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Новости за 22.08.2016


Carolina League expands by 2, California League contracts 2

GREENSBORO, N.C. — The Single-A Carolina League is expanding by two teams in 2017 while two teams in the California League will be contracted. Minor League Baseball President Pat O’Conner said Monday that the Bakersfield Blaze and the High Desert Mavericks will cease operations after the season, with Kinston, North Carolina, and another undetermined city


Gonzalez hits 3 of Dodgers’ 7 homers for 18-9 win over Reds

CINCINNATI — Adrian Gonzalez got the most pleasure out of watching his teammates circle the bases. Nobody made as many trips as he did. Gonzalez hit three of the Dodgers’ seven homers — driving in a career-high eight runs — and rookie Corey Seager had a noteworthy homer as well on Monday, leading Los Angeles


Medivation and Syngenta climb; Viacom, Marathon Oil fall

NEW YORK — Stocks that moved substantially or traded heavily on Monday: Medivation Inc., up $13.26 to $80.42 The cancer drugmaker agreed to be bought by Pfizer for $13.5 billion, or $81.50 a share. Marathon Oil Corp., down $1.16 to $15.64 The oil company said its chief financial officer is resigning and announced several other


Flash flood traps11 in huge bat cave in west Romania

BUCHAREST, Romania — Flash floods trapped 11 people, including four French citizens Monday in a huge bat cave in western Romania. Two were later rescued and authorities said there was no danger to the remaining nine. A spokeswoman for the local emergency services, Alina Marescu, told The Associated Press that most of those stranded in


Last resident of historic Chinese shrimping village dies

CHINA CAMP STATE PARK, Calif. — The last remaining resident of a shrimping village established by Chinese immigrants on the northern shore of San Francisco Bay has died. The Marin Independent Journal reports (http://bayareane.ws/2bqCCsV) Frank Quan died of natural causes on August 15. He would have been 91 this week. Quan was born in and


University of Missouri projects drop in freshman enrollment

COLUMBIA, Mo. — Officials at the University of Missouri say their newest freshmen class likely is the smallest in 10 years. Preliminary numbers from the school show that there are 4,799 freshmen this year, about 1,400 fewer than last year. About 2,600 fewer students overall are expected to attend classes at the university this fall


Man kicked out of bar bites off bartender’s finger in fight

SAN FRANCISCO — Police are searching for a man who bit off a bartender’s finger after being kicked out of a San Francisco bar at closing time. Officer Carlos Manfredi said Monday that the suspect had been drinking at the bar in the Marina District on July 17 and tried to go back inside after


How the Dow Jones industrial average fared on Monday

NEW YORK — Stocks closed slightly lower in quiet trading Monday after drifting most of the day between gains and losses. Energy companies fell along with the price of oil while biotechnology and drug companies rose after Pfizer announced it was buying a cancer drug maker. On Monday: The Dow Jones industrial average shed 23.15


Kobe Bryant starts $100 million investment fund

NEW YORK — Retired NBA star Kobe Bryant is moving to Wall Street, announcing the formation of a $100 million venture capital fund to invest in media, technology and data companies. The fund, known as Bryant Stibel, is being co-managed by investor Jeff Stibel. The two met through mutual friends, Stibel said. Bryant Stibel has


Kansas seeking federal wine label designation

TOPEKA, Kan. — This season’s grapes from Kansas vineyards will soon be pressed, fermented and aged, but the bottles they’ll be poured into won’t have a key designation on the label that other wines in the country boast. Wine producing regions are granted a government designation known as an American Viticultural Area designation, The Lawrence


Chris Laviano named as Rutgers’ starting quarterback

PISCATAWAY, N.J. — Chris Laviano will be the starting quarterback for Rutgers. First-year coach Chris Ash announced the decision on Monday, less than two weeks before the season opener at Washington. Laviano started 11 games last season in Kyle Flood’s final year as coach. He edged TCU transfer Zach Allen, fellow redshirt junior Hayden Rettig


Neymar heading back to Barcelona after World Cup qualifiers

BARCELONA, Spain — Barcelona says that Neymar won’t rejoin the team until after he plays in Brazil’s upcoming World Cup qualifiers. That means that Neymar will miss Sunday’s Spanish league match at Athletic Bilbao. Brazil plays Ecuador in Quito on Sept. 1 and five days later it hosts Colombia in Manaus. On Saturday, Neymar scored


Tokyo prepares for 2020, facing rising costs and new sports

RIO DE JANEIRO — Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike is preparing for a strenuous workout with the next Summer Olympics headed her way. The practice started when she received the Olympic flag Sunday in the official handover ceremony from her Rio counterpart, Mayor Eduardo Paes. “I hope the flag is not too heavy,” she joked the


Lighter Elam ready for responsibility as starting nose guard

LEXINGTON, Ky. — Kentucky nose guard Matt Elam has grasped the heavy expectations that come with being a highly-touted prospect. Heavy was also the word often linked with the 6-foot-7, 360-pound junior during his first two seasons with the Wildcats. Though 15 pounds lighter than his freshman season, his size has been a topic for


Daily fantasy sports cleared to resume in New York state

ALBANY, N.Y. — DraftKings, FanDuel and three other daily fantasy sports operators were cleared to resume business in New York on Monday, just in time for the approaching NFL season and Major League Baseball playoffs. The state’s Gaming Commission granted temporary permits to five companies that run the popular online games following passage of a


Think you know the Rio Olympics? Here’s a quiz to find out

RIO DE JANEIRO — Michael Phelps was predictably excellent, and Usain Bolt was amazing as expected. Ryan Lochte found himself swimming in hot water, and Brazil won the one gold it had to win. But just how well do you know the Rio Olympics? Here’s a quiz to find out: ____ What did Ryan Lochte


Trevor Siemian to start Broncos’ third preseason game

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — Coach Gary Kubiak named Trevor Siemian the starter for the Broncos’ third preseason game over Mark Sanchez and said he will decide next week who will be under center against Carolina for the season opener on Sept. 8. “It’s down to the nitty gritty here,” Kubiak said. “I don’t have to but


Firefighter will get back dog after it escaped, got adopted

VANCOUVER, Wash. — A firefighter who left his dog with friends as he battled wildfires in Washington state will get back his dog weeks after the animal ran away and got adopted by another family. The Humane Society for Southwest Washington says the family decided over the weekend to return Hunter the dog to William


Dolphins RB Isaiah Pead shining at unsettled position

DAVIE, Fla. — Isaiah Pead is the Miami Dolphins’ leading rusher this preseason, and there are other ways to measure his rising stock as he challenges for a roster spot and perhaps even a spot in the running back rotation. Early this year Pead was out of the NFL, living with his mom and distressed


Uber expands Spanish-speaking service to New Mexico

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Uber on Monday extended its option for customers to request a Spanish-speaking driver to New Mexico — the nation’s most Hispanic state by percentage of population. The ride-hailing company said the launch of uberESPAÑOL would help expand service and help Spanish-speaking residents and tourists move more freely in the state. This new


UN warns Aleppo risks ‘catastrophe,’ urges 48-hour truce

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. humanitarian chief on Monday urged all combatants in Aleppo to agree to a 48-hour pause to allow delivery of desperately needed aid, warning that otherwise the world risks seeing a “humanitarian catastrophe unparalleled in the over five years of bloodshed” in Syria. Stephen O’Brien said Aleppo is being bombed every


Pakistani protesters attack TV stations, 1 killed

KARACHI, Pakistan — Pakistani protesters attacked TV stations and clashed with police in the southern city of Karachi on Monday, leaving one person dead and eight others wounded, including three media workers, officials said. Supporters of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, known as the MQM, accuse the media of failing to cover a six-day hunger strike


Teen who fathered teacher’s baby gets $6 million from school

REDLANDS, Calif. — A former student who fathered a child with his onetime teacher will receive a $6 million settlement from a California school district. Vince Finaldi, an attorney for the former Redlands high school student, announced the deal Friday. Lawyers for the former student had sued, alleging that Redlands Unified School officials knew of


Work underway to clear cars after Texas train derailment

ROANOKE, Texas — Officials say most of the cars have been cleared after a train hauling coal derailed in rural North Texas. Union Pacific spokesman Jeff DeGraff said Monday afternoon that 22 of the 26 derailed cars were cleared and all were expected to be shortly. During Sunday’s derailment, some cars fell into a creek


Kansas officials working to change state layoff policy

TOPEKA, Kan. — Gov. Sam Brownback’s administration is working to overhaul the state’s protocol for employee layoffs and rehiring. The administration is making adjustments that would restrict worker options for appealing regular job performance ratings and impose a cap on how much sick leave new retirees may donate to colleagues who are ill, the Topeka

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Экология в России и мире

Климатический апокалипсис? В Москве снег, в Сочи полярные сияния из-за сильнейших магнитных бурь

Путин в России и мире

Снайперов из охраны Путина заметили с зарубежными винтовками

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Святая миссия русского солдата

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Изумрудные луга, замок как у принцессы Рапунцель: сказочный отпуск Саймоловой и Джигана в Нормандии


«Спартак» выиграл у «Краснодара», «Зенит» уступил ЦСКА

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