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Новости за 11.07.2016


Eric Garner’s family marks 2 years since his death with song

NEW YORK — The dying words of a black man placed in a white police officer’s chokehold are now the lyrics of a new song people heard Monday as they struggled with more race-related violence. Eric Garner’s siblings lent their voices to the “I Can’t Breathe” track being released for the second anniversary of his


Brazil wants African religions in Rio’s athletes village

RIO DE JANEIRO — Religions of African origin should be represented in the ecumenical center of the athletes village for the Rio de Janeiro Games, Brazilian federal public defenders have told city hall and Olympic organizers. Public defender Edison Santana told The Associated Press on Monday that his recommendation is based on the fact that


Work set to start on Indiana’s first onshore casino

EVANSVILLE, Ind. — The Tropicana Evansville casino says it will break ground later this month on a $50 million facility that will be Indiana’s first onshore casino. According to the Evansville Courier & Press (http://bit.ly/29tlrTc ), the casino will start work on the 75,000 square-foot entertainment complex on July 19. That will include 45,000 square


Ohio mom accused of locking son in basement gets 3-year term

NEWARK, Ohio — An Ohio woman accused of regularly locking her young son in an unfinished basement for months has pleaded guilty to one count of child endangering and has been sentenced to three years in prison. Thirty-five-year-old Angel Abram pleaded guilty and was sentenced Monday in Newark. Authorities said Abram and her boyfriend kept


Proud Montgomerie welcomes world to family home at Troon

TROON, Scotland — Colin Montgomerie will set his alarm for 4:30 a.m. on Thursday, make the short trip in the dark to Royal Troon after the earliest breakfast he can remember, and prepare to welcome the golfing world to his family home. In front of his 86-year-old father and many other family members, Montgomerie will


The Latest: Dartmouth professor gets 5½ years for child porn

CONCORD, N.H. — The Latest on a Dartrmouth College professor who faced sentencing on a child pornography possession charge (all times local): 1 p.m. A Dartmouth College professor who was caught with an extensive collection of child pornography has been sentenced to 5 ½ years in prison. J. Martin Favor pleaded guilty in March and


Q&A: Superbug precursor found in US again

NEW YORK — A New York City patient was infected with bacteria that had a special type of resistance to antibiotics last year, the earliest known case in the U.S. of bacteria that could lead to a superbug impervious to medications. The bacteria were found in a patient who was treated in May of 2015


US women Olympic team to play against select team in LA

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — The U.S. Olympic women’s basketball team will play against a select team on July 25 in Los Angeles before it begins a three-city tournament against France, Canada and Australia. The select team, which will be coached by members of the U.S. Olympic staff includes Kelsey Bone, Kahleah Copper, Stefanie Dolson, Natasha


Dawson: Players over-reacting to Zika situation at Olympics

TROON, Scotland — The latest from the British Open (all times local to Scotland): 6:30 p.m. The head of golf’s world governing body says he believes there’s been “something of an overreaction to the Zika situation” after Jordan Spieth became the latest high-profile player to withdraw from the Olympics. Spieth joined Jason Day, Dustin Johnson


Red Cross collecting samples to ID missing from Lebanon war

BEIRUT — Habib Wehbe disappeared in 1976, in the first year of Lebanon’s 15-year civil war. He was 25 years old, young and politically engaged — a contributing writer to the Lebanese Communist Party’s flagship newspaper and a secondary school teacher in the capital’s suburbs. Forty years later and still missing, his bereaved sisters are


Derek Jeter marries Sports Illustrated model Hannah Davis

ST. HELENA, Calif. — Derek Jeter has reportedly married his longtime girlfriend, Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Hannah Davis. TMZ and the New York Post have published photos of the weekend ceremony at the Meadowood resort in California’s Napa Valley. The Post reports it was a small wedding with fewer than 100 guests. The newspaper says


In only a year, Ozuna goes from minors to All-Star starter

MIAMI — A year ago Marcell Ozuna was a newly demoted minor leaguer, sent to Triple-A following a 1-for-36 slump that erased his perpetual smile and magnified doubts about his future with the Miami Marlins. All of which makes his first All-Star Game that much more momentous for Ozuna, who will start in center field


South Africa twins accused of plot to blow up US mission

JOHANNESBURG — Two sets of South African siblings appeared in court Monday on accusations that include plotting to blow up the U.S. Embassy and various Jewish institutions in South Africa. The four were allegedly planning to fly to Syria, where they were due to undergo training by a terror organization, police spokesman Hangwane Mulaudzi said.


Italian police examine body in search for missing US airman

MILAN — Italian authorities are investigating whether a body found in the Adriatic Sea could be related to the disappearance of a U.S. airman some 40 kilometers (30 miles) away, police said Monday. “We are in a phase of complete hypothesis,” said Carabinieri Maj. Salvino Macli, adding that it could take days to identify the


United plane’s tires blow when takeoff halted from Houston

HOUSTON — A United Airlines plane blew out two of its tires when a pilot abruptly stopped its takeoff from a Houston airport due to concerns about a possible mechanical problem. Airport officials say the Boeing 737 was taking off from Bush Intercontinental Airport to Denver at around 6 a.m. Monday when the plane’s crew


Man pleads guilty in case that brought down NFL’s Sharper

NEW ORLEANS — A co-defendant in the drug and sexual assault case that brought down former NFL star Darren Sharper entered a plea agreement Monday, leaving one other man to face trial. The agreement involving former restaurant worker Erik Nunez was confirmed by his defense attorney, Herbert Larson. The agreement had not been posted in


Mom charged with killing children to have mental evaluation

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A Tennessee woman charged with stabbing her four children to death will undergo a mental health evaluation to determine if she can face the upcoming legal proceedings against her, while her lawyer thinks she suffers from a mental disability. General Sessions Judge L. Lambert Ryan on Monday agreed to order the mental


Emergency rules to stem lobster bait shortage take effect

PORTLAND, Maine — Maine’s emergency herring fishing rules are in effect in an attempt to abate a shortage of the fish, which is the most popular bait for lobster traps. Fishermen aren’t catching herring on Georges Bank, a critical fishing area far off New England’s coast. Maine wants to prevent fishermen who fish closer to


Trial begins for pair accused of fundraising for al-Shabab

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — For a woman accused of supporting the Somali terror group al-Shabab, Hinda Osman Dhirane began her trial with an unusual admission: she is an ardent al-Shabab supporter. Dhirane’s attorney, federal public defender Paula Deutsch, began her opening statement Monday reading parts of a poem Dhirane had written as an ode to al-Shabab


Stealth candidate Theresa May to be UK’s next leader

LONDON — After all of the flamboyant characters and very public backstabbing in the race to become Britain’s next prime minister, the winner turned out to be an understated workhorse who maintained a low profile throughout the campaign. Home Secretary Theresa May, 59, is not well-known internationally, but she has served for six years in


Tiny Netherlands produces big results in field hockey

A sea of bright Netherlands orange illuminated a most unlikely place. Back in 2008, the nation with about 16 million people at the time, in an area roughly half the size of Indiana, played for the Olympic gold medal in women’s field hockey. Its opponent was the host nation, China, which boasted a population of


2 Guantanamo detainees sent to Serbia in latest releases

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — A Tajik and a Yemeni national each held for roughly 14 years at Guantanamo Bay have been freed and sent to the Balkan nation of Serbia, the U.S. Department of Defense announced Monday. The Pentagon said the two men were released from the U.S. base in Cuba after comprehensive security reviews. It


2 fellow officers testify at trial in black man’s death

BALTIMORE — Two of the officers who were charged in the death of a black man fatally injured in a police transport van have testified at the trial of a fellow officer. The bench trial of Lt. Brian Rice, the highest-ranking officer charged in the 2015 death of Freddie Gray, resumed Monday with testimony from


Review: ‘Ghostbusters’ takes aim at misogyny and scores

The easy, electric chemistry of the four leads in Paul Feig’s “Ghostbusters” acts like a firewall against the supernatural and the adolescent, alike, in this spirited reboot of the 1984 original. Ghouls and anonymous Internet commentators — who have flocked to their thumbs-down buttons ahead of the film’s release — share plenty of characteristics. Each


Oklahoma mother suspected in fatal stabbing of her own child

OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma City police have arrested a mother on suspicion of stabbing a man and her two children, the youngest of which was pronounced dead when police arrived on scene. Police spokeswoman Megan Morgan said Monday that the department arrested 21-year-old Raven Veloz on one count of first-degree murder and two counts of

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Экология в России и мире

Прокуратура начала проверку из-за загрязнения реки Сетуни в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Путин наградил коллектив станции скорой помощи Белгородской области

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Белый дом признал причастность к выработке «формулы мира» Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Раз нет протестов, будут санкции: как навальнисты и команда Ходорковского меняют стратегию борьбы с Россией

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Бесконечный отдых закончился: Джиган и Оксана Самойлова стали участниками шоу «Выжить в Дубае»


В Петербурге мужчина отправился в колонию строгого режима за кражу электросамоката

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