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Новости за 11.07.2016


The grooms wore black: Christian Siriano weds Brad Walsh

NEW YORK — The grooms wore black to their all-white wedding. Designer Christian Siriano wed his longtime boyfriend, musician Brad Walsh, Saturday night in the backyard of their country house in Danbury, Connecticut. Family and friends were asked to wear white, including 12 groomswomen dressed in gowns by Siriano himself. The couple wore black custom


Box Office Top 20: ‘Pets’ kicks ‘Dory’ out of top spot

LOS ANGELES — After a three-week run at the top of the box office, “Finding Dory” finally found some worthy competition in “The Secret Life of Pets,” another animated family film with an animal focus that opened this weekend and collected $104.4 million. The film featuring the voices of Kevin Hart and Louis C.K. cost


Auburn’s Malzahn changing approach after 2015 disappointment

HOOVER, Ala. — Auburn coach Gus Malzahn wants to get back to what he does best, focusing on X’s and O’s and trying to rev up his normally fast-paced offense again. He figured change was necessary after the Tigers lost 11 games in two seasons since playing for a national championship. They entered Southeastern Conference


How the Dow Jones industrial average fared on Monday

NEW YORK — The Standard & Poor’s 500 index closed at a record high Monday, beating the mark it set last year. The Dow Jones industrial average is just shy of its own record, which was also reached in May 2015, but the Nasdaq composite index would need to rise almost 5 percent to regain


Mega Millions winner urged to sign, safeguard winning ticket

INDIANAPOLIS — The Hoosier Lottery says whoever holds the winning ticket to last week’s estimated $540 million Mega Millions jackpot should sign that ticket and keep it safe. Hoosier Lottery spokesman Dennis Rosebrough says the winner has 180 days to claim the jackpot at the lottery’s Indianapolis headquarters. Day one was Saturday. The winning ticket


Lawsuit filed by family of girl who choked on marshmallow

TAUNTON, Mass. — The family of an 11-year-old Massachusetts girl who choked on a marshmallow at a friend’s birthday party and died has filed a wrongful-death lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed Monday and seeks unspecified monetary damages in the April death of Azriel Estabrooks, who lived in Somerset. The complaint alleges the parents who hosted


Famed cancer theorist Dr. Alfred G. Knudson Jr. dies at 93

PHILADELPHIA — Scientist and oncologist Dr. Alfred G. Knudson Jr., who was renowned for a groundbreaking theory of how cancer develops, has died after a long illness, according to a funeral home and the research center where he worked for decades. He was 93 years old. A representative of the Oliver. H. Blair Funeral Home


The Latest: Police lacked proof in San Diego homeless deaths

SAN DIEGO — The Latest on a 36-year-old man freed from jail without being charged after his arrest in spate of killings of homeless men (all times local): 4 p.m. San Diego police say they didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute a homeless man who was arrested on suspicion of killing three transients and severely


Alliance Data and Kinder Morgan rise; Eversource falls

NEW YORK — Stocks that moved substantially or traded heavily on Monday: Alliance Data Systems Corp. (ADS), up $9.43 to $210.39 Hedge fund ValueAct Capital disclosed a 6.8 percent stake in Alliance, which manages loyalty and rewards programs for retailers and other companies. Boeing Co. (BA), up $1.95 to $132.04 Heavy machinery company made some


Detective facing perjury charges wants DA removed from case

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — A Tennessee police detective charged with lying in court about a sexual assault case wants the local prosecutor taken off the case, saying there is a conflict of interest. Gatlinburg detective Rodney Burns was indicted May 20 on two felony counts of aggravated perjury in Hamilton County regarding his testimony about the


‘Say it ain’t so!’: The NBA reacts to Duncan’s retirement

Chris Quinn remembers the moment vividly. Quinn was with the San Antonio Spurs, and can still see Tim Duncan sacrificing his body and diving out of bounds in a spectacular effort to keep a ball in play. It wasn’t in a game. That story was from a practice. Moments like those that no one saw,


Family of Toronto man held in Dhaka loses contact with him

TORONTO — The family of a Toronto student who was detained after surviving a bloody hostage-taking in Bangladesh said Monday that they haven’t been able to contact him for a week and are concerned about his well-being. Tahmid Hasib Khan, a 22-year-old permanent resident of Canada, has been in custody in Dhaka ever since the


Tyson Gay gets chance to recapture relay medal

EUGENE, Ore. — Consider this a second chance for Tyson Gay. Maybe his last one, too. The 33-year-old sprinter was handed a spot on the U.S. Olympic track team as a relay runner Monday, more than two years after his doping positive cost the Americans their silver medal from the 2012 Games. Gay dominated the


Search ongoing for Fort Campbell soldier who was swept away

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. — Officials at Fort Campbell say a search is continuing for a 101st Airborne Division soldier who was swept away at the post by strong currents during severe weather. The post said in a news release Monday that the soldier was at the low water crossing over Little West Fork Creek on


EU warns of Brexit hit, urges clarification over future

BRUSSELS — The European Union warned Monday that Britain’s economic growth could be 2.5 percent lower than previously forecast through next year as a result of the negative effects from the country’s decision to leave the bloc. In a preliminary assessment of the costs of a so-called Brexit, the EU’s economic affairs commissioner Pierre Moscovici


Seattle 2B Robinson Cano a fashion and MLB All-Star

HOUSTON — Robinson Cano has 2,129 hits in his 12-year major league career. The number of Air Jordans in his Seattle closet is only slightly less than that. “I would say here at home I have a couple of thousand,” the Mariners’ All-Star second baseman said. And that outlandish number doesn’t even count a second


Judge says MLK Bible belongs to civil rights icon’s estate

ATLANTA — The judge in a dispute over the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Nobel Peace Prize and traveling Bible has ruled the Bible belongs to the civil rights icon’s estate, which is controlled by his two sons who had proposed selling it. But the question of ownership of the peace prize medal and its


Ground radar finds hundreds of graves at historic site

NEW YORK — Specialists using ground-penetrating radar have detected hundreds of previously undiscovered gravesites in an African-American burial ground that dates to the 1830s. The New York Landmarks Conservancy announced the discovery Monday at Staten Island’s Rossville A.M.E. Zion Church Cemetery, part of the historic Sandy Ground community that was among the nation’s first free-black


Dour games, joy for underdogs at violence-marred Euro 2016

PARIS — The Portuguese party had just begun when a message briefly flickered on the Stade de France big screen: “Merci pour tout, Michel.” It wasn’t clear what the absent Michel Platini was being thanked for at the end of the European Championship on Sunday. A public show of support before UEFA’s banned president loses


University of Kansas implements faster internet network

LAWRENCE, Kan. — The University of Kansas has completed installation of a 100-gigabit internet network. The Lawrence Journal-World (http://bit.ly/29DETju ) reports that the high-speed offering is not available everywhere on campus. It is available only in certain areas that need it, such as places for researchers who need to transmit large amounts of data to


Sheriff warns: Stop trespassing to find Pokemon on new app

GOOCHLAND, Va. — Searching for Pokemon on a popular new smartphone game is not a valid excuse for trespassing. That’s the warning from a central Virginia sheriff’s office. In a post on its official Facebook page, the Goochland Sheriff’s Office links a rise in reports of trespassing and suspicious activity over the weekend to Thursday’s


Sale says Gwynn’s death caused him to quit chewing tobacco

SAN DIEGO — American League All-Star starter Chris Sale paid tribute to late Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn, saying he quit chewing tobacco when the San Diego Padres great died of salivary gland cancer in June 2014 at age 54. The Chicago White Sox pitcher, who leads the major leagues with 14 wins, was picked


3 dead after hit-and-run in California

SANTA ANA, Calif. — Police are looking for a driver who struck and killed three young women in California before fleeing in an SUV. The Los Angeles Times reports (http://lat.ms/2a265ql ) that the women were standing in a turn lane when the driver struck them early Sunday in Santa Ana. Police Cpl. Anthony Bertagna says


Beaver attacks 67-year-old paddleboarder on Beaver Lake

ASHEVILLE, N.C. — A 67-year-old woman says she was attacked by a beaver while paddleboarding on a lake named for the rodent in North Carolina. Betsy Bent told the Citizen-Times of Asheville (http://avlne.ws/29zq1RM ) that the beaver knocked her board over from underneath the water Friday at Beaver Lake, then latched on to her leg


California governor looks to extend climate-change efforts

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California Gov. Jerry Brown has launched a campaign to extend some of the most ambitious climate-change programs in the country and ensure his environmental legacy when he leaves office in two years. The centerpiece of the push is a cap-and-trade program that aims to reduce the use of fossil fuels by forcing

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Экология в России и мире

Удмуртия не вошла в число регионов, утвердивших планы адаптации к изменениям климата

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о господдержке многодетных семей

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский после приезда Блинкена в Киев сразу же стал выпрашивать у США дополнительные ЗРК Patriot

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

Урганта и Смехова исключили из концерта памяти Окуджавы: Вдова барда извинилась - в том числе, за проведение события


Шадаев: Минцифры начало обсуждать отмену роуминга с Белоруссией

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