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Новости за 16.04.2018

The Seattle Times 

Lake County uses alcohol-sensing ankle monitors in DUI cases

WAUKEGAN, Ill. (AP) — Prosecutors in Lake County have started using alcohol-sensing ankle monitors to measure the sobriety of repeat DUI offenders. The (Waukegan) News-Sun reports that Lake County State’s Attorney Michael Nerheim says the program saves taxpayers money and gives offenders “the chance to get sober and get their lives back on track.” The […]

The Seattle Times 

Group seeks to lower brook trout catch limit

COLCHESTER, Vt. (AP) — Vermont environmentalists are asking the state to lower the brook trout catch limit. Vermont Public Radio reports the Vermont chapter of the nonprofit Trout Unlimited wants the state to reduce the fish’s catch limit from 12 a day to six. The fish is the state’s only native trout, and it was […]

The Seattle Times 

Potential adviser to Pence withdraws after Trump objects

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence’s choice to be his new national security adviser has withdrawn from consideration after President Donald Trump got wind of the plan to hire someone associated with anti-Trump ads in the past. The White House says Jon Lerner, an adviser to the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki […]

The Seattle Times 

US bars China’s telecom giant ZTE from buying US components

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Commerce Department is blocking Chinese telecommunications giant ZTE Corp. from importing American components for seven years, accusing the company of misleading U.S. regulators after it settled charges of violating sanctions against North Korea and Iran. ZTE agreed in March 2017 to plead guilty and pay $1.19 billion for illegally shipping […]

The Seattle Times 

Women farmers lead the way in New Hampshire

STRATHAM, N.H. (AP) — A young child wearing a pink dress, fairy wings attached to her back, watering seeds in the family greenhouse. That is Forrest Barker’s favorite photograph of herself. Now 23, she may not have the fairy wings, but Forrest’s passion for the farmland on which she grew up has only swelled. She […]

The Seattle Times 

Schools worry about proposed changes to small school grants

COLCHESTER, Vt. (AP) — Small schools in Vermont say they may be forced to close once lawmakers change how the state disperses small school grants. Vermont Public Radio reports about 44 schools receive the grant. The grants go to schools that have an average enrollment of fewer than 100 or an average grade size of […]

The Seattle Times 

Spring storm brings hail, snow to Northern California

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Hail is covering highways and streets in the San Francisco Bay Area and snow is falling in the Sierra Nevada as a spring storm moves through Northern California. Some cars are sliding off roads and school officials in Oakland say they are considering delaying the start of classes Monday after a […]

The Seattle Times 

Parkland survivor shares prom night with Nebraska teen

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — A survivor of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting has shared a senior prom night to remember with a Nebraska girl. Fidan Ibrahimova told the Lincoln Journal Star that she liked what Kyle Kashuv said after the Feb. 14 attack, citing his thoughts on preventing gun violence without infringing on gun rights. […]

The Seattle Times 

Man convicted in 1996 killing in Georgia set to be executed

ATLANTA (AP) — A man convicted of robbing and killing an off-duty prison guard is set to be the second inmate executed in Georgia this year. State Attorney General Chris Carr announced Monday that 40-year-old Robert Earl Butts Jr. is scheduled to die on May 3 at the state prison in Jackson. Butts and 41-year-old […]

The Seattle Times 

Tree workers dies doing work on Trumbull property

TRUMBULL, Conn. (AP) — Police continue to investigate the weekend death of a tree worker in Trumbull. Police say the 28-year-old man fell about 45 feet on Saturday when the tree he was working on gave way. Lt. Keith Golding said the man was wearing a safety harness and as he began removing the top […]

The Seattle Times 

Wolf signs bill providing guidelines on domestic abuse bail

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A new Pennsylvania law is in place to help guide judges setting bail for defendants accused of domestic abuse. Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf on Monday signed “Tierne’s Law ,” letting county courts set guidelines for assessing whether a defendant in such cases poses a threat. The state sentencing commission will develop […]

The Seattle Times 

Utility could set standard for reducing energy costs

STRATHAM, N.H. (AP) — The state’s largest electric utility hopes its partnership with one of the Seacoast’s largest manufacturers can serve as a template for how the state’s large, medium and small businesses, as well as homeowners, can reduce their energy costs. Eversource in February signed a memorandum of understanding with Lindt Chocolate USA, committing […]

The Seattle Times 

Rhode Island’s eviction rate highest in New England

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Rhode Island had the highest eviction rate among New England states in 2016, and Providence’s rate nearly tripled Boston’s. The Providence Journal reports new data from the Eviction Lab at Princeton University shows elevated eviction rates in the Ocean State. There were 5,069 evictions in Rhode Island in 2016 and 1,580 […]

The Seattle Times 

State Conservative Party backs Molinaro in governor’s race

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Leaders of the New York state Conservative Party are backing Republican Marc Molinaro as he seeks the GOP nomination to run for governor this year. The Dutchess County executive on Monday thanked Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long and the organization’s executive committee for supporting his campaign, which he officially launched April […]

The Seattle Times 

Report: Texas foster care girls more likely to get pregnant

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — An advocacy group says teens in Texas foster care are five times more likely to become pregnant than other girls statewide. Citing 2017 Texas Department of Family and Protective Services data, a 38-page report released Monday by Texans Care for Children says 332 foster care girls were pregnant last year, while […]

The Seattle Times 

Hispanic Catholics protest priest for ending Spanish Mass

TIJERAS, N.M. (AP) — Some Hispanic Catholics in a New Mexico town want a priest removed after he ended Spanish Mass and allegedly told one parishioner he needed to pray for what he did in the Vietnam War. KOB-TV in Albuquerque reports more than two dozen parishioners in the small mountain hamlet of Tijeras picketed […]

The Seattle Times 

New leader chosen for St. Louis Veterans Home

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — A Missouri panel has chosen a new leader for the St. Louis Veterans Home following complaints about care and staff morale at the facility. The Missouri Veterans Commission on Monday announced that members appointed Theresia Metz to be the home’s next administrator. She’s now the administrator for Fitzgibbon Hospital’s The […]

The Seattle Times 

Man accused of using banned pesticide that sickened family

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — An ex-manager of a pest-control company in the U.S. Virgin Islands faces criminal charges of poisoning four members of a Delaware family who were exposed to a pesticide in their vacation rental. A grand jury charged Jose Rivera on Thursday with improperly using the pesticide methyl bromide in the St. John […]

The Seattle Times 

UK court rules against parents who want son to go to Italy

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s Court of Appeal has ruled against the parents of a terminally ill toddler who are seeking permission to take him to Italy for medical treatment. The parents of Alfie Evans have been engaged in a protracted legal fight with Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool over his care. Alfie’s parents were […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Delaware girl, 9, dies 2 days after hit-and-run

SEAFORD, Del. (AP) — A 9-year-old girl has died two days after she was struck by a car in Delaware after checking her family’s mailbox. Delaware State Police said in a news release Monday that the unidentified girl died Saturday evening. She had been flown to hospital in Wilmington after she was struck. The incident […]

The Seattle Times 

City says law requires garbage hauling bids be kept secret

NATCHEZ, Miss. (AP) — Officials in a southwest Mississippi city say a new part of state law means they don’t have to publicly release the price of garbage hauling bids. The Natchez Democrat reports that Natchez aldermen are only disclosing the names of the six bidders and no other information. City Attorney Bob Latham tells […]

The Seattle Times 

Nature Conservancy buys county club development rights

EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — The Nature Conservancy in Rhode Island has paid about $2 million to ensure that an East Providence country club won’t ever be developed. The Providence Journal reports that under the agreement, the Conservancy bought the development rights to about two-thirds of the Agawam Hunt club. The 82 acres include the […]

The Seattle Times 

AP Source: Denver Broncos release C.J. Anderson

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — A person familiar with the situation tells The Associated Press that running back C.J. Anderson has been released by the Denver Broncos. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the team hasn’t officially announced Anderson’s departure, which was first reported by the NFL Network. The move clears a combined $9 […]

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Экология в России и мире

Четыре города ЦФО вошли в федеральный топ-10 по качеству жизни

Путин в России и мире

Глава МИД КНР Ван И заявил, что Пекин ценит позицию Москвы по Тайваню

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский объяснил, почему не хочет приглашать РФ на «саммит мира»

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юлия Савичева

«Прыгала, как сумасшедшая»: Юлия Савичева рассказала об исполнении давней мечты в шоу «УТРО. ТНТ»


В плюсе. Доходы Тверской области выросли, а госдолг стал меньше

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