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Новости за 21.02.2024


Federal prosecutors charge Japanese Yakuza leader in nuclear material trafficking conspiracy

U.S. prosecutors have charged a man identified as a leader of the Japanese organized crime syndicate Yakuza with conspiring to traffic nuclear materials from Myanmar to other countries, according to a superseding indictment announced Wednesday. Authorities said they brought the charges against Takeshi Ebisawa after he and other associates in Thailand allegedly showed samples of...


Biden faces growing pressure to back Gaza cease-fire

President Biden is facing growing pressure to back a cease-fire in Gaza, with fresh criticism mounting after the United States vetoed another United Nations resolution calling for Israel to implement one. The uptick in criticism from progressives and Democrats overall for his response to the war is a real danger to the president, whose pro-Israel...


Haley on Alabama IVF ruling: 'Embryos, to me, are babies'

Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley said that frozen embryos made using in vitro fertilization (IVF) are “babies” when she was asked Wednesday about the recent Alabama Supreme Court decision.  The former U.N. ambassador sided with the Monday ruling made by the Alabama court that ruled frozen embryos are children under state law.  “I mean, embryos,...


Apple launches free sports app

Apple is getting into the free sports application game. The company on Wednesday introduced Apple Sports, a free app for iPhone that gives sports fans access to real-time scores, stats, and more. “We created Apple Sports to give sports fans what they want — an app that delivers incredibly fast access to scores and stats,”...


Ghost gun manufacturer to halt sales to Maryland residents

A leading manufacturer of ghost guns will halt sales to Maryland residents under a settlement agreement reached with the city of Baltimore, the city announced Wednesday. The agreement will settle Baltimore’s lawsuit against Polymer80, a Nevada-based manufacturer of ghost guns and firearm parts. The suit argued the company and its firearms have created a public...


Most in new poll say Biden doesn't have physical, mental fitness for another term

Most registered voters in a new poll said they don't think President Biden has the physical or mental fitness for another term. The Quinnipiac University poll, released Wednesday, found that only 34 percent of registered voters think the president has “the mental fitness to serve a second presidential term,” while 64 percent of registered voters...


Nearly 2M NYC residents live in poverty, including 1 in 4 children: report

Story at a glance Over half of New York City residents either live in poverty or are low-income, according to a new report from anti-poverty nonprofit Robin Hood and Columbia University's Center on Poverty and Social Policy.   The number of people across the five boroughs living in poverty jumped from 1.5 million to 2 million...


Are the GOP's chances of winning the Senate rising?

Welcome to The Hill's Campaign newsletter {beacon} View Online Campaign Report Campaign Report The Big Story Are the GOP's chances of winning the Senate rising? S enate Republicans are seeing their chances of retaking the majority becoming a bit more possible as they grow the battlefield and go after vulnerable Democrats. © Greg Nash Just...


Biden holds 4-point lead in hypothetical Trump rematch: Survey

President Biden is holding on to his lead over former President Trump, the GOP front-runner, in new poll ahead of a potential rematch in November. In the Quinnipiac University poll, released Wednesday, 49 percent of registered voters said they support Biden, compared to 45 percent who chose Trump. The lead for Biden is slightly narrower...


Boeing fires head of 737 Max program

Boeing Co. fired the head of its 737 Max aircraft program Wednesday, shaking its leadership amid the fallout of a midair blowout of an Alaska Airlines door plug in January. Ed Clark, who headed the 737 Max division, will leave Boeing immediately, according to a memo from CEO Stan Deal. Deal said the leadership changes...


Dow Jones Industrial Average adds Amazon, axes Walgreens

Amazon will replace Walgreens Boots Alliance in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The change will go into effect before trading starts Monday, S&P Dow Jones Indices announced Tuesday after markets closed. Walgreens has been part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average since 2018 when it replaced General Electric. “Reflecting the evolving nature of the American...


Biden speaks in California: Watch live

President Biden is slated to deliver remarks Wednesday in Culver City, Calif. The event is scheduled to begin at 3:45 p.m. EST. Watch the video above.


Fox News co-host 'surprised' by GOP's 'threshold for humiliation' in Biden probe

Fox News co-host Jessica Tarlov mocked House Republicans on Wednesday for their pursuit of impeachment charges against President Biden. "This is the path that they've chosen to take, and honestly I'm surprised that they have this high of a threshold for humiliation," Tarlov said during an appearance on the network. "Every witness they have called...


Appeals court tosses Obama-era federal coal leasing moratorium 

A federal appeals court on Wednesday axed an Obama-era moratorium on new coal mine leasing on public lands. It did so by overturning a ruling from 2022 that revived the Obama-era freeze on auctioning off federally owned lands for coal mining. In 2022, a lower court ruled that in ending the coal leasing pause, the...


Paxton accuses NGO operating in Texas of facilitating illegal immigration in new lawsuit

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) accused a nongovernmental organization (NGO) of facilitating illegal immigration in a new lawsuit. Paxton announced Tuesday that his office had sued the Annunciation House — a Catholic NGO that operates “several houses of hospitality” for migrants and refugees in El Paso, Texas; and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. It describes itself as an “entry point” for many...


Conservatives push back at GOP effort to regulate gender content in Georgia private schools

A proposed Georgia law dictating that even private schools can't teach students about gender identity or queer theory without parental approval is dividing conservatives and school choice advocates. While Republicans often tout private schools as a way to help keep the government out of a child’s education, they have also been leading the charge in...


Supreme Court appears skeptical of EPA interstate air pollution rule

The Supreme Court heard arguments on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) interstate air pollution rule Wednesday, with members of the court’s liberal minority expressing skepticism about the appropriateness of hearing the case but the conservative majority seeming amenable to blocking the rule. The “Good Neighbor” rule, which regulates downwind air pollution produced by upwind states,...


Legal advocacy group proposes 10 executive actions for Biden to 'reclaim the narrative' on immigration

A top legal advocacy group for immigrants is calling on the Biden administration to flex its executive muscle to better manage immigration amid legislative paralysis on the matter. The National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) on Wednesday released a 10-step list of actions available to the executive branch that advocates say would bring order to the immigration...


Asian, Hispanic homeownership hits record highs

Story at a glance Americans of color are owning more homes than in years past, according to a recent report from the National Association of Realtors. The recently released report notes that homeownership among Hispanics and Asian Americans reached all-time highs in 2022. Homeownership rates rose to 51.1 percent and 63.3 percent in that...


Alabama health system pauses IVF treatments after court embryo ruling

The University of Alabama at Birmingham health system is pausing all in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments for fear of lawsuits and criminal prosecution following a recent ruling from the state supreme court.  A spokesperson said the health system is evaluating the first-of-its-kind decision that declared frozen embryos are entitled to the same protections as humans, and...


Bomb threat diverts LA-bound United flight to Chicago

A United Airlines flight traveling to Los Angeles was diverted to Chicago after a bomb threat was reported on the plane Wednesday morning. The United Flight 1533 had 202 passengers and nine crew members and took off from Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey. It was diverted to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago after...


Meghan McCain rejects Kari Lake offer to meet amid public feud

Meghan McCain, daughter of the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), rejected an offer by Republican Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake to meet amid a feud between the two Wednesday. “NO PEACE, BITCH!” McCain said in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter in response to a post earlier Wednesday by Lake inviting...

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Экология в России и мире

Прокуратура Москвы: тело мужчины нашли в лесопарке в Сокольниках

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Лоза

Юрий Лоза объяснил, почему Чулпан Хаматова критикует Россию


Пионеры Герои. Георгий Алексеевич Артёменков

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