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Новости за 08.03.2018

The Seattle Times 

Therapist testifies nanny wasn’t suicidal or murderous

NEW YORK (AP) — The nanny who fatally stabbed two children appeared to dispute a therapist’s testimony in her murder trial. A lawyer for Yoselyn Ortega (YOH’-sih-lihn ohr-TAY’-guh) says she is too mentally ill to be responsible for the 2012 killing of 6-year-old Lucia and 2-year-old Leo Krim. Therapist Thomas Caffrey testified Thursday that he […]

The Seattle Times 

Bernie Sanders endorses Newman over US Rep Lipinski

CHICAGO (AP) — Sen. Bernie Sanders has endorsed Marie Newman in the Democratic primary for the Chicago-area seat held by U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski. Sanders said Thursday Newman “has made it clear she will be a champion for working families” and will fight for issues such as a $15 minimum wage and gay rights. Lipinski, […]

The Seattle Times 

North Carolina reports 12 more flu deaths; death toll at 276

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Health officials say 12 people died from the flu in North Carolina last week, pushing the record death toll in 2017-18 to 276. The N.C. Division of Health and Human Services reports there was one pediatric death among those reported in the week ending March 3. More than 200 of the […]

The Seattle Times 

Arkansas lawmakers give initial OK to $5.6B budget plan

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas lawmakers have given initial approval to legislation outlining the state’s proposed $5.6 billion budget for the coming year. The House on Thursday approved by an 87-5 vote the proposed Revenue Stabilization Act, which calls for a nearly $173 million increase in state spending for the year beginning July 1. […]

The Seattle Times 

Arkansas man accused of triple murder pleads not guilty

HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (AP) — A west-central Arkansas man charged in the shooting deaths of three people has pleaded not guilty. The Sentinel-Record reports that 34-year-old Nicholas Lewondowski pleaded not guilty on Tuesday in Garland County Circuit Court to all three counts of capital murder. He remains in custody without bond since his December arrest […]

The Seattle Times 

State wants more time to analyze proposed copper mine

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The Montana Department of Environmental Quality says it needs more time to study a proposed copper mine near White Sulphur Springs. The Independent Record reports the department sent a letter Tuesday to Sandfire Resources America requesting a consultation about the legally mandated one-year timeframe for completion of an environmental impact statement. […]

The Seattle Times 

Mississippi House again seeks lottery despite dim prospects

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A longtime proponent of Mississippi setting up a state lottery is trying to pressure leaders of the Legislature to move in that direction. Rep. Alyce Clarke on Thursday successfully amended Senate Bill 2976 to say the state Gaming Commission wouldn’t get any money in the budget beginning July 1 until Mississippi […]

The Seattle Times 

Arizona unemployment rate up as economy losses 46,800 jobs

PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona’s unemployment rate notched upward in January as the state’s economy lost tens of thousands of jobs. Office of Economic Opportunity researchers report that Arizona’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased to 4.8 percent in January from 4.7 percent in December. The January rate compares with 5.2 percent in January 2017. The office […]

The Seattle Times 

Suspect arrested in fatal shooting outside Omaha store

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — A suspect has been arrested in the slaying of a man outside an Omaha convenience store. Omaha police say 29-year-old Forrest Cox III was arrested Thursday. Court records say he’s charged with first-degree murder and two weapons counts. Online court records don’t list the name of an attorney who could comment […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Inmate assaulted man accused of killing stepdaughter

WISCASSET, Maine (AP) — Police in Maine say an inmate assaulted a man accused of beating his stepdaughter to death. Police say 34-year-old Paul Andrews attacked Julio Carrillo on Saturday at Two Bridges Regional Jail. Investigators tell the Bangor Daily News Andrews yelled, “I’ll kill you, you baby killer, I’ll kill you,” as he punched […]

The Seattle Times 

Nonprofit plans new Lyndonville affordable housing complex

LYNDONVILLE, Vt. (AP) — A Vermont nonprofit housing agency has proposed replacing its two apartment buildings with a new $6.2 million affordable housing complex. RuralEdge asset manager Becky Masure tells the Caledonian-Record the nonprofit expects to receive most of its funding for the Lyndonville project from private investors through a low-income housing tax credit initiative. […]

The Seattle Times 

New Mexico attorney general goes after rooftop solar company

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — The New Mexico Attorney General’s Office is accusing a residential rooftop solar provider that operates in more than 20 states of deceptive sales and marketing practices. Attorney General Hector Balderas filed a lawsuit Thursday in state district court against Vivint Solar, Inc. over claims that the company was engaging in a […]

The Seattle Times 

Michael B. Jordan says he will adopt inclusion rider

NEW YORK (AP) — Michael B. Jordan says that he will adopt inclusion riders for all projects produced by his production company. In a message on Instagram on Wednesday, Jordan pledged to support “the women and men who are leading this fight.” His announcement followed Frances McDormand’s acceptance speech at Sunday’s Oscars, where she urged […]

The Seattle Times 

3 arrested after drug raid where 5 children were found

GREENVILLE, N.C. (AP) — Police in North Carolina have arrested three people in connection with a drug raid where deputies found five children at a home. Greenville police told local media that officers seized two pounds of cocaine during a search of a home on Feb. 23 where they found five children between 2 and […]

The Seattle Times 

Israel mulls home arrest for Australian linked to sex crimes

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s Supreme Court has ordered a woman accused of sex crimes in Australia to be kept in police custody in a medical facility while it considers moving her to house arrest. Australia wants 54-year-old Malka Leifer extradited for allegedly sexually abusing children while she was a teacher at a local school. Israel’s […]

The Seattle Times 

Lawsuit: Special needs student sexually assaulted on bus

KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) — A lawsuit alleges a special needs student in Kansas was sexually assault by another student on a school bus. The Kansas City Star reported Thursday that the lawsuit filed against First Student alleges the company was negligent by not having an adult monitor on the bus when the assault occurred […]

The Seattle Times 

4 Oklahoma teens plead not guilty in sexual assault case

TULSA, Okla. (AP) — Four former high school football players accused of sexually assaulting a teammate in Oklahoma have pleaded not guilty to second-degree rape. The Tulsa World reports the Bixby High School students entered their pleas Wednesday, a day earlier than scheduled. The 16-year-old victim told investigators he was assaulted with a pool cue […]

The Seattle Times 

Judges limit where prosecutor can go in Michigan courthouse

COLDWATER, Mich. (AP) — A county prosecutor in southern Michigan has been barred from talking to certain women in the courthouse unless a male employee or a sheriff’s deputy is present. It’s one of many conditions placed on Ralph Kimble by Branch County judges. He’s been accused of sexual harassment but firmly denies the allegations. […]

The Seattle Times 

Democrats’ Texas rift shows difficulty in retaking Congress

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Democrats are salivating at the prospect of flipping a wealthy Houston enclave that has been solidly Republican since sending George H.W. Bush to Congress in 1967. It’s the kind of race they’ll have to win for any hope of retaking the U.S. House in the November midterms. But their new opportunities, […]

The Seattle Times 

11 nations to sign Pacific trade pact as US plans tariffs

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Trade ministers from 11 Pacific Rim countries are set to sign a sweeping agreement to streamline trade and slash tariffs just as U.S. President Donald Trump is preparing to formalize new tariffs on aluminum and steel to protect U.S. producers. The deal to be signed Thursday in the Chilean capital is […]

The Seattle Times 

Bernie Sanders endorses challenger to anti-abortion Democrat in Illinois

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has endorsed Marie Newman, the nonprofit executive challenging Rep. Daniel Lipinski, D-Ill., in the March 20 Democratic primary — a week after House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that she supported Lipinski for re-election. “Marie Newman has made it clear that she will be a champion for working families in […]

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Экология в России и мире

Сотрудники СЛД «Курск» филиала «Московский» ООО «ЛокоТех-Сервис» продолжают проводить экологические акции

Путин в России и мире

Экспорт сельхозпродукции в Китай будет наращивать Россия

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск поддерживает Баку: планы по строительству агрогородка в Карабахе – ОБНОВЛЕНО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Страдания юного Аюша Булчун


Во Владимире недоношенного малыша отправили на реабилитацию в Москву

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