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Government's investment zones' scheme prompts fresh fears for Swanscombe Peninsula earmarked for £2.5bn London Resort theme park

Government's investment zones' scheme prompts fresh fears for Swanscombe Peninsula earmarked for £2.5bn London Resort theme park

Conservationists are bracing themselves for further battles to protect a nature site from a multi-billion pound theme park in the wake of the government's "planning reset".

Concerns have been raised about the impact new investment zones in Kent could have on the county's major wildlife sites.

Campaigners came together to protest against plans to build a theme park on the Swanscombe Marshes. Photo: Save Swanscombe Peninsula
Campaigners came together to protest against plans to build a theme park on the Swanscombe Marshes. Photo: Save Swanscombe Peninsula

Among those sites potentially under threat is the Swanscombe Peninsula, which was only confirmed by Natural England as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) less than a year ago.

A planning application to build on-site Kent's £2.5bn answer to Disneyland, known as The London Resort, was later withdrawn, partly in response.

It followed years of protests and petitions from locals and wildlife charities who argued for the protection of the 260-hectare site between Dartford and Gravesend.

However, fresh fears have now resurfaced following plans by the government to streamline planning laws as part of new "investment zones".

Kent County Council has been earmarked by the Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng as one of 37 authorities being able to nominate such areas in the county, with nearby Ebbsfleet mooted as a potential benefactor.

Prime Minister Liz Truss and Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng visiting Berkeley Modular in Northfleet last month. Picture: REUTERS/Dylan Martinez
Prime Minister Liz Truss and Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng visiting Berkeley Modular in Northfleet last month. Picture: REUTERS/Dylan Martinez

Campaigners claim the move could give developers "free rein" to bypass environmental laws and pollute waters and the countryside.

But the government dismissed concerns it was reneging on its promises, adding a strong environment and a strong economy "go hand-in-hand".

Details of the plans, intended to bring growth, housing and commercial development, reveal councils can apply for zones with some reports suggesting national parks, green belt land and sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs).

SSSI status does not prevent development on sites but means any plans have to seriously take into consideration ways to protect the environment and the affected area.

Dartford Green Party councillor Laura Edie said there was air of uncertainty around where the Swanscombe Peninsula now stands within this "state of flux".

Earlier this summer landowners were sent a formal warning by the government's nature adviser, Natural England after rare orchids on-site were "strimmed away to dust".

Cllr Laura Edie  is concerned about what the government's announcement might mean for nature sites such as the Swanscombe Peninsula. Photo: Laura Edie
Cllr Laura Edie is concerned about what the government's announcement might mean for nature sites such as the Swanscombe Peninsula. Photo: Laura Edie

Cllr Edie has called for more clarity from the government around investment zones to ensure hard-fought campaigns to protect such sites are not in vain.

"We just don't know enough about them [Investment zones]" she said. "That in itself is causing a lot of this hysteria as we don't have the details.

"It is hard to form a picture without those."

But despite her concerns about the government's policy the environmental campaigner remains confident the nature site will remain protected, as local groups work on their alternative vision for the park.

She added: "We're quite hopeful because the SSSI was confirmed after Brexit rather than a lot that were confirmed before Brexit."

London Resort Company Holdings (LRCH), The developers behind the theme park bid – which has nationally significant infrastructure project (NSIP) status – had contended the SSSI status but lost an appeal.

An aerial CGI image of  the previous London Resort proposals on the Swanscombe Peninsula. Picture: LRHC
An aerial CGI image of the previous London Resort proposals on the Swanscombe Peninsula. Picture: LRHC

LRCH, which plans to resubmit its plans, says it wants to invest £150m to enhance habitats and mitigate the environmental impact of the park, which it adds aims to be "one of the most sustainable, global leisure and entertainment destinations in the world".

Fresh concerns over investment zones come at the same time the government is poised to scrap various post-Brexit environmental laws.

In Kent, the revocation of the laws could see 17 specially protected sites across the county downgraded, leaving them potentially vulnerable to development, it is claimed.

Many of these sites are a refuge for rare and endangered species with wetland features which help combat flooding.

Those at risk include the Oare Marshes in Faversham, and the Thanet Coast and Sandwich Bay, which is home to populations of seals and rare and endangered birds.

The National Trust has also now weighed in on the debate and says it has concerns over government proposals it claims will “rip up critical nature protections".

In total, the government's plan's to revoke post-Brexit regulations could see 570 laws surrounding habitat protection, water quality and sewage pollution scrapped in December 2023.

The Thanet Coast and Sandwich Bay is home to populations of seals
The Thanet Coast and Sandwich Bay is home to populations of seals

Kent Wildlife Trust claims the plans not only put wildlife and public health at risk, but also renege on the government’s pledge to halt the decline of nature by 2030.

It is asking for people to write to their MP to ask them to put a stop to changes to legislation.

Paul Hadaway, director of conservation at Kent Wildlife Trust said: “To revoke much-needed legislation that protects wildlife is not only a backward step, reneging on promises made by this government, but also puts public health at risk. We simply cannot continue to ravage our natural world without realising it is our life support system.

“It is time to tell the government that their plans are a direct attack on nature, we do not want raw sewage and poisons pumped into our sea and they need to do more to protect wildlife and their habitats.

“We must give nature a voice and we need people to come together and demonstrate the sheer strength of feeling.

"We cannot do it alone – we need public support. This is about ensuring that we have a better future and that we can create an environment where we can survive.

"So please visit our website, download a template and write to your MP, as together, we can make a difference.”

The Swanscombe Peninsula is a haven for wildlife. Photo: Daniel Greenwood
The Swanscombe Peninsula is a haven for wildlife. Photo: Daniel Greenwood

Chief executive officer for Kent Wildlife Trust, Evan Bowen-Jones added: “Nature isn’t an optional extra it’s a must if people are going to thrive.

"Restoring nature and producing our food with less chemicals will help combat climate change, help our economy, and give our children a healthier future.

"We must not let this government take us backwards at this critical point in time, when we still have a chance to prevent irreversible damage to society.”

But the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs dismissed notions it intended to go back on its commitments.

A spokesperson for the department, said: "A strong environment and a strong economy go hand-in-hand.

"We have legislated through the Environment Act and will continue to improve our regulations and wildlife laws in line with our ambitious vision.

"We want every corner of our country to prosper too. Bureaucratic processes in the planning system do not necessarily protect the environment so, by making sure we have the right regulations for our nation, we can make this happen."

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