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Новости за 10.04.2024


Black women seek to bring change to GOP

A new generation of Black women is seeking to bring change and diversity to the GOP as the party looks to broaden its appeal with constituencies that have long shunned it. While Black women have made history in numerous political areas over the last four years — including Vice President Harris, Supreme Court Justice Ketanji...


Democrats nervous Trump wooing centrists from Biden

Democrats are growing increasingly nervous that former President Trump will woo centrist voters away from President Biden. They say Trump, after quickly securing victory in the GOP primary, is now taking steps that could help him win the support from the broad middle of the country. The best example is the former president’s decision to...


Obama allies expose Dem rift over Biden’s Israel-Hamas war strategy

Some of former President Obama's most prominent aides have increased their criticism of President Biden — this time over his handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Jon Favreau, Ben Rhodes and David Axelrod are among the former Obama administration officials who have dinged Biden in recent weeks for not speaking up about his misgivings with Israel's...


EPA sets first-ever national limits for ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water

The Biden administration on Wednesday set the first-ever national limits for toxic and pervasive ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water. The administration's action seeks to reduce the amount of chemicals belonging to a class known as PFAS in drinking water.  These substances, which have been used to make waterproof and nonstick products, have seeped into a...


Youngkin amends ‘skill games’ measure, proposing far stricter standards 

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) proposed far stricter standards for “skill games” legislation that aims to regulate and tax the arcade-like machines in the state. In a flurry of legislative action on Monday, Youngkin amended “skill games” legislation that the General Assembly sent to him in March. The legislation would legalize and allow for the...


Arizona governor ‘confident’ voters will have chance to enshrine abortion rights in November

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) said Tuesday that she’s confident voters will have the opportunity to enshrine abortion rights in November and reverse a decision from the state’s Supreme Court that makes virtually all abortions in the state illegal. Hobbs joined CNN’s Anderson Cooper hours after the state’s highest court rejected arguments for a 15-week...


RFK Jr. running mate shares views on abortion after Arizona ruling

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, shared her views on abortion in a lengthy post online after the Arizona Supreme Court abortion law made national news Tuesday. “People are asking about my views on abortion,” Shanahan’s post on X, formerly Twitter, began. Shanahan, recently named Kennedy’s vice-presidential candidate, is a mother to one...


FISA bill overcomes key hurdle to tee up floor fight on warrant requirement

A bill to reauthorize the nation’s warrantless surveillance powers passed a key hurdle in the House on Tuesday even as it still faces a rocky pathway to the Senate – including a floor fight over whether to add a warrant requirement to the bill. The House Rules Committee on Tuesday gave its blessing to a...


Menendez’s wife seeks trial delay for medical condition

Sen. Bob Menendez’s (D-N.J.) wife, Nadine Menendez, is seeking to delay her criminal trial set to begin next month due to a new “serious medical condition.” Nadine Menendez’s lawyers wrote to U.S. District Judge Sidney Stein asking to delay the trial, which is set to begin on May 6. Stein is overseeing the trial of...


China's AI-driven election meddling in Taiwan points to 2024 risks in US

Taiwanese groups on Monday outlined a major disinformation campaign employed by Chinese actors during the island nation’s national elections, which concluded in January and delivered a blow to Beijing with the victory of a pro-U.S. candidate. The alleged tactics from Chinese actors involved using generative artificial intelligence (AI) to manipulate videos and sow discord in...


Garland: Protecting the rule of law ‘urgent as it has ever been’ 

Chief Justice John Roberts and Attorney General Merrick Garland paid tribute to legal aid lawyers on Tuesday evening, insisting more work remains to achieve equal access to the legal system. Both men addressed a crowd of hundreds gathered in the nation’s capital to mark the 50th anniversary of the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), an independent...


House approves bipartisan outdoor recreation package

The House on Tuesday approved a package aimed at boosting the nation’s access to outdoor recreation. The bipartisan EXPLORE Act, contains provisions that seek to open up more opportunities for spending time in national parks, forests and other public lands. The legislation passed by a voice vote.  If the Senate takes up the legislation, it’s...


Biden take Japan’s Kishida out to D.C. dinner, gifts him Billy Joel lithograph

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and his wife, Kishida Yuko, to Washington, D.C., with a seafood dinner on Tuesday evening. The couples went to BlackSalt, a seafood restaurant in the Palisades neighborhood of Northwest D.C.  The Bidens welcomed the couple to the White House earlier on Tuesday...


FCC to cut monthly broadband benefits due to funding shortfall 

Some low-income families in the U.S. could see more expensive broadband bills starting next month when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) makes cuts to its monthly broadband benefits, the agency announced Tuesday. The agency said the monthly benefits cuts are due to Congress not having approved further funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program. The program, which stopped accepting...


Biden says Netanyahu's approach to war in Gaza 'is a mistake'

President Biden on Tuesday called Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s approach to the war in Gaza a “mistake,” piling on in his criticism of the Israeli leader one week after the White House threatened to alter its support. "I think what he's doing is a mistake. I don't agree with his approach," Biden told Univision...


40 percent of US Latinos want a cease-fire in Israel-Hamas war: Poll 

About 40 percent of U.S. Latino adults believe the U.S. should push for an immediate cease-fire in Israel’s war with Palestinian militant group Hamas, according to a new poll. An Ipsos-Axios poll, published Tuesday, asked 1,000 Latino and Hispanic Americans about their views on the Israel-Hamas war, which has raged on for more than six months...


Internal docs show 2019 turmoil on PFAS reporting loophole

Welcome to The Hill's Energy & Environment newsletter {beacon} Energy & Environment Energy & Environment   The Big Story Internal docs show 2019 turmoil on PFAS reporting loophole In 2019, EPA staffers were blocked from warning the Senate that they were about to write a PFAS reporting loophole into law, internal communications obtained by The...


Arizona's Civil War-era abortion ruling

Click in for more news from The Hill {beacon} Health Care Health Care   The Big Story Arizona Supreme Court bans almost all abortions Abortion will be almost entirely illegal in Arizona after the state Supreme Court upheld an 1864 law Tuesday that made performing abortion a felony. © AP The ruling adds Arizona...


Bipartisan data security breakthrough

Presented by TechNet — {beacon} Technology Technology   PRESENTED BY  The Big Story  Breaking down the new data privacy bill The chairs of the House and Senate Commerce committees unveiled a discussion draft of a long-awaited bipartisan data privacy bill Sunday evening.  © AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib Efforts to pass a comprehensive data privacy bill have...


What to know before the tax deadline

Welcome to The Hill's Business & Economy newsletter {beacon}   Business & Economy Business & Economy   The Big Story What to know before the tax deadline The April 15 tax filing deadline is fast approaching at a pivotal moment for U.S. tax administration as the IRS undergoes some big changes. © The Associated Press...


Woman who stole Ashley Biden’s diary sentenced to month in prison 

A Florida woman who stole Ashley Biden’s diary in 2020 was sentenced to one month in prison Tuesday. Prosecutors accused Aimee Harris of stealing the president's daughter's diary in September 2020 while she was temporarily staying at Ashley Biden’s residence in Delray Beach, Fla. The diary contained “highly personal entries” as well as tax records,...


Surprise Arizona ruling sets abortion politics aflame

The Arizona Supreme Court’s ruling doused gasoline on the already-flickering fire of abortion politics Tuesday and threatened to upend the 2024 contests in the state by upholding a Civil War-era law that made performing an abortion a felony, putting Republicans on the back foot in the process. The ruling, which makes abortion punishable by two to five...


Former school official indicted in Virginia case involving teacher shot by 6-year-old

Ebony Parker, a former elementary school assistant principal in Virginia where a six-year-old student shot his teacher, has been indicted in the case. A special grand jury in Newport News, Va. has charged Parker, 39, with eight counts of child abuse, records unsealed Tuesday show. She was charged on March 11 with child abuse and...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о энергоэффективной постройке жилья в России

Путин в России и мире

Политолог Пшеничников: визит Путина в Китай укрепил союз Москвы и Пекина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск поддерживает Баку: планы по строительству агрогородка в Карабахе – ОБНОВЛЕНО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

Тагильский художник Александр Иванов создал металлическую скульптуру Булата Окуджавы в честь 100-летия поэта   


В Серпухове благоустроят общественную территорию бульвара Болотова

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