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Новости за 01.02.2024


House passes bill strengthening ability to block immigrants for DUIs

The House passed a bill Thursday strengthening laws to prevent noncitizens convicted of driving under the influence from immigrating to the country — or to deport them. The bill passed with a 274-150 vote, with 59 Democrats joining all 215 Republicans in backing the legislation. DUIs are already grounds for deportation in some cases, and...


Charles Barkley calls Taylor Swift haters 'losers and 'jackasses'

Basketball commentator and pundit Charles Barkley on Wednesday ripped conservatives who are attacking music icon Taylor Swift ahead of next Sunday's Super Bowl. Swift is dating Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce and has been the center of a conspiracy theory spreading across right-wing media that the NFL is rigging games to help the...


Congressional Black Caucus: Black History Month about 'speaking truth to power'

The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) kicked off Black History Month with a promise to address persistent challenges facing Black Americans despite the successes the community has seen over the decades. “During Black History Month, we celebrate generations of Black Americans whose courage, advocacy, sacrifice, and patriotism have moved our country and the world forward,” the...


Tlaib opposes 'fear-mongering' bills adding immigration restrictions

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) denounced a set of bills adding immigration restrictions as “fear-mongering” and “anti-immigrant” on Wednesday. Two of the bills increase penalties for certain crimes for immigrants, making DUI and allegations of Social Security fraud deportable offenses. Tlaib said the measures “violate fundamental due process.” She argued the other two bills — one...


Oregon Supreme Court rules GOP lawmakers who walked out can't run for reelection

The Oregon Supreme Court ruled Thursday that 10 GOP state senators cannot run for reelection after they refused to attend Senate sessions for about six weeks out of protest last year in an attempt to stall Democratic-backed bills. The court ruling upholds a secretary of state decision to keep the lawmakers off 2024 ballots, citing...


Lobbying World: Schumer alum heads to Hispanic Federation

Julietta Lopez is now vice president of federal affairs and network mobilization at the Hispanic Federation. She was most recently director of community and external affairs for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Cheryle Tucker is joining the Parsons Corporation as senior director of global government relations after more than 20 years on Capitol Hill....


Pentagon chief on Iran-backed militias: 'They have a lot of capability; I have a lot more'

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Thursday warned Iranian-backed militias that have attacked U.S. forces that a response is coming, and the Pentagon has the power to respond strongly, Austin said it was "time to take away even more capability than we’ve taken in the past” from groups that have fired on the U.S. “We've not described what...


South Africa alleges Israel violating ruling to prevent Gaza deaths

South Africa on Wednesday accused Israel of violating the United Nations’ top court's recent ruling to prevent deaths in Gaza, as Israel pushes forward with its campaign to eliminate the threat of Palestinian militant group Hamas. The U.N. International Court of Justice's (ICJ) ruling last week ordered Israel to do more to protect civilians in...


Luntz: Biden is weakest incumbent since Carter

Republican pollster Frank Luntz on Thursday called President Biden the “weakest incumbent” since former President Carter, who did not win his reelection campaign. Luntz, known for his messaging skills, pointed to Biden’s polling numbers to back up his claim. He said in a head-to-head hypothetical match-up against former President Trump, Biden performs better, but when...


Biden's sanctions target extremist Israeli settlers for violence against Palestinians

The Biden administration announced Thursday it is imposing sanctions against four Israelis involved in attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank, penalties issued under a new executive order aimed at cracking down on extremist Israeli settlers. President Biden issued the executive order giving the State Department and Treasury Department the authority to sanction the individuals, employing...


Prince Harry and Meghan: Online child safety 'transcends division and party lines'

Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, are speaking out following this week's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on online child safety, saying the issue “transcends division and party lines.” “We applaud the bravery and determination of the thousands of parents around the country whose advocacy resulted in this hearing,” the couple said...


Poll finds better economic ratings, but Biden approval flat

President Biden is still not seeing improved approval ratings despite a new survey showing Americans feel slightly better about the economy. Thirty-five percent of Americans described the economy as good in the survey, conducted last month by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. This is slightly up from the 30 percent who said the same...


Trump holds wide lead in South Carolina as support rises: Survey

Former President Trump has a significant lead over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in her home state, according to a new survey. The new Monmouth University-Washington Post poll, released Thursday, found 58 percent of potential Republican primary voters in South Carolina are currently backing Trump for the nomination. This gives the former president a 26-point lead...


Biden gives remarks at National Prayer Breakfast: Watch live

President Biden, among other top U.S. leaders, is expected to give remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday. In his remarks last year, Biden stressed the importance of unity under the stress of debt ceiling talks and turmoil within the House GOP. In 2024, the event comes amid two global conflicts and another spending battle...


GOP moderates adopt hard-line tactics amid Republican infighting

Hard-line tactics and overt rebellions in the House GOP are no longer limited to the conservative wing of the party. A group of moderate New York Republicans took a page out of the House Freedom Caucus playbook this week, threatening to tank a procedural vote and hold up floor action to protest one of their top priorities...


The Memo: Poll points to deep trouble for Trump if he gets convicted

Former President Trump has escaped numerous controversies that would doom other candidates — but he is not entirely immune to the laws of political gravity. A new poll suggests the point could be proven in dramatic fashion if any of the four criminal trials he is facing results in a conviction. The poll, released Wednesday...


'This story isn't over': Anniversary of East Palestine train crash brings little closure

It’s been a year since a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in the town of East Palestine, Ohio, prompting short-lived evacuations and far longer-lasting concerns about the crash's potential impacts on the environment and the surrounding community. Most of the national attention that followed the derailment has long since died down, but for residents of...


Drug price negotiations, legal battles set to ramp up: What to expect

The fight over Medicare drug price negotiation picked back up this week with oral arguments in AstraZeneca's lawsuit and the federal government sending out its first offers for a maximum fair price to manufacturers. AstraZeneca on Wednesday gave its first oral arguments in the District Court of Delaware. Like other companies and pharmaceutical entities, the...


Biden’s Michigan trip rife with political obstacles 

President Biden is heading to one of the most pivotal states key to his 2024 re-election bid — and also the one that may prove to be his biggest obstacle. Biden on Thursday will arrive in Michigan, a critical battleground where the president has had something of a mixed reception. While it helped propel him...


Lawmakers spoof Santos, Boebert at annual Congressional Dinner

He was booted from the House last month, but former Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) loomed large at the Washington Press Club Foundation’s annual Congressional Dinner, as lawmakers on both sides of the aisle unveiled their best zingers and one-liners. “Last year, George Santos said he was Jew-ish,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told the...

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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




В Москве наградили победителей Международного профессионального конкурса НОПРИЗ на лучший проект – 2023


Эксперты назвали самые красивые места для путешествий по РФ для любителей цветов

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