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Celebrating women’s rights: the 2nd phase of the EU4GE programme launches in Armenia

Celebrating women’s rights: the 2nd phase of the EU4GE programme launches in Armenia

The celebration of International Women’s Day in Karashen community (Tegh) of Syunik region marked the launch of the 2nd phase of the “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence” programme.

The event, held at Karashen school, brought together key stakeholders and members of the community to commemorate the progress made in advancing gender equality and to discuss further actions to address gender stereotypes.
The importance of investing in women

Davit Ghulunts, Head of Tegh Community, welcomed the event and stressed the importance of engaging communities in the regions. “This is a great opportunity to discuss the ways of creating equal opportunities for all community members and participating in actions that advance equality in our society,” he said.

Tsovinar Harutyunyan, Head of UNFPA Armenia Office, said that the launch of the 2nd phase of the “EU 4 Gender Equality” programme and International Women’s Day, serve as a reminder of the vital importance of advancing equality.

 “Empowering women doesn’t just benefit women – it benefits families, communities, and our whole world. Women are crucial drivers of development and social change, so investing in them, especially those facing challenges, is an investment in a better future for everyone.”

During the event, UNFPA Armenia and the “EU 4 Gender Equality” programme donated books to the Karashen school library.

“As we move into the second phase of this programme, our primary focus is engaging community members in initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality and preventing violence. In Armenia, we plan to use innovative methodologies that not only sensitize people to the issue but also help them understand the causes and consequences of violence against women and girls,” said Olga Azatyan, Project Analyst, UN Women in Armenia.
The power and dreams of Karashen girls

The event also featured the “Girls’ Power” session, showcasing the inspiring stories of four young girls from Karashen, highlighting their dreams and resilience in the face of challenges.

“At the heart of March 8 celebrations in Karashen, we witnessed the strong determination of Karashen’s youth. Their commitment extends beyond presence; they’re dedicated to staying in the community and helping it grow. Actively engaged, they strive to make progress, contribute to its development, and tackle challenges head-on,” said Armine Petrosyan, Director of Communications at the UN Armenia.

During this session, one of the participating girls, 20-year-old future programmer Armine Lalayan, said she chose her profession guided by her great interest in computers and technology since childhood.

“I have chosen this profession to break the stereotype that only boys are involved in programming. I strive to study very well because I dream of opening an IT club in our village and creating better opportunities for my peers. My biggest dream is peace, but I also hope that the young people in our community will be more active and that many programs will be initiated to give them the opportunity to succeed.”

20-year-old painter Mane Minasyan started learning to paint on her own before entering the Department of Fine Arts at Goris State University, having inherited her painting skills from her father.

“Most of all, I like painting horses, and currently, I’m gearing up for large-scale exhibitions. I want to be useful for both the community and the village, however, achieving this goal depends on the community as well. It is essential for community, in its turn, to stand by their young people and create conditions for them to realize their potential. Our village is small, but it has a number of issues affecting the quality of life. The absence of entertainment venues and programs does not allow us to explore our capabilities fully.”

15-year-old Nane Abalyan said that her dream is becoming a history teacher at Karashen secondary school. She also dreams of having her own large library.

“I wish the life in our village becomes safer, and my peers have the opportunity to participate in various development programs. I want our village to have opportunities enabling everyone, from youngsters to adults, to use their potential for the development of Karashen.”

17-year-old Venera Grigoryan studied a decade at a dance school. One of her greatest dreams is to establish her own dance school in the community.

“I like mathematics very much, which is why I plan to enroll in the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics at Goris University. My dream is peace, but I also really want to travel a lot and explore the world.”

“Meeting after 100 years” performance by the Nairyan Vocal Ensemble, which portrayed the famous Armenian women of the 19th century and their journey towards empowerment, concluded the event.

The International Women’s Day celebration in Karashen was part of the “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence” programme, funded by the European Union and implemented jointly by UN Women and UNFPA in six EaP countries. The event was also supported by the UN Department of Global Communications in Armenia.

The celebration of International Women&rsquo;s Day in Karashen community (Tegh) of Syunik region marked the launch of the 2nd phase of the &ldquo;EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence&rdquo; programme.

The event, held at Karashen school, brought together key stakeholders and members of the community to commemorate the progress made in advancing gender equality and to discuss further actions to address gender stereotypes.
The importance of investing in women

Davit Ghulunts, Head of Tegh Community, welcomed the event and stressed the importance of engaging communities in the regions. &ldquo;This is a great opportunity to discuss the ways of creating equal opportunities for all community members and participating in actions that advance equality in our society,&rdquo; he said.

Tsovinar Harutyunyan, Head of UNFPA Armenia Office, said that the launch of the 2nd phase of the &ldquo;EU 4 Gender Equality&rdquo; programme and International Women&rsquo;s Day, serve as a reminder of the vital importance of advancing equality.

&nbsp;&ldquo;Empowering women doesn&rsquo;t just benefit women &ndash; it benefits families, communities, and our whole world. Women are crucial drivers of development and social change, so investing in them, especially those facing challenges, is an investment in a better future for everyone.&rdquo;

During the event, UNFPA Armenia and the &ldquo;EU 4 Gender Equality&rdquo; programme donated books to the Karashen school library.

&ldquo;As we move into the second phase of this programme, our primary focus is engaging community members in initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality and preventing violence. In Armenia, we plan to use innovative methodologies that not only sensitize people to the issue but also help them understand the causes and consequences of violence against women and girls,&rdquo; said Olga Azatyan, Project Analyst, UN Women in Armenia.
The power and dreams of Karashen girls

The event also featured the &ldquo;Girls&rsquo; Power&rdquo; session, showcasing the inspiring stories of four young girls from Karashen, highlighting their dreams and resilience in the face of challenges.

&ldquo;At the heart of March 8 celebrations in Karashen, we witnessed the strong determination of Karashen&rsquo;s youth. Their commitment extends beyond presence; they&rsquo;re dedicated to staying in the community and helping it grow. Actively engaged, they strive to make progress, contribute to its development, and tackle challenges head-on,&rdquo; said Armine Petrosyan, Director of Communications at the UN Armenia.

During this session, one of the participating girls, 20-year-old future programmer Armine Lalayan, said she chose her profession guided by her great interest in computers and technology since childhood.

&ldquo;I have chosen this profession to break the stereotype that only boys are involved in programming. I strive to study very well because I dream of opening an IT club in our village and creating better opportunities for my peers. My biggest dream is peace, but I also hope that the young people in our community will be more active and that many programs will be initiated to give them the opportunity to succeed.&rdquo;

20-year-old painter Mane Minasyan started learning to paint on her own before entering the Department of Fine Arts at Goris State University, having inherited her painting skills from her father.

&ldquo;Most of all, I like painting horses, and currently, I&rsquo;m gearing up for large-scale exhibitions. I want to be useful for both the community and the village, however, achieving this goal depends on the community as well. It is essential for community, in its turn, to stand by their young people and create conditions for them to realize their potential. Our village is small, but it has a number of issues affecting the quality of life. The absence of entertainment venues and programs does not allow us to explore our capabilities fully.&rdquo;

15-year-old Nane Abalyan said that her dream is becoming a history teacher at Karashen secondary school. She also dreams of having her own large library.

&ldquo;I wish the life in our village becomes safer, and my peers have the opportunity to participate in various development programs. I want our village to have opportunities enabling everyone, from youngsters to adults, to use their potential for the development of Karashen.&rdquo;

17-year-old Venera Grigoryan studied a decade at a dance school. One of her greatest dreams is to establish her own dance school in the community.

&ldquo;I like mathematics very much, which is why I plan to enroll in the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics at Goris University. My dream is peace, but I also really want to travel a lot and explore the world.&rdquo;

&ldquo;Meeting after 100 years&rdquo; performance by the Nairyan Vocal Ensemble, which portrayed the famous Armenian women of the 19th century and their journey towards empowerment, concluded the event.

The International Women&rsquo;s Day celebration in Karashen was part of the &ldquo;EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence&rdquo; programme, funded by the European Union and implemented jointly by UN Women and UNFPA in six EaP countries. The event was also supported by the UN Department of Global Communications in Armenia.

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