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Новости за 10.01.2018

The Seattle Times 

Medical marijuana sellers lose ability to take debit cards

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Two of Rhode Island’s three medical marijuana dispensaries have lost their ability to accept debit cards after Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week reversed an Obama-era policy not to prosecute marijuana cases in states where the drug is legal. The Providence Journal reports that Summit Medical Compassion Center in Warwick and […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge rejects man’s bid to withdraw pleas after conviction

MOSCOW, Idaho (AP) — A judge has denied a motion to withdraw pleas from a northern Idaho man convicted of killing three people. The Lewiston Tribune reports Judge John R. Stegner on Tuesday rejected the motion from John Lee who claimed he was “psychologically coerced” into agreeing to a plea deal with Latah County prosecutors […]

The Seattle Times 

Bend woman sentenced to prison for Eugene robberies

EUGENE, Ore. (AP) — A young Bend woman has been sentenced to up to 20 years in prison for a series of armed robberies in Eugene. Prosecutor Stephen Morgan says Elaine Jeffers stabbed one of the seven victims during the holdups last February. The Register-Guard reports Jeffers was 17 at the time and will initially […]

The Seattle Times 

Jewish community shuns Austria’s new far-right ministers

VIENNA (AP) — Jewish community leaders in Austria say they’ll keep shunning the nationalist Freedom Party, despite it joining the country’s new government. The Jewish Community of Vienna, which represents most Jews in Austria, says its leadership voted unanimously Tuesday against establishing contacts with representatives of the Freedom Party. The decision continues a practice started […]

The Seattle Times 

Darrell Bevell wasn’t the Seahawks’ problem, but Tom Cable might be

The Seahawks have drafted 15 offensive linemen since 2010, more than any NFL team. Just one has received a contract extension. Cable evaluated and was tasked with developing them — but rarely seemed to produce a formidable front. And yet the blame falls on Bevell?

The Seattle Times 

North Carolina agency closes spotted seatrout season

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — The state Division of Marine Fisheries has closed spotted seatrout season in North Carolina waters because the fish are washing up on shore because of the recent cold weather. A news release issued this week said the division closed the season on Jan. 5. It will remain closed until June 15. […]

The Seattle Times 

Trial begins of woman in slaying of daughter with crucifix

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A murder trial has begun for an Oklahoma woman charged with killing her 33-year-old daughter by forcing a crucifix and medallion down her throat because she believed the woman was possessed by the devil. Fifty-one-year-old Juanita Gomez has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in the 2016 death of Geneva Gomez […]

The Seattle Times 

Trump says administration taking look at current libel laws

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump says his administration is taking a look at the nation’s libel laws. He’s calling the current laws “a sham and a disgrace.” Trump says during a Cabinet meeting that people shouldn’t be able to say things that are false and then “smile as money pours into your bank account.” […]

The Seattle Times 

Tulsa businesses unsure of metered parking proposal

TULSA, Okla. (AP) — Tulsa business owners and workers are concerned about the mayor’s proposal to upgrade and expand the city’s metered parking system downtown. The Tulsa World reports that Mayor G.T. Bynum’s plan would extend metered parking hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays to 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through […]

The Seattle Times 

Unidentified for decades, Texas soldier receives final rites

HOUSTON (AP) — A Texas soldier who died in the final months of battle in World War II and whose remains were unidentified for decades is being interred at a military cemetery in Houston. A memorial service was held Wednesday at Houston National Cemetery for Army Pfc. Lonnie Eichelberger, a 20-year-old from Waco who died […]

The Seattle Times 

Obama Foundation officials release revised design plans

CHICAGO (AP) — New details are emerging about the Obama Presidential Center including design revisions for a taller and sleeker museum tower and hundreds of new trees. The changes are part of the plans that the Obama Foundation submitted to city of Chicago officials on Wednesday. Other changes for the estimated $350 million project include […]

The Seattle Times 

Airline stocks rally on upbeat outlook from American, United

Shares of United Airlines and American Airlines are up as the carriers are seeing stronger pricing power and better revenue trends. By midmorning Wednesday, shares of United Continental Holdings Inc. were up $3.26, or 4.2 percent, to $71.74; and American Airlines Group Inc. rose $1.43, or 2.8 percent, to $53.51. American says revenue for every […]

The Seattle Times 

BWI Marshall Airport announces nonstop flights to Iceland

LINTHICUM, Md. (AP) — Travelers looking to go to Iceland will be able to get nonstop flights from Baltimore starting this spring. Icelandair announced Wednesday that it will operate four weekly roundtrip flights between Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport to Keflavik International Airport in Reykjavik beginning on May 28. The airline had previously offered service […]

The Seattle Times 

Police say no crime suspected in death of 7-month-old

MANLY, Iowa (AP) — Police say no crime is suspected in the death of a 7-month-old who was being cared for at an in-home day care in northern Iowa. Manly Police Chief Aaron Pals identified the child Tuesday as Haven Rozevink, who lived in Manly. Medics were sent to the home in Manly around 3 […]

The Seattle Times 

Detroit education board changes school naming policy

DETROIT (AP) — The Detroit Board of Education has adopted a new policy allowing the Detroit Public Schools Community District to rename buildings named after living people. The policy says the board can rename a school if the education community believes the name no longer represents the area’s culture or population. The policy also requires […]

The Seattle Times 

Authorities seek dogs killing cattle in northern Arkansas

WESTERN GROVE, Ark. (AP) — Sheriff’s investigators are looking for a pack of dogs that is killing livestock in northern Arkansas and are reminding farmers that they have a right to protect their animals — even if it means killing the canines. Newton County sheriff’s investigator Glenn Wheeler says deputies believe they’ve identified the owner […]

The Seattle Times 

Hedge fund manager pleads guilty in investment fraud scheme

BOSTON (AP) — The owner of two Massachusetts-based investment advisory firms has pleaded guilty to defrauding his investors of millions of dollars to fund his own lavish lifestyle. Federal prosecutors say 44-year-old Yasuna Murakami, of Cambridge, pleaded guilty Tuesday to wire fraud. He faces up to 20 years in prison at sentencing on April 8. […]

The Seattle Times 

Wasilla votes to ban single-use plastic bags starting July 1

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Plastic bags commonly used for carrying out groceries or items from other retail stores are going away in Wasilla. Anchorage television station KTUU reports the Wasilla City Council has approved an ordinance banning single-use plastic bags starting July 1. The measure passed Monday night on a 5-to-1. Councilman Tim Burney voted […]

The Seattle Times 

Florida wants to remove virus-excreting wild monkeys

ON THE SILVER RIVER, Fla. (AP) — Wildlife managers in Florida say they want to remove roaming monkeys from the state in light of a new study published Wednesday that finds some of the animals are excreting a virus that can be dangerous to humans. Scientists studying a growing population of rhesus macaques in Silver […]

The Seattle Times 

Brown prepares to release his final California budget

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Gov. Jerry Brown is preparing to release his last state spending proposal before he leaves office. The proposal set for release on Wednesday kicks off five months of budget negotiations with the Democratically controlled Legislature. Brown is unlikely to veer from his restrained approach to budgeting. The Democratic governor generally shies […]

The Seattle Times 

Sheriff, warden sued over jail inmate’s beating death

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A federal lawsuit claims a Louisiana sheriff and a jail warden failed to protect a prisoner from being beaten to death by a dozen other inmates last year in an attack that an eyewitness compared to a “shark feeding frenzy.” Relatives of the slain 40-year-old prisoner, Tommy Joe Smith, sued Tangipahoa […]

The Seattle Times 

New Mexico rejoices as parts of state finally see rain

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — The streak is over and New Mexico residents are rejoicing. Rain fell over the state’s largest metropolitan area Wednesday, ending one of the longest dry spells in recorded history. Albuquerque had logged 96 straight days without any measureable precipitation and had threatened to break records set decades ago. Forecasters with the […]

The Seattle Times 

APNewsBreak: 7-Eleven probe opens new front on immigration

LOS ANGELES (AP) — U.S. immigration agents descended on dozens of 7-Eleven stores before dawn Wednesday to open employment audits and interview workers in the largest crackdown on an employer under Donald Trump’s presidency. Agents tell The Associated Press they targeted about 100 stores from coast to coast in broadening an investigation that began with […]

The Seattle Times 

APNewsBreak: Experts to study prison health care after riot

DOVER, Del. (AP) — State officials are hiring independent experts to review inmate access to health care and the prisoner grievance system in the wake of a deadly inmate riot and hostage taking last year at Delaware’s maximum-security prison. The outside reviews are in response to recommendations contained in an independent review of the February […]

The Seattle Times 

Man who left dead dogs in Oregon motel sentenced to prison

MEDFORD, Ore. (AP) — A man who left the bodies of two severely malnourished dogs in a Medford motel room has pleaded no contest to animal abuse and been sentenced to more than a year in prison. The Jackson County District Attorney’s Office says the pit bulls died from neglect weeks before 39-year-old Tabari Hayes […]

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Экология в России и мире

«Компьютерный 3D-переводчик на жестовый язык» стал одним из победителей конкурса цифровых проектов и идей для людей с нарушением слуха «Мы услышим»

Путин в России и мире

Путин оценил идею создания в Москве памятника из советских монет к юбилею Победы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Путин и Лукашенко обсудили парад в Минске

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Польше заявили о зловещем плане Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Ольга Бузова

Ольга Бузова и Давид Манукян поцеловались спустя три года в шоу «Сокровища императора»


В Раменском парке отметят День молодежи

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