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Новости за 18.08.2016


Police: Teen found sleeping with gun in Boston schoolyard

BOSTON — Police have arrested an 18-year-old Massachusetts man after he was allegedly found sleeping with a loaded gun tucked under his arm in the playground area of a Boston elementary school. Rodney Cooper was arrested Tuesday morning and charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, possession of a firearm on school property and several


S. Korea holds largest artillery drills near N. Korea border

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea’s army on Thursday conducted its largest-ever artillery drills near the tense border with North Korea, but there was no immediate military response from the North. A total of 300 artillery systems deployed by dozens of military units along the border began firing shells simultaneously in multiple directions on Thursday


Dutch scale back extra security at Amsterdam airport

THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Dutch authorities say beefed-up security measures at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport are being scaled back following investigation of an unspecified threat. The country’s National Coordinator of Counterterrorism and Security says in a statement that some of the extra measures, which included military police checking cars approaching the airport to drop off passengers,


2 Indonesians make rare, daring escape from Filipino captors

MANILA, Philippines — Threatened with beheadings, two Indonesian sailors made a daring escape from Abu Sayyaf militants in the southern Philippines after almost two months of captivity. One was rescued by villagers who found him entangled in fishnets and the other picked up by Philippine troops on a village road, officials said Thursday. Their flights


Massive dam project at center of China-Myanmar talks

BEIJING — Efforts by Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi this week to bolster ties with her country’s dominant northern neighbor China may hinge on whether she can resolve the fate of a massive, Chinese-funded dam project blocked by overwhelming local opposition. Suu Kyi was welcomed by Premier Li Keqiang at a formal ceremony Thursday


UN Syria envoy pauses humanitarian task force amid fighting

GENEVA — The U.N. envoy for Syria has cut short a meeting of its humanitarian aid task force amid continued fighting that has prevented aid deliveries to besieged areas for at least a month. Staffan de Mistura said he halted the weekly meeting after only eight minutes Thursday saying there was “no sense” in having


Critics: UK plan to cut child obesity lacks muscle

LONDON — Britain unveiled a plan Thursday to battle rising child obesity by taxing sodas, urging food manufacturers to cut down on sugar and getting schoolchildren to exercise more. But health campaigners slammed the government for failing to restrict junk food advertising aimed at children. The British population is one of the fattest in Western


Germany charges 22-year-old man with joining IS in Syria

BERLIN — German prosecutors have filed terrorism charges against a 22-year-old man accused of joining the Islamic State group in Syria and appearing in propaganda videos. Federal prosecutors said Thursday that the German national, identified only as Tarik S. because of German privacy rules, was charged with membership in a foreign terrorist organization, disturbing the


Brazilians re-embrace Neymar, hope he can give them gold

RIO DE JANEIRO — Most Brazilian players were already back in the locker room when Neymar rushed across the field at Maracana Stadium to celebrate with the fans. Shirtless, Neymar raised his arms toward the stands. He pumped his fists as the crowd chanted his name. He pointed back at the fans, as if thanking


Deputies: Baby Sitter charged after infant breaks 4 bones

GAINESVILLE, Ga. — Authorities in Georgia say a woman has been taken into custody after an infant she was baby-sitting suffered four broken bones over the course of a month. Multiple news outlets report that the Hall County Sheriff’s Office says 38-year-old Robin Carter Capulin of Gillsville was arrested Wednesday and charged with second-degree cruelty


Deputy cleared in shooting of suspected child molester

OCALA, Fla. — A deputy in north Florida has been cleared of wrongdoing in the shooting of a suspected child molester. The Ocala Star-Banner (http://bit.ly/2b5b1LS) reports that state prosecutors found that the suspect, 59-year-old Joseph Napoli, fatally shot himself before the deputy shot him in the chest. The report found that Marion County Deputy Jessica


The Latest: Evacuation urged in Louisiana community

DENHAM SPRINGS, La. — The Latest on flooring in southern Louisiana (all times local): 4 a.m. Authorities in a community in southern Louisiana are calling for residents to evacuate amid rising waters there. Gueydan Fire Chief Evans Bourque says there’s an area in Vermilion Parish that’s outside the levee system and residents there are urged


Business community cashes in on influx of college students

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — College students shopping with their families at big-box stores for futons and small refrigerators will be a common sight this week. Restaurants, hotels and retailers are eager for the arrival of roughly 2,000 freshmen University of Notre Dame students who will move into dorms on Friday. Freshmen students will also move


How an auctioneer who struggled to talk became a champion

INDIANAPOLIS — Step inside an auctioneer’s world, a world of fast-talking, high-speed transactions. You rely on your voice to do the heavy lifting at the office. Step inside a successful auctioneer’s world. You sell some of the world’s rarest classic cars for Barrett-Jackson and tens of thousands of dollars in motorcycles, automobiles and even construction


Nestle sales grow in North America, slow in China

GENEVA — Swiss food and beverage giant Nestle says first-half profit dipped due to a one-time tax expense even as revenues edged up behind growth in its key North American food business and despite a slowdown in the Chinese market. The maker of Kit Kat chocolate bars, Lean Cuisine meals, Maggi noodles and Gerber baby


The Latest: Turkey asks Greece to extradite 8 military staff

ANKARA, Turkey — The latest on developments in Turkey (all times local): 11:55 a.m. Greece’s foreign ministry says it has received an official extradition request from Turkey seeking the return of eight Turkish military personnel who fled to northern Greece by helicopter after an abortive coup in Turkey. The ministry said Thursday it received the


Biden’s remark on Japan Constitution raises eyebrows

TOKYO — A recent remark by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden that America wrote Japan’s Constitution is raising some eyebrows in Japan. A popular front-page column in the national Asahi newspaper said this week that the comment “was unprecedented in its insensitivity” and “could even be considered arrogant.” Biden, appearing Monday with Democratic presidential candidate


Ex-NFL star Sharper awaits sentence in rape cases

NEW ORLEANS — Former NFL star Darren Sharper has a sentencing hearing in federal court Thursday following an earlier multi-jurisdiction plea deal related to allegations he drugged and raped as many as 16 women in four states. Sentencing was originally slated for June, but Judge Jane Triche Milazzo rejected the 9-year prison sentence prosecutors recommended


Angels lose for 12th time in 13 games, 4-3 to Mariners

ANAHEIM, Calif. — The Los Angeles Angels had their chances Wednesday night, but couldn’t get enough going against the Seattle Mariners’ power pitchers. Ketel Marte drove in the tiebreaking run with a sacrifice fly, Leonys Martin scored from second base on a bunt, and the Mariners held on for a 4-3 victory over the Angels


Chinese admiral visits Syria in show of support

BEIJING — A top Chinese military officer visited Syria this week in a show of support for President Bashar Assad’s embattled regime, official media reported Thursday, underscoring Beijing’s backing of fellow authoritarian governments and concerns about the spread of religious militancy. Rear Adm. Guan Youfei met on Sunday with Syrian Defense Minister Fahd Jassem al-Freij


Villagers: Kashmir teacher killed in Indian army’s custody

SRINAGAR, India — A young college teacher in Indian-controlled Kashmir was killed while he was in the custody of the Indian army after soldiers took dozens of people from their homes in the tense Himalayan region, residents said Thursday. The villagers said army soldiers and counterinsurgency police officers raided Khrew village late Wednesday and took


After years of war, Afghans wary to talk of mental health

KABUL, Afghanistan — Soheila Hashemi has hardly slept since a suicide bomber targeted a rally in the Afghan capital last month, killing more than 80 people and wounding scores in the deadliest attack in Kabul since the war with the Taliban began 15 years ago. She is tormented by feelings of guilt for surviving the


Merkel dismisses link between Islamic extremism, refugees

BERLIN — Chancellor Angela Merkel has dismissed suggestions that the influx of refugees over the past year has brought Islamic extremism to Germany. German news agency dpa quotes Merkel as saying that “Islamist terrorism by IS isn’t a phenomenon that came to us with the refugees, it’s one that we had before too.” Merkel was


Because of Syrian war, Lebanon’s tobacco industry is booming

BEIRUT — Syria’s conflict has caused hundreds of thousands of refugees to flee to Lebanon, putting a huge strain on the Lebanese economy and its already-crumbling infrastructure. But the five-year Syrian civil war has been a boon for at least one economic sector: the tobacco industry. At Lebanon’s main tobacco factory, located southeast of the


2 car bombs in eastern Turkey kill 6, wound at least 219

ANKARA, Turkey — Two car bombings targeted police stations in Turkey, killing at least six people and wounding 219 others, officials said Thursday. A car bombing attack on a police station in the eastern province of Van late Wednesday killed a police officer and two civilians. At least 73 other people — 53 civilians and

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Экология в России и мире

На севере Москвы жители стали дежурить по ночам из-за незаконной вырубки деревьев

Путин в России и мире

Песков: Путин выступит на Российской энергетической неделе

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск продолжит выступать за расширение взаимоуважительного и конструктивного диалога с Ереваном – Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Глава МИД Польши попытался оправдаться за свои слова про Крым

Навальный в России и мире

Польские власти арестовали четверых из восьми подозреваемых по «Невзлингейту»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



PR time

8 и 9 октября в Петербурге выступит Большой симфонический оркестр имени П.И. Чайковского


Не забудьте дома зонт и запасайтесь платочками — новый трек Димы Куликова «Под дождем» никого не оставит равнодушным!

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