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Новости за 04.06.2020

Raw Story 

Celebrities, politicians flock to George Floyd’s memorial service in Minneapolis

Hollywood celebrities, musicians and politicians gathered in front of the golden casket of George Floyd at a fiery memorial Thursday for the man whose death at the hands of police sparked global protests, with a civil rights leader declaring it is time for black people to demand, “Get your knee off our necks!” The service […]

Raw Story 

Here is why use of tear gas on protesters may make the COVID-19 pandemic even worse

When Amira Chowdhury joined a protest in Philadelphia against police violence on Monday, she wore a mask to protect herself and others against the coronavirus. But when officers launched tear gas into the crowd, Chowdhury pulled off her mask as she gasped for air. “I couldn’t breathe,” she said. “I felt like I was choking […]

Raw Story 

Trump backs out of his golfing weekend at club in Bedminster

The FAA had a flight plan that scheduled Air Force One to deliver President Donald Trump to his club in Bedminster, New Jersey for a weekend of golf. That has now been withdrawn, though it isn’t clear if it was as a result of backlash as police said they didn’t expect any problems. “We do […]

Raw Story 

Authors pull study flagging hydroxychloroquine risks

Three of the four authors behind a large-scale study in The Lancet that raised safety fears over the use of common anti-malarial drugs to treat COVID-19 retracted their paper on Thursday, blaming a health care company that supplied the dataset. The study retrospectively analyzed some 96,000 patient records, finding that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine showed no […]

Raw Story 

Organizers decided they won’t socially distance at Trump’s July 4th Celebration in South Dakota

President Donald Trump intends to hold a July 4th celebration in South Dakota next month, and organizers have decided that they won’t enforce social distancing rules, the Associated Press reported. SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Organizers have scrapped plans to mandate social distancing during President Donald Trump’s appearance at a July 3 Mount Rushmore fireworks […]

Raw Story 

LeBron James rips Fox News anchor — and explains why their ‘treatment’ of minorities is driving protests

Basketball superstar LeBron James called out a Fox News personality on Friday. James retweeted a video of Laura Ingraham defending white quarterback Drew Brees, who stands with Donald Trump on the question of whether sports players should be allowed to take a knee to protest police violence. The video also included historical Ingraham criticizing James, […]

Raw Story 

Federal appeals court extends block on voting-by-mail expansion in Texas

The appellate panel extended a temporary order it issued earlier halting a federal judge’s order expanding voting by mail during the coronavirus pandemic. A three-judge panel of the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals extended its order Thursday blocking a lower court’s sweeping ruling that would have allowed all Texas voters to qualify to vote by mail […]

Raw Story 

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says America must turn to God to heal racism

Speaking to Fox News, Patrick acknowledged that “we have racism in this country,” adding that, “We need a culture change to address this racism, [and] you cannot change the culture of the country until you change the character of mankind.” Addressing racism in the country — a longstanding issue brought to the forefront again after […]

Raw Story 

GOP senator announces he’ll block two Trump nominees until he gets answers on fired watchdogs

On Thursday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) announced that he would block two Trump administration nominees until the president conveys to him the reasons for firing inspectors general. Trump, Grassley warned, is “flouting” federal laws protecting inspectors general and requiring the executive branch to submit cause for termination to Congress — and said “All I want […]

Raw Story 

‘Black lives don’t matter’: Panic in Newport Beach after man pulls gun on protesters

Police say a man brandished a handgun at a demonstrator during a protest in Newport Beach, California, this Wednesday afternoon, and now they’re looking for more possible victims, ABC7 reports. According to witnesses, a shirtless white man with a gun approached a black man and shouted “black lives don’t matter.” When the man confronted the suspect, […]

Raw Story 

Donald Trump is the worst case scenario

Donald Trump is not responsible for America’s racial politics, at least not completely. Racial injustice is America’s original sin and you can’t pin that on the current president. That being said, it’s hard to imagine anyone more ill-equipped to handle the current state of unrest. Ill-equipped may not even be the right term to use. […]

Raw Story 

Chinese, Iranian hackers targeted Biden and Trump campaigns, Google official says

State-backed hackers from China have targeted staffers working on the U.S. presidential campaign of Joe Biden, a senior Google security official said Thursday. The same official said Iranian hackers had also recently targeted email accounts belonging to President Donald Trump’s campaign staff. The announcement, made on Twitter by the head of Google’s Threat Analysis Group, […]

Raw Story 

Pathetic Trump tries to reshoot reality so we won’t know he’s a wimpy ‘Bunker Boy’

Whatever the specifics of what Donald Trump’s diagnosis may be, from the moment protesters started to hit the streets to denounce police brutality, one thing was certain: The president’s brainworms would direct his energies away from doing anything useful and toward the task of managing his ego, relying on the reality TV tricks he mistakes for the real work […]

Raw Story 

Atlanta police chief says charges against officers are political

ATLANTA — Police Chief Erika Shields told Atlanta police officers Monday that her firing of two cops involved in an excessive force arrest during Saturday night’s protests was justified, but said criminal charges filed against them by Fulton District Attorney Paul Howard was “a tsunami of political jockeying during an election year.”Shields also said in […]

Raw Story 

Navajo face loss of elders and traditions to COVID-19

Emerson Gorman knows what it’s like to face the destruction of his culture: when he was five-years-old he was among thousands of Navajo children taken from their families and sent to Christian schools that tried to erase their belief systems. Now 66, the traditional healer who lives on the largest Native American reservation in the […]

Raw Story 

Fort Lauderdale police investigating officer who shot woman in face with a rubber bullet

The Fort Lauderdale Police Department has opened an internal investigation into an officer who shot a woman in the head with a foam rubber bullet at a protest on Sunday, fracturing her eye socket and leaving her bloody and stunned.Shooting someone in the head with such a projectile can be deadly, according to manufacturer documents.“This […]

Raw Story 

WATCH: Man threatens New York protesters with knives strapped to his arm

In a wild moment that was caught on video, a New York man can be seen emerging from his truck to confront protesters, armed with some sort of multi-pronged blade contraption attached to his arm. Posts on Twitter allege that the man “tried to run over protestors,” although there’s no video available to indicate that. […]

Raw Story 

Thousands turn out for Vienna Black Lives Matter protest

Thousands of people attended a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Vienna Thursday, one of a wave of global anti-racism protests sparked by the death of African American George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer. Speakers addressed the mostly young crowd of protesters before they took part in a short march ending in […]

Raw Story 

‘Putin’s favorite’ ex-congressman is lobbying Pence’s coronavirus task force on behalf of a medical company linked to Giuliani

Former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) is now lobbying for a company promising a cure for coronavirus. According to The Daily Beast, the company is led by California businessman Tim Yale, who’s working with Rudy Giuliani on a documentary on Joe Biden and Ukraine. “The company, Linear Therapies, is seeking to develop drugs that can both […]

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По мотивам Вивальди: необычный мультиформатный перфоманс покажут в Екатеринбурге


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