hostile workplace

FRESNO, Calif. — The head of Yosemite National Park is retiring following employee complaints that he created a hostile workplace by allowing bullying, harassment and other misconduct, allegations also raised in other popular national parks, officials said Thursday. Superintendent Don Neubacher announced his plans Wednesday, said Andrew Munoz, a spokesman for the National Park Service.

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Экология в России и мире

Жителям Подмосковья ограничили посещение лесов на большей части региона

Путин в России и мире

Активам прописали превентивные меры // Какое имущество США в России может быть изъято в качестве ответного шага

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко подчеркнул роль патриарха Кирилла в укреплении связей Москвы и Минска

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

"Зеленскому приготовиться". В Киеве раскрыли, что задумал Порошенко

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Лоза

«Женщина с другим голосом»: Юрий Лоза отказался слушать Аллу Пугачеву


Орловца сурово наказали за чужие фото на маркетплейсе

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