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Новости за 03.02.2016

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

For Stanford football, a sweet ’16 recruiting class

For Stanford football, a sweet ’16 recruiting class [...] when Curtis Robinson picked Stanford, he said, mom was delighted. Kaden Smith fell in love with Stanford while watching Andrew Luck and the Cardinal lose the Fiesta Bowl to Oklahoma State after the 2011 season. “I noticed how they used their tight ends a lot,” Smith said. Robinson, an outside linebacker from Orange County, and Smith, a tight end from suburban Dallas, are among the crown jewels of Stanford’s excellent 2016 recruiting class... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Super Bowl Opening Night draws thousands to San Jose

Super Bowl Opening Night draws thousands to San Jose Carlos Nadal loves his Denver Broncos. Nadal wore an orange Peyton Manning jersey, an orange beanie and had a blue Broncos flag draped on his back, like a cape. The event attracted a spirited crowd of 7,000, even if fans merely watched Denver and Carolina players field questions from an estimated 2,000 media members. Monday night’s festivities marked a fresh way for the NFL to launch its week of rampant excess. The league used to call this... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Senate Education Committee considers later school start time

SEATTLE (AP) — A state Senate committee on Tuesday discussed a bill proposed by students from Snohomish County that would move the start time for public schools one hour later next year. Senate Bill 6415 to increase money for supplies in career and technical programs received an enthusiastic hearing with testimony by dozens of people. The Senate Education Committee also passed several bills out of committee on Tuesday, including a measure that would give students more freedom of expression in school-sponsored media. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

QB Max Gilliam headlines Cal’s recruiting class

QB Max Gilliam headlines Cal’s recruiting class Max Gilliam is a pass-oriented quarterback who graduated early from a California high school so he could enroll at Cal in the middle of the school year and be eligible for spring practice. Sound familiar? By no means are we drawing comparisons to Jared Goff, but we are pointing out that Gilliam was the lone quarterback in Cal’s 2016 recruiting class to enroll early, as Goff did three years earlier. Goff eventually won the starting job, set a slew of Cal records and is heading to the NFL draft.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Gilead Sciences beats estimates for 4th-quarter earnings

Gilead Sciences Inc. posted a 34 percent increase in fourth-quarter profit, trouncing Wall Street expectations, as sales of its blockbuster hepatitis C drugs soared in Japan and offset lower sales in the U.S. The maker of Harvoni, the first once-daily, single-pill regimen for hepatitis C, and predecessor drug Sovaldi, has been propelled by the lucrative franchise since Sovaldi was released at the end of 2013. [...] their sales in the U.S. appear to have begun an expected slowdown, with insurers... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Man convicted in shooting of 3 outside high school

PITTSBURGH (AP) — A western Pennsylvania man has been convicted of attempted homicide and other counts in a shooting outside a Pittsburgh high school in 2013. Authorities alleged that Willet shot three students outside Brashear High School in November 2013, firing from a wooded area as they left school.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Obama to present Medal of Honor to Navy SEAL

The Medal of Honor is the nation's highest award for valor in action, and the White House typically goes into great detail about the actions leading to the award. An unclassified summary provided by Defense Department officials says Byers participated in the rescue of Dr. Dilip Joseph, who was abducted along with his driver and Afghan interpreter three days earlier. Byers was part of a rescue team that traveled for four hours across mountainous terrain to make its assault on the compound where the doctor was held. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Salesforce promotes Keith Block to COO, rolls out updates

Salesforce on Tuesday promoted former Oracle executive Keith Block to chief operating officer and unveiled several updates to its business cloud software platform. “I couldn’t be more excited than to have Keith as a core partner in running Salesforce,” CEO Marc Benioff said during a luncheon for customers, reporters and industry analysts to kick off the San Francisco company’s fiscal year. [...] he becomes Benioff’s second-in-command at cloud computing giant Salesforce, where he leads global sales... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Alabama expected to rule signing day after winning another title

Less than a month after winning its fourth national championship in seven seasons, Alabama has a chance to extend its string of unofficial recruiting titles. Alabama has landed the nation’s top signing class each of the past five years, according to composite rankings of recruiting websites compiled by 247Sports. LSU led the composite team rankings early Tuesday and was followed by Ohio State, Florida State, Mississippi and Alabama. Mississippi faces the challenge of making sure it doesn’t lose... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Body of woman discovered in burned Oakland house

Firefighters rushed to the blaze in the 3200 block of Hood Street and found the house completely engulfed in flames, said Oakland Fire Battalion Chief Coy Justice. A video of the incident released by the Oakland Fire Department showed firefighters standing on top of a structure surrounded by smoke and flames while hosing down the roof. An Oakland firefighter battling the blaze was hospitalized with a minor injuries, authorities said.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

New drone video shows progress on Apple’s spaceship-like campus

It looks like Apple’s new Cupertino headquarters is getting closer to becoming a reality. A new video posted Monday shows a bird’s eye view of the office building under construction, and it’s starting to look a lot more like a building (and a spaceship, but that’s neither here nor there). The video was recorded by local videographer

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Sick student prompts meningitis scare at Santa Clara University

A Santa Clara University student hospitalized over the weekend is believed to have contracted meningococcal meningitis, public health officials said Tuesday, but they are still awaiting lab results to confirm it. The undergraduate student, whose condition and identity have not been disclosed, became extremely ill Sunday and was admitted to an area hospital. County public health and university officials were working to identify anyone who came into close contact with the student during the contagious phase. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Drugmakers calculated price boosts with profit in mind, memos say

Martin Shkreli anticipated huge profits from raising the price of a decades-old drug for infectious disease, belying any notion that helping patients was foremost in his mind, according to information released by congressional investigators Tuesday. Shkreli practically gloated about the potential profits in an e-mail he sent in August, just after his company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, had paid $55 million to acquire the drug Daraprim, and had raised its price more than fiftyfold to $750 a pill, or $75,000 for a bottle of 100. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Iowa Democrats face criticism over missteps at caucus sites

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Four years after the Iowa Republican Party was criticized for mishandling an extremely close caucus, Democratic Party leaders faced similar scrutiny Tuesday over how they and their volunteers handled the state's signature political event. Surprised by the higher-than-expected turnout, organizers reported overcrowded meeting rooms and delays caused by long lines of people registering to vote. Clinton was named the winner after winning by less than four "state delegate equivalents" out of 1,405... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Latest: Regulator: Regulator to testify on Flint water

Keith Creagh, director of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, says the state did not require corrosion treatment after officials noticed elevated lead levels in January 2015. In prepared testimony for a hearing Wednesday on Capitol Hill, Creagh said state officials "relied on technical compliance (with the law) instead of assuring safe drinking water." Attorney Geoffrey Fieger says the suit was filed in Genesee Circuit Court alleges McLaren Flint hospital and state officials didn't... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Super Bowl City: A view from those who live on San Francisco’s streets

San Francisco’s homeless live under the constant threat of displacement, made even worse by Super Bowl 50. Who are these people who’ve been moved out of sight and how do they feel about Super Bowl City? Homeless in Super Bowl City from Michael Reiner on Vimeo. Michael Reiner is a freelance copy writer and photographer.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

January auto sales fall slightly because of storm

U.S. auto sales fell slightly in January because of the East Coast snowstorm, but analysts say demand remains strong and buyers will likely head back into dealerships this month. Sales fell less than 1 percent to 1.1 million, according to Autodata Corp. The mid-January storm, which buried New York and Washington under more than 2 feet of snow, cost automakers around 15,000 vehicle sales, said John Humphrey, J.D. Power’s senior vice president of automotive. Even with the lackluster results, analysts... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Law enforcement motorcycle club, outlaw biker gangs clash

DENVER — One of the nation’s fastest-growing motorcycle clubs is composed largely of military, police officers and prison guards. [...] experts say its members are increasingly becoming entangled in violence with other biker groups, blurring the line between professionals who are sworn to uphold the law and a biker culture with a long history of criminal activity. More than one person fired a weapon during the melee, including a Colorado Department of Corrections officer who wore patches that clearly... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Scientists map bedbug genome, follow pest through NYC subway

Scientists already have found that genetic traces of bedbugs in northern Manhattan are more closely related to those in the island's southern part, while there are bigger variations between the Upper East Side and Upper West Side. Not that bedbugs are riding the subway, noted George Amato, an evolutionary biologist at the American Museum of Natural History who also worked on bedbug project. To learn how the bedbug has evolved and spread, the New York team took DNA sample swabs from 1,400 city locations including subway cars... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

More big oil companies take hits in 4th-quarter results

The newest measure of the oil industry’s falling fortunes came Tuesday in the form of a $3.3 billion fourth-quarter loss reported by BP. Low oil and natural gas prices are saving families hundreds of dollars a year, but there are few cheers among energy executives. Longer term, there are questions about the value of oil still under the ground and the sea floor, as climate concerns prompt energy users of all sizes to seek alternatives to fossil fuels. BP and Exxon Mobil continue to pledge their commitment to their dividends... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Q&A: How and why AP called Clinton-Sanders race when it did

News organizations widely rely on The Associated Press to call the winner in elections and, in presidential caucuses and primaries, to determine the number of delegates won by candidates to the nominating conventions. [...] entrance or exit polls of voters arriving to caucuses or leaving voting precincts (on Monday, entrance polls were used). [...] an analysis of actual votes from a random sample of precincts across each state. [...] the AP vote count, which tabulates all actual votes as they are reported from precincts to counties... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Roller derby advocates press for the right to hit in Maine

Members of the Legislature's Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Committee appeared eager to help the skaters scrap the law, which dates to 1991. Committee members said it seemed unfair that hockey players are allowed to check each other but derby skaters can't. "Because in Maine, if you put on roller skates and bash into something, you are breaking the law," said Rep. Joel R. Stetkis, a Canaan Republican.

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Дружба» провело экологические акции

Путин в России и мире

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Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский объяснил, почему не хочет приглашать РФ на «саммит мира»

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Красноярские легкоатлеты стали лучшими на чемпионате России

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