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Новости за 13.11.2020

Raw Story 

The far right is cracking up as their violent fantasies of Trump’s fascist takeover evaporate before their eyes

The far right had a dream: That one day, people who had been exiled to the unacceptable margins of American political life could play the role of Donald Trump’s brownshirts. This article was originally published at Salon In the weeks leading up to the election, excitement was rising among those Americans who convinced themselves that Trump would […]

Raw Story 

His agency declared 2020 election ‘most secure in history.’ Trump ordered him fired. DHS chief refused.

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) this week declared the 2020 election the “most secure in American history.” President Donald Trump ordered Chad Wolf, the Dept. of Homeland Security acting Secretary, to fire the agency’s chief, Chris Krebs. Wolf reportedly has refused. “The White House on Wednesday evening instructed Wolf to fire Krebs […]

Raw Story 

Acting DHS Secretary refuses Trump order to fire cybersecurity official: report

Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf is refusing to follow President Trump’s order to fire top cybersecurity official Christopher Krebs, the New York Post reports. Trump’s order came after Krebs openly refuted claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election. Krebs recently launched a “Rumor Control” website designed to debunk voter fraud claims. A White House official speaking to […]

Raw Story 

LANDSLIDE: Biden wins White House with 306 electoral votes, Trump at 232

Democrat Joe Biden has solidified his victory over Donald Trump in the US election with a win in traditionally Republican-leaning Georgia, putting him at 306 electoral votes, networks projected Friday. CNN, ABC and other networks called the race in the southern state in favor of Biden — marking the first time a Democrat has won […]

Raw Story 

Passengers test positive aboard first Caribbean cruise restart during COVID-19 pandemic

A familiar COVID-19 scene is playing out off Barbados, where cruise passengers are confined to their rooms after fellow passengers tested positive for the virus. Despite two negative PCR COVID-19 tests for each passenger prior to boarding, the captain of the SeaDream 1 announced Wednesday that a passenger had tested positive on a less-reliable rapid […]

Raw Story 

Georgia starts hand recount of presidential race

ATLANTA — Georgia’s manual recount began Friday morning as election workers reviewed the first of nearly 5 million ballots to confirm the outcome of the presidential race. The recount to determine a new, official count started at 9 a.m. and will last until 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday. Joe Biden led Donald Trump by 14,000 votes […]

Raw Story 

‘Unbelievable’: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams Trump’s disregard for health of the Secret Service officers protecting him

As the U.S. continues to hit daily records in coronavirus cases—and with at least 40 people within the president’s inner circle having been infected—the Washington Post reported Friday that more than 130 Secret Service officers are now in quarantine because they either tested positive for Covid-19 or had exposure to a co-worker who tested positive. The infections of Secret Serves staffers, […]

Raw Story 

Trump punched the cities — and then the cities knocked him out

Please pay less attention to the loser and more to what’s been accomplished. Joe Biden won the White House. He reclaimed the upper-Midwest. He flipped two red states. (Arizona was called this morning; Georgia is headed for a recount, but Biden is leading.) The Democrats held the House. The party netted one Senate seat. (They […]

Raw Story 

Republicans are worried Trump’s crusade to overturn election is ‘going to hurt the real next fight’: Axios co-founder

Speaking on CNBC this Friday, Axios co-founder Mike Allen said President Trump’s refusal to concede the election could hurt the GOP’s battle for control over the Senate. “The conversations I have, Republicans are very worried that this foot dragging is going to hurt the real next fight,” Allen said on Squawk Box, adding that they […]

Raw Story 

Fox News corrects legal scholar over humiliating election conspiracy theories

A legal scholar on Fox News attempted to spew such a baseless conspiracy theory on Friday that even the network’s conservative anchors had to stop him in his tracks. On Friday, Jonathan Turley, who famously defended the president during impeachment, appeared on Fox & Friends where he discussed a false conspiracy theory surrounding the Dominion voting machines. […]

Raw Story 

Biden and Harris win Georgia — major upset in once-red state

The Democratic Party ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have carried the state of Georgia, according to calls by CNN and NBC News. Bill Clinton was the last Democrat to carry the Peach State, but he did it with less than 44% of the vote during the three-way 1992 race. Native son Jimmy Carter […]

Raw Story 

Trump campaign concedes on Arizona election results: ‘This is not a fraud case’

President Donald J. Trump and his lawyers are backing away from a lawsuit against Arizona’s Maricopa County that questioned election integrity following his loss there to President-elect Joe Biden. A hearing was held on Nov. 12 about the integrity of the election in Arizona following the Trump campaign’s lawsuit that asked a judge to give […]

Raw Story 

Michigan judge shreds Trump legal challenge: GOP ‘interpretation of events is incorrect and not credible’

A Michigan judge rejected a request from President Donald Trump’s attorneys to stop the certification of election results in Wayne County. Judge Timothy Kenny denied the request, saying that Detroit officials “offered a more accurate and persuasive explanation of activity” inside the TCF Center where votes were being counted, reported The Detroit News. “No formal […]

Raw Story 

Trump tantrums: Republicans are ‘biting their tongues’ hoping the president will stop his election ‘idiocracy’

President Donald J. Trump currently trails President-elect Joe Biden by at least 10,000 votes in every state his campaign is targeting for “voter fraud,” but Republicans may be starting to grow tired of “The Trump Show” shenanigans. “There are a lot of Republicans biting their tongues with the belief that Trump’s temper tantrum will subside […]

Raw Story 

Tesla’s Elon Musk tests positive — and negative — for virus

Tesla founder Elon Musk says he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus while also testing negative, offering a skeptical view of the validity of the procedures. In a series of tweets early Friday, Musk said he had conflicting results from rapid “antigen” tests for Covid-19 after he had “mild sniffles & cough & slight […]

Raw Story 

Trump campaign ditches voter fraud hotline after it was flooded with prank calls

As President Trump ramped up his attempts to delegitimize the results of the 202o election, his campaign set up a phone bank with the intention of tracking down claims of voter fraud. But the hotline didn’t get many leads. Instead, it was flooded with prank calls. Now, according to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, the campaign has […]

Raw Story 

Trump campaign ditches voter fraud hotline after it gets flooded with prank calls

As President Trump ramped up his attempts to delegitimize the results of the 202o election, his campaign set up a phone bank with the intention of tracking down claims of voter fraud. But the hotline didn’t get many leads. Instead, it was flooded with prank calls. Now, according to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, the campaign has […]

Raw Story 

Republican consumer sentiment plunges after Trump defeat: survey

Sentiment among Republican consumers plunged this month after US President Donald Trump lost his bid for a second term, according to a survey released Friday. Fears rise that surging Covid-19 cases will worsen the economy also hit the University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index which fell to 77.0 early this month, a worse-than-expected drop of […]

Raw Story 

‘Full dictator look’: Internet wonders if Trump is building a ‘moat’ amid reports ‘crew digging trench’ on White House lawn

Is President Donald Trump building as moat around the White House? That’s just one of several questions some are asking after a White House press pool report Friday morning. “A crew is digging a trench outside the briefing room, on the lawn between the driveway and the sidewalk,” the pool report reads. “And as noted […]

Raw Story 

Mental health experts: Donald Trump’s been out of sight because he’s been out of his mind

What is Donald Trump doing right now?  He has not spoken in public for several days, though he and his wife posed for a Veterans Day photo-op at Arlington Cemetary.  The White House is still barricaded within a “non-scalable” fence, similar to the one it erected when the president went into bunker mode in June.  There are ominous firings within the […]

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Экология в России и мире

В Подмосковье призвали отказаться от запуска воздушных шаров ради экологии

Путин в России и мире

Путин встретился с патриархом Кириллом

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Россия и Белоруссия будут тесно сотрудничать в сфере оборонной безопасности

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бортник: Киев ждёт общий провал, если ВСУ останется без успехов до осени

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Лоза

«Женщина с другим голосом»: Юрий Лоза отказался слушать Аллу Пугачеву


В Подмосковье напомнили о правилах безопасности во время отдыха с детьми на море

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