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Новости за 04.03.2018

The Seattle Times 

Georgia raptors star in bird version of TV’s ‘Real World’

SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — A pair of ospreys along the Georgia coast is captivating viewers watching their daily routine on a webcam. The Savannah Morning News reports that so far this year, the two raptors on Skidaway Island have renovated their home, fought off an intruder, and mated, with the cameras rolling. Cameras trained on […]

The Seattle Times 

Woman with 2×4 board is fatally shot by a Pima County deputy

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Pima County Sheriff’s officials say a deputy has fatally shot a woman who was brandishing a large wooden board in Tucson. They say 38-year-old Amanda Alvarez struck a resident with a two-by-four around 4 p.m. Saturday. Deputies say they found Alvarez in a trailer and she was later shot by a […]

The Seattle Times 

Indianapolis children’s museum opening $24.5M outdoor park

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis could see a big bump in attendance from its new $24.5 million outdoor attraction. The new Riley Children’s Health Sports Legends Experience that’s opening March 17 includes 12 outdoor and three indoor exhibits with activities from a variety of sports. The museum hopes the 7.5-acre expansion gives […]

The Seattle Times 

Bill would require legal last names on candidate filing

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Missouri House is considering requiring a political hopeful’s legal last name when they declare their candidacy for office. House members this past week gave the proposal initial approval in a voice vote. It could come up for a final House vote in the next week. If passed, it would […]

The Seattle Times 

Report: Vermont fentanyl deaths up significantly last year

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — The number of accidental overdose deaths in Vermont involving the synthetic drug fentanyl has jumped by a third, but the number of heroin deaths has dropped, according to a new report from the Vermont Department of Health. In its annual report to the Legislature, the department said the number of overdoses […]

The Seattle Times 

East Texas boat parade rescheduled; too much water

GLADEWATER, Texas (AP) — A boat parade planned for this weekend in Gladewater in East Texas has had to be rescheduled because there’s too much water. Heavy rains last week have led to flooding along the Sabine River, where a Mardi Gras boat parade regatta was planned for Saturday. Organizers tell Tyler television station KLTV […]

The Seattle Times 

Russian presidential candidate Sobchak is doused with water

MOSCOW (AP) — The campaign office of Russian presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak says she was doused with water and knocked to the ground in an assault. The Sunday incident came several days after Sobchak threw water on nationalist presidential candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky during a televised debate. According to a statement on Sobchak’s campaign website, the […]

The Seattle Times 

Many still without power as state cleans up from storm

BOSTON (AP) — Nearly 200,000 people remain without power in Massachusetts in the wake of the powerful nor’easter that brought hurricane-force wind gusts and coastal flooding. Republican Gov. Charlie Baker, who declared a state of emergency on Saturday, is scheduled to visit Gloucester and Quincy on Sunday to inspect storm damage. Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito […]

The Seattle Times 

Nebraska lawmakers seek tax plan amid farm group pressure

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — With their session more than halfway over, Nebraska lawmakers are still struggling to find a tax plan that might prevent farm groups from pursuing a statewide property tax ballot measure in the November general election. Lawmakers have designated at least five property tax proposals as “priorities” this year, including one backed […]

The Seattle Times 

Blaze near Pittsburgh kills 1, injures 1

CARNEGIE, Pa. (AP) — Authorities say a fire in an apartment building near Pittsburgh killed one person and injured another. The blaze was reported Friday night in a three-story building in Carnegie that has a restaurant on the first floor and apartments on the upper floors. One person was rescued from an upper-floor window with […]

The Seattle Times 

Vegas leaves Seattle with a tough NHL act to follow

LAS VEGAS — The walk to the rink is lit by neon behemoths like MGM, the Monte Carlo and New York, New York nearby on the Vegas strip. The pulsating bass inside T-Mobile Arena, which assaults you upon entry and rarely lets up, is felt deep in your diaphragm. The likes of Carrot Top, Lil […]

The Seattle Times 

Goshen College set for campus solar energy project

GOSHEN, Ind. (AP) — A Mennonite college in northern Indiana is planning to install more than 900 electricity-generating solar panels on its campus. Goshen College says the solar panels will be placed atop the school’s Rec-Fitness Center. The 900-student college says it is undertaking the project with the College Mennonite Church, with which it shares […]

The Seattle Times 

UK minister warns Trump that trade wars help no one

LONDON (AP) — A senior member of British Prime Minister Theresa May’s Cabinet has chastised U.S. President Donald Trump for threatening a trade war with the European Union. Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington’s comments Sunday on the BBC came after Trump threatened to tax European cars if the EU boosts tariffs on American products in […]

The Seattle Times 

Indiana Parks Alliance wins grant for saving 100 ash trees

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The Indiana Parks Alliance is moving ahead with a push to protect seed-producing ash trees at state parks and nature preserves from a tree-killing insect. The alliance says a recent $20,000 grant from the Dr. Laura Hare Charitable Trust boosted to nearly $29,000 the amount it’s raised for its “Save Our Ash […]

The Seattle Times 

Houston party-goer dons bulletproof vest, gets fatally shot

HOUSTON (AP) — Houston police say a man who put on a bulletproof vest at a party has been killed after another man attending the party fired a shot at him. Police are searching for the man who fired the fatal shot early Sunday. Investigators say forensics tells will determine if the gunshot went through […]

The Seattle Times 

After Parkland, even idle school threats get tough response

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Fifteen students in one Florida school district are facing felony charges and prison time for making alleged threats since the Margery Stoneman Douglas High School massacre. Meanwhile, an autistic Minnesota high school student whose alleged threat led to a six-hour lockdown is in juvenile court and has received an outpouring of sympathy. […]

The Seattle Times 

Eliminating gun stocks from your portfolio

As corporations from Walmart to Delta Airlines are choosing to take a stand against gun violence, investors may be wondering if they can do the same. Investors who never directly purchased shares of gun makers or sellers may unknowingly hold them in their 401(k) accounts, pension funds or other investments. That’s because commonly used index […]

The Seattle Times 

Illinois state fairgrounds community garden to open in March

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — The state of Illinois is looking for gardeners interested in planting at the Illinois State Fair Grandstand race track’s community garden this season. The Illinois Department of Agriculture says there are 200 garden plots available at the Springfield site, including 100 for organic gardening and 100 for non-organic gardening. Plots cost […]

The Seattle Times 

More early voting sites opening for Illinois’ primary

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Additional voting sites are opening across Illinois for people who want to cast an early ballot for the March 20 primary. Some early voting locations opened last month. Many more are set to open Monday, offering voting during mornings, evenings and weekends in addition to regular business hours. Voters will choose […]

The Seattle Times 

House to vote on requiring candidates to disclose taxes

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Presidential candidates won’t have to share their tax returns if the New Hampshire House goes along with the recommendation of its Election Law Committee. The House is voting Tuesday on a bill that would require candidates for president and vice president to file three years’ worth of federal tax returns with […]

The Seattle Times 

Fatherland no more? Equality boss wants German anthem change

BERLIN (AP) — A German equality official reportedly wants to change the country’s national anthem to make it more gender-neutral, including by removing a reference to “the Fatherland.” The Weekly Bild am Sonntag reports that Kristin Rose-Moehring suggested replacing the word “Vaterland” with “Heimatland,” which roughly translates as homeland. The newspaper reported Sunday that Rose-Moehring […]

The Seattle Times 

Egypt president’s opponent organizes rally, no one shows up

CAIRO (AP) — The sole candidate running against Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi in this month’s national election has attempted to organize a rally, but no one showed up. About a dozen workers from the campaign of Moussa Mustafa Moussa carried posters of him about 100 meters (yards) in downtown Cairo on Sunday, stopping well short […]

The Seattle Times 

Givenchy gets gritty as Poiret is relaunched in Paris

PARIS (AP) — In a low-key Givenchy hoody, actor Idris Elba bucked this week’s trend and brought some rare A-list star power to Paris Fashion Week on Sunday. Here are some highlights of the fall-winter collections being shown in Paris, including Givenchy and the relaunch of Poiret. GIVENCHY’S DARK GLAMOUR Beyond designer Clare Waight Keller’s […]

The Seattle Times 

Rant & Rave

Readers rave about Tahoma National Cemetery, help deciding to leave town, tailgaters, returned wallet, Ollalie State Park; rant about unleashed-dog owner, dog in truck bed, lack of police response to stolen car, cutting down tree.

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о энергоэффективной постройке жилья в России

Путин в России и мире

Политолог Пшеничников: визит Путина в Китай укрепил союз Москвы и Пекина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск поддерживает Баку: планы по строительству агрогородка в Карабахе – ОБНОВЛЕНО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Мама Тимати объяснила, почему внуки Ратмир и Алиса могут не сблизиться


Врач Балашова: резкое похудение может привести к тромбозу

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