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Новости за 05.06.2020

Raw Story 

Texas man threatens protesters with chainsaw — while shouting the n-word

A video that surfaced on Twitter reportedly taken in McAllen, Texas, shows a man exiting his truck with a chainsaw, confronting peaceful protesters and telling them to “Move!” and “Go home!” “Don’t let those f*cking n*****s out there fool you,” the man says while walking the sidewalk with the chainsaw. Watch: Downtown McAllen pic.twitter.com/kT2AwxTuKr — […]

Raw Story 

UN nuclear watchdog has ‘serious concern’ at Iran denying inspections

Iran has now accumulated enriched uranium at nearly eight times the limit of a 2015 deal and has for months blocked inspections at sites where historic nuclear activity may have occurred, the UN watchdog said Friday. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) noted “with serious concern that, for over four months, Iran has denied access […]

Raw Story 

‘Nazi Nuremberg defense’: Buffalo police ripped for defending cops who pushed elderly man

The Buffalo Police Department Emergency Response Team was harshly criticized online after all 57 officers resigned from the team in solidarity with officers who were suspended for shoving an elderly man during protests against police violence. Video went viral on Thursday that showed police shoving 75-year-old Martin Gugino, who bled from the ear after his […]

Raw Story 

57 Buffalo cops resign to support suspended officers who pushed down elderly man

The entire Buffalo Police Department Emergency Response Team — a total of 57 officers — has resigned from the team in support of the two officers who pushed 75-year-old Martin Gugino to the ground, seriously injuring him. They are still employed, but no longer on ERT. According to Buffalo Police Benevolent Association president John Evans, the cops who […]

Raw Story 

GOP official defends post blaming George Soros for ‘staged’ killing of George Floyd: I wanted to ‘get people to think for themselves’

The chairman of the Harrison County Republican Party in Texas is under fire after he shared a conspiracy theory on his party’s Facebook page claiming that the death of George Floyd “staged” by George Soros, CBS19 reports. The post shared by Lee Lester was also previously shared by Bexar County GOP Chairwoman Cynthia Brehm — which […]

Raw Story 

On the minds of Black Lives Matter protesters: A racist health system

ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. WASHINGTON — On Tuesday, when he decided to protest, William Smith, 27, used a red marker to write a message on the back of a flattened cardboard box: “Kill Racism, Not Me.” […]

Raw Story 

A historian details Trump’s surprising and peculiar relationship with America’s Puritan legacy

Whatever one feels about it, the ‘Trump phenomenon’ is often described as the US version of a populist trend that has impacted on many areas of contemporary global politics.  However, despite the global political similarities, Donald Trump’s success is also rooted in a peculiarly American experience, since a very large and influential part of his support […]

Raw Story 

White House decided to violate social distancing guidelines for journalists because it ‘looks better’: reporters

President Donald Trump held a press briefing in the White House Rose Garden on Friday — and according to an official statement from the White House Correspondents Association, the event was inconsistent with the administration’s own social distancing guidelines. WHCA President Jonathan Karl explained: “Today, the White House press office positioned seating for the president’s […]

Raw Story 

Trump supporters desperately grasp at a new ‘gotcha’ to discredit a national social justice uprising

Unable to defend the extrajudicial killing of black people by the police or the viciousness of police assaults on peaceful protesters, conservatives are grasping desperately at a new gotcha to discredit the recent national uprisings: Liberals are a bunch of hypocrites. This time, however, it’s got a coronavirus twist, as progressives are being accused of hypocrisy for […]

Raw Story 

One out of three Americans used bleach ‘in non recommended high-risk practices’ to battle coronavirus: CDC report

One third of Americans used bleach or other household disinfectants “in non-recommended high risk practices” in attempts to reduce the spread of the deadly coronavirus, a new CDC survey finds. Among the non-recommended practices were using “bleach on food products, applying household cleaning and disinfectant products to skin, and inhaling or ingesting cleaners and disinfectants,” the […]

Raw Story 

Pressure mounts to remove Confederate monuments amid US protests

As protests for racial justice grip the United States, pressure is mounting to take down monuments to the slave-holding Civil War South, with several memorials being dismantled this week and others slated for removal. Debate over what to do with Confederate symbols has simmered for years and has reached a boiling point with the death […]

Raw Story 

‘No benefit’ from hydroxychloroquine for virus: UK trial

A major British clinical trial has found hydroxychloroquine has “no benefit” for patients hospitalized with COVID-19, scientists said Friday, in the first large-scale study to provide results for a drug at the centre of political and scientific controversy. Hydroxychloroquine, a decades-old malaria and rheumatoid arthritis drug, has been touted as a possible treatment for the […]

Raw Story 

#BabyGate trends as Trump’s White House border fence gets a hilarious new nickname

President Donald Trump has now overseen the construction of a perimeter fence around the White House that is nearly two miles in length — and it’s already getting mocked relentlessly on social media. As construction of the perimeter fence continued on Friday, many Twitter users said it reminded them of a baby gate that new […]

Raw Story 

Minneapolis City Council taking first steps to ‘dismantle’ police department

“We are going to dramatically rethink how we approach public safety and emergency response,” said council member Jeremiah Ellison. “It’s really past due.” Aiming to “dismantle” the Minneapolis Police Department, city councilors on Friday will vote on imposing a temporary restraining order for the city’s police department in response to the killing of George Floyd last month, and plan […]

Raw Story 

‘Hit her! Hit her!’ Indianapolis cops batter black protester with batons and pepper bullets

Indianapolis police officers are under investigation for beating a black woman with batons and shooting her at close range with pepper balls during protests against police brutality. In a widely circulated video clip, officers can be seen repeatedly battering the woman with batons and firing less-lethal weapons as she stands still Sunday afternoon at the […]

Raw Story 

Cheerleader barred from the University of Tennessee after racist Snapchat post surfaces

A prospective incoming freshman to the University of Tennessee and member of the cheer-leading team has been informed that she will no longer be allowed to attend the university, thank to racist comments she made on social media, WVLT reports. “On Wednesday, following a racist video and photo surfacing on social media, Athletics made the […]

Raw Story 

France’s Versailles to re-open Saturday after COVID-19 lockdown ease

France’s sumptuous Palace of Versailles, built in the 17th century by the “Sun King” Louis XIV, throws its doors open to the public again on Saturday but with little certainty over when tourists will return as lockdown curbs are slowly eased. Workers on Friday dusted the Hall of Mirrors and polished its gilded statues ahead […]

Raw Story 

‘Deeply disturbing’: New York Supreme Court judge rules protesters can be detained indefinitely

A New York State Supreme Court judge on Thursday rejected a petition seeking the immediate release of hundreds of protesters who had been held by the New York Police Department for more than 24 hours, ruling that extraordinary circumstances justify indefinite detention. “It is a crisis within a crisis,” wrote Justice James Burke in his ruling. “All writs are […]

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Экология в России и мире

Более 600 деревьев высадили в дендропарке Ногинска

Путин в России и мире

Санкт-Петербург не смог обойти Москву в рейтинге жизни населения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт «Вселенная Миядзаки» - это настоящий праздник


Красноярские легкоатлеты стали лучшими на чемпионате России

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