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Новости за 25.08.2016


AP Explains: Behind the trial to remove Brazil’s president

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil’s Senate on Thursday began a trial to decide whether to permanently remove President Dilma Rousseff from office. While the formal accusations against Rousseff are related to her management of the federal budget, the leadership fight involves much more. The Associated Press explains how we got to this point and how


Group says Burundians don’t want presidential term limits

BUJUMBURA, Burundi — The majority of Burundians want presidential term limits removed from the country’s constitution, a government-backed commission in Burundi has announced, despite last year’s deadly uproar over the president’s stay in power. The Inter-Burundi Dialogue Commission was set up last year by President Pierre Nkurunziza to find a lasting political solution to the


Portugal asks Baghdad to lift immunity for ambassador’s sons

LISBON, Portugal — Portugal’s foreign ministry asked Baghdad on Thursday to lift the diplomatic immunity of the Iraqi ambassador’s teenage sons who are suspected of attempted homicide. The foreign ministry said in a statement it conveyed the request to the Iraqi charge d’affaires in Lisbon. The Portuguese attorney-general’s office said in a statement late Wednesday


UN ‘ready’: Russia backs 3-point aid plan for Syria’s Aleppo

GENEVA — U.N. officials said Thursday they received word from Russia that it supports a 48-hour pause in fighting in and around Syria’s largest city so that humanitarian aid can be delivered to its increasingly embattled population. Jan Egeland, who heads up humanitarian aid in the office of the U.N. Syria envoy, said “We are


North Carolina man pleads not guilty to terror charges

ASHEVILLE, N.C. — A North Carolina man charged with plotting an Islamic State-inspired attack has pleaded not guilty. Justin Nojan Sullivan was arraigned Wednesday in federal court on charges including attempting to provide material support to terrorists. Authorities say they arrested him last year before he had the chance to carry out a shooting attack


Biden warns Europe against Russian energy reliance

HELSINKI — U.S. Vice President Joe Biden says a new natural gas pipeline planned to stretch from Russia to Germany “looks like a fairly bad deal” for Europe because it increases its energy dependency on Moscow. Biden says that to lock Europe “into greater reliance on Russia … will fundamentally destabilize Ukraine,” but stressed that


Pick Six: Strong, Sumlin entering 2016 on coaching hot seat

To consider Les Miles on the dreaded hot seat at LSU entering this season suggests a lot about job security among college football coaches these days — especially those in the Southeastern Conference. In 11 seasons as Tigers coach, Miles has 112 wins. Only one LSU coach has more and Charlie McClendon’s 137 victories came


Average US 30-year mortgage rate unchanged at 3.43 percent

WASHINGTON — Long-term U.S. mortgage rates didn’t budge this week, remaining at historically low levels that continue to lure prospective home buyers. Mortgage giant Freddie Mac said Thursday that the average for the benchmark 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 3.43 percent, unchanged from last week. The average rate is down from 3.84 percent a year ago,


University of Vermont axes North Carolina game over LGBT law

BURLINGTON, Vt. — The University of Vermont has canceled its women’s basketball team’s upcoming game in North Carolina over a state law that governs transgender bathroom access. The Burlington Free Press (http://bfpne.ws/2bPSPGg ) reports that the Catamounts at UVM were scheduled to face the Tar Heels at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Hurricane Gaston weakens to tropical storm in the Atlantic

MIAMI — Hurricane Gaston has weakened to a tropical storm in the Atlantic. The U.S. National Hurricane Center says the storm’s maximum sustained winds Thursday are near 70 mph (110 kph) with a turn toward the west-northwest and a decrease in forward speed expected on Saturday. The hurricane is centered about 1,160 miles (1,865 kilometers)


Woman drives through store after refused gift card purchases

SPRINGFIELD, Ore. — Employees of an Oregon grocery store are cleaning up after a police say a woman drove her SUV into the store and down the aisles. Springfield police say a 43-year-old Glenwood woman tried to purchase $2,200 of gift cards and became upset when her check bounced and Safeway employees would not complete


Spain revises Q2 growth estimate upward to 0.8 percent

MADRID — Officials have revised Spain’s quarterly economic growth figure for the April-June period upward, from 0.7 percent to 0.8 percent, welcome news for a country in its eighth month without a fully functioning government. The National Statistics Office said Thursday the growth figure for the past year remained at 3.2 percent. Spain emerged from


Russia calls snap military drills, raising concern in Poland

MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced snap military drills on land and in the Black and Caspian Sea, the defense ministry said on Thursday. The drills began at 7:00 a.m. (0400 GMT) Moscow time in Russia’s southern, western and central military districts where troops have been put on combat alert, the ministry said


Woman stabbed, bit husband for drinking her beer, police say

UNIONTOWN, Pa. — Police say a Pennsylvania woman stabbed her husband with scissors because he drank one of her beers while she slept. Forty-five-year-old Tracey Lee Giffin faces charges including aggravated assault. Police say the Uniontown couple had been drinking Sunday evening. They say Giffin went to bed but woke up to discover her husband


70 Confederate flags stolen from Georgia cemetery

BRUNSWICK, Ga. — Police near Georgia’s coast are investigating the thefts of 70 Confederate flags from the graves of soldiers who fought in the American Civil War. The Florida Times-Union reports that the stolen flags were small replicas of the third official flag of the Confederate States of America, which includes a red bar and


The Latest: Central Idaho wildfire expands in remote area

YREKA, Calif. — The Latest on wildfires burning in the West (all times local): 3:20 p.m. A 160-square-mile wildfire in central Idaho is continuing to grow to the northwest but fire managers say progress has been made with control lines on the west and northwest perimeters. About 1,800 firefighters are fighting the blaze Thursday that’s


The Latest: Yellowstone fires less active, events go on

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. — The Latest on wildfires burning in the West (all times local): 9:30 a.m. The South Entrance to Yellowstone National Park is expected to remain closed into this weekend because of a fire burning in neighboring Grand Teton National Park. However, cooler, damper weather has moderated fires burning in Yellowstone, and


The Latest: Kerry praises Colombia peace deal

BOGOTA, Colombia — The Latest on Colombia’s peace deal (all times local): 9:40 a.m. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is praising the new peace agreement between Colombia’s government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. He’s issued a statement saying, “The United States strongly supports this accord that can achieve a just and lasting


Stocks waver between small gains and losses in midday trade

NEW YORK — Stocks are wavering between gains and losses in midday trading Thursday as investors sift through a handful of earnings reports. Drug company Mylan rose, but Signet Jewelers and Dollar General fell after the retailers reported quarterly results that disappointed investors. KEEPING SCORE: The Dow Jones industrial average slipped 29 points, or 0.2


4-year-old girl dropped off at wrong bus stop all alone

SUITLAND, Md. — A 4-year-old girl in Prince George’s County was dropped off at the wrong bus stop all alone after her first day of school. Local news outlets report that the child was mistakenly dropped off nearly a mile away from her assigned stop Tuesday afternoon. Christal Lawson says she was waiting to pick


Virginia boy drowns while vacationing in Florida with family

DESTIN, Fla. — Officials say a 14-year-old Virginia boy drowned while vacationing with his family in the Florida Panhandle. Okaloosa County Sheriff’s spokesman Capt. Ted Pecot told the Northwest Florida Daily News (http://bit.ly/2bRSZ0F ) Joquis Levano of Centreville, Virginia, died Wednesday afternoon off Norriego Point in Destin. The sheriff’s office received a 911 call about


Some 30 demonstrators in London protest French burkini ban

LONDON — Some 30 demonstrators have gathered in London to protest local French bans of the body-covering burkini swimsuit. The protesters threw a ‘wear what you want’ beach party outside the French Embassy to make the point that it was unjust to tell women what to wear. The demonstrations came a day after images on


Markets Right Now: Stocks waver in late morning trade

NEW YORK — The latest on developments in global financial markets (all times local): 11:45 a.m. U.S. stock indexes are wavering between small gains and losses as a late summer lull on Wall Street continues. Several companies fell sharply in midday trading Thursday after reporting disappointing results. Dollar General dropped 14 percent after its earnings


Kerry in Saudi Arabia for talks on Yemen, Syria conflicts

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Saudi King Salman in the Red Sea city of Jiddah on Thursday ahead of wider talks mostly focusing on Yemen’s 18-month-long war and the conflict in Syria. The flurry of meetings come as U.N.-mediated peace talks to bring an end to the war


Nuns, priest and past quake survivor escape death in Italy

AMATRICE, Italy — Among the survivors of the earthquake that devastated central Italy on Wednesday were nuns, at least one priest and people who lived through previous quakes. Some saw their houses collapse into debris and dust, while the homes of others are still standing but deemed unsafe. Here’s a look at some survivors, how

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Экология в России и мире

Электромобиль Xiaomi SU7 начали продавать в России

Путин в России и мире

Создать комфортные условия для исследований и обучения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Белый дом признал причастность к выработке «формулы мира» Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Раз нет протестов, будут санкции: как навальнисты и команда Ходорковского меняют стратегию борьбы с Россией

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт

Шуфутинский – по 8000, Моцарт – 800. Какие звезды и почем выступят в Ульяновске в июне


АРМЕНИЯ. Названа сумма долга российского Первого канала – он отключен в Армении

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