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Новости за 20.01.2018

The Seattle Times 

Abandoned dog rescued after retrieving bird to hunters

ABERDEEN, S.D. (AP) — Two hunters had shot down a pheasant in a wildlife refuge in northern South Dakota when they were approached by an underweight yellow Labrador covered in sores. To their surprise, the abandoned dog had fetched their bird for them. “When I looked up and saw her bringing the rooster back I […]

The Seattle Times 

Alaska transfers ownership of ferry to Dubai-based company

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The state has transferred ownership of Alaska’s ferry Taku to a Dubai-based company, and officials say the vessel is expected to leave the state within a month. KTUU-TV reports the Alaska Department of Transportation on Friday signed over ownership of the 352-foot (107-meter) surplus vessel to Jabal Al Lawz Trading Est. […]

The Seattle Times 

Emails: Houston press secretary promoted reality show at job

HOUSTON (AP) — Newly released emails show a press secretary for Houston’s mayor used city resources, including a publicly-funded television station, to promote personal projects, including a proposed reality show. According to the thousands of emails released Friday, Darian Ward used her city email account over the last four years to discuss a reality series […]

The Seattle Times 

Mudslides take heavy toll on immigrants serving posh town

Oprah Winfrey and Rob Lowe give Montecito its star power, but it’s people like Antonio and Victor Benitez who keep the wealthy Southern California community running. The Mexican brothers are gardeners and part of the town’s working-class immigrant population, which suffered outsized losses from the recent mudslides that killed at least 20, injured dozens and […]

The Seattle Times 

Republicans seek spending controls in exchange for tax votes

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Republican House leaders negotiating with Gov. John Bel Edwards on a fix to Louisiana’s $1 billion budget gap want something in exchange for their tax votes. They want the governor’s backing for legislation aimed at curbing state spending. House Speaker Taylor Barras says he’s floated four “budget reform” ideas to […]

The Seattle Times 

Man shot, killed inside Connecticut minimarket

WATERBURY, Conn. (AP) — Authorities in Waterbury are investigating the fatal shooting of a man inside a convenience store. Deputy Police Chief Fernando Spagnolo says police officers responded to the shooting just after 9 p.m. Friday at Refugio Minimarket. Inside, they found a 49-year-old man who had been shot in the side. The victim was […]

The Seattle Times 

South Dakota county pushes for new $4.5M courthouse

OLIVET, S.D. (AP) — County commissioners in southeast South Dakota may face a lawsuit over a proposed courthouse. Hutchinson County commissioners passed a construction resolution Tuesday for a $4.5 million courthouse in Olivet, the Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan reported . The current courthouse was built in 1881, making it the oldest still in use […]

The Seattle Times 

North Carolina college football player shot to death

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina college football player has been shot to death at an event at another campus. According to a statement from Winston-Salem police, its officers responded to a call from Wake Forest University for assistance after a report of a gunshot on campus. Responding officers found 21-year-old Najee Ali Baker, […]

The Seattle Times 

Minot announces plans for new parks, trails

MINOT, N.D. (AP) — A park district in northern North Dakota is planning to add new parks, trails and recreation areas for residents and visitors. The Minot Park District announced plans for cross-country, mountain bike and multi-use trails, a neighborhood park and a new 18-hole golf course and recreation area. “There’s a lot of neat […]

The Seattle Times 

Iowa homeless shelter to start Girl Scouts troop

COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa (AP) — A homeless shelter in western Iowa will be starting a Girl Scouts troop. Micah House in Council Bluffs will begin holding troop meetings next month, the Omaha World-Herald reported . The shelter received a $1,000 grant from the Pottawattamie Youth Council to start the troop. Shelter executive director Jaymes Sime […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Man dead, teen wounded in North Little Rock shooting

NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Police say a man is dead and a teenager was wounded in a shooting in North Little Rock. Sgt. Brian Dedrick says officers investigating reports of gunfire about 11:30 p.m. Friday found 58-year-old Allen Ray McGuire dead inside an apartment and an 18-year-old man with a gunshot wound to […]

The Seattle Times 

Study: Falls from tree stands result in spinal injury

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Researchers in Wisconsin say that spinal injuries account for more than half of the injuries that occur to hunters after falling from a tree stand. A review of the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics’ trauma database for tree stand-related injuries from 1999 to 2013 shows 55 percent resulted in one […]

The Seattle Times 

Applications due for New Orleans performing arts high school

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — New Orleans’ premier performing arts high school is extending its application deadline. Prospective students now have until Monday at 5 p.m. to get their applications in to attend the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts. The school — often referred to as NOCCA — offers classes in a range of subjects […]

The Seattle Times 

More than 1K cold-stunned sea turtles found in Florida bay

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — More than 1,000 sea turtles stunned by unusually cold weather have been rescued from waters off Florida’s Panhandle. U.S. Geological Survey sea turtle expert Margaret Lamont tells The Tampa Bay Times that cold-stunned sea turtles began appearing in St. Joseph Bay in early January as freezing temperatures gripped the region. Lamont […]

The Seattle Times 

Oklahoma lawmaker sues investigator over tracking device

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — An Oklahoma lawmaker who found a tracking device attached to his pickup truck is now suing a private investigation company and an investigator over the device. The Oklahoman reports Republican Rep. Mark McBride is suing Eastridge Investigations and Asset Protection and Eastridge investigator H.L. Christensen for undisclosed damages. McBride alleges trespassing, […]

The Seattle Times 

Schools test approach that lets students learn at own pace

CHICAGO (AP) — High schools across Illinois are testing an approach that allows students to learn at their own pace, a concept introduced decades ago at the University of Chicago in which there are no F grades and students choose how to approach mastering a subject. Ten school districts statewide are implementing the sometimes controversial […]

The Seattle Times 

University of Minnesota fund to help immigrant students

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A new scholarship fund at the University of Minnesota is aimed at supporting immigrant students whose legal status may be at risk. University of Minnesota’s Immigration Response Team launched the Dream Fund earlier this month to help students whose ability to pay for college may be affected by their legal status, Minnesota […]

The Seattle Times 

‘Greatest Showman’ film stirs new interest in PT Barnum

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — The Hollywood film on the life of the founder of the Barnum & Bailey circus is stirring new interest in the man, P.T. Barnum, who besides his turn as a master showman was a state legislator, philanthropist and mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut. There’s been an increase in visitors to Bridgeport’s Barnum […]

The Seattle Times 

Report: University of Kansas spent $21M on consulting fees

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A recent report is criticizing the University of Kansas’ previous administration for spending more than $21 million over a five-year period on consulting fees to find savings and efficiencies at its campuses. Chancellor Douglas Girod and Provost Neeli Bendapudi defend the spending, saying the Chicago-based Huron Consulting Services, which was paid […]

The Seattle Times 

Police search towing company after vehicle theft reports

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Oregon State Police investigating reports of stolen vehicles searched three locations associated with a Salem-based towing company. The Statesman Journal reports that authorities searched the properties associated with Gone Towing. Two are in North Salem, and one is in Marion County. One of the owners, Sierra Akers, says the accusations stem […]

The Seattle Times 

Future of Georgia’s farmers markets debated after audit

ATLANTA (AP) — An audit of Georgia’s farmers markets found that many are underused and more than half are losing money. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that auditors say the Georgia Department of Agriculture and the General Assembly need to re-evaluate the use of the state’s nine farmers markets to determine whether the cost is worth […]

The Seattle Times 

ADOT urges drivers to use care while driving during storm

PHOENIX (AP) — Authorities are urging drivers to be cautious this weekend as a cold front plows across northern Arizona, with snow forecast Saturday in the high country and possibly lower elevations than usual. The state Department of Transportation says conditions can change rapidly and that drivers shouldn’t underestimate a storm’s power or overestimate their […]

The Seattle Times 

Dogs being killed as St. Louis coyotes expand hunt

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Coyote sightings are becoming more frequent in the St. Louis area, and some are strolling down neighborhood streets and attacking area pets. St. Louis police tweeted last month that four coyotes were spotted near Willmore Park near the River Des Peres. Police are urging people not to approach or feed coyotes, […]

The Seattle Times 

Thousands taking part in women’s march in Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Thousands of activists are marching in Philadelphia to mark the second anniversary of marches in support of women’s rights. Saturday’s march is among dozens of rallies being held around the country. The activists are hoping to create an enduring political movement that will elect more women to government office. Many marchers wore […]

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Экология в России и мире

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

Путин в России и мире

В этот день ровно 30 лет назад будущий президент Российской Федерации был гидом будущего короля Великобритании в экскурсии по Ленинграду

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Шесть городов Белоруссии и Азербайджана стали побратимами

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

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