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Новости за 11.07.2016


Red Hot Chili Peppers autograph Metallica items after mix-up

Red Hot Chili Peppers bass player Flea says he ended up autographing some Metallica items following a mix-up at an airport in Belarus. Flea has posted a picture on his Instagram account of him signing his name to a Metallica album, a DVD and pictures of the band. He writes that the Chili Peppers tried


Massachusetts city tells public to stop enabling panhandlers

LOWELL, Mass. — A city in Massachusetts is asking residents and visitors to stop giving money to panhandlers. Lowell City Manager Kevin Murphy tells The Lowell Sun (http://bit.ly/29JchnK) “it’s better to donate to organizations that deal with these issues rather than give to panhandlers and enabling them.” The plan has been devised by a task


5-time NBA champion Tim Duncan retires after 19 seasons

Tim Duncan spent nearly two decades as the quiet storm in the middle of the San Antonio Spurs franchise, putting the team on his broad shoulders and carrying it to heights unseen in modern American sports. With Duncan as the focal point, the Spurs won five championships, made the playoffs in all 19 of his


Dartmouth professor gets 5 ½ years for child porn collection

CONCORD, N.H. — A Dartmouth College professor was sentenced Monday to 5 ½ years in prison after being caught with an extensive collection of child pornography — some of which he shared on the social media site Tumblr. J. Martin Favor, on paid leave since his September arrest, pleaded guilty in March and resigned earlier


Taylor Swift tops Forbes’ list of highest-paid celebs

LOS ANGELES — There’s no “Blank Space” in Taylor Swift’s bank account. The singer-songwriter tops Forbes’ annual list of the 100 highest-paid celebrities with $170 million. Swift is ahead of fellow chart-topping pop stars Adele at No. 9 with $80.5 million, Madonna at No. 12 with $76.5 million, Rihanna at No. 13 with $75 million


Iowa residents maintain planter that dates back to 1900s

COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa — Residents of the Lake Manawa area are working to maintain a planter that dates back to the 1900s. The flower ring once stood in front of Lake Manawa Amusement Park and Resort’s skating rink. The Daily Nonpareil (http://bit.ly/29H0Bnj ) reports that Walt Osborn, who has lived near the flower ring for


Pokemon Go smartphone game leads woman to body in river

RIVERTON, Wyo. — Authorities in central Wyoming are investigating after a woman playing the popular smartphone game Pokemon Go found a man’s body in a river. Shayla Wiggens told the Riverton Ranger newspaper (http://tinyurl.com/gop7lrr ) that she spotted the body in the Wind River near the city of Riverton on Friday while playing the new


Starbucks to increase base pay of workers in October

NEW YORK — Starbucks is boosting the base pay of all employees and store managers at U.S. company-run stores by 5 percent or more. In a letter sent to workers Monday, CEO Howard Schultz said that the amount of the raise — which will occur in October— will be determined by geographic and market factors.


British cyclists take over Tour de France during 1st week

ANDORRA LA VELLA, Andorra — Chris Froome has the yellow jersey, Mark Cavendish has won three sprint stages, and Adam Yates sits second in the overall standings. It has been a very successful start to the Tour de France for British cyclists. “It’s definitely not a fluke,” Froome said on Monday as the peloton enjoyed


‘Maya & Marty’ ends brief run with laughs plus hope for more

NEW YORK — There’s no denying: The age of TV variety that found viewers flocking week after week to the likes of “Ed Sullivan” and “Carol Burnett” is long over. But insistent reports of variety’s death have been exaggerated. The latest evidence: “Maya & Marty” . Starring Maya Rudolph and Martin Short, this NBC music-and-comedy


Markets Right Now: S&P 500 on track for record high close

NEW YORK — The latest on developments in global financial markets (all times local): 11:45 a.m. Stocks are moving higher on Wall Street, putting the S&P 500 index on track for a record high close. Technology and industrial companies rose the most in midday trading Monday, while traditional safe-play stocks like utilities and phone companies


Ailing alligator gets CPR at Ohio zoo but dies later anyway

POWELL, Ohio — An animal care team administered CPR to an ailing alligator in front of onlookers at an Ohio zoo, but it wasn’t enough to save its life. WBNS-TV (http://bit.ly/29ss0Gq ) reports that officials at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium say the male alligator had been under veterinary care for weeks because of a


Can Kershaw win the MVP award for the second time?

It’s rare for a pitcher to win an MVP award. For the same pitcher to win it twice is almost unheard of. If the season ended now, Clayton Kershaw of the Los Angeles Dodgers would have a good chance to do just that. With an 11-2 record and a 1.79 ERA, the left-hander is putting


Polish leader recalls 1943 slaughter of Poles by Ukrainians

WARSAW, Poland — The leader of Poland’s ruling conservative party on Monday commemorated a massacre of Poles by Ukrainians during World War II, describing it as genocide. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, head of the Law and Justice party, laid flowers at a monument in Warsaw to the victims of the Volyn massacre on the 73th anniversary of


Fendrich on Tennis: Murray wins by not being afraid to lose

LONDON — The key to winning for Andy Murray might have been realizing that he could live with losing. Way back when, at Wimbledon in 2012, he became only the second man in tennis history to come up short in the first four Grand Slam finals of his career (the other was Murray’s coach, Ivan


Burberry names Gobbetti as new CEO to replace Bailey

LONDON — Burberry PLC has replaced Christopher Bailey as its CEO, ending the two year experiment of having him both lead the company and serve as its chief creative officer. The luxury fashion house has named Marco Gobbetti, CEO of French luxury brand Celine, as its new chief executive. Bailey will stay on as chief


Rights group says Saudi-led coalition damaged Yemen economy

SANAA, Yemen — The Saudi-led coalition targeting Yemen’s Shiite rebels has caused extensive damage to the impoverished Arabian Peninsula country’s economic infrastructure in the year-long air campaign, an international rights group said Monday. Human Rights Watch said the coalition airstrikes have hit factories, warehouses, and power stations. In a new report, HRW documented airstrikes on


Qatar Airways profits, revenue up in 2016 with new routes

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — One of the Middle East’s biggest carriers, Qatar Airways, announced on Monday net profits of $445 million in 2016, up from $103 million the previous year. The airline’s revenue rose from $9.3 billion in 2015 to $9.6 billion for the fiscal year ending March 31. Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive


Knute Rockne watch, prayer book going on auction block

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — They sat inside a northern Indiana safe deposit box for more than two decades — two prized possessions that legendary Notre Dame football coach Knute Rockne carried with him when he died in a 1931 plane crash. Every so often, be it on the March 31 anniversary of Rockne’s death in


Philippine troops kill 40 Abu Sayyaf extremists in south

MANILA, Philippines — Philippine troops have killed 40 Abu Sayyaf extremists and wounded 25 others in two battlefronts in the first major counterterrorism offensive in the south under the new president, the military said Monday. Regional military spokesman Maj. Filemon Tan said 22 militants had been killed and 16 others wounded in the assaults that


Some Chinese Purdue students snapping up luxury cars

LAFAYETTE, Ind. — It’s not out of the ordinary to spot at least one Audi, BMW or Mercedes-Benz during a drive through the Purdue University campus. Along with locals who cruise around in the luxury car brands, they’re the favorites of international students who can afford to dish out $30,000 to more than $100,000 on


Israel group: Families sue Facebook over Palestinian attacks

JERUSALEM — Israeli and American families of victims of Palestinian attacks filed a $1 billion lawsuit against Facebook, claiming the social network is providing a platform for militants to spread incitement and violence, their lawyers said Monday. Shurat Hadin, an Israeli legal advocacy group, filed the suit on behalf of the five families in a


Finger-pointing over fingerprinting: Checks could be flawed

NEWARK, N.J. — Raquel Vanderpool found out the hard way that while fingerprints don’t lie, they don’t always tell the whole truth. Vanderpool had been working as a nurse’s aide for nearly a decade when a change in state law required her Michigan employer to conduct FBI fingerprint background checks on employees. It turned up


Minuteman founder sentenced in Arizona on abuse convictions

PHOENIX — A founder of the Minuteman border watch group was sentenced Monday in Arizona to 19 years in prison after being convicted of molesting a 5-year-old girl and showing her pornography. The sentence for Chris Simcox was ordered by Maricopa County Judge Jose Padilla, who said the crime was “the worst thing in the


Thousands turn out to welcome home champions Portugal

LISBON, Portugal — Tens of thousands of people have greeted Portugal on arrival in Lisbon a day after the team won the European Championship for its first major trophy. Dozens of airport staff gathered on the tarmac to cheer on the players as they arrived from France just after midday Monday. Captain Cristiano Ronaldo and

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Экология в России и мире

В МЧС предупредили об аномальной жаре в Москве в ближайшие дни

Путин в России и мире

Власти Зимбабве поблагодарили Москву за помощь в период засухи

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Белый дом признал причастность к выработке «формулы мира» Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Раз нет протестов, будут санкции: как навальнисты и команда Ходорковского меняют стратегию борьбы с Россией

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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