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Новости за 12.04.2018

New York Post 

High-end buildings are somehow popping up in North Korea

PYONGYANG, North Korea — Beachfront, five-star hotels? Skyscrapers just blocks from Kim Il Sung Square? North Korea is racing forward with major development projects some experts believe are aimed at expanding a market for rented or privately owned real estate to help fortify the finances of Kim Jong Un’s regime against the bite of sanctions...

New York Post 

Punches thrown over a foul call at this girls basketball game

A brawl broke out among adults during a girls basketball tournament in Savannah, Georgia. When a hot-tempered woman approached the referee to argue a foul call, the ref stumbled to the floor and was suddenly met with fisticuffs from another man.

New York Post 

Khloé Kardashian welcomes baby girl

Just days after a cheating scandal broke, the youngest Kardashian sister and troubled boyfriend Tristan Thompson welcomed a baby girl on Thursday, Page Six has confirmed.

New York Post 

Mike Pompeo tells Senate he’s no war hawk

WASHINGTON – President Trump’s pick for Secretary of State denied Thursday that he’s a war hawk in an effort to win Democratic support for his nomination. “I know some of you have read, the story is ‘I’m a hawk.’ ‘I’m a hardliner.’ I read that,” Mike Pompeo told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “There’s no...

New York Post 

Bolton pushes another deputy national security adviser out

Heads kept rolling at the National Security Council Thursday, as new chief John Bolton axed another senior aide — the fourth to go this week as the hardliner began putting his own team in place. Ricky Waddell, the deputy national security adviser who prepared briefings for and often traveled with President Trump, was the latest...

New York Post 

Apple’s HomePod speaker looks like a flop

Apple’s HomePod is in trouble. Apple Stores have seen their inventories of the flagship smart speaker gather dust as demand has slowed, according to Bloomberg. The $349 home speaker — which has Apple’s Siri voice assistant built in and is meant to compete with Amazon’s Alexa-powered Echo speakers — has seen such bad sales that...

New York Post 

Tom Brady appears to endorse intriguing draft QB as his heir

Tom Brady, or whoever mans his social media accounts, seems to be a fan of the quarterback who could some day replace him. With the NFL draft two weeks away, the Patriots have been connected to Louisville QB Lamar Jackson. On Wednesday, the NFL Network published an Instagram image of Jackson and Patriots coach Bill Belichick,...

New York Post 

Why these basketball players are trying to shrink

Hoop dreams derailed by being too short? Try the Korean Basketball League. The league’s leading scorer, American David Simon, will be banned starting next season for being too tall. At 6-foot-7, or 202 centimeters, Simon is 2 centimeters too tall to play under a new height restriction imposed for foreign players. The new rule allows...

New York Post 

Mike Mayock takes out job frustration on Peyton, Aikman

Even former NFL players believe the pipeline from football stardom to the announcing booth is unfair. Mike Mayock, who dipped his toe in the NFL in 1982 and ’83 with the Giants, has seen his path to big-time broadcasting gigs blocked by the stars who networks cannot seem to quit. Peyton Manning was en vogue...

New York Post 

State official compares Medicaid complaints to gripes about lost luggage

The director of Iowa’s Department of Human Services brought Democrats and Republicans together this week — but in a bad way. Jerry Foxhoven angered constituents and lawmakers alike after comparing Medicaid patients’ complaints to airline passengers’ gripes about losing their luggage. Foxhoven reportedly made the comment while criticizing an April 2 report from Iowa’s ombudsman,...

New York Post 

Female corrections officers busted for sex in public

Two female corrections officers were busted for getting a little too frisky before work – having sex in a car outside a Colorado 7-Eleven, police said. The officers, who were wearing their Colorado Department of Corrections uniforms during the public encounter early Sunday, were identified as Mary Torrez, 37, and Sarah Ippolito, 26, according to...

New York Post 

Syrian man stranded at airport for more than a month

A “desperate” Syrian man — faced with the prospect of fighting a brutal civil war back home — has been stranded at a Malaysian airport for more than a month, according to a report. Hassan al-Kontar has been stuck in limbo at Kuala Lumpur International Airport since March 7, when he was sent back to...

New York Post 

Hidden Arctic lakes could hold the key to finding alien life

In the search for life beyond our planet, scientists have long believed that finding planets within the so-called “Goldilocks” zone of their star is the key. This roughly-defined habitable zone is neither too hot nor too cold and if life as we know it exists elsewhere in the universe, there’s a good chance we’ll find...

New York Post 

This is Russell Westbrook at his most polarizing

If one night summed up Russell Westbrook’s NBA life, this was it: Beloved by some, mocked by others and defiant to the end. Westbrook needed 16 rebounds in the season finale against the Grizzlies to become the first player in league history to average a triple-double in two seasons. He finished with a career-high 20 in...

New York Post 

Your sleep schedule is quietly killing you

Night owls may prefer to sleep when they’re dead, but that day may come even sooner than they think. New research has found that people who stay up late had a 10 percent higher risk of dying over a six-and-a-half year period. The authors of the nearly 500,000-person study, published in Chronobiology International, say it’s...

New York Post 

Dead horses, starving animals found at Texas ‘sanctuary’

Warning: The following images may be disturbing to some. Authorities in Texas on Tuesday discovered 50 dead horses on a self-described “sanctuary” in Canton, Texas, and seized custody of 87 allegedly mistreated animals. “It was just a sea of dead horses,” Victoria Albrecht, a spokeswoman for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,...

New York Post 

Facebook is the least-trusted tech company by a country mile

While Mark Zuckerberg spent all day Wednesday answering awkward questions about Facebook from his booster seat, Recode published a new poll showing which tech companies are trusted the least when it comes to handling your data. You can probably guess which company came out the worst, but the data really shows that Facebook is in a league...

New York Post 

10-year-old boy finds 30-year-old bag of chips on beach

A 10-year-old boy was left stunned after finding a bag of potato chops washed up on a beach – dating back 30 years. Laurence Miller was part of a group of beach-cleaning volunteers when he discovered the largely intact bag of cheese and onion flavored chips April 8. The boy was doing the litter pick...

New York Post 

This fire-detecting wallpaper can turn an entire room into an alarm

Scientists have invented a fire-detecting wallpaper made of materials found in bone, teeth and hormones that sounds an alarm when it senses heat and flames. Most of the wallpaper you can buy in the shops today is made of highly-flammable materials such as plant cellulose fibers or synthetic polymers, which results in it spreading the...

New York Post 

Stan Lee threatens to sue over elder abuse claims

"I'm going to get the best and most expensive lawyers I can and I want you to know that if you don't stop these articles and publish retractions, I am gonna sue your ass off," he warned.

New York Post 

Poisoned daughter of ex-spy to Moscow: Thanks, but no thanks for the offer to help

The Russian woman poisoned in Britain with her ex-spy dad rejected help from the Motherland, and stressed that “no one” speaks for her in a new statement. Yulia Skripal, who was discharged from a Salisbury District Hospital Monday, rejected an offer for help from the Russian embassy in London, saying Wednesday she “did not wish to...

New York Post 

Fourth-grader skips school for Cubs game, runs into principal

Move over Ferris Bueller, there’s a new kid Cubs king in town. Tucker Steckman, a fourth-grader from Illinois, took a page straight out of the 1986 classic film “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” on Tuesday when he skipped classes at Wells Elementary School in East Moline to catch the Cubs’ home opener with his father, the...

New York Post 

Chick-fil-A patron pulls out gun during drive-thru melee

That’s just fowl play. A woman in Atlanta got busted for pulling a gun out during a squabble at a Chick-fil-A drive-thru Wednesday morning. Four women in two separate cars started yelling at each other, before getting out of their vehicles, at around 9 a.m., video obtained by Channel 2 Action News shows. That’s when...

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Экология в России и мире

Источник 360.ru: в реке Сетунь в Москве произошел разлив нефтепродуктов

Путин в России и мире

Путин по приезде в Москву встретился с главой Ингушетии Калиматовым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск приостановил участие в договоре о вооруженных силах в Европе

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Суд Москвы продлил арест трем адвокатам Навального по делу об экстремизме

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Лоза

Лоза оценил перспективы музыкальной карьеры Валиевой


Аграрии Воскресенска приступили к посеву сельхозкультур

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