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Новости за 14.10.2015

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

US warns of rise of Islamist extremism, anti-Semitism

The United States released a bleak report into the state of religious freedom around the world Wednesday, decrying jihadist attacks on Middle East minorities and a rise in European anti-Semitism. In its annual survey of religious discrimination, the State Department said that, while many governments had worked harder to end abuses, extremist non-state actors like […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Obama announces deployment of 300 troops to Cameroon

US President Barack Obama on Wednesday notified Congress that he intends to deploy 300 troops to Cameroon to conduct intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations. In a letter released by the White House, Obama said 90 personnel had already been deployed, and would be armed for self-defense. A senior administration official told AFP the deployment […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Two killed when small plane crashes into US mobile home

A small plane that crashed into a mobile home community in the US state of Florida killed two people, including the pilot, US authorities said Wednesday. The single-engine Piper Cherokee was flying from Orlando to Lantana Tuesday when it crashed near Lake Worth, Florida, slamming into a mobile home and killing a person inside, according […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Soap for hope

With the mission to create a more sustainable community, Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort & Spa in Cebu held the first leg of its Soap for Hope™ program last Sept at its adopted community that’s a small coastal village on a neighboring island, Brgy. Tingo. The resort remains to be at the forefront of social responsibility initiatives, […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Nuclear deal wins final Iran approval

Iran’s nuclear accord with world powers won final approval Wednesday in the Islamic republic with a top panel of jurists and cleric giving the green light, state news agency IRNA reported. The Guardians Council, which ensures legislation does not violate Iran’s constitution and Islamic rules, approved a Tuesday parliamentary vote that endorsed the deal […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

EU lashes nations for falling short on refugee pledges

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union lashed out at member countries for failing to come up with funds and experts they promised to help cope with the refugee emergency, with the crisis set to take center stage at Thursday’s summit of EU leaders. The European Commission complained Wednesday that only three of 28 nations […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

EU expects Britain to come up with reform plans fast

BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union leaders say they are increasingly frustrated that British Prime Minister David Cameron has not made concrete proposals on reform of the bloc despite all Britain’s talk of possibly leaving unless there is fundamental change. On the eve of a summit of EU leaders where the issue is expected […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Video shows foreigners, Filipino kidnapped in Samal

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Suspected Muslim militants have posted a video purportedly showing for the first time two Canadians, a Norwegian and a Filipino who were abducted from a southern Philippine resort last month and demanded that government forces stop their artillery attacks. Army Brig. Gen. Alan Arrojado said Wednesday that the military would reject any demands from the […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Philippine court orders owner of capsized ferry to pay $5.5M

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A Philippine court has ordered the owners of a passenger ferry that capsized as it sailed into a typhoon seven years ago to pay about 242 million pesos ($5.47 million) to the families of dozens of passengers who perished. The Manila Regional Trial Court ruling made public Wednesday found Sulpicio […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Eat streets

Where to eat in a city where you’re only as cool as the last Instagram-worthy meal you had? There’s no better time to be a hedonistic eater in Manila. Not because flashy, trendy, lavish branded restaurant concepts are sprouting out like $200-matsutake mushrooms in the metro, but because this onslaught of branded concepts in the […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Facebook to ramp up video viewing features

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) – Facebook said on Tuesday it is testing an array of features aimed at getting people to watch more videos at the leading social network. The new tools come in a growing challenge to YouTube, which would be sidestepped as viewers flit between videos at Facebook. “Video has continued to grow on […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

John Legend, Chrissy Teigen announce pregnancy

LOS ANGELES (AP) — John Legend and Chrissy Teigen are expecting their first child. The 36-year-old musician and 29-year-old model announced the pregnancy Monday on Instagram. A spokeswoman for Teigen confirmed the social media post. Legend and Teigen revealed the news by posting a black-and-white photo of themselves with the caption: “We’re pregnant!” Teigen wrote […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Bobby Brown working on ‘unvarnished’ memoir

NEW YORK (AP) — Get ready for a “raw and unvarnished” memoir by Bobby Brown. The platinum-selling singer, ex-husband of the late Whitney Houston and father of the late Bobbi Kristina Brown has a deal with Dey Street Books for “My Prerogative,” the publisher told The Associated Press on Tuesday. The book is scheduled to […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Donald Trump to host ‘Saturday Night Live’

NEW YORK (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has agreed to host “Saturday Night Live” next month. NBC said its former “Celebrity Apprentice” host will be the headliner of the Nov. 7 show. It’s the second time he has hosted the venerable comedy institution; he was on the show in April 2004. Trump has […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Is ‘The Walking Dead’ starting to stagger?

NEW YORK (AP) — The zombies on “The Walking Dead” may be starting to stagger. An estimated 14.6 million viewers watched the season premiere of the hit AMC series on Sunday, the Nielsen company said. That’s down from the 17.3 million who saw last year’s season opener and the 16.1 million people who watched in […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Harry Connick Jr. to host daytime show with comedy, music

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Harry Connick Jr. is adding the title of daytime show host to his resume. The jazzman, actor and “American Idol” judge will host a new syndicated program set to debut in fall 2016. NBC Universal Domestic Television Distribution said Tuesday it has sold the show, titled “Harry,” to Fox-owned TV stations […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Jay Z attends start of trial over 1999 hit ‘Big Pimpin’

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A copyright infringement trial over Jay Z’s hit song “Big Pimpin’ ” opened Tuesday with an attorney for heirs of an Egyptian composer accusing the rapper of misusing music from a popular 1950s love ballad. Jay Z, whose real name is Shawn Carter, listened as a lawyer for the heirs of […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

US and Australia warn China on sea access

The United States and its Pacific ally Australia warned China on Tuesday that they remain committed to freedom of navigation in the waters of the South China Sea. China has maritime territorial disputes with several of its southeast Asian neighbors and is trying to bolster its claim by building artificial islands. According to senior US […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Tropical storm threatens Northern Luzon

The tropical depression outside the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) has intensified into tropical storm with international name “Koppu” and is expected to enter the country this afternoon, October 14, 2015, according to Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). PAGASA defines a tropical storm as moderate tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed of […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Ex-MMDA Chief Tolentino files COC for senator

The former Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Chairman Francis Tolentino filed his certificate of candidacy for senator today, October 14, 2015, at the Commission on Elections’ main office in Intramuros, Manila. Tolentino will be running as an independent candidate. According to Tolentino, he still has the support of President Benigno Aquino III despite his withdrawal from […]

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Экология в России и мире

Светильники обновили в переходах и тоннелях Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Путин посетил пасхальную службу в храме Христа Спасителя в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Катя Гордон — Анастасии Волочковой: «Мы бы с Лерой оплатили и лечение, и психиатра, если надо»


Выставка «Арт-май» в Кисловодске будет работать до 4 июня

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