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Новости за 13.07.2016

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Fort Wayne police investigate after man found on fire dies

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) — Fort Wayne authorities are investigating the death of a man whose burning body was discovered near a burning trash bin. Fort Wayne police say someone called 911 about 2:10 a.m. Wednesday to report a trash fire and said a burning body was at the site as well. Police say the caller tried to put out the man on fire with a fire extinguisher, as did the first officers arriving on the scene. Paramedics pronounced the man dead at the scene.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Officials launch Seward Highway speed limit pilot project

Officials launch Seward Highway speed limit pilot project ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — State transportation officials are testing out a new program on Seward Highway aimed at reducing congestion and making it safer for vehicles to pass slow drivers. "Passing lanes are less effective when vehicles in the right (slow) lane are traveling near the existing 65 mph speed limit," DOT said in a press release.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Latest: Protesters arrested on Minneapolis interstate

DALLAS (AP) — The Latest on the aftermath of fatal shootings by police in Louisiana and Minnesota and the subsequent killing of five police officers in Dallas (all times local): Law enforcement officers have arrested demonstrators who were blocking rush hour traffic on an interstate in downtown Minneapolis. About three dozen protesters blocked southbound Interstate 35W near University Avenue Wednesday morning before state troopers moved in, arrested them and put them on a bus. A private funeral... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Delaware Military Academy to build roughly $5 million dome

The News Journal of Wilmington reports (http://delonline.us/29IIEUM) the dome will be used to house an athletic complex and classrooms at the charter school near Newport. The school's most recent annual report to the state Department of Education shows that it's looking to increase its student population from about 560 students to 750 students in the coming years.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Spurned Georgia man pleads guilty to Florida bomb threats

According to court documents, 25-year-old Preston McWaters of Athens, Georgia, created false email and social media accounts in the name of a Jupiter man in a relationship with the woman who had rejected McWaters' romantic advances. Federal prosecutors said McWaters used the accounts to send false bomb threats over several weeks earlier this year to Palm Beach County schools, Palm Beach International Airport and private businesses.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Celebrities back Jennifer Aniston's tabloid takedown

Ghostbusters" star Melissa McCarthy tells Entertainment Tonight that she agrees "one hundred thousand billion percent" with Aniston's essay for the Huffington Post in which she writes constant paparazzi coverage contributes to a "dehumanizing view of females, focused solely on one's physical appearance. Morgan writes that he sympathizes some with Aniston's complaints about nonstop scrutiny of her physical appearance, but adds his belief that the former "Friends" star helped create the attention... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

NEA book program gets a makeover, will feature newer works

The NEA announced Wednesday that the Big Read, for which communities throughout the country have been assigned a single work to discuss, will focus on contemporary works of literature and offer a more diverse range of voices and styles. Starting in the fall of 2017, featured titles will range from Emily St. John Mandel's dystopian novel Station Eleven to Kevin Young's poetry collection Book of Hours to Claudia Rankine's hybrid of poetry and other art forms Citizen: According to the NEA, more than... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Art, bonhomie and inescapable violence mingle in Wine Country

A curator explained, for example, that one section of Amalia Ulman’s mixed-media “Destruction of Experience,” which printed materials said was an exploration of womanhood, had to do with Justin Bieber hiding his identity as a woman; another section was a tribute to a former CEO of Bayer Pharmaceuticals. When we first saw Rirkrit Tiravanija’s “Untitled 2011 (Police the Police)” a couple of years ago, artists were working on the piece — a commissioned installation “intended to develop over time,” said the program — at the party. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

NYC Council Speaker: Trump's plans could cripple economy

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump's lightning-rod proposals to deport illegal immigrants and temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States could cost New York state more than $800 million and New York City more 340,000 jobs, according to an analysis by the New York City Council. Mark-Viverito, a Hillary Clinton supporter, is expected to unleash her harshest criticism to date of Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, in a speech before the Association for a Better New York business group. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Chasing the presidency is Donald Trump's ultimate ego trip

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump was angry: A reporter had the gall to suggest that ego was behind his purchase of New York's famed Plaza Hotel. To understand why, consider the billionaire's ego not just as mere mortals might see it (an outsized allotment of conceit) but also as Trump himself understands it (an extraordinary drive for excitement, glamour and style that produces extraordinary success.) The race for the White House, then, may be Trump's ultimate ego trip, guided by the same instincts... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Man covers face with toilet paper, robs Nashville store

(AP) — Police in Tennessee are looking for a man who they say robbed a Nashville gas station while covering his face with toilet paper. Police are reviewing the store's surveillance video, hoping to get a frame of the man's face before he covered it with the toilet paper.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Embracing Lincoln, Clinton to urge nation to fix divisions

Clinton's campaign said the Democratic presidential nominee would use the backdrop of the Old State House in Springfield, Illinois, on Wednesday to discuss the importance of uniting the country and healing divisions in the nation's politics and culture. Returning to the site of Lincoln's speech, Clinton intends to address race relations in the aftermath of the shooting deaths of five Dallas police officers who were working at a public protest over fatal police shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

USM center gets federal grant to help at-risk students

(AP) — The Center for Community and Civic Engagement at the University of Southern Mississippi has been awarded a $379,076 federal grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service to implement the Campus Link AmeriCorps Program. Campus Link partners with several local agencies help decrease dropout rates and increase academic engagement in participating high-risk students.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Gehry-inspired cone-shaped Oakland Hills home asks $1.75 million

San Francisco may have The Slanted Door, but Oakland has The Slanted House. Created by developer/designer Art Busse in 2004, the cone-shaped, 4,700-square-foot home has been dubbed “Cambio”—Spanish for “Change.” On his website, Busse describes being inspired not just by “the exhilaration and grace in letting go” but also a fanned deck of cards, a

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

2 take plea deals, get probation in Hastings hazing incident

HASTINGS, Neb. (AP) — Two former Cambridge High School students accused of hazing at a wrestling camp last summer in Hastings have taken plea deals. In February the two were charged as juveniles with felony child abuse. Both entered pleas of no contest to disturbing the peace after prosecutors lowered the original charges. Both have turned 18. Both were given probation until they turn 19. One of them was sentenced in May. The other was sentenced Tuesday. School officials say the two were punished by the district as well... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

3 robberies reported on University of Maryland campus

COLLEGE PARK, Md. (AP) — University of Maryland campus police are searching for a suspect after receiving reports of three robberies on the College Park campus. Campus police said in a statement that the robberies occurred Tuesday night outside Tydings, Tawes, Queen Anne's halls. Police say the suspect was wearing black clothing and showed a black handgun in two of the incidents. The victims were not injured. Addition information has not been provided.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Court sides with Utah's Planned Parenthood in defunding case

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The Utah governor's order to block funding to Planned Parenthood was probably a political move designed to punish the group, a federal appeals court wrote in an ruling that ordered the state to keep the money flowing. Republican Gov. Gary Herbert cut off cash last fall for sexually transmitted disease and sex education programs following the release of secretly recorded videos showing out-of-state employees discussing fetal tissue from abortions. State attorneys have argued... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Bay Area Olympians then and now

The Bay Area has a rich history of producing Olympians. 71 of the 530 (13%) athletes that represented Team USA in London had Bay Area connections, and in Beijing, Bay Area athletes accounted for 24 total medals.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

SC agencies, food bank, compost group want to end food waste

The Commerce Department, the Department of Health and Environmental Control and the Agriculture Department are working with Feeding America which represents food banks across the country and Re-Soil Compost.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

NMSU to announce details of budget, job cuts

LAS CRUCES, N.M. (AP) — New Mexico State University president Garrey Carruthers says he will unveil details about the school's budget problems which will include jobs cuts. Carruthers said he will give details Wednesday about the elimination of 89 open positions and 37 jobs currently held by employees.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Florida beachgoer spies package of cocaine afloat in water

ENGLEWOOD, Fla. (AP) — Authorities say a Florida beachgoer has found more than two pounds of cocaine floating in waters at a state park along the Gulf Coast. Charlotte County Sheriff's officials say the suspicious package was spotted Saturday at Don Pedro State Park, part of a chain of barrier islands extending along the coast. Authorities told the Herald Tribune ( http://tinyurl.com/jkqkr3x ) that the parceled contained 2.58 pounds of powder cocaine. The paper said the case is under investigation. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Clinton cites Lincoln's 'House Divided' talk in unity plea

Clinton's campaign says the Democratic presidential candidate will talk about the importance of uniting the country at the Old State House in Springfield, Illinois, later Wednesday. Heading into the Democratic convention, Clinton has tried to present herself as a unifying figure against Republican Donald Trump.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Delgado's accreditation reaffirmed

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Delgado Community College has received official notification of reaffirmation of its accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

DC's other 1600 Pennsylvania is source of humor, headaches

The addition of an address nearly identical to the nation's seat of power has caused some confusion, but also some amusing opportunities for residents. Before the apartment building was built, the lot housed a used car dealership whose address was 1550 Pennsylvania Ave. SE. A goof means the mail might eventually get to the correct recipient, but because the president's mail gets extra security screening, any resident's mail with an incomplete address could be significantly delayed. There's also... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Spain: American gored in second-last San Fermin bull run

PAMPLONA, Spain (AP) — An American was gored in the leg and five other runners were injured Wednesday in the second-last running of the bulls at Pamplona's San Fermin festival, officials said. In a statement, the Navarra regional government identified the American as a 39-year-old with the initials M.L.O. and said his condition was not serious. The statement said four Spaniards and another American were also being treated in city hospitals for contusions suffered in the run.

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Экология в России и мире

6 городов России, где можно увидеть белые ночи кроме Санкт-Петербурга

Путин в России и мире

Собянин: к 2030 году на долю Москвы придется 35–40% туристов в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Жена оскандалившегося Валерия Меладзе провела вечер на концерте Земфиры в Испании


Май спрогнозировали россиянам синоптики

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