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Новости за 09.06.2016

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Ramen, sake and more: Here’s the food line-up for this year’s J-Pop Summit

This year’s J-POP Summit will feature a variety of Japanese food and drink, including grilled meat and vegetable skewers from Kushi Yaki Kuishinbo. Photo courtesy of J-POP Summit. Related Links Mensho Ramen: Tips for navigating the lines at San Francisco's new ramen joint J-Pop Summit, the annual celebration of all things Japanese — from fashion and pop culture to food and drink — returns to Fort Mason’s Festival Pavilion on July 23-24. Following up on last year’s debut, the Sake Summit will return... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Good Wife’ creators’ follow-up is ‘BrainDead’ on arrival

Laurel Healy (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is a young documentary filmmaker who is unable to get funding for her current project and is basically blackmailed by her rich father, Dean Healy (Zach Grenier), into taking a job with her brother, Luke Healy (Danny Pino), who is the Senate Democratic whip. Soon they’re romping around the crania of a couple of senators, a young chess player, a renowned scientist and a college friend of Laurel’s. “Not many people know about this, but bugs fart,” says Gustav Triplett (Johnny Ray Gill)... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

BMW's new M2 Coupe a pitch-perfect road and track machine

The M2 is built to withstand the rigors of track use/abuse and is available only as a coupe, Despite its impressive arsenal of engineering tweaks (we'll visit that arena in a bit), we were as stoked by the M2's balance of power and handling as its specifications and performance metrics. [...] in normal commuting, the more aggressive side of its dual personality never becomes obnoxious. Even before you press the start button to wake BMW's 365-horsepower, turbo-fortified inline six-cylinder engine... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Three camps of job seekers: Which one are you?

Last week a job candidate described the most difficult aspect of her search was getting it started. The thoughts of making calls and sending out resumes kept her from putting her search in motion even though she was aware that a job would not fall in her lap without effort. Lots of people share similar

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

CDC director: Funding delay hurts fight against Zika

"Give us the money so we can work with American women and children and families to monitor the effects of Zika, so we can do a better job at killing mosquitoes to protect American women, and so we can develop better tools to diagnose Zika, to control mosquitoes and ultimately, with NIH in the lead, to find a vaccine to protect women," he said during an appearance in Atlanta. The Obama administration's $1.9 billion request, made in February, would allow officials to continue Zika prevention efforts... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Book recommendations from Kepler’s Books

Recommendations of recent books from the staffs of a rotating list of Bay Area independent bookstores. Ile’s use of personal tragedy to illustrate the impacts of national turmoil is masterful, and the story roars as a quiet critique of political and corporate corruption. Grief Is the Thing With Feathers, by Max Porter: A powerful, surreal novella-poem of grief and healing. Devastated by the loss of his wife, Dad struggles to take care of his boys, himself, and finish his book on the poetry of Ted Hughes. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Literary guide

Literary guide Babar in Exile Readings by Bucky Sinister, Deborah Fruchey, Garrett Murphy. 7 p.m. Octopus Literary Salon, 2101 Webster St., Oakland. 5 p.m. Books Inc., 3515 California St., S.F. (415) 221-3666. www.booksinc.net. Susan Cohen, Catherine Abbey Hodges Cohen’s “A Different Wakeful Animal” and Hodge’s “Instead of Sadness.” 3 p.m. Diesel, 5433 College Ave., Oakland. Recipes and Techniques for Foolproof Baking. 3 p.m. Omnivore Books, 3885 Cesar Chavez St., S.F. (415) 282-4712. www.omnivorebooks.com. Rosa Lane... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A selection of first sentences from new books, June 12

Perhaps the single most startling fact about America is that, alone among the modern nations that have become world powers, it did so while butted up against three thousand miles of howling wilderness populated by Stone-Age tribes. “Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging,” by Sebastian Junger You’re not allowed to read this — I’m not even really allowed to write it. “Enchanted Islands,” a novel by... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Which movies to watch this weekend, June 10

Which movies to watch this weekend, June 10 Greta Gerwig is brilliant in this odd and well-written romantic comedy, from director Rebecca Miller, about a woman who meddles in the lives of others. Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone wrote and star in this very funny, sometimes jaw-dropping satire, which not only sends up the career of a hip-hop star (Samberg) but also skewers contemporary celebrity culture. Samantha Montgomery, a New Orleans nursing-home worker with a troubled past,... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Hamilton’ raises ticket prices: Best seats will cost $849

The moves — raising the price for premium seats to $849 while offering 46 seats per show at $10 each — are part of a broader effort to stanch the loss of tens of millions of dollars in potential revenue to scalpers and to make the show available to people who cannot afford pricey theater tickets. An $849 theater ticket, although less than some people are paying to purchase seats to “Hamilton” on the secondary market, is a record price for tickets being sold directly by a Broadway show. Many corners of the entertainment industry... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A craft beer revolution brews in Paris

At one end of the bar, a student grins as dark-colored stout oozes from the tap; at the other, an after-work crowd eases into the evening with a few locally brewed beers. La Fine Mousse is ample proof that in Paris — the wine connoisseur’s holy land — craft beer could soon become the drink du jour. East of Montmartre in the city’s La Goutte d’Or (Drop of Gold) district, brewery owner Thierry Roche has been taking bold steps to mature the French capital’s taste for craft beer. Named after the district... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A lackluster night at the Symphony

[...] James Conlon’s guest appearances with the San Francisco Symphony over the past decade and more have been exciting, with out-of-the-way repertoire rendered in vibrant colors. [...] there was Conlon in Davies Symphony Hall on Wednesday night, June 8, waging an uncharacteristically uphill struggle to impart some dramatic intensity to a program of repertory works by Britten, Mozart and Dvorák. The main problems seemed to be technical, as conductor and orchestra tried repeatedly — without consistent success ... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘The Village Bike’ not even worth a roll down the block

The show is unworthy of Shotgun Players, the company that, in 2015, produced an entire season of plays by women in an effort to do their part (which is much, much more than most companies do) to help correct contemporary American theater’s insidious and persistent preference for plays by men. A selection of some of the play’s worst retrograde moments as it chronicles the troubled marriage of Becky (Elissa Stebbins) and John (Nick Medina), who are recent transplants to their English village: John gets to mansplain to Becky how she’s feeling ... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Border ranchers with few options now have police radios

(AP) — Southern Arizona ranchers who often encounter drug smugglers now have a new way to get help in emergencies: sheriff-issued radios that connect them directly to 911 dispatchers. John Ladd, whose family ranch sits along 10 miles of the international border, says the radios will come in handy when he's in remote parts of his ranch where there is a poor cellphone signal.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

EPA: Marathon to cut air pollution from Detroit refinery

DETROIT (AP) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Justice Department say an agreement has been reached with Marathon Petroleum to reduce air pollution from a Detroit refinery. The EPA says Thursday that the deal also calls for reductions in air pollution from refineries in four other states outside Michigan.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Iowa business stopped from painting storefront solid pink

According to Dolash, her business sells natural and organic makeup, skin care and hair care. The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier (http://bit.ly/1ZBK7gz ) reports that the council voted 5-2 this week, upholding the recommendation of the city staff, Community Main Street's design review board and the city's Planning and Zoning Commission.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Man arrested in Staten Island shooting that killed mom, son

NEW YORK (AP) — New York City police say a man has been arrested on charges alleging he fatally shot a woman and her adult son on Staten Island in March. The New York Police Department says Anthony Morales was arrested Thursday on murder and other charges in connection with the March 24 shooting that also wounded a 22-year-old man.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Clinton to campaign with Obama in Green Bay

Wisconsin Republican Party spokesman Pat Garrett says Clinton is a "dishonest politician" who has a record of scandal and will be rejected by Wisconsin voters. Both of the state Republican and Democratic parties held their state conventions in Green Bay this spring.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Superintendent: Vigo schools back to work after FBI raids

All Vigo County School Corp. administrators were back to work one day after the FBI raided its administrative offices, transportation center and information technology center, Superintendent Danny Tanoos said. At least a dozen FBI agents entered the administrative offices about 9:20 a.m. Wednesday, sending school corporation employees out of the building. Employees were turned away at the district's transportation center, where FBI personnel were seen looking at a school bus and later removing more than 40 boxes and computer towers... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

What's in a name? Ask the Wisconsin Ethics Commission

(AP) — Members of the newly created commission to regulate ethics and campaign finance laws for Wisconsin office holders and lobbyists continued their organizational work Thursday with the simplest of tasks: deciding on a name. The Legislature, along with Gov. Scott Walker, tired of the nonpartisan GAB's work, specifically its involvement in an investigation into Walker and conservative groups that was deemed unconstitutional last year by the state Supreme Court. Democrats and government watchdog groups fought against the changes... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Yuck! The weird things kids swallow or stuff go on display

Latex balloons, magnets and colorful laundry detergent pods are also frequently swallowed, said Dr. Sarah Denny, an emergency department pediatrician at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, who has extracted a cellphone button from a teenager's ear and a gum wrapper that was stuck in a child's nostril for a couple of weeks. Parents need to keep small objects out of the reach of toddlers and make sure toys are age-appropriate. Besides the obvious hazards of choking — brain damage or death ... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Detroit prosecutor: We didn't run 'rogue' in murder case

DETROIT (AP) — A prosecutor who urged a judge to throw out a young man's guilty pleas to four killings after he spent eight years in prison defended how the case was handled on Thursday, saying her office swiftly sought his release when state police cast doubt on the work of Detroit police. Sanford's family and his appellate lawyers have said he pleaded guilty because he felt trapped by a poor trial attorney and by the fear of a mandatory sentence of life in prison if convicted. [...] Worthy said... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Более 9 тыс сотрудников Росгвардии обеспечили безопасность в День Победы в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Си отказал Макрону в просьбе, связанной с Путиным. В Москву прибыл лидер Кубы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассмотрит заявление об убежище от польского суди Шмидта

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец Сергей АРУТЮНОВ и солистка группы Демо - встречаются, или просто выпустили совместный хит “Солнышко”? Разлад АРУТЮНОВА и Маши Малиновской?


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