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Новости за 14.08.2016

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Renovation at Michigan State's Breslin is progressing

(AP) — A Michigan State University construction project manager says phase one of a $50 million renovation project at the Breslin Student Events Center is about halfway complete. Jason VanZee tells the Lansing State Journal (http://on.lsj.com/2bskbos) exterior site work and the majority of the interior work on the northern entrances will be done before Aug. 29.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

KU hires new director of office probing discrimination cases

McCreery's office will investigate complaints regarding race, color, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender and sex, and sexual violence, The Kansas City Star (http://bit.ly/2b43Rqh ) reported. "Shane emerged from a very strong applicant pool because of his extensive experience as an equal opportunity leader and as a Title IX coordinator," Mike Rounds, associate vice provost for Human Resource Management, said in a news release Friday. The university has said it takes claims of sexual assault and sexual violence seriously... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Mall reopens as police probe reports of weekend gunfire

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A busy North Carolina shopping mall reopened for business Sunday as police continued investigating reports of gunfire that sent shoppers running in fear or left them hiding inside stores a day earlier. Video posted on social media sites shows dozens of people running toward mall exit doors as numerous screams were heard. Outside the mall, where people gathered afterward, a police officer got on the loudspeaker of a fire truck and said there was no one shot in the mall. Eight... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A less talky, more kinetic Shaw at Cal Shakes

Though she’s a principal character in a comedy who isn’t married and whose romantic history is discussed, Shaw does not dictate that she end the play wedded! The script, which Shaw called one of his “Plays Pleasant,” is also forward thinking in its treatments of social class and of parenting: Mrs. Clandon, a famous social reformer, advocates, in “treatises,” for answering all your children’s questions yet for not prying into their affairs. If Davis makes this delivery wonderfully brassy, the ensemble... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Unorthodox ballot names: A winning strategy?

PAWTUCKET, R.I. (AP) — Candidates for political office typically want to show voters who they are and where they stand. [...] if they don't belong to a traditional political party, demonstrating their ideology and political principles on the ballot can be a challenge. After state officials dropped the word 'damn,' which the party's founder thought was needed for emphasis, the party restored its full name in 2010 by using 2'' instead of too. Perennial presidential candidate Vermin Supreme, who... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Candidate runs on 'Sick of Scandals' ticket

John Arcaro declares himself a member of the "Sick of Scandals" movement, and state election officials are allowing him to include the phrase on the ballot next to his name. Arcaro said he was partly inspired by New York's Rent is Too Damn High Party, whose founder attracted wide attention for his populist campaigns for governor and other offices but ran into some trouble over New York's 15-letter limit on party labels. Independent candidates who don't belong to a registered party in Rhode Island... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Proposed Sioux Falls budget cuts drug prevention funds

Proposed Sioux Falls budget cuts drug prevention funds SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Funding for the Sioux Falls School District's drug prevention and intervention program will see cuts under Mayor Mike Huether's proposed 2017 budget. The Argus Leader (http://argusne.ws/2bmtq7v) reports that Prairie View Prevention Services is largely funded through the Sioux Falls Police Department, and has seven employees who work in the district's schools. Burns said the services offered by Prairie View are valued... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Marian University moves ahead despite lack of pledged money

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A businessman who pledged $48 million to build a medical school for a small Catholic university has ponied up only about one-fifth of that, but the school's president says it's not causing a financial crisis. The university is sitting on debts it took out based partly on Evans' pledge, made five years ago, when he promised to pay the full amount within nine years. [...] Evans has struggled with financial and legal problems.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Volunteers lacking for Boston police body camera program

BOSTON (AP) — As a Sept. 1 rollout date looms for a plan to equip 100 Boston police officers with body cameras, not a single officer has volunteered, prompting Boston's police commissioner to warn he may have to force officers to wear them. When a deal was announced with the city's largest police union to use cameras in a pilot program, civil rights advocates praised the plan as a step toward greater accountability amid a national outcry over police killings of black men in other cities. Police... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Famed Ohio high school football program faces penalties

Famed Ohio high school football program faces penalties MASSILLON, Ohio (AP) — One of Ohio's most decorated high school football programs is being penalized over alleged recruiting violations.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

University to hold tribute to author Willa Cather

The event, scheduled Sept. 10, will be filmed by university students. The university was awarded a $9,500 Big Read grant from the National Endowment for the Arts for the project.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Success over struggles

MOSCOW, Idaho (AP) — Khalin Smith parked his white 2006 Buick Lacrosse close to the door of the warehouse where he slept. Even closer was his sleeping bag, laptop, Bible and bag of snacks. A privately owned warehouse is where the 21-year-old found himself along his path to becoming a Division I football player — a road that featured a custody battle, failed grades, evictions and the daily struggles of being a less-fortunate black kid growing up in Vallejo, California. Last summer he was one passing... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Latest: Gas station owner says outsiders caused violence

Community volunteers have turned out to clean up after violent protests ransacked a north Milwaukee neighborhood following a police shooting. Two to three dozen people are sweeping and picking up debris Sunday morning around a BP gas station that was burned and largely destroyed near the intersection at the center of the violence Saturday night. Simmering anger over the fatal shooting of a man by police erupted in violence on Milwaukee's predominantly black north side, with protesters skirmishing... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Thai junta accused of exploiting bombings for political ends

The United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship, better known as the Red Shirts, issued their criticism as Thai authorities said they were keeping security high after attacks Thursday and Friday killed four people — all Thai — and wounded dozens in seven tourist destinations. Reports by Thai PBS television and other media said at least three people identified as Red Shirt leaders or supporters have been detained since Saturday at army camps, apparently for questioning about the attacks. Officials... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Putnam woodworker takes something old and makes it new again

Snyder never imagined his stress relief would eventually turn into his own business. While working a high-stress job at a local TV news station, Snyder turned to woodworking in his garage to relieve stress. After the June flooding, Snyder's friend brought him a ruined church pew from a Clendenin church because he knew Snyder could make something special out of it. There he learned how to make sturdy, handmade furniture. Though he makes rustic West Virginia furniture now with themes of bears, trout and evergreens... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Help Wanted as South Carolina students head back to class

GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) — As students head back to classes there are still teaching vacancies in South Carolina's largest school district as there are in districts statewide. The Greenville News reports (http://grnol.co/2b3BwTT ) that classes resume on Tuesday in the Greenville County School District that has more than 74,000 students. Jane Turner, the director of the South Carolina Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention and Advancement, says that each year about 4,000 teachers retire in the state.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Pierre School Board again seeks sale of old school building

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — The Pierre School Board is again trying to sell the empty McKinley Elementary School. The Capital Journal (http://bit.ly/2aHKyHf) reports that a $260,000 bid was rejected in 2014, and no bids were submitted last year. Officials also weren't able to strike a deal while seeking a private sale. Superintendent Kelly Glodt says it's been a tough sale to make. The school board recently voted to seek sealed bids for the property. ___ Information from: Pierre Capital Journal, http://www.capjournal.com

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Woman fights kidney disease, defies all statistics

Twenty-six million Americans suffer from kidney disease — that's one in 10 — and West Virginia has the highest per capita rate in the country of patients with kidney failure starting dialysis. After spending a year abroad, Gedney's kidney disease had improved by 50 percent, a miracle she credits to the clean living in Ecuador. Unlike those with healthy kidneys, Gedney said people that suffer from kidney disease are incapable of removing harmful phosphorus from the blood stream. Jeff Burbank, founder and CEO of NxStage Medical... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Latest: Flooding stands drivers for nearly a day

Emergency crews worked through the night to rescue scores of Louisiana residents from homes and stranded cars as floodwaters continued to inundate large swaths of the Baton Rouge region. Police also were rescuing people from dozens of cars that were stranded on Interstate 12, which was closed from Baton Rouge to Tangipahoa Parish. Emergency crews plucked motorists from stranded cars in high water along a stretch of south Louisiana interstate, pulled others from inundated homes and braced for more... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Jackson Laboratory to get nearly $12M for addiction center

BAR HARBOR, Maine (AP) — Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor will receive nearly $12 million in federal money to pay for its new center that will study drug addiction. The lab's new facility will be called the Center for System Neurogenetics of Addiction.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Bangladesh tries to move stranded elephant to safari park

NEW DELHI (AP) — A fully grown Indian elephant that washed up in a swamp in Bangladesh after being caught up in raging floodwaters has become a jumbo problem for wildlife officials on both sides of the border. Tapan Kumar Dey, a retired forest conservator who was overseeing the rescue efforts, said wildlife workers tranquilized the elephant Sunday to bring him closer to a highway to truck it to a safari park outside Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital. Indian wildlife authorities abandoned a plan to send... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Polish govt faces reputation test at famed horse auction

The state-run farm in Janow Podlaski, set amid lush meadows near the border with Belarus, has for decades drawn film directors and rock stars, Arab sheikhs and other millionaires for its yearly Pride of Poland auction, a sale of some of the world's finest Arabian horses.

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Экология в России и мире

«Компьютерный 3D-переводчик на жестовый язык» стал одним из победителей конкурса цифровых проектов и идей для людей с нарушением слуха «Мы услышим»

Путин в России и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Белый дом признал причастность к выработке «формулы мира» Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Раз нет протестов, будут санкции: как навальнисты и команда Ходорковского меняют стратегию борьбы с Россией

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Бесконечный отдых закончился: Джиган и Оксана Самойлова стали участниками шоу «Выжить в Дубае»


Shot: актриса Анастасия Заворотнюк заранее переписала имущество на детей и маму

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