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Новости за 07.04.2018

New York Post 

Frustrated Phil Mickelson throws up his hands at Masters

AUGUSTA, Ga. — Phil Mickelson did not mince words. There was no attempt to sugarcoat what has been painfully obvious for the past three days at the Masters. “I don’t have it,’’ Mickelson said Saturday after shooting a 2-over 74 in a second consecutive round marred by a triple bogey that leaves him at 7-over...

New York Post 

The polarizing standouts who can (again) reshape hyped free-agent class

The 2018-19 free-agent class has been our fine wine. We have been thinking about its quality for years, both patiently and impatiently awaiting its opening. Except it generally has gotten worse, not better, with age. This past week one anticipated piece from that coming market, Charlie Blackmon, agreed to a six-year extension with the Rockies....

New York Post 

Driver in deadly German van crash had history of mental illness

The German man who killed two people when he plowed into a crowd in the German city of Muenster was a graphic designer with a history of mental illness, according to new reports on Saturday. Local outlets identified Jens Handeln, 48, as the man who crashed a grey van into families and students sitting outside...

New York Post 

Trump attacks ‘unfair trade’ with China

President Trump on Saturday demanded China “end unfair trade” amid his escalating beef with the country over trade tariffs. “The United States hasn’t had a Trade Surplus with China in 40 years,” Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon. “They must end unfair trade, take down barriers and charge only Reciprocal Tariffs. The U.S. is losing $500 Billion...

New York Post 

This barely recognizable Yankees lineup still bashes away

Murderers Row 2.0 looks incredible on a lineup card, but a quadruple-A offense can be just as dangerous. Despite a slew of injuries and a short turnaround — following Friday night’s chaotic 14-inning loss — that forced Aaron Boone to start a majority of bench players and minor leaguers, the Yankees notched their second-highest scoring...

New York Post 

Neighbors of unhinged man killed by NYPD said cops did the right thing

Neighbors of the unhinged Brooklyn man fatally shot by cops when he was running amok in Crown Heights with a gun-like object, stood by the NYPD Saturday, agreeing that police were given little choice but to react. After watching a two-minute compilation of surveillance footage showing Saheed Vassell pointing the head of a soldering torch...

New York Post 

Mets get huge lift from Jeurys Familia’s first moment of truth

WASHINGTON — Others are emerging as valuable bullpen pieces, but plain and simple, Jeurys Familia still carries the weight of getting the Mets’ most important outs. On Saturday the right-hander was thrust into his biggest spot since surgery last May to remove a blood clot from his shoulder, and ensured the Mets would leave Nationals...

New York Post 

Jeurys Familia critically shrugs off pressure as Mets now can sweep

WASHINGTON — Others are emerging as valuable bullpen pieces, but plain and simple, Jeurys Familia still carries the weight of getting the Mets’ most important outs. On Saturday the right-hander was thrust into his biggest spot in almost a year, and he ensured the Mets would leave Nationals Park with a series win this weekend....

New York Post 

Detainee who bit off cop’s finger has long rap sheet

The maniac who chomped off part of a cop’s middle finger inside a Brooklyn police station was once arrested for raping a woman in Queens, cops said Saturday. Ainsley Johnson, 34, allegedly forced a 20-year-old acquaintance to remove her clothes and have sex with him at his former South Jamaica apartment in 2008, cops said....

New York Post 

Nigerian pop star, daughter allegedly slain by husband

A popular Nigerian singer and her four-year-old daughter were allegedly murdered by the woman’s Danish husband, according to reports on Saturday. Peter Nielsen was arrested Friday in connection with the death of popstar Ali Zainab Nielsen and their daughter Petra. The young girl and her mom — known by her stagename Alizee — were found...

New York Post 

New footage surfaces of Conor McGregor’s insane meltdown

The UFC on Saturday released video footage of Conor McGregor’s Brooklyn meltdown, where he smashed bus windows and challenged a busload of MMA combatants to fight on the spot. Action shot from inside the bus carrying fighters at the Barclays Center showed McGregor wildly hurling a hand truck that smashed through the vehicle’s windows and...

New York Post 

Cuomo asked officials to take off their ties because he didn’t wear one

Their necks were bare but their hands were tied — by Gov. Cuomo’s outsized ego. The gov’s staff asked elected officials to dress down and remove their ties before a public housing event Monday because Cuomo wasn’t wearing one, sources told The Post. “It would be nice if he cared as much about New Yorkers’...

New York Post 

The unsexy pick lurking as draft’s most can’t-miss prospect

They cannot help themselves. General managers, looking to build a franchise and head coaches, looking to mold a team will reach for quarterbacks in the NFL draft. It will happen later this month, just as it has happened in so many past drafts, an annual commingling of need and desperation partnering to fill the most...

New York Post 

Man allegedly locked mentally disabled son in cage for decades

Now he’ll be the one locked up. A 73-year-old Japanese man who admitted to locking his mentally ill son in a cage for more than two decades was arrested on Saturday, officials said. Yoshitane Yamasaki was taken into custody on suspicion of imprisoning his son in the western city of Sanda, in Hyogo prefecture, local...

New York Post 

Here’s what happened when Bush and Obama sent troops to the border

HOUSTON — Since he launched his run for president, Donald Trump has said things about immigrants and the U.S.-Mexico border that no other U.S. president has. But now he’s reached directly into his predecessors’ playbook by sending in the National Guard. When former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama deployed the Guard to the...

New York Post 

Nationals manager goes nuts after star’s absurd ejection

WASHINGTON — It didn’t take long for Dave Martinez to earn his first ejection as a major league manager. The Nationals’ rookie skipper made an early exit from his eighth game in the job, getting tossed by umpire Marty Foster at the end of the third inning against the Mets on Saturday. Martinez came out...

New York Post 

‘My brother didn’t make it’: Devastating aftermath of hockey team bus crash

The captain of a junior hockey team and its coach are among the 14 people killed in a bus crash in western Canada, leaving a country devastated and the sports world in mourning. The father of Logan Schatz says his 20-year-old son had played for the Humboldt Broncos for the past four years and had...

New York Post 

Brandon Drury comes clean about scary issue he’s hid for years

Speaking in quiet tones and expressing serious concern, Brandon Drury didn’t have many answers for what’s ailing him. The Yankees’ new third baseman, however, knows he needs to figure it out after attempting to play through the migraines that have led to blurred vision and have bothered him since early in spring training. “It’s really...

New York Post 

Brandon Drury comes clean about scary issue he’s been hiding

Speaking in quiet tones and expressing serious concern, Brandon Drury didn’t have many answers for what’s ailing him. The Yankees’ new third baseman, however, knows he needs to figure it out after attempting to play through the migraines that have led to blurred vision and have bothered him since early in spring training. “It’s really...

New York Post 

US in talks with North Korea ahead of Trump-Kim summit

U.S. officials are in direct negotiations with representatives of North Korea for the first time ahead of an anticipated summit meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un, according to a report Saturday. American and North Korean officials have spoken several times and have met in a third country to settle on the summit’s location, administration...

New York Post 

Yankees call up replacements as they handle Sabathia carefully

CC Sabathia said he was “fine” after being removed from Friday’s start with right hip soreness, but the Yankees aren’t taking a chance with the 37-year-old’s health this early in the season. Sabathia, who threw just 58 pitches in four innings in his second start of the season, was placed on the 10-day disabled list...

New York Post 

Turkey criticizes US over mixed messages on Syria

ISTANBUL – Turkey on Saturday criticized the United States over sending what it said were mixed messages on Syria, saying Washington was sowing confusion by equivocating about its future role in the country. President Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesman also told reporters that Turkey was talking to Russia about the Syrian town of Tel Rifaat and would...

New York Post 

This man used a camera to cure his shyness

Photographer Steven Bollman first started taking pictures when he was a 12-year-old growing up in New York City. A shy kid, he started with objects before upgrading to humans. “I remember taking a lot of pictures of leaves and butterflies around my house,” said Bollman, who now lives in Emeryville, Calif. “As I got older,...

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Экология в России и мире

Крылатчан попросили с пониманием отнестись к спортивному ориентированию

Путин в России и мире

Си отказал Макрону в просьбе, связанной с Путиным. В Москву прибыл лидер Кубы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: великая Победа является главным моментом становления белорусской нации

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Звезда «Что было дальше?» Детков о переезде: «Не думал, что из дуэта Лепса и Тимати в Лондоне буду жить я»


Футболист Скопинцев: редко удается побаловать фанатов подарками

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