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Новости за 15.01.2018

The Seattle Times 

Adventurous Armani, fanciful Fendi close Milan Fashion Week

MILAN (AP) — And in a flash, it was over. The Milan Fashion Week typically devoted to fall and winter menswear was abbreviated this year into a super-slim long weekend that ended Monday. Many fashion houses opted to fold their designs for men into their womenswear shows scheduled for next month. Others decided to go […]

The Seattle Times 

Delaware hospitals adjust to national shortage of fluid bags

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Delaware hospitals and health providers are adapting to a national shortage of intravenous fluid bags. Many of the bags are manufactured in Puerto Rico, where recovery efforts continue from Hurricane Maria’s direct hit on the island in October. The News Journal in Wilmington reports that hospitals in Delaware are dealing with […]

The Seattle Times 

Manhunt for inmate who escaped California prison

CHINO, Calif. (AP) — Authorities are searching for an inmate who escaped from a Southern California prison. State prison officials say Michael Garrett was unaccounted for during a Sunday night count at the California Institution for Men in Chino, east of Los Angeles. An emergency search was conducted of the facility, and the 33-year-old was […]

The Seattle Times 

Arkansas State Police: 2 killed in separate crashes

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — The Arkansas State Police say two people died in separate crashes on state roads over the weekend. Police say in preliminary crash summaries that 24-year-old Springdale resident Albert J. Mellow was killed in a crash late Sunday in Benton County. Earlier Sunday evening, 74-year-old Morrilton resident Fred Fetcher was killed […]

The Seattle Times 

Rochester teenager shot, killed after crash, confrontation

ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP) — A Rochester teenager died over the weekend after being shot following a two-vehicle crash. Police say 17-year-old Muhammed Rahim and the other driver got into a confrontation following the crash Sunday morning. Rahim was shot and declared dead at a hospital. The 25-year-old Rochester man who allegedly shot Rahim with a […]

The Seattle Times 

Man walking on Interstate 70 near Salina hit, killed by car

SALINA, Kan. (AP) — The Kansas Highway Patrol says a Florida man died after he was hit by a car as he walked along Interstate 70 near Salina. The patrol says 35-year-old Cody Nordlund of New Port Richey, Florida, died in the accident Sunday night. He was walking in an eastbound lane of the interstate […]

The Seattle Times 

Woman dies in condominium fire in northern Colorado

BOULDER, Colo. (AP) — Investigators are trying to determine what caused a fire that killed a 57-year-old woman in northern Colorado. Firefighters with the Boulder Rural Fire Protection District were called to the condominium blaze in Gunbarrel late Friday night. Neighbors had rescued the woman and her 19-year-old daughter, but The Boulder Daily Camera reports […]

The Seattle Times 

Christie leaving governor’s office as Democrat takes over

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — New Jersey will say farewell to blunt-talking Republican Gov. Chris Christie as a wealthy former Obama administration diplomat and businessman is sworn in as governor. Democrat Phil Murphy, 60, is set to take the oath of office Tuesday at a ceremony in Trenton, as Christie returns to life as a private […]

The Seattle Times 

Michigan man ends 40-year career as a pastor

BRIGHTON, Mich. (AP) — Richard Alberta went from not believing in God for 10 years to preaching the word of God for 40 years. On Dec. 31, after 26 years and more than 3,100 sermons as senior pastor at Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Brighton, Alberta stepped down from the pulpit. “It’s unusual to stay […]

The Seattle Times 

Virginia Senate panel votes to raise felony theft threshold

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A bill designed to soften penalties in Virginia for stealing smaller dollar items is moving through the state Senate. A Senate panel voted Monday for a bill to raise the felony threshold from $200 to $500. Virginia has kept its felony bar at $200 since 1980 and is tied with New […]

The Seattle Times 

Video shows Nigerian girls vowing to remain with captors

LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — A video released Monday by Nigeria’s Boko Haram Islamic extremists purportedly shows some of the young women kidnapped from a school nearly four years ago who vow never to return home. Of the 276 girls abducted from their boarding school in Chibok in April 2014 by Islamic militants, about 100 are […]

The Seattle Times 

Image problem? Some cities end their role in A&E’s ‘Live PD’

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — For some of the law enforcement agencies that agreed to be on A&E Network’s real-time police show “Live PD,” the goal of being more transparent with their profession under increasing scrutiny clashed with concerns over public image. Police departments in Bridgeport, Connecticut; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Streetsboro, Ohio, ended agreements to be […]

The Seattle Times 

3 die after crashes send vehicles into icy New Jersey waters

BURLINGTON, N.J. (AP) — Three people have been killed in two separate crashes over the weekend in which vehicles plunged into icy bodies of water in New Jersey. The Burlington County prosecutor’s office says a car struck a parked vehicle in Burlington just before 1 p.m. Sunday and then went over the river wall into […]

The Seattle Times 

Future floods will be in mind as California town rebuilds

MONTECITO, Calif. (AP) — After power and drinking water return, and cleanup crews haul away the last of the boulders and muck that splintered homes like a battering ram, the wealthy seaside hideaway of Montecito, California, will start rebuilding with the possibility of another catastrophic flood in mind. Though parts of the town of about […]

The Seattle Times 

FairPoint name vanishing as Consolidated begins rebranding

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The FairPoint name is going away. Consolidated Communications is going to begin rebranding with its own logo for trucks and gear early in the new year, and will begin upgrading services. Rob Koester (KUH-ster) said several hundred thousand residential customers will see faster broadband speeds as the company seeks to attract […]

The Seattle Times 

Chicago area could see as much as 5 inches of snow

CHICAGO (AP) — Road crews are preparing for a winter storm that’s already covered the ground with a blanket of snow in the Chicago area and is expected d to dump as much as five inches of snow before it moves on. As the National Weather Service has issued a winter weather advisory on Monday […]

The Seattle Times 

Officials to celebrate Martin Luther King at annual ceremony

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Rhode Island political, community and religious leaders plan to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr. at the state’s annual commemoration of the civil rights leader. The event begins at 4 p.m. Monday at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Providence. Gov. Gina Raimondo and other elected leaders plan to attend. […]

The Seattle Times 

Coroner IDs man killed in accidental shooting at gun range

ROCK HILL, S.C. (AP) — A South Carolina coroner confirms that a man killed at a private gun range died from a gunshot wound. York County Coroner Sabrina Gast on Monday identified the victim as 59-year-old Robert Paris of Rock Hill. Gast said Paris was declared dead when rescuers arrived at the Sportsman gun range […]

The Seattle Times 

Crews rebuild Custer State Park fences to contain buffalo

CUSTER, S.D. (AP) — Crews are working through cold temperatures to rebuild fences to contain Custer State Park’s iconic buffalo after a historic wildfire burned more than half the park. The Rapid City Journal reports the fire that started from a downed power line on Dec. 11 burned 16 miles of fence throughout the park. […]

The Seattle Times 

Titans split with Mularkey after 1st playoff win in 14 years

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The Tennessee Titans have split with coach Mike Mularkey after he revived a team with the NFL’s worst record over two seasons and led them to their first playoff victory in 14 years. The Titans announced the move Monday, two days after a 35-14 loss to New England in the AFC […]

The Seattle Times 

Gunfire in Garland leaves 1 man dead, 2 teens wounded

GARLAND, Texas (AP) — Police say gunfire at a Dallas-area residence has one man dead and two teens wounded. Garland police are trying to determine what sparked the shootings before dawn Monday. Police didn’t immediately announce any arrests. Officers responded to a call about someone being shot at a home and that people in a […]

The Seattle Times 

Friends show support after embezzlement by ex-schools worker

MADISON, W.Va. (AP) — At least three people wrote letters in support of a former West Virginia school system employee who was released from jail when a judge changed his sentence for embezzlement. The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports former Boone County School system employees David Bryan Jarrell and Tracy Lee Harvey were released from jail last […]

The Seattle Times 

Russian military conducts massive missile drills

MOSCOW (AP) — The Russian military is conducting massive drills involving truck-mounted intercontinental ballistic missile launchers. The Defense Ministry said maneuvers involving Topol-M and Yars missile launchers began Monday. Those types of nuclear-tipped ICBMs are mounted on heavy all-terrain vehicles, making it more difficult for an enemy to spot them. The ministry said the drills […]

The Seattle Times 

Police officers in man’s fatal shooting are 10-year veterans

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Police in Ohio’s capital say the two plainclothes officers involved in the fatal shooting of a robbery suspect are both 10-year veterans with the department. Columbus police say the two officers were searching for the suspect Friday evening in a residential neighborhood when they found him in a parked vehicle and […]

The Seattle Times 

Latest South Dakota crop report shows impact of drought

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Drought in 2017 impacted the production of most crops in South Dakota. The latest report from the Agriculture Department shows soybean production in the state down 6 percent from the previous year, oil sunflowers down 8 percent, corn down 11 percent, safflower down 22 percent, alfalfa hay down 23 percent, […]

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Экология в России и мире

Российский рынок одноразовой биоразлагаемой посуды: итоги 2023 г., прогноз до 2027 г.

Путин в России и мире

Путин: РФ продолжит взаимодействие с Ираном как при Раиси

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский заявил, что обеспокоен заявлениями республиканцев в США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Цой

Цой жил: съемки звезды «Кино» и эксперименты Билли Айлиш


Дороги Подмосковья во вторник вечером загружены на 6 баллов

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