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Новости за 28.09.2016


Barriers protected Cedar Rapids but not fit for all floods

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Miles of hastily erected barriers were remarkably effective in preventing the surging Cedar River from pouring into Cedar Rapids, Iowa’s second-largest city, but officials said the sand-filled containers wouldn’t work in every flooding situation. Officials spent roughly $5 million to create a nearly 10-mile line of Hesco barriers along the river


Authorities: School shooter killed father before rampage

TOWNVILLE, S.C. — A teenager killed his father at their home Wednesday before going to a nearby elementary school and opening fire with a handgun, wounding two students and a teacher, authorities said. The teen was apprehended within minutes of the school shooting in this rural town about 110 miles northeast of Atlanta. One of


Report: Kansas government has 2 days’ worth of cash reserves

TOPEKA, Kan. — A recent study says the Kansas government could run on its cash reserves for only two days. The Wichita Eagle (http://bit.ly/2dtG3l6 ) reports that Pew Charitable Trusts analyzed cash reserves for all states at the end of the most recent fiscal years and estimated how long state government could continue to function


Fatal bus crash: No North Carolina charges against church

RALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina authorities said Wednesday they won’t file criminal charges against the South Carolina church that owned a bus that crashed, killing four people. The state Highway Patrol said the driver of the bus lost control when a tire blew Sept. 17, causing the bus to hit the median guardrail and strike


Prosecutors: Suspect in kidnapping case to change plea

SAN FRANCISCO — A disbarred Harvard University-trained attorney was set to plead guilty in a kidnapping case in California that police initially dismissed as a hoax, the U.S. Attorney’s office said Wednesday. Matthew Muller was expected to enter a new plea on Thursday, said Lauren Horwood, a spokeswoman for the office in Sacramento. She did


Apple partners with Deloitte in pitch to business

CUPERTINO, Calif. — Apple is extending its push into selling business technology by forging a partnership with the Deloitte consulting firm to advise companies on using iPhones, iPads and Apple software in the workplace. While Apple primarily sells to the consumer market, it’s confronting a global slowdown in consumer demand for smartphones and tablets. That’s


The Latest: Mayor concerned man shot by police in 1 minute

EL CAJON, Calif. — The Latest on the fatal shooting of a black man by police in a San Diego suburb (all times local): 4 p.m. The mayor of a California city says two officers who answered the call about a mentally unstable person that led to the shooting of an unarmed black man had


Study may give new respect to our Milky Way neighborhood

NEW YORK — Our corner of the Milky Way galaxy may be a bigger deal than scientists thought. The galaxy is shaped like a disk, with four major arms of stars, dust and gas spiraling out from the center. Our solar system lies at the edge of what’s called the Local Arm, which resembles a


Banned Rose appeals to Hall of Fame for eligibility

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Pete Rose is appealing directly to baseball’s Hall of Fame to restore his eligibility, arguing the lifetime ban he agreed to in 1989 was never intended to keep him out of Cooperstown. A seven-page letter to Hall president Jeff Idelson on Tuesday makes the case that the settlement agreement reached by Rose


Des Moines County Democratic Party proposes wage increase

DES MOINES, Iowa — The Des Moines County Democratic Party has proposed a $12 hourly minimum wage. The Hawk Eye (http://bit.ly/2cCmgiQ ) reports that the party presented the proposal to the county board of supervisors on Tuesday. Iowa sets its minimum wage at the federal minimum of $7.25 per hour. County Democratic Party chairwoman Sandy


COLLEGE PICKS: Separation Saturday with 3 top-10 games

October brings separation to college football as the playoff contenders start to emerge — especially this week. This weekend for the first time in 14 years, there are three games matching teams ranked in the top 10 of The Associated Press college football poll. It will be the ninth time in the history of the


Fact sheet: 2016 Cadillac CT6

2016 Cadillac CT6 Platinum AWD BASE PRICE: $53,495 for base model with a four-cylinder engine and rear-wheel drive; $55,495 for base model with non-turbo V6 and all-wheel drive; $58,395 for luxury model with four cylinder and RWD; $60,395 for luxury model with non-turbo V6 and AWD; $64,395 for luxury model with non-turbo V6 and AWD;


Rose, Stenson will be valuable players for young Europe team

CHASKA, Minn. — With half of the roster filled with Ryder Cup rookies, the value of the European veterans in golf’s biennial international grudge match has only increased. Justin Rose and Henrik Stenson are just the type of tandem for the team to turn to. “We hit the ball a very similar distance, so we


Rex Ryan, ace reporter? Asks Pats’ Edelman if he’ll play QB

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. — Add another reporter to the NFL beat: Rex Ryan. Introducing himself as “Walt Patulski from The Buffalo News,” the Bills coach popped in during a conference call New England Patriots receiver Julian Edelman was holding with reporters in the team’s media room. Ryan asked Edelman directly if he was playing quarterback


For Idina Menzel, new CD is ‘a new beginning’ after tumult

NEW YORK — It’s only five letters — just her first name, unadorned. All in lowercase, with a period at the end. “Frozen” and Broadway star Idina Menzel has a new introspective album out this month after a tumultuous few years and its simple title — “idina.” — is as stripped-down as it gets. “I


Pittsburgh’s Tribune-Review to become online-only newspaper

PITTSBURGH — The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review newspaper plans to stop its print edition Nov. 30 and offer an online-only publication in a reorganization that will also require 106 layoffs, its publisher announced Wednesday. The moves mean Pittsburghers will again have only one daily print newspaper, something the Trib’s former owner, the late billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife,


SEC: Weatherford International oil firm to pay $140M fine

HOUSTON — Oilfield-services company Weatherford International PLC has agreed to pay a $140 million fine to settle government claims that it used fraudulent tax accounting to inflate its earnings. The Securities and Exchange Commission announced the settlement Tuesday with Weatherford, which is based in Switzerland and has major operations in Houston. According to a settlement


No mechanical issues in bus that crashed at Denver airport

DENVER — Police say they found no signs of mechanical issues with a school bus that crashed earlier this month at Denver International Airport, killing the driver and injuring 18 others. The Denver Post reports (http://dpo.st/2cBFPmd ) the investigation is still ongoing because an autopsy report of the driver is pending. Police spokesman Doug Schepman


US extradites Rwandan academic to face genocide charges

KIGALI, Rwanda — A Rwandan academic who is accused of participating in the 1994 genocide arrived in the country on Wednesday following his extradition from the United States. Leopold Munyakazi, 65, was handed over to Rwandan police by U.S. officials at Kigali International Airport. Richard Muhumuza, Rwanda’s prosecutor-general, said the suspect is considered one of


Things to know about California soda tax measures

SAN FRANCISCO — A soda tax is on the Nov. 8 ballots of three San Francisco Bay Area cities as part of a national movement by advocates to curb consumption of liquid sugar. Here’s a closer look at the proposals: WHAT WILL BE TAXED? All three measures levy a penny-per-ounce tax on distributors of beverages


Study: As a species, humans inherit murderous tendencies

WASHINGTON — Evolution and genetics seem to have baked a certain amount of murder into humans as a species, but civilization has tamed some of the savage beast in us, according to a new study. Scientists calculated the rate at which more than 1,000 mammal species kill their own kind, and noticed how closely related


With offense flailing, Illinois coaches want more from Lunt

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Before the season started, Illinois coach Lovie Smith said he saw all he needed to know about his new quarterback, Wes Lunt, when he watched game film from last year’s comeback win over Nebraska. Lunt led the Illini to two fourth quarter touchdowns and a 14-13 upset, one of the team’s two


Jennifer Lopez is back in judge’s chair for dance show

LOS ANGELES — Jennifer Lopez is stepping in front of the camera for NBC’s new “World of Dance” competition series. The network said Wednesday that Lopez will be a judge, a role she had on “American Idol.” She was previously announced as an executive producer for “World of Dance.” The 10-episode series will challenge contestants


US soda-tax battle bubbles up in San Francisco Bay Area

SAN FRANCISCO — The national fight over sugary soda is bubbling up in the San Francisco Bay Area, where voters in November will consider a tax on the drinks that many health experts say contribute to diabetes, obesity and tooth decay. Backers of the campaign say a penny-per-ounce tax is needed in San Francisco, Oakland


Nigeria trying to muzzle dissenting voices, Amnesty says

LAGOS, Nigeria — Amnesty International says Nigeria is trying to muzzle dissent by arresting and intimidating journalists and protesters. The London-based rights group cites examples of police blocking peaceful protests. Those protests include activists demanding the government rescue more than 200 kidnapped Chibok schoolgirls, Shiite Muslims demanding the release of their long-detained leader and separatists

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Экология в России и мире

В МЧС предупредили об аномальной жаре в Москве в ближайшие дни

Путин в России и мире

Власти Зимбабве поблагодарили Москву за помощь в период засухи

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск приостановил действие ДОВСЕ

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Адвокатам Навального продлили арест

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




KP: муж изменял Алсу последние 10 лет


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