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Новости за 06.08.2016


The Latest: Belgian premier says attack may be terrorism

CHARLEROI, Belgium — The Latest on the attack against two female officers in Belgium (all times local): 7:50 p.m. Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel says “preliminary indications” suggest the attack against two female officers in the city Charleroi was an act of terrorism, but that authorities are still collecting information. The prime minister has cut


Man shot dead near Maracana after Olympic opening ceremony

RIO DE JANEIRO — Spectators leaving the opening ceremony of the Olympics were confronted by the body of a man shot dead near Maracana Stadium. Eyewitnesses said early Saturday that blood poured from the body onto the road as medics tended to the man next to an ambulance. Loud multiple gun shots were heard earlier


Trial delayed for Spencer man in girl’s abduction, killing

SPENCER, Ind. — The trial of a southern Indiana man accused of abducting and killing a 1-year-old girl has been delayed. Public defender Jacob Fish requested the continuance for Kyle Parker of Spencer during a hearing Friday because of discovery issues. Owen County Prosecutor Don VanDerMoere didn’t object. Parker is charged with murder, rape and


Maine native Ben True 1st American to win Beach to Beacon

CAPE ELIZABETH, Maine — Ben True won the 19th annual TD Beach to Beacon 10K on Saturday, becoming the first American to win Maine’s biggest road race. True, who narrowly missed earning a trip to the Olympics, finished in 28 minutes, 16 seconds, to end an 18-year streak of East African winners. The previous best


Missing Ohio teen found safe in Grand Teton had changed look

MOOSE, Wyo. — Searchers located an Ohio teen who went missing in Grand Teton National Park on Saturday and tracked her down after she fled when authorities tried to rescue her. Fauna Jackson, 16, was uninjured and taken to a hospital to be checked out. The National Park Service said Jackson changed her appearance by


Schmeichel signs 5-year contract at EPL champion Leicester

LEICESTER, England — Leicester goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel has signed a new five-year contract with the Premier League champions. The 29-year-old Denmark goalkeeper says “I’ve come back (from winning the title) absolutely convinced that this is the place for me to be.” Schmeichel emulated his father — Manchester United goalkeeping great Peter Schmeichel — by lifting


New York Gov. Cuomo’s Start-Up jobs figures don’t add up

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s signature economic development program may have created fewer jobs than the state says. The Democratic governor’s administration released a report on Start-UP NY that says the program has generated 408 jobs since its 2013 launch. But a close look at the database accompanying the report puts the


Missing Ohio teen found safe in Grand Teton

MOOSE, Wyo. — The Latest on the search for an Ohio teen who went missing in Grand Teton National Park (all times local): 10:10 a.m. Searchers have found an Ohio teen who went missing in Grand Teton National Park. Fauna Jackson was uninjured and taken to a hospital to be checked out. The National Park


Camaraderie is key for volunteer headed to 6th Olympics

STATELINE, Nev. — A Lake Tahoe woman who is headed to Rio to experience her sixth Olympics went to her first Summer Games 20 years ago to watch the athletic competition but ended up getting hooked on the camaraderie and sharing of international cultures. Louise Feller was in Atlanta as a spectator in 1996 when


Nearly $620K in funding awarded to protect Narragansett Bay

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Hundreds of thousands in federal funding has been awarded to protect Narragansett Bay. Rhode Island’s congressional delegation announced that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration awarded nearly $620,000 to support the Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve’s work to preserve and restore the bay’s coastal and estuarine ecosystems. The research reserve is


Brazil rocks in women’s handball, jolting champion Norway

RIO DE JANEIRO — Host nation Brazil is off to an excellent start in women’s handball, stunning reigning Olympic and world champion Norway 31-28 Saturday in the tournament’s opening game. Ana Paula Rodrigues had 12 goals for Brazil, which was the 2013 world champion but has never won an Olympic handball medal. Brazil took the


Taliban’s new commando force tests Afghan army’s strength

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — An elite new Taliban force is proving its strength in the strategic southern province of Helmand, pointing to the insurgents’ ability to refine their battlefield techniques to match Afghanistan’s increasingly professional national army. The Taliban regard Helmand as their heartland. They share Pashtun ethnicity with its residents and the province’s vast opium


Mold-infested West Lafayette City Hall to be demolished

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Officials say West Lafayette’s mold-infested City Hall will be gone by the end of November if not sooner. West Lafayette Mayor John Dennis told the Lafayette Journal & Courier (http://on.jconline.com/2b1hOa8) that the city is going to demolish the building this year. City Hall suffered extensive water damage after its pipes froze


Bull buffalo charges horseback riders at Custer State Park

CUSTER STATE PARK, S.D. — Authorities say a mounted guide who was leading a family of four on a trail ride in Custer State Park prevented a possible disaster when she put her horse in front of a charging buffalo. Park Superintendent Matt Snyder says a large bull buffalo attacked the group of riders Friday


First gold medal in Rio goes to US shooter Virginia Thrasher

RIO DE JANEIRO — Virginia Thrasher went through a three-week spring whirlwind, winning three NCAA titles and a spot on the U.S. Olympic Shooting team. The precocious 19-year-old closed out the summer with her biggest surprise yet. Keeping her nerve on sport’s biggest stage, Thrasher on Saturday earned the first gold medal of the Rio


ConAgra salmonella case nearing end a decade after outbreak

SAVANNAH, Ga. — Nearly a decade after hundreds of Americans got sick after eating Peter Pan peanut butter tainted with salmonella, ConAgra Foods appears close to settling a federal criminal case stemming from the outbreak. After years of investigation and legal negotiations, federal prosecutors announced last year that Chicago-based ConAgra had agreed to pay $11.2


Forest fire started by lit toilet paper spreads in Spain

MADRID — Spanish authorities say that a forest fire started by a German man burning his soiled toilet paper continues to spread on La Palma in the Canary Islands. Spain’s acting minister of agriculture and the environment, Isabel Garcia Tejerina, told COPE radio that the four-day-old blaze has consumed between 3,500-4,000 hectares of forest, up


UN’s Yemen envoy announces one-month recess for peace talks

SANAA, Yemen — The U.N. envoy to Yemen announced Saturday that peace talks to end the country’s ruinous civil war would go into a one-month recess. The widely expected announcement came in a statement issued Saturday by the envoy, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed. The talks, held in Kuwait, have failed to make any tangible headway.


Latest Zimbabwe protest takes place at cricket match

BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe — Protesters in Zimbabwe have used a cricket match against New Zealand as the scene of their latest anti-government demonstration. People stood, waved the national flag and sang the national anthem Saturday during the 36th over to protest the 36 years of President Robert Mugabe’s time in power. A few people ran around


Purdue University struggles to support Indiana winery boom

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Purdue University is struggling to support winemakers as wineries increasingly pop up across the state. Purdue Wine Grape Team officials told the Lafayette Journal & Courier (http://on.jconline.com/2b0YDNo) that it has encountered decreased funds in recent years even though the number of Indiana wineries has nearly tripled in the past decade, from


In ‘Scopes monkey trial’ home, an evolution debate rages on

DAYTON, Tenn. — In 1925, two of America’s most renowned figures faced off in the southeast Tennessee town of Dayton to debate a burning issue — whether man evolved over millions of years or was created by God in his present form. Today, only one of the two, the Christian orator William Jennings Bryan, is


Pennsylvania’s first Mormon temple to open in Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA — The Mormon church is offering the general public a rare opportunity to tour its 152nd temple, a first of its kind in Pennsylvania and prominent addition to downtown Philadelphia. Public tours of the granite temple will run between Wednesday and Sept. 9 near Logan Circle, an open-space park in the city’s center, after


France returns hundreds of migrants to Italy

MILAN — France has returned some 200 migrants to Italy who plunged into the sea to cross into France, evading border controls. They were among some 300 who had moved to the rocky shoals on the Italian side of the border in recent days, in defiance of authorities who had removed migrants from the shoreline


Florida officials go into damage-control mode over Zika

TAMPA, Fla. — Thank goodness it’s the slow season in Florida. At least that’s what officials and representatives of the state’s multibillion-dollar tourism industry are thinking in the wake of the news that 15 people have been infected with Zika in a small, trendy neighborhood in Miami. The outbreak has sent another chill through the


Syrian militants launch new offensive to break Aleppo siege

BEIRUT — Syrian insurgent groups launched a fresh offensive Saturday seeking to break a government siege on rebel-held neighborhoods in the northern city of Aleppo, triggering intense clashes and airstrikes on the southern edge of the metropolis, the militants and state media said. An unnamed military official told state news agency SANA that “large numbers”

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге: «Ингушетия может стать настоящим открытием даже для опытных туристов»

Путин в России и мире

Активам прописали превентивные меры // Какое имущество США в России может быть изъято в качестве ответного шага

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Сети появились кадры встречи Путина и Лукашенко в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

"Зеленскому приготовиться". В Киеве раскрыли, что задумал Порошенко

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Фрэнк Синатра

Все же ДиКаприо? Тина Синатра не позволила Кевину Спейси сыграть ее отца в кино


28 мая 2024 года в Москве состоится «Завтрак с девелопером»

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