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Новости за 13.11.2020

Raw Story 

Trump’s coup won’t work — this time

Over the past week, Donald Trump has successfully sent a large chunk of the 78 million-plus Americans who voted for President-elect Joe Biden — the actual winner of the actual presidential election — into an emotional tailspin. Trump is still doing what the mainstream media gently describes as “refusing to concede”, but is in fact better described is […]

Raw Story 

Biden chief of staff reveals why VP-elect Harris will be so ‘influential’ in the next White House: ‘Her views are being heard’

MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell on Thursday interviewed Ron Klain, who will be White House chief of staff in President-elect Joe Biden’s administration. Klain served as chief of staff for two vice presidents, Al Gore and Joe Biden, which caused the former Ebola Czar to liken himself to the character Crash Davis in the 1998 movie […]

Raw Story 

GOP senator-elect doesn’t know why America fought in World War II

In a new interview, Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), who just emerged victorious from a race against Democratic Sen. Doug Jones, appeared to be confused about why and who America was fighting in the Second World War. “It’s concerning to me that a guy can run for president of the United States and have an opportunity […]

Raw Story 

Republicans urging Trump to give up — and step aside for Biden: report

On Thursday, CNN reported that Republican lawmakers recognize President Donald Trump’s court gambits over the election are doomed — and are urging the White House to acquiesce to a Biden transition. “Republicans say they are willing to give Trump a chance to make his case in court,” reported Manu Raju and Ted Barrett. “But they […]

Raw Story 

300,000 tweets labeled ‘potentially misleading’ as Trump spreads conspiracy theories while refusing to concede: report

Twitter labeled 300,000 tweets related to the US presidential election as “potentially misleading” in the two weeks surrounding the vote, making up 0.2 percent of election-related posts, the company said Thursday. The social network said the labels were issued between October 27 and November 11, one week before and after the US presidential election on […]

Raw Story 

Joe Biden considering Hillary Clinton for ambassador to the United Nations: report

President-elect Joe Biden is continuing to prepare to assume office on January 20th despite Donald Trump’s refusal to concede after losing the 2020 election. “The president-elect on Thursday also traveled to Rehoboth Beach, Del., where he has a vacation home and where he is expected to stay through part of the weekend. Biden, who on […]

Raw Story 

Trump could go to jail for leaking state secrets in his post-presidency: Harvard Law’s Laurence Tribe

On Thursday’s edition of CNN’s “OutFront,” Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe suggested that President Donald Trump could face criminal charges if he reveals national security secrets after leaving office. “One former White House official said Trump asked about self-pardons, as well as pardons for his family,” said anchor Erin Burnett. “Could he do that, pardon […]

Raw Story 

‘Neo-fascists’ and militia are descending upon DC to support Trump’s conspiracy theories — police worry of guns: reports

The Republican mass delusion that President Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election will come to Washington, DC this weekend. “A cluster of far-right extremists including neo-fascists, white nationalists and militia members are expected to descend on Washington D.C. Saturday, amidst President Trump’s refusal to accept his loss to Democrat Joe Biden in the 2020 […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s plan is to ‘delay certification of the election results’ — then announce he’s running in 2024: NYT

Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times correspondent Maggie Haberman on Thursday evening reported on what has been going on inside the White House since Joe Biden was declared president-elect. “There is no grand strategy at play, according to interviews with a half-dozen advisers and people close to the president. Mr. Trump is simply trying to survive […]

Raw Story 

Scotland debates invoking ‘Unexplained Wealth Orders’ to probe how Trump acquired his golf courses: report

On Thursday, The Scotsman’s Martyn McLaughlin, who previously covered Trump’s efforts to build retirement properties on foreign soil, reported that members of the Scottish Parliament are considering an investigation into how lame-duck President Donald Trump financed his acquisition of his golf courses in the area. Thread: there’s been interesting discussion in the Scottish Parliament this […]

Raw Story 

BUSTED: Voter fraud ‘witness’ admits in court that his business partner is the Trump campaign’s lawyer

As the Trump campaign continues to pursue court challenges after losing the 2020 president election, a fascinating scene unfolded in Arizona. The hearing was covered by court reporter Adam Klasfeld of Law and Crime. The afternoon session of Trump's Maricopa County Arizona election hearing is about to begin. Follow the live feed here. Previously: "Trump […]

Raw Story 

Top cybersecurity agency demolishes Trump campaign conspiracy theories about the vote count

On Thursday, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a statement on the 2020 election, directly contradicting President Donald Trump’s efforts to delegitimize the results. “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history,” said the statement. “Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process […]

Raw Story 

GOP House leader refuses to acknowledge Biden victory: I ‘don’t know if he’ll be president’

On Thursday, according to CNN’s Jake Tapper, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is refusing to acknowledge that Joe Biden won the presidential election, saying that he doesn’t “know” whether Biden will be president next year. Latest insanity from Hill Republicans: House @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy says about President-elect @JoeBiden — I "don't know if he'll […]

Raw Story 

Kelly Loeffler goes on the attack against Rev. Warnock — after using him for a photo-op

Appointed Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) is already attacking Reverend Raphael Warnock for being “the most radical candidate in America.” She has gone off on a series of hyperbolic rants calling him anti-Semitic and linking him to racist attacks on other Black pastors. But Rev. Warnock hasn’t been a problem for Loeffler until this election. After […]

Raw Story 

‘Angry’ Trump has ‘publicly disengaged from the battle against coronavirus’ — as cases surge: AP

Bitter over his election defeat to President-elect Joe Biden, the leader of the free world has stopped bothering with the COVID-19 pandemic. “President Donald Trump has publicly disengaged from the battle against the coronavirus at a moment when the disease is tearing across the United States at an alarming pace,” the Associated Press reported Thursday. […]

Raw Story 

Steve Bannon calling for beheadings on Facebook ‘clearly did not cross the line’: CEO Mark Zuckerberg

On Thursday, Reuters reported that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told staff that former Trump adviser Steve Bannon has not violated enough rules to be banned from the site. “We have specific rules around how many times you need to violate certain policies before we will deactivate your account completely,” said Zuckerberg. “While the offenses here, […]

Raw Story 

OAN forced to delete fake story about voter fraud — after Trump promotes the conspiracy theory

President Donald Trump’s new favorite “news” network, OAN reported that Dominion Voting Systems may have been behind an effort to switch as many as 435,000 votes from Trump to President-elect Joe Biden. “REPORT: DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE. DATA ANALYSIS FINDS 221,000 PENNSYLVANIA VOTES SWITCHED FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP TO BIDEN. 941,000 TRUMP VOTES […]

Raw Story 

US won’t enforce TikTok ban following court ruling: report

The US government has decided against enforcing its ban on Chinese-owned social media sensation TikTok to comply with a federal court ruling issued in the national security case, a media report said Thursday. The Wall Street Journal reported the US Commerce Department had decided to hold off on enforcing a Trump administration order to ban […]

Raw Story 

At least eight Republican Party staffers have contracted COVID-19 after election events

The election was called on Saturday morning, Nov. 7, and six days later at least eight Republican National Committee staffers have come up positive for COVID-19. The Washington Post reported the news Thursday afternoon, explaining that the staffers were in both Washington, D.C. and in Pennsylvania. The news comes as former campaign manager for President […]

Raw Story 

Republicans deserve ‘damnation’ for going along with Trump’s delusions: ex-GOP congressman

Speaking on MSNBC this Thursday, former Republican congressman David Jolly said that’s a “damning moment” that more in the GOP haven’t spoken out against President Trump crusade to delegitimize the results of the 2020 election. “It is time for Republicans and Republican leaders and a large portion of the country to stop treating the 74-year-old […]

Raw Story 

America’s oldest GOP congressman tests positive for coronavirus

Rep. Don Young (R-AK) is the dean of the House of Representatives for having served longer than any other member. Born in the summer of 1933, Young is also the oldest member of the House of Representatives. The 87-year-old Republican announced on Thursday that he has tested positive for COVID-19. I have tested positive for […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s government still refuses to answer Congress on why the election results aren’t ‘apparent’

President Donald Trump’s General Services Administration failed to meet a deadline to certify the election after demands from Congress. Foreign Policy Magazine reported Thursday that Reps. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), Gerry Connolly (D-VA), and Dina Titus (D-NV) sent a letter to GSA Administrator Emily Murphy asking why the outcome of the election was not apparent. The […]

Raw Story 

Trump bet everything on racism — and lost

It says something about our politics when the loser gets more attention than the winner. It’s been nine days since Election Day. It’s been five since learning Joe Biden won. For all that time, most of our focus has been on whether Donald Trump will concede instead of what election results mean to the future of […]

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Экология в России и мире

Глава СК России поручил возбудить дело после нападения на защитников деревьев в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Путин и глава Туркменистана обсудили подготовку к саммитам СНГ и БРИКС

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский хочет вступить в НАТО до завершения полномочий Байдена

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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