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Новости за 13.04.2018

The Seattle Times 

Nuclear weapons: Nowhere to run

Re “Interactive graphic shows nuke blast fallout”: In addition to the deaths and physical injuries from the heat and blast, the intense radiation would likely cause hundreds of thousands of deaths in the first days and weeks, along with radiation-induced illness, disease and deaths over subsequent months and years. As for any effective response — […]

The Seattle Times 

Democrats use Greitens’ woes to attack Senate candidate

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri Democrats are using Republican Gov. Eric Greitens’ political and legal woes to try to attack the top GOP candidate in a hotly contested U.S. Senate race. Democrats are seeking to tie Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley to Greitens, despite Hawley’s call for Greitens’ resignation after a special legislative report […]

The Seattle Times 

Immigration courts: ‘Heartbreaking’

Nina Shapiro’s piece on immigration courts was accurate and important. I attended a deportation hearing for the father of my daughter’s friend at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma last year. It was sobering and heartbreaking. The building is buried in an industrial zone of semi-trucks and potholes. The judge’s description of an “alternate legal […]

The Seattle Times 

Arizona mother pleads not guilty in children’s car deaths

FLORENCE, Ariz. (AP) — An Arizona mother has pleaded not guilty to murder and other charges in the deaths of her two small children. Video from KPHO-TV shows 20-year-old Brittany Velasquez remaining silent for most of her arraignment Friday morning in Pinal County Superior Court. Velasquez, who is being represented by a public defender, is […]

The Seattle Times 

Ruling on school shooting plot suspect puts some on edge

FAIR HAVEN, Vt. (AP) — Some residents of a Vermont community are on edge and a school is boosting security after the state Supreme Court ruled that a teen charged with planning a shooting at his former high school should be granted bail. The court ruled Wednesday that Jack Sawyer, 18, did not act on […]

The Seattle Times 

Middle East: American ineptitude

Sadly, President Donald Trump must face Syrian atrocities without the world’s trust, thanks to the inept policies of previous administrations. Sanctions against Iraq imposed by the U.S.-led U.N. Security Council in 1990 and maintained by Bill Clinton resulted in an estimated 500,000 deaths. George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq killed hundreds of thousands more, threw […]

The Seattle Times 

Process no more: 76ers’ awaited playoff push starts vs. Heat

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Opera Philadelphia took a break from its rehearsal for “Carmen” to record an a capella version of the Philadelphia 76ers’ catchy retro anthem , “Here Come the Sixers.” Philly can belt out the words . “No. 1, Philadelphia. Here they come, team of the year. One, two three, four, five, Sixers.” Keep […]

The Seattle Times 

Farewell, Jerry Large: An inspiration

Happy trails to “the conscience of the newsroom,” Jerry Large. Who will step in to fill the void of his insights that helped us understand and do something about poverty, hunger, racism and inequality? Let’s join our voices to make sure these issues are kept in the conversation. Thanks for your years of service, Mr. […]

The Seattle Times 

Marquette stands behind ‘Pride Prom’ organizers

MILWAUKEE (AP) — Students at Marquette University are moving forward with plans for a “Pride Prom” celebrating the school’s LGBT community despite an online petition from a Catholic group asking the Jesuit school to block it. Marquette University’s LGBTQ+ Resource Center promoted Saturday’s event as a way to celebrate diversity and “foster support, inclusiveness and […]

The Seattle Times 

Immigration raid at Tennessee plant inspires march

MORRISTOWN, Tenn. (AP) — Tennesseans took to the streets a week after 97 people were detained in an immigration raid at a meat packing plant. WBIR-TV reports more than 100 people marched Thursday in Morristown, holding pictures of those detained in the raid at the Southeastern Provision plant in Grainger County. Thirty-two people were released, […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Woman who drove SUV with family off cliff was drunk

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Authorities say a woman who drove off California cliff last month in an SUV carrying her wife and children was drunk. California Patrol Capt. Bruce Carpenter said Friday that toxicology tests found Jennifer Hart had an alcohol level of .102. California drivers are considered drunk with a level of 0.08 or […]

The Seattle Times 

Child’s body found in California river where family vanished

LEGGETT, Calif. (AP) — Authorities searching for a family whose SUV plunged into a Northern California river have found the body of a child. Mendocino County Sheriff Thomas Allman said Friday a boat team recovered the deceased juvenile about 7 miles (11 kilometers) south of where the family’s SUV fell into the rain-swollen Eel River last […]

The Seattle Times 

Appeal leads to delay in Ohio buried newborn murder case

LEBANON, Ohio (AP) — A former high school cheerleader who’s accused of killing and burying her newborn baby won’t go on trial in Ohio next week. The delay comes after attorneys for 19-year-old Brooke Skylar Richardson appealed a ruling from Thursday on disputed medical testimony in the case. The trial was scheduled to begin Monday. […]

The Seattle Times 

Tennessee bill passes to take coal regulation away from feds

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A bill that would take coal mining regulation away from the federal government and put it back in the hands of the state of Tennessee is now headed to the governor. The measure was sponsored by lawmakers who have coal mines in their districts. They argued that it would speed up […]

The Seattle Times 

MPR, Keillor strike deal to restore access to old shows

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Minnesota Public Radio says it has an agreement with Garrison Keillor to restore online access to old recordings of his “A Prairie Home Companion” radio show. MPR said Friday it will pay Keillor $275,000 for limited, non-exclusive rights to those shows for three years as well as Keillor’s “The Writer’s […]

The Seattle Times 

Elementary resource officer rushed to Parkland high school

PARKLAND, Fla. (AP) — A resource officer at a Florida elementary school jumped into action Feb. 14 after hearing a colleague scream “shots fired” at a nearby high school where 17 were killed. The Broward Sheriff’s Office released a new batch of deputy reports Friday about the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in […]

The Seattle Times 

University of Missouri considers tuition hike amid shortfall

ROLLA, Mo. (AP) — A report says the University of Missouri System may face a budget shortfall of up to $200 million a year by fiscal 2023 without new sources of revenue and additional spending. The Columbia Daily Tribune reports that the system’s chief financial officer, Ryan Rapp, prepared the report and presented it to […]

The Seattle Times 

Wichita man charged with killing wife, dumping her body

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — A Wichita man accused of killing his wife and dumping her body into a dumpster is now charged with first-degree murder. KAKE-TV reports 30-year-old Donnell Stafford appeared in Sedgwick County court by video Friday. Police allege he killed 37-year-old Leuh Moore early Sunday and put her body in a dumpster behind […]

The Seattle Times 

Perdue marks 50th anniversary of brand, Maryland plant

SALISBURY, Md. (AP) — Perdue Farms is marking the 50th anniversary of the Perdue brand and of its processing plant on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The Daily Times reports local and state officials attended an anniversary celebration in Salisbury on Friday. The company said in a statement that the Salisbury plant was instrumental in Perdue’s evolution […]

The Seattle Times 

Data shows eviction orders in Phoenix area jumped from 2016

PHOENIX (AP) — Court data shows that the eviction rate for central Arizona renters has increased from 2016 as a nationwide affordable-housing crisis continues. According to court data, Maricopa County’s Justice Courts saw more than 25,000 eviction orders in 2017. It was the fifth-highest total in county history and a 12 percent increase from 2016. […]

The Seattle Times 

Man convicted of killing 95-year-old man, 77-year-old wife

GREENFIELD, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts man has been convicted in the killing of a 95-year-old man and his 77-year-old wife during a home invasion. The Northwestern District Attorney’s office says 25-year-old Joshua Hart was found guilty on Friday of two counts of first-degree murder. The verdict was returned on the second day of deliberations […]

The Seattle Times 

Woman jailed for slamming into Las Cruces patrol vehicles

LAS CRUCES, N.M. (AP) — A woman is in custody after she allegedly rammed her car into two Las Cruces patrol vehicles, injuring two officers. Authorities say 26-year-old Jasmine Allen, who was on probation, was booked Friday on multiple charges including battery on an officer and resisting an officer. Police say an officer spoke with […]

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Экология в России и мире

"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

Путин в России и мире

Пашинян подготовил "подарок" Путину к его инаугурации. Запад будет доволен

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Любовь Успенская назвала дурной композицию Пугачевой «Балалайка»


Матери погибшего при теракте в «Крокусе» инвалида назначили выплату

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