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Новости за 16.10.2016

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Latest: NC GOP office damaged by fire, Nazi graffiti

A local Republican Party office in North Carolina has been damaged by fire and someone spray-painted an anti-GOP slogan referring to "Nazi Republicans" on a nearby wall, authorities said Sunday. A news release from the town of Hillsborough said someone threw a bottle filled with flammable liquid through the window of the Orange County Republican Party headquarters overnight. The news release says an adjacent building was spray-painted with the words: "Nazi Republicans leave town or else." Republican... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Digital textbook about Rhode Island's history to be unveiled

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — A new digital textbook will soon be available to teach students about Rhode Island history. The historical society and the college will showcase the first chapter of the textbook, host a brief reception and request feedback.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Yavapai County celebrates centennial of historic courthouse

People could tour the building Saturday and see such out-of-date features as hat racks built into the courtroom's original audience chairs, reported The Daily Courier (http://bit.ly/2elcBKS). Panels hung on the first floor near a historic photo of the building listed significant courthouse visitors and sculptures that were installed. The timeline referenced infamous inmates like James Fleming Parker, who was executed by hanging in 1898 after robbing a train, escaping from Prescott's jail and killing an attorney.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Judge orders 3 to trial in death of Kansas man

(AP) — A Missouri judge has ruled there's enough evidence to try three people in the death of a 66-year-old Kansas man. After a recent preliminary hearing, New Madrid County Associate Judge Joshua Underwood ruled there is sufficient evidence for the three defendants to be bound over for trial.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

North Carolina buildings take $1.5B hit from Matthew floods

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Flooding spawned by Hurricane Matthew has caused $1.5 billion in damage to 100,000 homes, businesses and government buildings in North Carolina, according to a state estimate. Dorman said the state's computer modeling combines property records, topography and stream gauges to estimate how many feet of water have affected a given building — and how much damage that water caused. Even before the extent of the flooding was known, real-estate and insurance research firms had estimated... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Trump calls SNL spoof 'hit job,' calls for end of show

The Republican presidential candidate tweeted early Sunday morning that the show's skit depicting him this week was a "hit job." Baldwin, who retweeted Trump's critique, has been playing him on "Saturday Night Live" since its 42nd season kicked off a few weeks ago, with Kate McKinnon depicting Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Subpoenas seek records of city of Hartshorne credit card use

The subpoenas sought by the district 18 district attorney's office were issued earlier this month requesting records from GM Financial, Honda Financial, Bass Pro Shops, Billmatrix, Vivid Seats, AT&T, DirecTV, Wells Fargo, US Cellular and Progressive Insurance, the McAlester News-Capital reported (http://bit.ly/2dgb8Zf ). Hartshorne Police Officer Colten Westbrook said in September that an investigative report was given to the district attorney's office and later to the FBI. Credit card records... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Nevada House races: Who has more cash for the home stretch?

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Candidates for U.S. House seats had to file reports by midnight Saturday disclosing their fundraising and spending in the three months ending Sept. 30. Here's a rundown of the Federal Election Commission filings, which offer a glimpse into which Nevada campaigns are best-stocked for the election's home stretch. Freshman Republican Rep. Cresent Hardy has a tough road to keep his seat in this Democratic-leaning district that includes North Las Vegas and rural central Nevada. Kihuen... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Possible enrollment hike could delay property sale deadline

(AP) — A possible enrollment increase has given a southwestern Michigan school district an extension in the sale of surplus buildings. School board trustees tabled a plan in April that called for 14 properties to be sold by Dec. 31 or face auction.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Iowa officials unsure of costs of full flood protection

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Despite a spate of heavy rains and flooding in recent years, Iowa officials have little idea how much it would cost to protect homes, schools factories and other infrastructure, let alone how to pay for it.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Christine’ Wins Indie Box Office, ‘Certain Women’ With Kristen Stewart is No. 2

‘Christine’ Wins Indie Box Office, ‘Certain Women’ With Kristen Stewart is No. 2 The warmly reviewed “Christine,” starring Rebecca Hall and Michael C. Hall and directed by Antonio Campos, won the specialty box office this weekend. Starring Kristen Stewart, Michelle Williams, Rosanna Arquette and Laura Dern, the Kelly Reichardt film focuses on three women who are imperfectly blazing trails as their lives intersect in small-town America. The film stars Gael Garcia Bernal as a Mexican worker who... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Latest: Montenegro ruling party leading unofficial count

Montenegrin police say a former Serbian special police chief is among the 20 people arrested amid the Balkan country's crucial parliamentary vote. A police official, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because she wasn't authorized to speak about the ongoing investigation, said Sunday that former police Gen. Bratislav Dikic led the group that is suspected of planning armed attacks in Podgorica, the capital, after the polls close Sunday. The statement says the group is suspected... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Purdue fires coach Hazell after 3-plus seasons and 9 wins

"From the first time I met Darrell, I could tell he was a man of high character — a quality person who you would want leading a group of young men — but our inconsistent performance and inability to generate positive momentum thus far this season, along with the disappointing results of the past three seasons, made it clear to me that we needed to make a change," Bobinski said in a statement. Purdue has averaged 32,078 in attendance at Ross-Ade Stadium, capacity 62,000, for four home games.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Boy Scouts, Mormon church sued over motorcyclist's death

The lawsuit says a reasonable person of the same age, experience and intelligence as the boys "would have foreseen that a tree falling near any roadway was highly dangerous and capable of causing injury to a nearby motorist." Garfield County Attorney Barry Huntington said in a memo to the Utah attorney general's office in March 2015 that there wasn't enough evidence to show the boys had the "required mental state, intent or recklessness necessary to reasonably convince a judge or jury they committed... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Agent: Daughter of Olympic sprinter Tyson Gay fatally shot

(AP) — The 15-year-old daughter of Olympic sprinter Tyson Gay was fatally shot in the neck, authorities and the athlete's agent said Sunday. Lexington police said in a statement that officers went to the parking lot of a restaurant near the University of Kentucky campus in Lexington about 4 a.m. Sunday after witnesses reported an exchange of gunfire between two vehicles. Officers located one of the vehicles and stopped two people for questioning, the statement added. Fayette County Public Schools... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

St. Joseph police investigating after body found in park

ST. JOSEPH, Mo. (AP) — Police in St. Joseph are investigating after a body was found in a park. The St. Joseph News Press reports (http://j.mp/2evxxm5) the body was found on a trail in Krug Park on Sunday. Police say the death is considered suspicious. No other details were immediately available. ___ Information from: St. Joseph News-Press/St. Joe, Missouri, http://www.newspressnow.com

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Affleck's 'The Accountant' tops charts with $24.7 million

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ben Affleck is still a box office draw outside of the bat suit. Gavin O'Connor directed the R-rated thriller, starring Affleck as an autistic mathematician. The film didn't play especially well with critics, but audiences, who were 58 percent male and 68 percent over the age of 35, gave it a promising A'' CinemaScore. Affleck's mob drama "Live By Night," which he wrote, directed and stars in, opens on Christmas. The Kevin Hart concert film, which Universal Pictures distributed... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Los Angeles goes car free for a day for CicLAvia

Some six miles of streets in neighborhoods in and around downtown Los Angeles are closed to motor vehicles Sunday as the city's latest celebration of the CicLAvia (sick-luh-VEE'-uh) festival opens the lanes to cyclists. Despite some morning drizzle and patchy gray skies, thousands of cyclists, skaters and pedestrians are expected to participate in CicLAvia, modeled on a weekly car-free event started in Bogota, Colombia.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Cape Cod bridges OK after 1 clipped by pole on cruise ship

(AP) — Three bridges over the Cape Cod Canal have been checked out and none have any damage after a pole on a cruise ship clipped one of them last week. The Cape Cod Times reports (http://bit.ly/2dWpMX3 ) the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers decided to visually inspect all three bridges to make sure nothing was amiss after the pole scraped the Buzzards Bay Railroad Bridge on Wednesday.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Carr thought Raiders were going to trade him

The second-round pick had been told by coach Dennis Allen that he was definitely going to sit and learn behind starter Matt Schaub his rookie year, and nothing that happened at training camp or during the preseason had changed Carr’s thinking on that. Carr said there had been some quarterback injuries around the league that week and he took this sudden meeting as a clear sign that he was being traded. Not only had Schaub lost some arm strength, but a lot of confidence (that’s me talking, not Allen)... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Bullock, Gianforte ratchet up campaigns with early voting

(AP) — Montana Gov. Steve Bullock and Republican challenger Greg Gianforte are ratcheting up their campaigns and their rhetoric with early voting underway, as they change their focus from trying to sway undecided voters to rallying their supporters to cast their votes. By the time Election Day arrives Nov. 8, most Montana voters will have already cast their ballots, if this year follows the pattern of the past three election cycles. Gianforte, a political newcomer who sold his software company... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

UNH professor pushes for addressing groundwater threats

DURHAM, N.H. — (AP) — A University of New Hampshire professor is inviting the general public to the Durham campus for a meeting about threats to groundwater and drinking water supplies in New Hampshire's seacoast region.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Treasure Island Music Festival’s last year on island marred by storm

By the time Treasure Island Music Festival opened its gates Saturday, Oct. 15, the wind had already kicked up and heavy storm clouds were moving in on the island from all directions. About an hour later, a festival employee was transported to a local hospital for minor injuries caused by equipment that toppled over in the wind. The two-day festival, which was also celebrating its last hurrah on its namesake island, was marred by wild weather and frequent schedule changes over the weekend that left many festivalgoers drenched... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Кирилл Купченко, Директор по послепродажному обслуживанию ABTOДОМ МКАД рассказал о сервисном обслуживании электромобилей Zeekr

Путин в России и мире

Председатель Госдумы Володин: Путин спас Россию

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья отказался от должности и попросил защиты у Лукашенко. Он обвинил Варшаву в нечестной политике

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

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