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Новости за 28.09.2016


Hope Solo has shoulder replacement surgery

Suspended U.S. national team goalkeeper Hope Solo says she has had shoulder replacement surgery. Solo posted post-surgery photos of herself on her social media accounts Wednesday. She had the procedure at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle on Monday. On the posts, she said he had been dealing with a right shoulder injury


Bills’ Ryan trolls as Patriots explore quarterback options

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — The Patriots welcome back Tom Brady from his “Deflategate” suspension in less than a week. In the meantime, they have just a few days left to get Jimmy Garoppolo’s shoulder, Jacoby Brissett’s thumb, or emergency quarterback Julian Edelman ready to play against the Buffalo Bills on Sunday. It’s the question of the


Non-nuclear states advance push for UN treaty to ban nukes

GENEVA — Despite arm-twisting and vocal opposition from nuclear powers like the United States, six non-nuclear countries urged the U.N. General Assembly Wednesday to work toward a “legally-binding” accord to ban nuclear weapons in hopes of ridding them from the planet altogether one day. The countries — Austria, Brazil, Ireland, Mexico, Nigeria and South Africa


Tucker in can’t-miss mode as kicker for unbeaten Ravens

OWINGS MILLS, Md. — Justin Tucker has a knack for putting the exclamation point on drives that come up short of the goal line. Tucker has kicked nine field goals this season for the Baltimore Ravens, who are unbeaten after three games primarily because of his unfailing accuracy — especially with the outcome hanging in


Kansas to drop some proposed changes to state worker rules

TOPEKA, Kan. — Gov. Sam Brownback’s administration says it intends to withdraw a proposed regulation limiting the amount of sick leave state workers could donate to peers and a rule reducing the opportunity to appeal annual employee evaluation ratings. Officials say the decision was made based on feedback. But the Topeka Capital-Journal (http://bit.ly/2cBHsQT ) reports


Russian military says it’s ready to talk to US about Aleppo

MOSCOW — The Russian military said Wednesday it’s ready to resume contacts with its U.S. counterparts over the situation in Syria, even as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry threatened to cut all cooperation with Moscow on Syria unless an onslaught on Aleppo ends. Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir of the military’s General Staff said Wednesday


Arabs greet Peres death with silence and animosity

JERUSALEM — Israel’s Shimon Peres was widely admired around the world as a peacemaker and visionary, but the view in the Arab world was more complex: Memories linger of another Peres, who built up Israel’s military might, waged war in Lebanon and promoted policies seen as harmful to the Palestinians. In a reflection of this


The Latest: Friend: Starbucks victim was naturalized citizen

LAS VEGAS — The Latest on a weekend shooting at a Starbucks in Las Vegas that left one man dead (all times local): 1:45 p.m. The man killed in a shooting at a Starbucks coffee shop in Las Vegas was a naturalized U.S. citizen from Tblisi, Georgia, where he served in the military and learned


Twin pandas to say bye-bye to Atlanta as they head to China

ATLANTA — Panda twins born three years ago at Atlanta’s zoo are set to leave for China later this year. Zoo Atlanta says Mei Lun and Mei Huan are expected to leave for the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in November. The zoo says the pair were the first surviving giant panda twins


Humbled SEC teams look to keep division title hopes alive

Teams throughout the Southeastern Conference that have been pummeled can take some solace in knowing that one humbling loss does not end hopes of winning the division. It’s also a cautionary fact for the division front-runners looking to keep momentum going. Whatever side of the ledger a team is on this week, several games present


Vikings DE Everson Griffen wins NFC Player of the Week award

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. — Minnesota Vikings defensive end Everson Griffen has won the NFC Defensive Player of the Week award, coming off his performance at Carolina with a career-high-tying three sacks plus nine hurries of Panthers quarterback Cam Newton. Griffen is tied for second in the NFL with four sacks. The seventh-year veteran has 44


Sandwich chain Cosi files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

NEW YORK — Cosi, the restaurant chain known for its flatbread sandwiches, said it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Wednesday and is seeking to sell itself to its lenders. The company has closed 29 stores, but said the remaining 76 Cosi restaurants located around the country will remain open as it goes through the


Germany: Woman and child held captive in Syria freed

BERLIN — Germany’s Foreign Ministry says a woman who was kidnapped in Syria while she was pregnant and the baby she gave birth to in captivity have been set free. The ministry said in a statement the mother and child are in good condition and safely under the care of consular officials in Turkey following


Chiefs have been shaky against run heading into Pittsburgh

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Kansas City Chiefs have been a bit shaky against the run through three weeks, though in fairness much of that can be traced to a who’s-who of running backs that they’ve had to track down. Melvin Gordon. Lamar Miller. Matt Forte. Still, that puts the Chiefs uncharacteristlly in the bottom


He does it all: Justise Winslow looking for more with Heat

PARADISE ISLAND, Bahamas — Justise Winslow’s position with the Miami Heat has finally been clarified. He’s their small forward. That is, unless he’s playing power forward. Or shooting guard. Or defending the opposition’s point guard. Or playing at center, as he did at times out of necessity in last season’s Eastern Conference semifinal series against


VW chief: Working on settlement with US for emissions fraud

PARIS — Volkswagen CEO Matthias Mueller says the company is cooperating with U.S. authorities and hopes to reach a settlement on a fine with the Justice Department for equipping diesel vehicles to cheat on emissions tests. Mueller said the company admits it “made a big mistake” and that “we have worked on a very cooperative


The Latest: Boy in critical condition after school shooting

TOWNVILLE, S.C. — The Latest on the shooting at an elementary school in South Carolina that left two students and a teacher wounded (all times local): 8:30 p.m. A Greenville hospital has identified the student in critical condition after a teen opened fire at a South Carolina elementary school playground. Spokeswoman Sandy Dees says Jacob


Why the US economy isn’t quite the weakling Trump says it is

WASHINGTON — The United States isn’t exactly the economic doormat Donald Trump decries in his campaign rhetoric. “Our country is in deep trouble,” Trump said in Monday night’s debate with Hillary Clinton. “We are in a competition with the world, and I want America to win,” he said in a speech last month. “We don’t


Court: Judge can’t impose insanity defense against will

TRENTON, N.J. — New Jersey’s highest court has ruled that people found mentally competent to stand trial can’t be forced to plead insanity against their will. The unanimous state Supreme Court ruling issued Wednesday overturned the 2009 acquittal of June Gorthy, who was accused of stalking a therapist. The judge imposed the plea against the


California school examines how 2 disabled kids given bleach

FRESNO, Calif. — School officials in the central California city of Fresno say they’re investigating how two special-education children were given a bleach solution through their feeding tubes. The Fresno Bee newspaper reported Tuesday that the two children were hospitalized in stable condition after last week’s incident (http://bit.ly/2d6Vbpn ). A school district email sent Sept.


Former Iowa star QB Randy Duncan dies at 79

DES MOINES, Iowa — Former Iowa All-American quarterback Randy Duncan has died after a lengthy fight with cancer. He was 79. Greg Brown, who along with Duncan started the Duncan, Green, Brown and Langeness law firm in 1992, confirmed to The Associated Press that Duncan died Tuesday night in Des Moines. Duncan was perhaps the


Wyoming’s 1st major coal mine in decades clears council

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — A state environmental review board voted Wednesday to allow Wyoming’s first major coal mine in decades to proceed despite the objections of another coal company. Amid competition from natural gas and tougher environmental regulations, coal mines tend to be cutting back production or even shutting down — not opening anew. Kentucky-based Ramaco’s


Driver defaces Death Valley landmark with tire tracks

DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL PARK, Calif. — Federal investigators have identified a person of interest as they hunt a driver who took an illegal joyride on a fragile, dry lake bed in Death Valley National Park, leaving 10 miles of swerving tire tracks. The damage was done about six weeks ago. Park spokeswoman Linda Slater said


Report: West Virginia chemical spill could have been avoided

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A 2014 chemical spill into the water supply of 300,000 West Virginians could have been avoided if a company inspected its storage tanks and saw two tiny holes forming at the bottom of one, federal investigators said Wednesday. Almost three years after the spill, the U.S. Chemical Safety Board released a draft


There’s no ‘D’ in ACC, fast-paced offenses dominating league

The continuing evolution of spread and no-huddle offenses in college football is changing the way some coaches measure defensive success. That’s a good thing for the ACC. Already this season, there have been eight games involving at least one Atlantic Coast Conference team in which the winning team gave up at least 30 points. Pittsburgh

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Экология в России и мире

Акция «Чистый лес» прошла на территории округа Балашиха

Путин в России и мире

Путин встретился с главой Ингушетии Калиматовым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск приостановил участие в договоре о вооруженных силах в Европе

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Белый дом признал причастность к выработке «формулы мира» Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Мама Тимати ответила хейтерам, которые раскритиковали дебютное выступление ее 4-летнего внука в музыкальной школе: «Вас не научили видеть прекрасное в…


Ультрафиолетовый индекс: как правильно защищать кожу летом

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