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Новости за 26.04.2024


Maine House leader threatens to go winner-take-all if Nebraska does

Maine's House leader threatened to switch to a “winner-take-all” Electoral College format if Nebraska state lawmakers shift the way their state distributes electoral votes. Maine House Majority Leader Maureen Terry (D) said the Pine Tree State would be “compelled to act" if Nebraska followed through on altering its allocation method of electoral votes. “If Nebraska’s...


Splashy testimony dominates first week of Trump's hush money trial

The first week of testimony in former President Trump's hush money trial has wrapped Friday in Manhattan. The trial so far has been dominated by splashy testimony from former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker, who spent much of this week divulging seedy details of media agreements he entered into with Trump and ex-lawyer Michael Cohen...


Aaron Sorkin says he blames Facebook for Jan. 6, has movie in the works

Writer and director Aaron Sorkin revealed during a live interview Thursday in Washington that he blames Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, for the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. Sorkin, who created the film "The Social Network," which depicted Zuckerberg's rise to fame and the creation of the social media platform, also mentioned...


More than 250 musicians call for concert ticketing reform

More than 250 musicians, including notable figures such as Billie Eilish and Lorde, have signed a letter to Congress calling for concert ticket reform. “We know you are hearing from many people about concert ticketing and its impact on fans,” reads the Thursday letter addressed to Senate Commerce Committee Chair Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and ranking...


Head of Federal Student Aid steps down after chaotic FAFSA season

The head of the Federal Student Aid (FSA) office Richard Cordray announced Friday he would step down from his role following the difficulties with the first season of the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) forms. “My first day at FSA was May 4, 2021. Next week, my three-year term as the Chief...


Biden campaign invokes Taylor Swift to knock Trump: ‘The smallest man who ever lived’

President Biden’s reelection campaign invoked megastar Taylor Swift to knock former President Trump on Friday, saying he had a tortured week. The campaign used lyrics from her new album, “The Tortured Poets Department,” to set a split screen between the president’s and Trump’s week. “Another tortured week for the smallest man who ever lived, Donald...


NFL commissioner wants to put Super Bowl on Presidents Day weekend

National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell said Friday he wants the league to move to fewer preseason games so the Super Bowl would fall on Presidents Day weekend, a three-day weekend. “I think we’re good at 17 [games] now, but listen, we’re looking at how we continue. I’m not a fan of the preseason. I...


Biden administration pushes back plan to ban menthol cigarettes

The Biden administration has once again pushed back its plans to ban menthol cigarettes amid pressure from critics, including some civil rights leaders, who said it would unfairly target Black smokers.  "This rule has garnered historic attention and the public comment period has yielded an immense amount of feedback, including from various elements of the...


Blinken: China seeks to 'influence and arguably interfere' with US elections

The Biden administration has seen evidence of attempts by China to influence the upcoming U.S. elections, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in an interview with CNN published Friday. Blinken, who is wrapping up a three-day visit to China, said he raised in his meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping and other officials that any interference in the...


White House Correspondents' weekend kicks off with celebration of LGBTQ community

Leaders in politics, technology and media celebrated the beginning of the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) dinner weekend with the ninth annual “Bytes & Bylines" reception Thursday evening in Washington.  The event, held at the Irish ambassador’s residence, recognizes strides made in advancing LGBTQ rights in the U.S. This year’s celebration was co-hosted by Susanna Quinn, Eric...


Biden tells Howard Stern about feelings of suicide after first wife's death

President Biden joined radio host Howard Stern for a surprise live interview Friday, sitting down with the shock jock at his New York City studio for a roughly hourlong discussion about Biden's personal life and his presidency. In one of the more revealing moments of the interview, Biden recounted his feelings of despair after the...


Biden approval rating mired at historic low: Gallup

President Biden’s approval rating average is lower than any other president in recent history at the same point in their time in the White House, data released Friday found. The president averaged 38.7 percent job approval in his 13th quarter in office, which ran from Jan. 20 to April 19, according to averages aggregated by Gallup. In...


Alito reignites fetal rights debate in Idaho abortion case

The Supreme Court justice who authored the Dobbs ruling overturning Roe v. Wade jumped headlong Wednesday into the debate about whether a fetus is entitled to the same rights as a person. Abortion-rights advocates were concerned ahead of arguments that the case about whether Idaho's abortion ban violated a federal emergency care law might be...


GOP’s inclusion of TikTok ban is secret weapon against Biden

Democrats are bracing for a backlash from young voters over the potential ban of TikTok on U.S. phones, something made more likely by the Chinese government’s opposition to ByteDance selling off one of the most sophisticated algorithms in the world. It’s a problem for President Biden, who won 60 percent of voters 18 to 29...


CNN anchor presses Trump lawyer on Kagan military coup questioning

CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins pressed an attorney for former President Trump on a line of questioning by Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan in the former president’s presidential immunity case at the Supreme Court Thursday. “What are the circumstances where ordering a military coup is an official act of the presidency?” Collins said, referring to a...


San Diego official says city is ‘new epicenter’ of border crisis

A San Diego official on Thursday dubbed his city the “new epicenter” for the border crisis and criticized California for “inflicting this upon ourselves.” “San Diego is the new epicenter for migrants and illegal immigration,” San Diego District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond posted on the social media platform X. “The surge in illegal crossings has...


Bill that could lead to prosecution of librarians advances in Alabama House

Lawmakers in Alabama passed legislation that could lead to the prosecution of librarians under the state’s obscenity law for providing minors with “harmful” materials. The bill, approved 72-28 by the Alabama House of Representatives, will now move to the state Senate. It removes existing exemptions for public libraries in the state’s obscenity law and is...


Many think Trump being treated differently than other criminal defendants: Poll

A majority of Americans believe former President Trump is being treated differently than most criminal defendants in his hush money case, according to a new CNN poll. Trump’s hush money trial began last Monday, marking the first criminal trial of a former American president. He has been charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records...


José Andrés memorializes WCK workers killed in Gaza at National Cathedral service

Celebrity chef and founder of nonprofit World Central Kitchen (WCK) José Andrés memorialized his seven employees killed during an aid mission in Gaza at a service at the Washington National Cathedral on Thursday. “They risked everything to feed people they didn’t know and would never meet,” he said, saying his employees were the best of...


White House shuts down GOP calls to bring in National Guard for college protests

The White House punted on Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) demand for President Biden to call in the National Guard to college campuses amid mass protests over the Israel-Hamas war on Thursday. Johnson visited Columbia University on Wednesday, the first of major pro-Palestine protests that have spread to dozens of college campuses around the country, and...


Newsom celebrates storage milestone but confirms blackouts are not over yet

California officials on Thursday celebrated a milestone in their quest to achieve a 100-percent clean grid by 2045: the installation of more than 10,000 megawatts of battery storage. "Battery storage is foundational," Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) said at a press conference next to a battery storage and solar facility in the western Sacramento Valley's rural Yolo County....


5 takeaways from Trump’s Supreme Court and New York hearings

Two of former President Trump’s legal cases collided Thursday, as the Supreme Court held a hearing on his broad claims of immunity from criminal prosecution while his trial continued in New York over a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. The Supreme Court case has the capacity to derail Trump’s other three...


McConnell argues against presidential immunity for criminal prosecution

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said he doesn’t think presidents should be immune from criminal prosecution for their actions in office, as the Supreme Court heard arguments on the issue related to former President Trump. Asked in a Thursday interview on NBC News’s “Meet the Press” with Kristen Welker if he believes a president...

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Экология в России и мире

Тело пропавшей два дня назад школьницы нашли на востоке Москвы

Путин в России и мире

«Недоволен и беспокоится»: WSJ узнала о реакции лидера КНР на визит Путина в КНДР

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Президент Камеруна получил послание от Президента Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Наташа Королева даст концерт в Пятигорске


В Бутырском появится сад, где можно ходить босиком

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