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Новости за 22.08.2016


Oklahoma State University to study Illinois River

STILLWATER, Okla. — Oklahoma State University is set to conduct a study on the impact of the number of people and boats on the popular Illinois River. The Grand River Dam Authority approved the study to be carried out by the university’s geography department last week, The Tulsa World (http://bit.ly/2bungAY ) reports. The authority’s vice


Mexican President Pena Nieto accused of plagiarism in thesis

MEXICO CITY — Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto heavily plagiarized the thesis for his law degree, according to an investigation by a local news outlet. Aristegui Noticias on Sunday published an online report based on an analysis of the embattled president’s thesis by a group of academics, which it said was then corroborated by the


Geniez wins 3rd Vuelta stage, Fernandez takes over lead

MIRADOR DE EZARO, Spain — Alexandre Geniez of France held off an attack by the title favorites on a brutal final climb to win the third stage of the Spanish Vuelta on Monday. Geniez completed the hilly 176.4-kilometer (109.6-mile) ride along the Atlantic coast finishing at the Mirador de Ezaro summit in 4 hours, 28


Crews battle blazes in California, Washington state, Wyoming

SAN SIMEON, Calif. — Growing wildfires fed by windy, dry conditions have destroyed buildings and forced evacuations in central California and eastern Washington. Crews in both states fought to contain the blazes Monday, with firefighters making headway in the Golden State while authorities tried to determine the number of homes lost in the Northwest. Here’s


In college football, the 1980s belonged to Miami

CORAL GABLES, Fla. — No one could have seen this coming. That is, except Howard Schnellenberger. Miami was the epitome of mediocre in the 1970s, spending only six weeks of that decade as a nationally ranked team. The Hurricanes’ best single-season record in those 10 years was only 6-5. They went through seven coaches in


Tugboats move into place to re-float oil rig in Scotland

LONDON — Two tugboats have moved into place to re-float an oil rig that was blown onto a remote Scottish beach in a storm. The Transocean Winner was being towed when it broke free of its tug and ran aground on the Isle of Lewis off Scotland’s west coast on Aug. 8. The salvage team’s


Carter thought he had just weeks to live during cancer fight

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Former President Jimmy Carter said Monday that he thought he had just a few weeks to live during his battle with cancer a year ago. Carter and his wife Rosalynn spoke at a news conference at a Habitat for Humanity construction project in Memphis. The 91-year-old Carter, a worldwide ambassador for the


Another off-kilter role for Aaron Paul in ‘Louis Drax’

NEW YORK — Aaron Paul isn’t a dad, yet, but he loves playing one, however flawed that dad might be. “I love working with kids. I have lots of nieces and nephews. I can’t wait to have children of my own,” he said during a recent round of interviews for “The 9th Life of Louis


Ang Lee’s ‘Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk’ to debut at NYFF

NEW YORK — Ang Lee’s 3-D, high-frame rate drama “Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk” will premiere at the New York Film Festival. Lincoln Center’s Film Society announced the selection Monday, giving a festival landing spot to one of the fall’s most distinct releases. Lee also premiered his previous film, the 3-D “Life of Pi,” at


Lightning strikes, kills man in Colorado during storm

FORT COLLINS, Colo. — Authorities say a 45-year-old man was struck by lightning and killed in Colorado. The Coloradoan newspaper reports (http://noconow.co/2b91u4W ) that Chad Trover of Arvada died Friday during a severe thunderstorm northwest of Fort Collins. Larimer County Chief Deputy Coroner Dianne Fairman says Trover was staying at a cabin in the mountainous


St. Vincent to build 4 micro-hospitals in central Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS — An Indianapolis-based health group says it plans to open four emergency micro hospitals in central Indiana. St. Vincent announced Monday it will open the hospitals in Noblesville, Avon, Plainfield and the Castleton area of Indianapolis in mid- to late 2017. CEO Jonathan Nalli says they’ll provide 24-hour emergency care for ailments such as


The Latest: Turkey not sure if wedding party bomber a child

ANKARA, Turkey — The Latest on the aftermath of the Turkey wedding party attack (all times local): 7:55 p.m. Turkish officials are backtracking on an earlier statement that the suicide bomber who attacked a wedding ceremony was a child. The prime minister says authorities are still trying to determine who carried out the attack, which


Aretha Franklin canceling performances to rest up

NEW YORK — Aretha Franklin is canceling some upcoming concerts to rest up. The 74-year-old singer said in a statement Monday that “due to doctors’ orders I will have to cancel a few concerts for the next month or so,” including an Aug. 26 show at the Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts


Iranian foreign minister starts Latin American tour in Cuba

HAVANA — Iran’s foreign minister has begun a Latin American tour in Cuba, saying the two countries are united by histories of resisting what he called U.S. atrocities. Mohammad Javad Zarif said Monday that Iran “has always shown that we can win through resistance.” He said Cuba’s communist-run government had similarly endured in the face


Fiona is holding as tropical depression in the Atlantic

MIAMI — The U.S. National Hurricane Center says Fiona is holding as a tropical depression in the Atlantic. The depression’s maximum sustained winds Monday are near 35 mph (55 kph). Little change in strength is expected during the next two days but forecasters say it could become a remnant low in the next day or


Malian extremist pleads guilty to Timbuktu rampage

THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Expressing “deep regret” for his actions, an Islamic extremist pleaded guilty Monday to orchestrating the destruction of historic mausoleums in the Malian desert city of Timbuktu. Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, wearing a dark suit and striped tie, stood and calmly told judges he was entering the guilty plea “with deep


Groups to court: Don’t make murder victim’s sex life public

CONCORD, N.H. — More than a dozen legal, law enforcement and victims’ rights organizations say a murder victim’s sexual past should remain out of the public eye. Nineteen-year-old Elizabeth “Lizzi” Marriott, of Westborough, Massachusetts, was a student at the University of New Hampshire when she was killed in 2012. Seth Mazzaglia (muh-ZAYL’-ee-uh) was convicted of


‘GMA’s’ Amy Robach says on-air racial slur ‘a mistake’

NEW YORK — “Good Morning America” co-anchor Amy Robach has apologized for saying “colored people” on Monday’s broadcast of the ABC program. Her use of the term sparked criticism on social media. “Offensive,” tweeted one viewer. Another said Robach “gets a pass this time” but vowed to ditch “GMA” for a rival morning program if


Charter denies sending mailer on drug bust at public school

BETHLEHEM, Pa. — A suburban Philadelphia charter school has denied sending out promotional mailers referencing a 2015 drug arrest at a nearby public high school. The postcard shows a stock image of a student, head in hands, and a headline saying a teenager was caught by Liberty High School officials with more than $3,000 of


Anti-abortion boss to recuse self from case at medical board

COLUMBUS, Ohio — An anti-abortion leader who heads Ohio’s medical board says he will recuse himself from voting on a complaint involving three abortion providers he has publicly criticized. Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis (gawn-ih-DAW’-kis) says his decision to sit out the pending Dayton Right to Life case came before groups representing doctors,


Duke Energy, NC agency disputing fine for coal ash pollution

RALEIGH, N.C. — The nation’s largest electric company is negotiating with North Carolina’s environment agency over a $6.6 million fine to punish Duke Energy for a big spill of liquefied coal ash. Attorneys for both sides said delaying Monday’s scheduled hearing may help resolve the disputed fine for polluting the Dan River in 2014. Duke


Court told money short for Missouri death row inmate defense

ST. LOUIS — Five legal groups are supporting a Missouri death row inmate, whose execution was halted hours before it was to be carried out in 2014, saying that he can’t receive an adequate defense with the money allocated. Three national criminal defense associations, a civil rights law firm and the American Bar Association made


Congresswoman, mayor say more resources needed to stop Zika

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. — U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine asked for more federal resources Monday to combat the spread of the Zika virus in South Florida. The mayor said “we need the federal government to step up” at a news conference Monday. President Barack Obama requested $1.9 billion in


8-year-old boy killed in Sweden hand grenade attack

HELSINKI — Swedish police say that an 8-year-old boy was killed in a hand grenade attack at an apartment in the southwestern city of Goteborg early Monday. Goteborg police spokesman Peter Adlersson says the boy, who died on the way to a hospital, was visiting a family that lived in the third floor apartment when


Group pushes for day in honor of war-reporter from Indiana

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. — A foundation honoring the legacy of war-reporting legend Ernie Pyle is working to establish a national holiday in remembrance of the Dana native. The Ernie Pyle Legacy Foundation, which is made up of Pyle’s descendants, is planning a celebration at the New Mexico Veterans’ Memorial in Albuquerque on Aug. 3, 2017,

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Экология в России и мире

Греть и поливать. Во Дворце пионеров рассказали, как защитить растения от заморозков

Путин в России и мире

Москва не собирается просить о восстановлении порушенных Токио двусторонних отношений

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Побывавший с визитом в Белоруссии Путин пригласил Лукашенко в гости

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бондаренко: отказ Байдена от поездки на саммит в Швейцарии отрезвит Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Цой

Ларисе Гузеевой – 65: как звезда «Жестокого романса» была главной оторвой Ленинграда и дружила с Виктором Цоем


МИД: РФ считает невозможным прекращение действия Конвенции ООН по Арктике

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